American Mineralogist, Volume 71, pages 1198-1200, 1986 Structural intergrowth of brucite in anthophyllite G. N. Surn.c.NNA., T.R.N. Kurrv Materials ResearchLaboratory, Indian Institute of Science,Bangalore560012, India G. V. AN.qsrHn Ivrn Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science,Bangalore560012, India Ansrucr "Mountain wood," a morphological variant ofanthophyllite, occursin the Hol6narasipur asbestosmines. High-resolution transmission-electron microscope (Hnrertr) images of mountain wood show intimate brucite-anthophyllite intergrowths. Partial dissolution in dilute acids indicates that the intergrown hydroxide may be Fe-containing brucite. Coexisting anthophyllite asbestosdoes not show the brucite intergrowths, whereas both the anthophyllites have chain-width disorder. During the course of a mineralogical investigation on amphibole asbestosfrom Hol6narasipur, HassanDistrict, Karnataka,South India (lat I 2"38-49'N, long 76' | 4-22' E), we noticed a morphological variant of anthophyllite, which the miners call "mountain wood." The mineral occurs in the anthophyllite asbestosmines and has a schistosetexture, partly fibrous but more brittle than asbestos;it resemblessandalwoodin appearance.Becausethe physical featuresof mountain wood specimensare different from those of the coexisting massive and asbestiform anthophyllites, we studied the chemistry and electron microscopic characteristicsof this material. Anthophyllite asbestosoccurs within the metamorphosedultramafic rocks that are part ofthe complex schist belt nearHol6narasipur.The geologyofthis Archean complex within the regionally metamorphosedamphibolitefacies quartzofeldspathic grreisseshas been reported by Chadwick et al. (1978),Naqvi and Hussain (1979), and Kutty et al. (1984). The ultramafic rocks have been completely metamorphosed to anthophyllite * actinolite + talc * antigorite schists.Petrographicstudiesindicate that anthophyllite is replacing antigorite (Raghavendraet al., 1976).Anthophyllite asbestosoccurs in restricted localities as veins and pods. Asbestosfibers in different stages of development and with varying aspect ratios are observable. The fibers are usually arranged parallel to the walls of the veins; random seamswith cross-fibersare also present. Mountain wood anthophyllite has a hardness in the rangeof 5-5.5, D = 3.19, and the hand specimensare pale brown. Under the polarizing microscope, polished thin sectionsrevealaggregates oflong, fine crystalliteswith subparallel orientation. The thin sections are colorless, optically cloudy (translucent),with very weak pleochroism. Mean refractive index is 1.66.Directional variations in refractive index could not be measured,owing to the texture ofthe rggregatesand small crystal size.spv images (Cambridge StereoscanS-I 50) show the stacking of crys0003404x/86/09r 0-1l 98$02.00 tallites giving rise to a subparallel-orientedtexture (Fig. 1a).The tip of the samespecimenis seento split into fine fibers (Fig. lb). An X-ray pattern, recordedwith a Philips PWl700 powder diffractometer (FeKa radiation), could be indexed on the basis of an orthoamphibole unit cell (spacegroup Pnma) with a: 18.48,,: 18.09and c: 5.30A. Chemical analysesby a combination of wet-chemical methods (complexometric and redox titrations, as well as colorimetry and atomic absorption) of mountain wood I 198 of compositions Table1. Representative anthophyllites sio, Tio, Alro3 Fe2O3 FeO' MnO Mgo CaO Naro K.O Hr9*.Hro-'* Total "Mountain wood" Asbestos 55.05 nil 0.76 0.48 19.32 0.08 21.88 0.56 0.02 0.01 2.70 0.02 100.88 56.60 nil 't.22 0.28 18.09 0.19 21.38 0.40 0.12 0.01 2.05 0.08 100.42 No.of cationsper24 O atoms 7.985 7.754 0.015 0.126 0 188 0.051 0 030 2.131 2.273 4.486 4.588 0.023 0.010 0.060 0.085 0.034 0.006 0.002 0.002 1.93 (oH) 2.54 Si Alrv Alrv Fe.. Fe'Mg Mn Ca Na K * Determinedby redox titrations. '* Determinedby microgravimetricgas analysis. I 199 SUBBANNAET AL.: BRUCITE-ANTHOPHYLLITEINTERGROWTHS I{ B R U C IE T {j i { i ! )' 75A .',"11 t il Fig.2. A nnrnr"rimageof mountainwoodanthophylliteconof brucite. tainingthe structuralintergrowths is probably brucite. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the intimate intergrowth of brucite in anthophyllite. Coherent intergrowths of serpentineand brucite type layersaredescribedby Mackinnon and Buseck(1979) from an altered chondrite meteorite. Veblen (1980) has reported brucitelike sheetsin talc (5-A spacings)that fill the grain boundariesbetween two anthophyllite crystals. Since dissolution in dilute acids liberates both Mg'z+and Fe2+,the intergrown mineral is presumably Fe-rich brucite. The observedwidths ofbrucite lamellae vary from 20 to 200 A. ttre coexisting asbestiform anthophyllite does not show such brucite intergrowths. The only structural defectsobservedare apparently random intergrown triple chains (Veblen et al., 1977).Similar chain-width disorder is also observedin the mountain wood anthophyllite. The differencein physical propertiesbetweenmountain wood micrographs of mountainwood showing(a) the Fig. 1. sErra and the massiveas well as asbestiformanthophyllite may orientedcrystallitesand (b) tip of the specimensplittinginto arise from the structural intergrowth of brucite in mounsmallerfibers. tain wood. Since this material exists as relics within the asbestosmines, with the fully developed asbestosfibers given in apparently growing out of it, mountain wood can be conand the coexistingasbestiform anthophyllite are sidered as a precursor to the asbestiform anthophyllite. Fe Mg cations wood has more and mountain Table l. The and hydroxyl ions and less Si per formula unit than the AcrNowr,nncMENT asbestiform variety. When placed in 0. I M hydrochloric C.N.R.Raois gratefully of Professor encouragement The kind gives rise to solubleFe2+* Mgz+ acid, the mountain wood (up to 8.9 wto/oFeO + MgO) (Raghavendraet al., 1978). acknowledged. The asbestiformanthophyllite givesrise to < l.3oloFeO + RrrnnnNcns MgO in the same medium. M.N., andMurM., Viswanatha, Ramakrishnan, Becauseofthe higher octahedralcation contents in the Chadwick,B.. thy, V.S.(1978)Structuralstudiesin the ArcheanSargurand mountain wood, nnreu analysisof this material was carrocksof the Karnatakacraton'GeologDharwarsupracrustal ried out. The investigationswere made in a rBor-rErtl200 cx electron microscope operating at 200 kV with a rsc2 objective stage.The sampleswere preparedby fine grinding in "specpwe" acetone. Figure 2 shows a typical intergrowth of a mineral with 4.9 A fringe spacingsin anthophyllite. The basal spacings of brucite, Mg(OH), (00/), and gibbsite, A(OH)3 (0k0), 220. are 4.8 and 5.1 A, respectively(Deer et al., 1962; Veblen of metaS.M.(1979)Geochemistry Naqvi,S.M.,andHussain, and Buseck, 1979).The presenceof gibbsite can be ruled belt in Karnataka,India. Cafrom a greenstone anorthosites out due to the low Al-content of the mountain wood. nadianJournalof EarthScience,16, 1254-1264. R.V.,Ananthalyer,G.V.,andKutty'T.R'N.(1976) Therefore,the mineral intergrown with the anthophyllite Raghavendra, 1200 SUBBANNA ET AL.: BRUCITE-ANTHOPHYLLITE Mineral chemistry of asbestosbearing ultramafics from HolEnarasipurSchist belt. Indian Institute ofScience Journal, 58, 460-49r. -(1978) Acid resistancecharacteristicsof amphibole asbestos.Indian Journal of Technology, 16, 317-322. Veblen,D.R. (1980)Anthophyllite asbestos:Microstructures,intergrown sheet silicates and mechanisms of fiber formation. American Mineralogist,65, 1075-1086. Veblen, D.R., and Buseck,P.R. (1979) Serpentineminerals: In- INTERGROWTHS tergrowths and new combination structwes. Science,206, 1398I 400. Veblel, D.R., Buseck,P.R., and Burnham, C.W. (1977) Asbestiform chain silicates: New minerals and structural gfoups. 198,359-365. Science, MeNuscnrrr REcETvED Ocrosrn 23, 1984 MnNuscnrpr AccEPTED Mav 16. 1986