MODULE DESCRIPTOR MECHGN01 – Ship Dynamics Code: Alt. Codes(s) Title: Level: UCL Credits/ECTS: Start: End: Taught by: MECHGN01 MECHM012, MECH4012 (until 2012) Ship Dynamics MSc 30 credits September March Dr. K. Drake (Module Coordinator) Other Staff: G X Wu, M Tucker (External Lecturer), S Bishop (Maths) Brief Description An advanced course in ship dynamics covering the analysis methods available for describing wave loading as both regular and irregular processes, the response of ships and offshore structures to waves (sea keeping) and methods to analyse the structural dynamics of marine vehicles. Pre-requisites Competence:As exemplified by a mechanical, civil, aeronautical or other “mechanical type” engineering degree with strong structures element continued throughout. Co-requisites Availability Where a candidate has demonstrated the appropriate intellectual capability but is deemed not to have an appropriate background in “mechanical” engineering (i.e. those with typically an electrical engineering degree obtained at a high level (2:1 or st 1 class honours)) the pre-requisite units can form part of a pre-qualifying year. None Compulsory course for:1. MSc Naval Architecture Optional course for:As a stand alone course for CPD :- Aims & Objectives General Learning Outcomes (See Ref 1) Specific Learning Outcomes May be taken in the following forms:1. Entire Ship Dynamics course, including 3 coursework assessments and 3 hour exam Candidates for CPD must have the prerequisite competence. The aim of the course is to give the student an advanced theoretical grounding in one of the fundamental analytical discipline fields of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering. Other fields are structural design and hydrodynamics Ability to develop, monitor & update a plan, to reflect a changing operating environment N/A Ability to monitor and adjust a personal program of work on an on-going basis, and to learn independently 1. Normal background reading/study common to all degree programs 2. The NA MSc the assessment questions form a significant personal work load requiring well developed self study and independent learning skills An understanding of the different roles within a team, and the ability to exercise leadership N/A The ability to learn new theories, concepts and methods in unfamiliar situations Normal learning situation common to all degree programs Underpinning science & Mathematics 1. Understanding of scientific principles a) Own Specialisation Page | 1 (See Ref 1) See syllabus. b) Related Disciplines N/A 2. Awareness of developing technologies (own specialisation) Introduction to developing technologies in dynamic analysis including:Random Processes. Waves Structural dynamics Response of ships to waves Seakeeping 3. Knowledge & Understanding of mathematical & computer models, appreciation of limitations Includes knowledge and understanding of both current modelling methods used in the analysis of ship motions and vibrations. Includes an awareness of novel methods currently under development. 4. Understanding of a breadth of concepts (including some outside engineering, and an ability to apply these in an engineering project. Course is aimed at developing a deep understanding of a specialist field (ship dynamics) there is however some examination of the interaction between ship design and ship dynamics.. Engineering Analysis 1. Ability to use fundamental knowledge to investigate new and emerging technologies The course explores the applications of current methods to novel configurations e.g. trimarans / pentamarans 2. Ability to apply mathematical & computer based models for solving problems in engineering & awareness of limitations The course applies current methods to the solution of problems in the areas of ship dynamics. Strong emphasis is placed on discussion of the limitations and assumptions inherent in current methods 3. Ability to extract & apply data in the solution of unfamiliar problems The course discusses data monitoring and its application however there are no experimental or experimental data analysis aspects to the course. Design 1. Knowledge & understanding of design process & methodologies, an ability to apply and adapt them in unfamiliar situations. The unit examines the limitations present in current methods and discusses their adoption to novel geometries. 2. Ability to generate design of innovative products, systems, processes to fulfil new needs The course is intended to provide a firm foundation from which students will be able to generate innovative solutions. Economic, Social & Environmental Context 1. Extensive knowledge of management & business practices, their limitation and correct application N/A 2. Ability to evaluate commercial risk through an understanding of the basis of such risks The course places a strong emphasis on the risks associated with extreme motions. Page | 2 Engineering Practice 1. An understanding of current practice and limitations, some appreciation of likely new developments Limited discussion of practical aspects and difficulties found in controlling motions. 2. Extensive knowledge & understanding of a wide range of engineering materials & components N/A 3. Ability to apply engineering techniques taking into account of a range of commercial and industrial constraints. N/A Communication Present technical work in the following ways:skills Written Three major items of coursework Oral N/A Participate in a technical discussion of:Technical discussion occurs in lectures and tutorials Lead a technical discussion of:N/A Competence statements derived from UK Spec - Ref 1 A.Use a combination of general and specialist engineering knowledge and understanding to optimise the application of existing and emerging technology. A1 Maintain and extend a sound theoretical approach in enabling the introduction and exploitation of new and advancing technology and other relevant developments. This could include an ability to: Identify the limits of own personal knowledge and skills Strive to extend own technological capability Broaden and deepen own knowledge base through research and experimentation. Addressed in module by:1. Understanding of scientific principles a) Own Specialisation See syllabus. 2. Awareness of developing technologies (own specialisation) Introduction to developing technologies in dynamic analysis including:• Random Processes. • Waves • Structural dynamics • Response of ships to waves • Seakeeping 3. Knowledge & Understanding of mathematical & computer models, appreciation of limitations Includes knowledge and understanding of both current modelling methods used in the analysis of ship motions and vibrations. Includes an awareness of novel methods currently under development. 4. Understanding of a breadth of concepts (including some outside engineering, and an ability to apply these in an engineering project. Course is aimed at developing a deep understanding of a specialist field (ship dynamics) there is however some examination of the interaction between ship design and structural design. Page | 3 5. Ability to apply mathematical & computer based models for solving problems in engineering & awareness of limitations The course applies current methods to the solution of problems in the areas of ship dynamics. Strong emphasis is placed on discussion of the limitations and assumptions inherent in current methods A2 Engage in the creative and innovative Engineering Analysis development of engineering technology and continuous improvement systems. 1. Ability to use fundamental knowledge to This could include an ability to: investigate new and emerging technologies Establish users’ needs Assess marketing needs and contribute The course explores the applications of current to marketing strategies methods to novel configurations e.g. trimarans / Identify constraints and exploit pentamarans. opportunities for the development and transfer of technology within own chosen 3. Ability to extract & apply data in the solution of field unfamiliar problems Promote new applications when appropriate The course discusses data monitoring and its Secure the necessary intellectual application however there are no experimental or property rights experimental data analysis aspects to the course. Develop and evaluate continuous improvement systems B Apply appropriate theoretical and practical methods to the analysis and solution of engineering problems. Addressed in module by:B1 Identify potential projects and Innovation opportunities. This could include an ability to: 1. Ability to generate design of innovative products, Explore the territory within own systems, processes to fulfil new needs responsibility for new opportunities Review the potential for enhancing The course is intended to provide a firm engineering products, processes, foundation from which students will be able to systems and services generate innovative solutions; Use own knowledge of the employer’s position to assess the viability of opportunities. B2 Conduct appropriate research, and Design undertake design and development of engineering solutions. This could 1. Knowledge & understanding of design process & include an ability to: methodologies, an ability to apply and adapt them Identify and agree appropriate research in unfamiliar situations. methodologies Assemble the necessary resources The unit examines the limitations present in Carry out the necessary tests current methods and discusses their adoption to Collect, analyse and evaluate the relevant novel geometries. data Draft, present and agree design recommendations Undertake engineering design. B3 Implement design solutions, and evaluate Engineering Practice their effectiveness. This could include an ability to: 1.An understanding of current practice and Ensure that the application of the design limitations, some appreciation of likely new results in the appropriate practical developments outcome Page | 4 Identify the required cost, quality, safety, Limited discussion of practical aspects and reliability, appearance, fitness for difficulties found in controlling motions. purpose and environmental impact of the outcome Economic, Social & Environmental Context Determine the criteria for evaluating the design solutions 1. Ability to evaluate commercial risk through an Evaluate the outcome against the original understanding of the basis of such risks specification Actively learn from feedback on results The course places a strong emphasis on the risks to improve future design solutions and associated with extreme motions. build best practice. C Provide technical and commercial leadership. C1 Plan for effective project implementation. N/A This could include an ability to: Identify the factors affecting the project implementation Lead on preparing and agreeing implementation plans and method statements Ensure that the necessary resources are secured and brief the project team Negotiate the necessary contractual arrangements with other stakeholders (client, subcontractors, suppliers, etc.) C2 Plan, budget, organise, direct and control tasks, people and resources. This could include an ability to: Set up appropriate management systems Agree quality standards, programme and budget Organise and lead work teams, coordinating project activities Ensure that variations from quality standards, programme and budgets are identified, and that corrective action is taken Gather and evaluate feedback, and recommend improvements. N/A C3 Lead teams and develop staff to meet changing technical and managerial needs. This could include an ability to: Agree objectives and work plans with teams and individuals Identify team and individual needs, and plan for their development Lead and support team and individual development Assess team and individual performance, and provide feedback. N/A C4 Bring about continuous improvement through quality management. This could include an ability to: Promote quality throughout the organization and its customer and supplier networks Develop and maintain operations to meet quality standards N/A Page | 5 Direct project evaluation and propose recommendations for improvement. Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures Private Reading Tutorials Practicals Extramural activity Independent Project Work Language Work Required written Work Revision Total Method & Timing of assessment Number / Student Hours 54 54 25 45(3x15) 45 223 End of course 3 hr written exam 3 assessment questions Outline syllabus Random Processes Probability theory, distributions; Random processes, correlation, spectra; Input-output relations; FFT and simulation techniques. Waves Waves as a random process; Design spectra, long and short crested seas; Short and long term wave statistics; Ocean wave theories including linear and Stokes 3rd and 5th order theories. Structural Dynamics Vibrations of continuous systems. Lagrange's equations; Finite element methods in structural dynamics; Modal analysis, orthogonality, principal co-ordinates; Direct solution techniques in the time domain; Substructuring methods. Response of Ships to Waves Skip theory and 2-D hydrodynamic forces; Response to sinusoidal wave; Typical ship results in seaway; Generalised fluid actions and hydroelasticity; Numerical methods for 3-D hydrodynamics; Applications to ships and offshore structures. Seakeeping Seakeeping equations; Encounter frequency; Roll, roll damping and stabilisation; Influences of excessive motions; Slamming, whipping and springing. References Timetable Ref 1 Seakeeping: Ship Behaviour in Rough Weather Mechanical Vibrations- Theory and Application Probabilistic Theory of Ship Dynamics (+) Structural Dynamics Random Vibrations & Spectral Analysis Dynamics of Offshore Engineering Available from RINA Allyn & Bacon A.R.J.M Lloyd Chapman & Hall F.S. Tse, I.E. Morse & R.T. Hinkle W.G. Price & R.E.D. Bishop Wiley Longman R.R. Craig D.E. Newland Bentham Press M.H. Patel One day per week from September to March EC UK – UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence “The accreditation of Higher Education Programmes” Dec 2008 Page | 6