Rules of Integration Table of Integrals Z community project mathcentre community project f (x) For any function f and g and any constant value k: Z Multiplicative constant: xn , Z kf (x)dx = k f (x)dx Z Z (f (x) ± g(x))dx = (ax + b)n Z f (x)dx ± g(x)dx f 0 (x)(f (x))n mcccp-richard-7 For the help you need to support your course Integration for Economics and Business Studies This leaflet is an overview of the rules of integration and their applications in Economics and Business Studies. Author: Morgiane Richard, University of Aberdeen Z f (x)g 0 (x)dx = f (x)g(x) − Z The definite integral is written: Z f (x)dx = F (x) + C with F 0 (x) = f (x) eax+b eax+b +C a f 0 (x)ef (x) ef (x) + C 1 x 1 ax + b f 0 (x) f (x) Definite Integral Indefinite Integral b f (x)dx and is equal to: a Z b f (x)dx = [F (x)]ba = F (b) − F (a) 1 (f (x))2 + C 2 1 (ax + b)n+1 +C a n+1 1 (f (x))n+1 + C n+1 ex + C f 0 (x)g(x)dx Z xn+1 +C n+1 ex Integration by part (to integrate products of functions): Reviewer: Anthony Cronin, University College Dublin Integration is the opposite of differentiation, and the indefinite integral of a function is the opposite of the derivative of a function. The indefinite integral of a function f Z is written f (x)dx. For any function f : n 6= −1 f 0 (x)f (x) encouraging academics to share maths support resources All mccp resources are released under a Creative Commons licence Addition rule: f (x)dx ln x + C ln (ax + b) +C a ln (f (x)) + C Table 2: Integral of functions commonly used in Economics and Business Studies. a where F is a primitive of f . The definite integral is a measure of the area between the x-axis and the curve of f , between the points x = a and x = b. f(x)=exp(2x) 8 Area between the curve of f and the x−axis between the points x=0 and x=1 6 4 C is a constant of integration. The indefinite integral is always defined with a constant of integration because all functions that differ by a constant have the same derivative: dF (x) d(F (x) + C) = = f (x) dx dx The functions F (x) + C are called primitives of the funtion f. x0.5 x 1/n x −n = x1/2 = = = xn+m = xn−m = √ x √ n x 1 xn n m x x xn xm Table 1: Reminder on index laws. 1 2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 Figure 1: The definite integral of a function is the area between its graph and the x-axis between two specific values of x.