Geneva 2014 ...

Geneva 2014
WSIS+10 Vision for WSIS Beyond 2015
Shortened Texts for Action Lines C8, C9, C10, C11
C8 Cultural Diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content
Our vision of the [inclusive, people centred and development oriented] Information and
Knowledge Societies is that of a more culturally and linguistically diverse digital world, where:
Around half of all existing languages are present in cyberspace;
Development takes into account local, national and regional contexts;
Innovation and creativity are well promoted;
[All human beings are allowed to practice their own culture, enjoy and respect that of
Culture is integrated in all development policies and programmes, for poverty reduction
and inclusive sustainable development.
There is a respect of cultural identity, cultural and linguistic diversity, traditions and
religions and a promotion of dialogue among cultures and civilizations
Innovations based on traditional knowledge, [traditional knowledge associated with
genetic resources ] will benefit from intellectual property protection.
We [commit] [urge] [encourage] [call] to:
1. Launch and support governmental and other initiatives for preservation, digitization and
digital archiving of cultural and documentary heritage and born-digital information.
2. Reinforce and implement at the national level the Recommendation concerning the
Promotion and Use of Multilingualism and Universal Access to Cyberspace.
3. Promote infrastructure to facilitate development of local content on cyberspace.
4. Support national entrepreneurial and start-up frameworks [to help the digital content
industry to flourish.]
5. Promote the development and use of internationalized domain names.
6. strengthening policies that support the respect, preservation, promotion and enhancement
of cultural and linguistic diversity and cultural heritage, within information society as
reflected in relevant agreed UN documents.
7. develop and implement policies that preserve, affirm, respect and promote diversity of
cultural expression and indigenous knowledge and traditions through the creation of
World Summit on the Information Society
WSIS +10 High-Level Event Outcome Document
Geneva 2014
WSIS+10 Vision for WSIS Beyond 2015
varied information content and the use of different methods, including the digitization of
educational, scientific and cultural heritage
C9 Media
We envision the evolving Information and knowledge Societies, in which media will benefit
from the broader and expanded role of ICTs that can enhance media’s contribution to the
development goals of the post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda.
[We reaffirm paragraphs 4, 5 and 55 of the Declaration of Principles adopted in Geneva in 2003,
and we further affirm the importance of freedom of expression, pluralism, diversity, [objectivity,
social responsibility ]and independence of the media online and offline,and the[ safety of
journalists ]and [bloggers] and their sources.]
1. Develop and update national ICT-Media legislation that guarantees the independence,
and plurality of the media according to international human rights standards as well as the
[domestic norms and needs].
2. Encourage gender equality in media sector.
3. [Protect freedom of expression online and offline and also right to privacy and
[anonymity ]]
4. [Ensure the safety of all Journalists, [bloggers] and their sources and facilitate the
implementation of the UN plan of action on the safety of journalists and issue of
impunity and [online activist] in conformity with national law and regulations [as well as
article 19 of the ICCPR]]
5. Strengthening the appropriate measures taken to combat illegal and harmful media
5 BIS Strengthening the appropriate measures taken to combat illegal media
Continue to take appropriate measures — consistent with freedom of
expression— to combat illegal and harmful content in media content.
6bis Continue to take appropriate measures — consistent with freedom of expression and in
accordance with international human rights law— to combat illegal content in media content.
World Summit on the Information Society
WSIS +10 High-Level Event Outcome Document
Geneva 2014
WSIS+10 Vision for WSIS Beyond 2015
Reduced international imbalances affecting the ,media particularly as regards
to infrastructure, technical resources and the development of human skills,
taking full advantage of ICT tools in this regard.
Continue to encourage traditional media to bridge the knowledge divide and to
facilitate the flow of cultural content, particularly in rural areas.
C10 Ethical Dimensions of the Information Society
(From Geneva Plan): The Information Society should be subject to universally held values and
promote the common good and to prevent abusive uses of ICTs.
a) All stakeholders should continue to raise awareness and promote national, regional and
international debate on the ethical challenges of the use of ICTs.
b) Promote respect of the fundamental ethical values in the use of ICTs and prevent their
abusive usage.
c) Continue to invite relevant stakeholders, especially the academia, to continue research on
ethical dimensions of ICTs, and to further examine the current and emerging areas and
d) Continue the promotion of the common good, protect privacy and personal data.
e) take appropriate actions and preventing measures, as determined by law, against abusive uses
of ICTs [listed in para 25 of Geneva Plan of Action.] [ such as illegal and other acts
motivated by racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and related intolerance, hatred,
violence, all forms of child abuse, including pedophilia and child pornography, and
trafficking in, and exploitation of, human beings.]
C11 International and Regional Cooperation
a) International and regional cooperation among all stakeholders continue to be vital to
advance the use of ICTs for supporting sustainable development beyond 2015.Encourage
to [increase]/ [continue] /[strengthen] [compliance with] development aid in ICTs for
developing countries, in particular for least developed countries.
b) Enhance [multi-sectoral and] [public-private] partnerships.
World Summit on the Information Society
WSIS +10 High-Level Event Outcome Document
Geneva 2014
WSIS+10 Vision for WSIS Beyond 2015
c) Call on the international community to assist developing countries in the preparation and
implementation of national action plans to support the fulfilment of the post 2015
development Agenda and [2015 WSIS Overall review outcomes] [WSIS+10 Outcome
Documents] , taking into account the importance of regional initiatives.
World Summit on the Information Society
WSIS +10 High-Level Event Outcome Document