List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org Org Title 20000 Academic and Student Affairs Program Academic Affairs 107400 112100 113100 113400 113800 113835 122725 142850 34850 Writing Across the Curriculum Office of the Provost Faculty Senate Spec Faculty Asgnmnt Specialized Accreditation Provost Writing Center Pooled Temporary Employees Sprg and Sum Lecturer Augmentation 40 60 60 40 40 40 40 60 Charter Schools 30 120750 Faculty Development Center 40 120900 Honors College 40 Charter Schools 140150 20375 38600 34900 34500 11/5/2015 8:35:3 Faculty Development Honors College Inst Study Child Fam Communities 119950 Stdy Chldrn and Family 30 140200 Upward Bound Program 30 Upward Bound This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 1 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org Org Title Program Academic Pers and Cont Admin 20200 Academic Human Resources 114100 114150 114950 121050 122700 11/5/2015 8:35:3 Academic Human Resources Faculty Recruiting Academic Grievance Committee Academic Admin Recr Labor Neg Arbit Fees This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. 60 60 60 60 60 Page 2 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org Org Title Program Academic Programming and Services 38700 75010 75000 Academic Service Learning 114050 Academic Service Learning 40 154160 Director University Advising 40 Univ Advising and Career Devel Ctr 40 Advising Career Development 154150 20500 20400 20610 Course and Program Development 112350 113900 Community College Relations Academic Programming 60 40 132150 University Catalogs 50 112050 UNIV 10 General Education 60 Office of the Registrar 50 Retention Services 50 FIGS UNIV General Education 113950 74000 Records and Registration 135300 75100 Student Success Network 131725 11/5/2015 8:35:3 This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 3 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org Org Title Program Academic Programming and Services 75100 Student Success Network 136050 136250 136300 11/5/2015 8:35:3 The Learning Center Sel Stdnt Support Sv Supplemental Instruc This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. 50 50 50 Page 4 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org Org Title Program Academic Success Partnerships 76020 Academic Success Partnerships 121060 135800 76000 30 30 Summer Incentive Prg 30 Summer Incentive Program 136200 11/5/2015 8:35:3 Academic Partnerships King Parks College Day This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 5 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org 82000 Office of Alumni Relations Org Title Program Alumni Relations 136750 136800 11/5/2015 8:35:3 Alumni Relations Office Alumni Outreach Prog This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. 60 60 Page 6 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org Org Title Program Assistant VP and Chief Info Officer 93000 Enterprise Apps Services 120800 137150 137375 04015 Course Evaluations DoIT Enterprise Systems DoIT Enterprisewide Adm Appl 40 40 40 DoIT Maintenance Renewals 40 137325 137475 DoIT Computer Refresh DoIT Enterprise Apps and Services 40 40 137750 137800 DoIT User Services DoIT Desktop and Classroom Tech 40 40 137200 DoIT-Security 40 DoIT Servers and Infrastructure 40 Enterprise Operations 137250 92000 05015 04025 Enterprise Support IT Security Network and System Serv 137275 91000 Office Assist VP/Chief Info Officer 136900 137700 11/5/2015 8:35:3 Assistant VP and Chief Info Officer DoIT Administrative Executive This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 7 of 47 40 40 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org 01000 Board of Regents Org Title Program Board of Regents 100050 11/5/2015 8:35:3 Board of Regents Office This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. 60 Page 8 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org 44015 Business Systems Support Org Title Program Business and Finance 44805 44605 44820 40000 42500 44505 123525 Business Systems Support 60 125050 125055 Controller EMU Payment Card 60 60 121162 121163 EAS Management Co EAS Golf Course 90 90 200003 Non Student Organizations 50 121150 125051 125052 Chief Financial Officer B and F EMU Central Org Sweep Temporary Budget Adjustment 60 70 10 121850 Purchasing 60 Eagle Card Student Business Services 60 60 Controller EAS General Accounting Office of CFO Purchasing Student Business Services 123575 123950 11/5/2015 8:35:3 This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 9 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org 40100 Tuition and Fees Org Title Program Business and Finance 124000 124050 124100 124150 124175 40520 99 99 99 99 99 University Budget Office 60 University Budget 142450 11/5/2015 8:35:3 Tuition and Fees Fall Tuition and Fees Summer A Tuition and Fees Wi Tuition and Fees Summer B Tuition and Fees Prior Year This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 10 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org Org Title Program College of Arts and Sciences 23020 23040 23050 23060 African American Studies 106250 African American Studies 10 106550 Biology 10 106650 Chemistry 10 Biology Chemistry Comm Media and Theater Arts 106900 23070 23080 23090 23030 23110 11/5/2015 8:35:3 Comm Media and Theater Arts 10 107000 Computer Science 10 107050 Economics 10 Computer Science Economics English Language and Literature 107175 107200 Inst for Language Info Tech ILIT Eng Language and Lit 20 10 106300 Fine Arts 10 Fine Arts Geography And Geology This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 11 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org Org Title Program College of Arts and Sciences 23110 Geography And Geology 107650 23120 23130 23140 23010 Geography and Geology 10 107800 History and Philosophy 10 107850 107900 Mathematics Dev Mathematics Prog 10 50 108100 Music and Dance 10 108150 Band Camp 50 History and Philosophy Mathamatics Music and Dance Office of Coll of Arts and Sciences 105950 106100 113050 127035 141450 156001 23150 40 40 30 40 20 90 Physics and Astronomy 10 Physics and Astronomy 108400 11/5/2015 8:35:3 Undergrad Symposium Arts and Sciences Dean Non-Profit Alliance Parsons Property Lake Ann MI Geospatial Research Student Media and Cellar Roots This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 12 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org Org Title Program College of Arts and Sciences 23160 23170 23180 Political Science 108600 Political Science 10 108650 108700 108750 Psychology Ph D Prog Psychology Psychology Clinic 40 10 30 Psychology Sociology Anthrop and Criminology 108850 23190 Womens Studies 10 World Languages English as a Second Language ESL 10 10 World Languages 107600 107625 11/5/2015 8:35:3 10 Womens and Gender Studies 109050 23100 Sociology Anthrop and Criminology This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 13 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org Org Title 25200 Dept of Accounting and Finance Program College of Business 109350 25400 10 Marketing 10 Small Bus Devl Ctr 30 Office of the College of Business 109100 109150 109175 11/5/2015 8:35:3 Management Mich Small Business and Tech Cnter 109401 25000 10 Dept of Marketing 109500 26000 Computer Information Systems Dept of Management 109450 25800 10 Dept of Computer Information System 109400 25600 Accounting and Finance COB Deans Office COB Academic Services COB Graduate Programs This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. 40 40 40 Page 14 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title 27000 COE Labs Org Org Title Program College of Education 109800 27700 10 Leadership and Counsel 10 COE Offc Aca Service 40 COE Deans Office Office Urban Comm Interntl Outreach COE Educate Res Ctr COE Clinic 40 30 40 30 Office of the Dean 109600 110000 110100 110600 11/5/2015 8:35:3 Teacher Education Office of Academic Services 110700 27820 10 Leadership And Counseling 110400 27800 Special Education Dept of Teacher Education 110900 27500 40 Dept of Special Education 110650 27900 Bonisteel Tech Lab This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 15 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org Org Title Program College of Health and Human Serv 29000 College of Health and Human Serv 109675 109680 111050 141650 27200 School of Health Sciences Gerontology Program 10 10 School of Nursing 10 School of Social Work 10 School of Social Work 111850 11/5/2015 8:35:3 10 10 School of Nursing 111750 29800 School Health Promo Human Perform Physician Assistant Program School of Health Sciences 111500 111950 29600 30 30 40 40 School of Health and Human Perform 110250 110275 29200 Autism Collaborative Center College Supports Program Health and Human Service CHHS Academic Adv Ct This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 16 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org Org Title 30000 College of Technology Admin Program College of Technology 30800 30190 111650 115250 115275 115475 115675 141700 141750 TRTI Technology Dean Project Lead the Way Coatings Research Institute CRI School of Staff and Command COT Academic Adv Ctr Technology PHD Prog 10 40 40 10 10 40 40 115750 Military Science 10 Military Science School Info Security Applied Comput 115640 30400 10 School of Tech Prof Services Mngmt 10 School Visual Built Environments 115660 11/5/2015 8:35:3 School of Engineering Technology School of Tech Prof Services Mngmt 115650 30290 10 School of Engineering Technology 115600 30600 School Info Security Applied Comput School Visual Built Environments This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 17 of 47 10 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org 02005 Communications Office Org Title Program Communications Office 105810 11/5/2015 8:35:3 Communications Office This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. 60 Page 18 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org Org Title Program EMU Foundation and Advancment 80000 EMU Foundation and Advancment 136350 136500 11/5/2015 8:35:3 VP Advancement Dev Contractual Serv This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. 60 60 Page 19 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title 71100 Admissions Org Org Title Program Enrollment Management 131550 131750 131780 131800 131825 73000 70600 51200 Financial Aid Office Scholarships Financial Aid Clearing 50 80 50 Office of Assoc VP for Enrollment 150200 Assc VP Enrollment Management 60 131225 Service EMU 50 Veteran Student Service 50 Service EMU Veterans Services 151200 11/5/2015 8:35:3 50 50 50 50 50 Financial Aid Administration 132250 132400 200005 70000 Adm Internal Oper Adm Off Campus Outrh International Admissions Adm On Campus Outrch RN2BSN Accelerated Program This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 20 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org Org Title Program Extended Programs and Edu Outreac 34550 Academic Programs Abroad 117305 120000 34100 11/5/2015 8:35:3 10 EP Innov TECH 40 EP On Line 10 Weekend Wash Cty and Innov Prog 113700 117265 118600 118900 34260 EP Regional Centers Online Credit Programs 118100 34140 60 40 40 Off campus Credit Programs 118800 34120 Academic Ceremonies EP Administration EP Enrollment Management Program EP Regional Centers 117650 34170 10 10 EP Administration 112650 117800 118115 34130 Exchange Programs Academic Programs Abroad EP ElderQuest EP Other Diverse Deliveries EP Dual Enrollment EP Weekend University 40 10 10 10 Workforce Development This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 21 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org Org Title Program Extended Programs and Edu Outreac 34260 Workforce Development 117355 118105 11/5/2015 8:35:3 EP Professional Program Training EP Prof Ed Center This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 22 of 47 30 10 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org 4640SA Auxiliary Student Affairs Org Title Program Facilities 46200 46800 46400S 46405S 46410S 46411S 46415S 46420S 46425S 46435S 46440S PM Nolff Auxiliary Student Aff PM Longerbeam Auxiliary Student Aff PM Duty Auxiliary Student Aff PM Monarch Auxiliary Student Aff PM Sekarak Auxiliary Student Aff PM Storrar Auxiliary Student Aff PM Densic Auxiliary Student Aff PM Moore Auxiliary Student Aff PM Grant Auxiliary Student Aff 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 46445S PM Abbasse Auxiliary Student Aff 70 126725 127150 University House Operations Custodial Services 70 70 Heating Plant 70 Custodial Energy and Sustainability 126350 46300 Facilities Planning and Construct 126650 4640AC 70 General Fund Facilities Planning 464000 11/5/2015 8:35:3 Facilities Planning and Construct PM Nolff GF This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. 70 Page 23 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org Org Title 4640AC General Fund Facilities Planning Program Facilities 46250 46700 46275 11/5/2015 8:35:3 464050 464100 464110 464150 464200 464250 464350 464400 464450 PM Longerbeam GF PM Duty GF PM Monarch GF PM Sekarak GF PM Storrar GF PM Densic GF PM Moore GF PM Grant GF PM Abbassee GF 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 126600 Grnds Walks Roadways 70 126715 126850 126975 127000 127075 HVAC Heating Ventilation AC Electrical Physical Plant Inventory Plumbing Physical Plant Business Operations 70 70 70 70 70 126000 Plant Support Service 70 Grounds Maintenance and Operations Motor Pool This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 24 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org 46000 Office of Physical Plant Org Title Program Facilities 125800 46400B 47500 46500 70 Other Auxiliary Facility Planning 46400X 46405X 46410X 46411X 46415X 46420X 46425X PM Nolff Auxiliary Other PM Longerbeam Auxiliary Other PM Duty Auxiliary Other PM Monarch Auxiliary Other PM Sekarak Auxiliary Other PM Storrar Auxiliary Other PM Densic Auxiliary Other 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 46435X 46440X 46445X PM Moore Auxiliary Other PM Grant Auxiliary Other PM Abbasse Auxiliary Other 70 70 70 125065 Parking 90 General Maint and Repr 70 Parking Structural and Life Safety 126900 11/5/2015 8:35:3 Physical Plant Ofc This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 25 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org Org Title Program General Counsel University Atty 12005 Legal Affairs 121650 13000 60 Director of Risk Man IC Ath Insurance 60 60 Risk Management 127550 127600 11/5/2015 8:35:3 Legal Affairs This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 26 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title 36500 Acquisitions Org Org Title Program Halle Library 120500 36100 40 Library General Univ Archives Circulation 40 40 40 Library Administration 120400 120425 138000 11/5/2015 8:35:3 Acquisitions and Inter Library Loan This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 27 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org Org Title Program Inst Research and Accreditation 40530 Inst Research and Inform Mgt IRIM 142400 11/5/2015 8:35:3 Institutional Res and Info Mgt This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. 60 Page 28 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org 83205 Integrated Content Org Title Program Integrated Content 143150 11/5/2015 8:35:3 Integrated Content This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. 50 Page 29 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org 14140 Athletic Media Relations Org Title Program Intercollegiate Athletics 14210 14150 14160 14230 14450 14220 14590 11/5/2015 8:35:3 103200 135675 I A Sport Info IA Compliance Vet Services 50 50 104250 I A Baseball 50 103550 I A Equip Maint 50 103650 I A Game Operations 50 103850 IA Maintence 70 104425 I A Mens Football 50 105000 I A Womens Gymn 50 104325 I A Mens Basketball 50 104450 I A Golf 50 Baseball Equipment Room Facilities Football Gymnastics Mens Basketball Mens Golf This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 30 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org 14480 Men's Swimming Org Title Program Intercollegiate Athletics 104550 14520 Men's Swimming 50 I A Mens Track and Field Men's Cross Country 50 50 103000 103150 103300 IC Athletics I A Other Events I A Academic Adv 50 50 50 103500 103700 103710 103800 104100 104125 105850 IC Ath Admin I A Administration Compliance I A Promotions Cheerleaders Dance Team Athletics Marketing 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 105450 IA Womens Crew 50 105050 I A Womens Softball 50 Mens Track and Field 104650 104660 14015 14580 14470 11/5/2015 8:35:3 Office of Director of Athletics Rowing Softball This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 31 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org 14170 Sports Medicine Org Title Program Intercollegiate Athletics 103600 14180 I A Training Room 50 I A Strength and Cond 50 105100 I A Womens Swimming 50 105250 I A Womens Volleybal 50 104800 I A Womens Bktball 50 104900 I A Womens Golf 50 I A Wmns Soccer 50 I A Womens Tennis 50 I A Womens Track 50 Sports Performance 103250 14490 14540 14420 14430 14620 Swimming and Diving Volleyball Womens Basketball Womens Golf Womens Soccer 105350 14510 Womens Tennis 105150 14530 Womens Track and Field 105200 11/5/2015 8:35:3 This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 32 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org 14530 Womens Track and Field Org Title Program Intercollegiate Athletics 14610 11/5/2015 8:35:3 105210 Women's Cross Country 50 104700 I A Men Wrestling 50 Wrestling This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 33 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title 83000 Marketing Org Org Title Program Marketing 105600 11/5/2015 8:35:3 Image Enhncemnt Proj This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. 60 Page 34 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org 83255 Media Relations Org Title Program Media Relations 105900 11/5/2015 8:35:3 Media Relations This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. 60 Page 35 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org 10000 Office of the President Org Title Program Office of the President 100300 100850 11/5/2015 8:35:3 Presidents Office Womens Commission This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. 60 60 Page 36 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org Org Title 53300 Convocation Ctr Indoor Pract Facil Program Operations 58400 11/5/2015 8:35:3 126150 126155 Convocation Ctr and Pease Operation Indoor Practice Facility 90 90 158400 158401 158402 158403 158404 158405 Dining Admin International Kitchen EC at Alexander EC at Marshall EC at Halle EC at PH 90 90 90 90 90 90 158406 158407 158408 158409 158415 158417 158421 158431 158433 158435 158437 158439 EC at COB EC at McKenny Concessions Crossroads Marketplace Eastern Eateries Green Market Bistro Lobby Shop Satellite Admin Starbucks Salsa Grille The Commons University Catering 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 Dining Services This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 37 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title 58400 Dining Services Org Org Title Program Operations 158441 158443 158445 55000 53400 11/5/2015 8:35:3 Vending Snack Food EC at MJ McKenny Catering 90 90 90 155000 155001 Rec IM Admin Pro Shop 50 90 153575 Student Center Operations 50 153580 McKenny Events 90 Recreation Intramural Student Center This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 38 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org Org Title 47800 Environ Health and Safety Office Program Public Safety 127350 47000 70 Public Safety 70 Police Department 127250 11/5/2015 8:35:3 Environmental Health and Safety This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 39 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org Org Title Program Research Admin and Grad School 20385 Faculty Recognition Awards 112950 116300 116350 32000 32600 Grad School Tuition Doc Fellows Tuition 80 80 Graduate School 108920 McNair Fellowships 80 116000 116375 Graduate School KCP Visiting Professors 40 30 Office of Research Development 114400 116150 116400 11/5/2015 8:35:3 40 20 20 Graduate Assistants 143080 143085 32100 Distinguished Faculty New Faculty Awards Faculty Research Awards Compliance Match Fnds Resch Prj Research Development This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. 40 20 40 Page 40 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title 53500 Campus Life Org Org Title Program Student Life 131355 131365 153500 153650 200001 57300 Counseling and Psych Services 50 CATE Disability Lab Disability Resource Center Disability Resource 30 50 50 Diversity and Community Involvement 113500 153600 153625 11/5/2015 8:35:3 90 50 Disability Resource Center 110350 151300 151325 53550 Child Care Center Childrens Institute Counseling and Psych Services 157100 57400 60 60 50 50 80 Childrens Institute 157301 157350 57100 Orientation Transfer O / Fast Track Campus Life Greek Affairs Student Organizations MLK Day Academic Diversity and Community Involvement LGBTRC This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 41 of 47 30 50 50 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org Org Title 58300 Housing and Residence Life Program Student Life 51100 158201 158203 158207 158209 158211 158300 158301 158303 158307 Brown Munson Apts Cornell Courts Apts Westview Apartments 601 W Forest 600 W Forest Housing Admin Best Hall Buell Hall Downing Hall 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 158309 158311 158313 158315 158317 158323 158325 158327 158350 Hill Hall Hoyt Hall Jones Goddard Phelps Sellers Pittman Hall The Village Walton Putnam Halls Wise Hall Social Activity Residence Halls 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 Office of International Students 131370 151100 11/5/2015 8:35:3 International Students Orientation International Students This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 42 of 47 60 50 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title 51000 Ombuds Org Org Title Program Student Life 50000 52000 53520 57500 151005 Ombuds 50 150000 Student Affairs 60 Student Affairs Student Conduct and Comm Stds 152000 Ofc Stdt Conduct and Comm Stds 50 151000 153565 Student Government Student Life 50 50 Student Wellbeing 50 Business Operations Medical Services Pharmacy 90 90 50 Health Education 60 Student Life Student Wellbeing 157500 57005 University Health Services 158610 158620 158630 57200 Wellness Center 157220 11/5/2015 8:35:3 This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 43 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org Org Title Program VP for University Human Resources 12500 Diversity and Affirmative Action 122850 43200 43800 60 Human Resources Admin 60 122200 122750 Staff Recruiting Comp Employment and HRIS 60 60 123300 Employee Benefits 60 Total Rewards & Talent Training and Organizational Develop 122350 11/5/2015 8:35:3 Employee Relations Office of Chief Human Res Officer 122150 43500 60 Employee Relations and Policy 122550 43000 Office of Diversity Training and Professional Develop This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 44 of 47 60 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org Org Title Program VP Government / Community Relation 10400 Community Relations 130650 10300 60 Federal State and Local Government 130500 130600 11/5/2015 8:35:3 Community Events Government Relations Administration Federal State Community Events This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. Page 45 of 47 60 60 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org Org Title Program Web Communications and New Media 83150 Web Services 142300 11/5/2015 8:35:3 Web Service Team This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. 60 Page 46 of 47 List of Organizations By Department Dean / AVP Dept Dept title Org Org Title Program WEMU FM 89 1 Public Radio 83350 WEMU FM 89 1 Public Radio 130800 130850 11/5/2015 8:35:3 WEMU FM Public Radio Sports Broadcasts This report contains level 3, 7 and 8 of the banner org hierarchy. 30 30 Page 47 of 47