4/1/15% Ate$a$chocolate$bar!$ Process%2%glucose%to%pyruvate%% without%using%an%enzyme% Infected$by$a$virus!$ Bacteria%hijacked%your%% protein%synthesis%pathway.% CANNOT%synthesize%protein%% for%one%turn%% % Ate$a$steak!$ Ate$ice$cream!%% Import%up%to%3%lipids%for%free% AND$ Process%3%glucose%to%pyruvate%for%free% Ate$protein$powder!% Pickup$10$ATP$and$place$in$your$stock$ Import%up%to%3%lipids%for%free.% OR$ Import%up%to%3%proteins%for%free.% Place%10%amino%acids%in%your%stock.% 1% z yi yi m EVENT CARD EVENT CARD EVENT CARD EVENT CARD EVENT CARD EVENT CARD h 4/1/15% You$have$upregulated$your$ protein$synthesis$pathway!$$ Get%an%extra%enzyme%this%turn% You$are$exercising$vigorously!$ %You%used%up%your%glucose%stores% You%cannot%use%the%% glycolysis%pathway%this%turn% Poisoned$by$Carbon$Monoxide!$ Oxygen%is%unavailable%to%mitochondria% %CANNOT%use%mitochondria%this%turn% You$saw$a$bear!$$ Increase%in%epinephrine%accelerated% your%faKy%acid%breakdown%% Wait%only%one%turn%% for%FaKy%Acid%Metabolism% Acquired$a$geneGc$mutaGon$$ in$your$enzyme!% %Enzymes%are%now%nonfuncRonal% Lose%one%enzyme% You$got$diabetes!$ Low%insulin%lowers%glucose%import% CANNOT%import%glucose%this%turn% 3% z yi yi m EVENT CARD EVENT CARD EVENT CARD EVENT CARD EVENT CARD EVENT CARD z z yi yi m $ a c A / % h 1 % 4 h 15/ P 4% /e l s l / e5 A l 5es P A iw A 4/ r c ho r / e % 2 P P/ 4 5/ P / % e% P/ / 4 5 P % Pe54 2 P jw Ah r 4P 5 c P/ A /4 5 r % 4 l / e5% P/ 5 $ t s iw % /2 4 4 P I! Ar P/ 5P /4 5 o $ A p m z yi yi m EVENT CARD EVENT CARD EVENT CARD EVENT CARD EVENT CARD EVENT CARD B MIT OpenCourseWare http://ocw.mit.edu 11.127J / CMS.590J / CMS.836J / 11.252J Computer Games and Simulations for Education and Exploration Spring 2015 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: http://ocw.mit.edu/terms.