10 HR Reporter- Vcj..ITe21 J'rb.3 Employee policies Companies must be prepared to deal with relationships in the workplace By Paul Sweeney could lead to claims of sexual harassThe increasing economic presment. However.because of untested sures on employees to spend more legal issues under some state law. time at work to make ends meet has such as California. there is very little raised employer concerns about reauthority on the legality of lations hips in the workplace. nonfratemization policies. It is unWith the natural proclivity of clear how the courts will rule upon people who work together to become them when a termination based upon mends. the desireto spend time with such a policy is directly challenged. mends outside of the office, and the On the one hand, for example. socializing that takes place after work there is comfort for the employer in hours. it is not surprising that rothe appellate decision in Crosier u. mantic relationships develop. UnUnited Parcel Seroice. Inc.. which derstanding this. employers must be affinned a termination of a superviprepared to face the consequencesof sor for violating an unwritten comthe relationships in the workplace. pany policy proscribing social relaFor example, tionships between there is the possiAbout the author management and bility that even good Paul Sweeney is managnonmanagement romantic relationingpartnerofthe LosAngeles employees. ships among emoffice of Kirkpatrick & On the other ployees will distract Lockhart LLP. a nationwide hand. statutes like people from working lawfirmcomprisingmorethan Labor Code Section to their full capac700attorneys.For more infor96 (k) that prohibit ity. Moreover, when mation, contact Sweeney at an employer from the relationships (310) 552-5055 or visit disciplining an emturn bad, the comwww.kl.com.. ployeefor.lawfulconpany could find itduct occUlTing durself as a scapegoatdefending claims ing nonworidng hours away from the for not having taken steps to proemployer's premises. could sound hibit conduct that resulted in althe death knell for such policies. leged injury. such as a sexual harassment claim, Aware of these Bottom line potential problems. employers are It i s necessary t 0 bal ance indi constantly attempting to balance employees' rights to privacy concerning their personal relationships with the best interests of the busi- vidual freedoms with the right of the empI oyer t 0 m atn tain a s.afie. pro- d uc ti ve an d co nfli c t -e fre wor k en vi - Nonfraternization policies Establishing policies that prohibit romantic relationships among employees, commonly know as nonfratemization policies. are an approprlate way to limit romantic relationships among supervisors and subordinates. Such policies avoid misunderstandings, diminished productivity and complaints of favorit- ronment .means, If it pennitting th e employer to tenninate a worker who has been previously warned about engaging in certain conduct, then employersmust be granted that kind of discretion. As long as employers articulate the reasons for the policy, identify clearly the conduct that is prohibited, and set forth the consequences of violating the policy, employers' business judgment policies in establishing nonfraternization should ism, and discourage conduct that withstand legal challenge. . ness. Copyright @ 2004 by LRP Publications -Reproduction 0741-6997/04/$2 + $1.50 .~ tv Prohibited .i,;, "",'