MICROBIAL AND GEOCHEMICAL PROCESSES CONTROLLING THE OXIDATION AND REDUCTION OF ARSENIC IN SOILS by Deanne Christine Masur A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Land Rehabilitation MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana April 2007 © COPYRIGHT by Deanne Christine Masur 2007 All Rights Reserved ii APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Deanne Christine Masur This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the Division of Graduate Education. Dr. William P. Inskeep Approved for the Department of Land Resources and Environmental Science Dr. Jon M. Wraith Approved for the Division of Graduate Education Dr. Carl A. Fox iii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements of a master’s degree at Montana State University - Bozeman, I agree that the Library shall make it available to borrow under the rules of the Library. If I have indicated my intention to copyright this thesis by including a copyright notice page, copying is allowable only for scholarly purposes, consistent with the “fair use” as prescribed in the U.S. Copyright Law. Requests for permission for extended quotation from or reproduction of this thesis in whole or in parts may be granted only by the copyright holder. Deanne Christine Masur April 2007 iv The work herein is dedicated to my future children. “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when dreams come true there is life and joy.” - Proverbs 13:12 v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I thank foremost my funding sources: the National Science Foundation, the United States Department of Agriculture-National Research Initiative and the Thermal Biology Institute for making my work possible and keeping change in my pocket. I also thank Dr. Bill Inskeep, Dr. Tim McDermott and Dennis Neuman for their support and guidance as committee members. For their advice, assistance in obtaining data or keeping instrumentation running, many thanks go to: Galena Ackerman, Kim Ackerson, Julie Armstrong, Mary Bateson, Seth D’Imperio, Natsuko Hamamura, John Heine, Sarah Korf, Mark Kozubal, Dr. Corrine Lehr, Dr. Rich Macur, Joe Martin, Erica Miller, Amanda Nagy, Katie Schultz, Peyton Taylor, and Stacie Zellin. I thank my wonderful friends and family for their comfort and willing ears throughout this endeavor, particularly my fiancé, Andrew, who also contributed countless proofreads and “whip cracks”. Also thanks to my parents, though I am fairly certain they did not fully understand my thesis topic to the bitter end, they nonetheless always supported my work and were proud of my every accomplishment. Lastly, I am thankful for the fortitude afforded me by our heavenly Father to continue the pursuit of this achievement. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................................. viii LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................. ix ABSTRACT............................................................................................................................. xi 1. REVIEW OF PERTINENT LITERATURE .........................................................................1 History and Usage................................................................................................................. 1 Human Toxicity .................................................................................................................... 2 Arsenic Chemistry ................................................................................................................ 6 Microbial Interactions........................................................................................................... 8 Arsenite Oxidation ............................................................................................................ 9 Arsenate Reduction......................................................................................................... 10 Multiplicity and Ubiquity of Arsenic Transforming Mechanisms ................................. 14 Soil Arsenic Contamination................................................................................................ 17 Summary and Project Goals ............................................................................................... 20 2. EFFECTS OF ARSENIC PRESSURE ON MICROBIAL DIVERSITY AND AS-REDOX CAPABILITY..................................................................................23 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 23 Materials and Methods ....................................................................................................... 26 Soil Collection and Chemical Characterization.............................................................. 26 Column Experiments ...................................................................................................... 27 Cultivation and Characterization of Pure-culture Isolates .............................................. 31 Molecular Analysis of Column Soils and Isolate DNA Extracts.................................... 33 Amplification of Arsenite Oxidase Gene Fragments...................................................... 35 Results and Discussion ....................................................................................................... 35 Column Experiments ...................................................................................................... 35 Isolate Cultivation........................................................................................................... 39 Molecular Analysis ......................................................................................................... 45 Arsenite Oxidase Gene Amplification ............................................................................ 48 Conclusions and Implications............................................................................................. 50 3. INHIBITION OF MICROBIAL ARSENATE REDUCTION BY PHOSPHATE .................................................................................................................53 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 53 Materials and Methods ....................................................................................................... 59 Isolate Selection and Preparation.................................................................................... 59 Liquid Culture Experiments............................................................................................ 60 vii TABLE OF CONTENTS - CONTINUED Isolate Confirmation through Full-Length Sequencing .................................................. 61 Amplification of arsC mRNA transcripts....................................................................... 62 Results and Discussion ....................................................................................................... 62 Effects of Phosphate on Microbial Oxidation of Arsenite.............................................. 62 Effects of Phosphate on Microbial Reduction of Arsenate............................................. 63 Effects of Phosphate on Cell Growth in the Presence of High Arsenic.......................... 66 Possible Mechanisms Controlling Phosphate Inhibition of Arsenate Reduction ........... 71 Conclusions and Implications............................................................................................. 76 4. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................79 Summary of Problem.......................................................................................................... 79 Summary of Objectives and Conclusions........................................................................... 80 Implications of the Current Work....................................................................................... 82 LITERATURE CITED ............................................................................................................86 APPENDICES .........................................................................................................................95 APPENDIX A: SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL FOR CHAPTER 2.................................96 APPENDIX B: SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL FOR CHAPTER 3 ...............................124 APPENDIX C: PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS OF SOIL SAMPLES COLLECTED FROM ANACONDA-DEER LODGE COUNTY, MONTANA .............158 viii LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1.1. Various primary gene products of known ars operons ..................................................11 2.1. Physical and chemical characteristics of Amsterdam soil used in column experiments. ..................................................................................................................27 2.2. Chemical composition of soil solution media (SSM) used in column experiments. ..................................................................................................................28 2.3A. Pure cultures of bacteria isolated from columns receiving 2 mg L-1 (26.7 µM) of either arsenite or arsenate. .......................................................................41 2.3B. Pure cultures of bacteria isolated from columns receiving 20 mg L-1 (267 µM) of either arsenite or arsenate. ........................................................................42 2.3C. Pure cultures of bacteria isolated from columns receiving 200 mg L-1 (2.7 mM) of either arsenite or arsenate. ........................................................................43 2.3D. Pure cultures of bacteria isolated from columns withstanding no As pressure..........................................................................................................................44 2.4. Potentially dominant microbial populations within column treatments based on 16S rRNA DGGE banding patterns and co-migrating cultivars. ........................................................................................................................47 3.1. Concentrations of phosphate and arsenic, and corresponding P:As ratios used in experiments to examine effects of phosphate on either the oxidation of arsenite or the reduction of arsenate. ........................................................61 3.2. Calculated kinetic values for three known arsenate-reducing isolates (Agrobacterium str. 5B, Arthrobacter str. S6 and Bacillus str. S18) based on Michaelis-Menten modeling. .........................................................................76 ix LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1.1. Patient with hyperkeratosis on feet from arsenic exposure in West Bengal, India. .....................................................................................................................3 1.2. Degree of arsenic contamination in groundwater and where affected citizens have been identified in districts of West Bengal and Bangladesh. .......................4 1.3. Degree of arsenic contamination in groundwater of the United States. .............................5 1.4. Modes of cell arsenic uptake and extrusion using E. coli as an example. ..........................7 1.5. Microbiological components of the global arsenic cycle. ................................................17 2.1. Polycarbonate column apparatus used in As transformation experiments showing placement of two ceramic lysimeters (sampling ports). ....................................30 2.2. Arrangement of column experiment. ................................................................................31 2.3. Percent of total soluble arsenic present as arsenite (gray) or arsenate (black) as a function of time in columns amended with 2 mg L-1 (26.7 µM) of either arsenite or arsenate.....................................................................................36 2.4. Percent of total soluble arsenic present as arsenite (gray) or arsenate (black) as a function of time in columns amended with 20 mg L-1 (267 µM) of either arsenite or arsenate.....................................................................................38 2.5. Percent of total soluble arsenic present as arsenite (gray) or arsenate (black) as a function of time in columns amended with 200 mg L-1 (2.7 mM) of either arsenite or arsenate....................................................................................39 2.6. Representative co-migration using DGGE of short fragment 16S rDNA sequences from two isolates compared to environmental DGGE bands from the 200 mg L-1 (2.7 mM) arsenate-treated column from which they were isolated.....................................................................................................................48 2.7. Phylogenetic tree of selected, deduced prokaryotic amino acid sequences of the large subunit of the aerobic bacterial arsenite oxidase (AroA-like). .....................50 3.1. Percent of arsenite relative to total As plotted as a function of time in experiments containing arsenite-oxidizing strains (A) Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5A, and (B) Variovorax sp. str. RM1, each subjected to five phosphate:arsenite ratios. ..........................................................................................64 x LIST OF FIGURES - CONTINUED Figure Page 3.2. Percent of arsenate relative to total As plotted as a function of time in experiments containing arsenate–reducing strains (A) Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5B, (B) Arthrobacter sp. str. S6 and (C) Bacillus sp. str. S18, each subjected to five phosphate:arsenate ratios......................................................65 3.3. Oxidation of arsenite by arsenite-oxidizing strains (A) Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5A and (B) Variovorax sp. str. RM1 in the presence of 1000 µM As......................................................................................................................68 3.4. Reduction of arsenate by arsenate-reducing isolates (A) Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5B, (B) Arthrobacter sp. str. S6 and (C) Bacillus sp. str. S18 at high levels of arsenate (1000 µM) and the effects of elevated phosphate (1000 µM) on arsenate reduction. ...................................................................69 3.5. Effect of 1000 µM As on cell vitality and ameliorating effects of elevated phosphate (1000 µM). ......................................................................................................70 3.6. Expression of the arsenate reductase gene, arsC, in Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5B as a function of time (0 – 24 hours) and phosphate concentration (50 and 1000 µM). .....................................................................................71 xi ABSTRACT Arsenic (As) is a common contaminant in soil-water systems, where it exists predominately as arsenate (AsV) or arsenite (AsIII), the latter of which is considered to be the more mobile and toxic form. The amount of arsenite or arsenate in natural water systems is influenced by geochemical conditions and the presence of As transforming microorganisms. Consequently, the goals of this study were to evaluate the effects of: (i) arsenic concentration on microbial populations responsible for As oxidation-reduction in a previously uncontaminated soil, and (ii) phosphate:arsenic ratio on the oxidation or reduction of arsenic. Laboratory column experiments were conducted to evaluate the influence of soil arsenic concentration on microbial community composition and to identify microorganisms and mechanisms responsible for As transformations occurring under aerobic conditions. Indigenous microorganisms within a previously uncontaminated agricultural soil were exposed to arsenite or arsenate at three concentrations (2, 20 and 200 mg As L-1) for approximately 30 days. Near complete biotic oxidation of arsenite (>96%) was observed in 2 and 20 mg As L-1 treatment columns. Results indicated that the net transformation in this soil was arsenite-oxidation; however, the addition of 200 mg arsenite L-1 inhibited oxidation. Sixty-two microorganisms were isolated from the columns; however, 43 of these were arsenate-reducers, and only 1 organism was capable of arsenite oxidation. Results of this study suggest that As perturbation of a previously uncontaminated soil does not significantly decrease microbial diversity and that cultivation techniques may be biased toward arsenatereducing microorganisms. Phosphate is a chemical analog to arsenate and may inhibit microbial uptake of arsenate, thus preventing its reduction to arsenite. Five selected microorganisms isolated from As-treated soil columns or from As-impacted soils near Anaconda, MT were used to evaluate the effects of phosphate on arsenate-reduction and arsenite-oxidation. Cultures were initially spiked with various P:As ratios, incubated for approximately 48 hours, and analyzed periodically for arsenate and arsenite. Arsenate reduction was inhibited at high P:As ratios, but only at elevated levels of phosphate (500 and 1000 µM). This work supports that land application of phosphate could minimize microbiological reduction of arsenate to arsenite, thus reducing As bioavailability. 1 1. REVIEW OF PERTINENT LITERATURE Arsenic (As) is a naturally occurring and ubiquitous element in soils, sediments and natural waters, ultimately originating from igneous rock (Cullen and Reimer, 1989). Arsenic is the twentieth most abundant element in the earth’s crust with an average concentration of 2-3 mg kg-1 (Francesconi and Kuehnelt, 2002). Typical background concentrations of arsenic in surface soils vary worldwide (0.1 – 1000 mg kg-1), and concentrations exceeding 100 mg kg-1 are generally associated with anthropogenic inputs from a variety of possible sources including irrigation with high-As containing surface or ground water, combustion of coal, mining and smelting processes, and the application of arsenic-based pesticides (Cervantes et al., 1994; Mukhopadhyay et al., 2002; Belluck et al., 2003). History and Usage The use of arsenic in art, medicine, and chemistry has been documented since as early as the Bronze Age (Nriagu, 2002). The brilliant white, yellow and orange colors of various arsenic minerals were often used as pigments in paints, and its mica-like luster made arsenic mixtures desirable for coating mirrors and statues and producing gold-colored paintings and texts. Arsenic was adopted in cultural medicine as early as 1550 B.C. when it was used to treat maladies ranging from sore throat to leprosy. Its use continued to grow in scope through its peak in the nineteenth century when Nriagu (2002) documents that in Western cultures “every major disease known was being subjected to arsenotherapy.” By this era, arsenic also became prevalent as a pesticide in agriculture and livestock operations and its 2 use as a wood preservative became common a few decades later. Even today, arsenic is in use globally, including the United States, in medicine, agriculture and commercial enterprise. Medicinally, an arsenic trioxide derivative called Trisenox is an intravenous therapeutic currently recommended for treating some forms of cancer (Silver et al., 2002). In agriculture, organoarsenicals (primarily roxarsone) remain a common feed additive for broilers to enhance chicken growth and to moderate common diseases such as coccidiosis (Silver et al., 2002; Oremland and Stolz, 2003; Stolz et al., 2007). In industry, chromated copper arsenic (CCA) is currently a primary wood preservative in the U.S., and a 2003 estimate suggested it could be found in 90% of all outdoor wooden structures (Nriagu, 2002; Belluck et al., 2003). However, according to the U.S. EPA (2006b), CCA treated lumber has been phased out for residential use since 2004. Human Toxicity Since antiquity, arsenic has also been a known lethal toxin; the word itself is a derivative of the Greek term arsenikon, which literally means “potent” (Nriagu, 2002). According to the U.S. EPA (2006a), symptoms of chronic arsenic poisoning range from debilitating (nausea, diarrhea, skin discoloration, wart-like skin lesions [Figure 1.1], partial paralysis and loss of vision) to fatal (cancer of the bladder, lungs, skin, kidney, nasal passages, liver, and prostate). Conversely, arsenic has been suggested to have “an essential or beneficial function in ultra trace amounts,” that is between 12 and 50 µg kg-1, in some animal species, namely rats, chickens, and goats (NRC, 2005). However, arsenic has been used for centuries as a human poison; in fact, before 1836 when adequate low-level arsenic detection methods were 3 available, arsenic trioxide acquired the nickname “inheritance powder” - a reference to the extent to which it was used homicidally by greedy heirs (Nriagu, 2002; Oremland and Stolz, 2003). More recently, environmental health issues related to arsenic have been associated primarily with soil and water contamination. Figure 1.1. Patient with hyperkeratosis on feet from arsenic exposure in West Bengal, India. (Reproduced from Chowdhury et al., 2000.) In the last decade, arsenic has gained heightened global attention as a result of high concentrations in drinking water supplies of many countries including Japan, China, India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Mongolia, Taiwan, Argentina, Chile, Mexico and the United States (Fazal et al., 2001; Nordstrom, 2002). The most extensive problems have occurred in Bangladesh and West Bengal (Figure 1.2). Conservative estimates indicate that 21 million citizens have been exposed to concentrations above Bangladesh’s current As standard (0.05 mg L-1), although the number of exposed may be closer to 40 million (Fazal et al., 2001). This “arsenic epidemic” began in the 1970s when the predominant source of drinking water for rural Bangladesh switched from surface ponds to groundwater tubewells in an attempt to 4 mitigate high infant mortality rates caused by water-borne diseases such as cholera. However, in 1993 the Department of Public Heath Engineering discovered high concentrations of As in the well-drawn water, and by the time the discovery was made, thousands of citizens were already suffering from arsenic-related illnesses (World Bank, 1999; Fazal et al., 2001). Although it is widely accepted that the source of arsenic is from naturally occurring sedimentary deposits, significant research has explored the chemical and hydrologic processes controlling As fate and transport in these systems, and numerous relief efforts have focused on low-cost technologies for removal of As from family and community drinking water sources (World Bank, 1999; Hoque et al., 2000; Fazal et al., 2001). West Bengal Bangladesh Figure 1.2. Degree of arsenic contamination in groundwater and where affected citizens have been identified in districts of West Bengal and Bangladesh. (Modified from Chowdhury et al., 2000.) 5 The visibility of the As water quality crisis in southeast Asia stimulated renewed calls by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the U.S. to lower its drinking water standard and in January 2001 the United States officially lowered the standard for arsenic from 50 µg L-1 to 10 µg L-1 (Smith et al., 2002). The new drinking water criterion took effect in February 2006 (US EPA, 2006a) and has serious financial implications for many industries, including agricultural and mining enterprises and municipalities responsible for water treatment as U.S. groundwater arsenic concentrations often exceed 10 µg L-1 (Figure 1.3) (Ryker, 2001). The potential detriment to environmental and human health and the financial implications of arsenic contamination provide impetus for understanding factors controlling the speciation and transport of arsenic in soil and natural waters. Figure 1.3. Degree of arsenic contamination in groundwater of the United States. (Reproduced from Ryker, 2001.) 6 Arsenic Chemistry Arsenic is a group V metalloid that naturally exists in approximately 150 minerals, is generally associated with mineralized deposits high in sulfide, and as a minor component in other metal sulfides of Cu, Au, Ag, Zn, Sb and Fe. The three predominant arsenic sulfides are realgar (arsenic disulfide, As2S2), orpiment (arsenic tri-sulfide, As2S3) and arsenopyrite (ferrous arsenic sulfide, FeAsS) (Fazal et al., 2001; Oremland and Stolz, 2003). Arsenic is observed predominantly in four oxidation states: As-III (arsine), As0 (elemental arsenic), AsIII (arsenite), and AsV (arsenate). The latter two are the most commonly observed oxidation states in soil environments. Of these, arsenate is predicted to be the most common under aerobic conditions, whereas arsenite predominates in anaerobic environments (Sadiq, 1997; Oremland and Stolz, 2003). Most soil environments typically have pH values between 5.5 and 8 (Winegardner, 1995). This range coupled with known pKa values of various arsenic species suggest that, in soil environments, H3AsO30 (pKa = 9.2) is the primary arsenite species observed, whereas H2AsO4- (pKa = 7.0) and HAsO4-2 (pKa = 11.5) are both present as predominant arsenate species (Cullen and Reimer, 1989). Arsenate and arsenite have extremely different chemical properties and exhibit different toxicological and environmental properties. Consequently, chemical speciation can play an important role controlling the fate and transport of As in soil and water environments. The inorganic chemistry of arsenate is analogous to phosphate, thus microorganisms have difficulty distinguishing the toxin from the structurally-related essential nutrient. Consequently, arsenate is generally taken up by cells via phosphate transporters within the cell membrane (Figure 1.4) (Mukhopadhyay et al., 2002; Oremland and Stolz, 2003). 7 Arsenate can prove lethal when substituted for phosphate in metabolic processes such as oxidative phosphorylation, the primary method of energy generation for most microorganisms (Oremland and Stolz, 2003). In soil environments, arsenate generally sorbs more strongly and to a greater variety of minerals making it less mobile and less bioavailable than arsenite. Figure 1.4. Modes of cell arsenic uptake and extrusion using E. coli as an example. Pit and the three-component PstB, PstC, and PhoS are phosphate transporters capable of arsenate uptake. GlpF is a glycerol transport protein capable of arsenite transport. ArsC (cytoplasmic arsenate reductase) and ArsAB (membrane-associated arsenite efflux proteins) are employed in arsenic detoxification (reproduced from Mukhopadhyay et al., 2002). Arsenite is considerably more toxic to microorganisms than arsenate (Tamaki and Frankenberger, 1992; Qin et al., 2006). One study indicates that arsenite is also five times more likely to cause chromosome damage to human cells than arsenate, and exposure to arsenite reduced human cell growth by a factor of approximately ten over the pentavalent form (Nakamuro and Sayato, 1981). Arsenite is uncharged at pH values below 9.2 and is able to enter cells through universal aqua-glyceroporins embedded in the cell membrane 8 (Rosen, 2002) (Figure 1.4). The mechanism of arsenite toxicity involves binding with the sulfhydryl groups of many cell proteins, often incapacitating their function (Mukhopadhyay et al., 2002; Oremland and Stolz, 2003). Microbial Interactions Early Earth (the first 50 million years of existence) was thought to be such an intensely volcanic environment that outgassing is thought to have caused the formation of the atmosphere an estimated 200 million years after Earth’s creation (Allègre et al., 1986). Volcanic gaseous emissions are known to contain noteworthy concentrations of arsenic (Stoiber, 1995); consequently, this trace element was likely an important component of Earth’s early environment. In the reducing atmosphere of prehistoric Earth, arsenite would have likely been the predominant form of arsenic, thus arsenite pumps are thought to have developed early in the evolution of microorganisms as a detoxification mechanism (Mukhopadhyay et al., 2002). Later in the evolutionary history of prokaryotes, the first cyanobacteria are thought to have introduced oxygen into the atmosphere approximately 2.7 billion years ago (Kasting and Catling, 2003), allowing for possible abiotic oxidation of arsenite to arsenate. In response, microorganisms are thought to have adapted arsenate reductases (Silver et al., 2002; Mukhopadhyay et al., 2002) as a mechanism for reducing arsenate to arsenite, which could then be extruded by arsenite efflux pumps. The concept of a bacterial arsenic resistance mechanism was first proposed based on work regarding plasmid-encoded Staphylococcus aureus arsenic resistance (Novick and Roth, 1968). Subsequent research has shown that numerous phylogenetically distinct 9 microorganisms possess an arsenic resistance mechanism encoded either chromosomally or in a plasmid. Currently, the best understood mechanisms of microbial As transformation include detoxification (one for AsIII oxidation and one for AsV reduction), chemolithotrophic AsIII oxidation, and dissimilatory AsV reduction. Arsenite Oxidation The first concrete evidence of bacterial arsenite oxidation dates to 1918 when the first arsenite-oxidizing bacterium, Bacillus arsenoxidans, was isolated from a cattle-dipping solution in South Africa (Green, 1918). Since that discovery, at least 22 additional genera (including members of Bacteria and Archaea) have been shown to oxidize arsenite (Ehrlich, 2002; Oremland and Stolz, 2003; Macur et al., 2004; Inskeep et al., 2007). Although the oxidation of arsenite with oxygen as an electron acceptor is highly exergonic (Rxn 1.1; Santini et al., 2000; Inskeep et al., 2005), there have only been a few microorganisms characterized that are capable of growth using arsenite as a sole electron donor (Santini et al., 2000; Ehrlich, 2002; Oremland et al., 2002; Santini and vanden Hoven, 2004). 2H3AsO3 + O2 Æ HAsO42- + H2AsO4- + 3H+ (∆G0 = -256 kJ mol-1) (Rxn 1.1) Though the majority of arsenite-oxidizing microorganisms do not appear to gain energy from arsenite oxidation, evidence has been obtained for several heterotrophic organisms that arsenite oxidases play a role in increased As resistance via detoxification (Muller et al., 2003; Macur, et al., 2004). All currently known aerobic arsenite oxidases appear to share a similar protein structure containing two sub-units: a Mo-pterin protein and a Rieske Fe-S protein (Ellis et al., 2001; Muller et al., 2003; Santini and vanden Hoven, 2004; Inskeep et al., 2007). 10 The only arsenite oxidase crystal structure characterized to date is from the heterotrophic organism, Alcaligenes faecalis (Anderson et al., 1992; Ellis et al., 2001). This protein is located in the periplasm between the inner and outer membranes and is composed of one large (825 amino acid) molybdopterin (Mo-pterin) subunit consisting of a single Mo held between two pterin cofactors and an iron-sulfur (3Fe-4S) cluster and one small (134 amino acid) Rieske-like subunit also composed of an iron-sulfur (2Fe-2S) cluster (Ellis et al., 2001). The oxidation reaction is speculated to occur as arsenite binds to the Mo center of the large subunit, where arsenite transfers its two lone electrons to MoVI, temporarily forming MoIV before the electrons are passed through the two iron-sulfur clusters to the periplasmic proteins cytochrome c and azurin, which act as terminal electron acceptors. In the process, the arsenate produced dissociates from the Mo group; although arsenic is still present in the periplasm, it is in a less detrimental form. Arsenate Reduction Microbial detoxification of arsenate is mediated by arsenate reductases (ArsC) that are encoded by arsC of the ars operon. These arsenate reductases are categorically and structurally different than arsenate reductases important in mediating the dissimilatory reduction of arsenate in anaerobic respiration (see below), and act to reduce arsenate to arsenite in the cytoplasm, which is then extruded from the cell via an arsenite efflux pump (ArsB). The arrangement of the ars operon varies among microorganisms, but can contain up to five genes, which encode for various protein function (Table 1.1). Generally, the operon begins with arsR, which encodes for a transcriptional regulator, followed by arsB, an arsenite efflux pump encoder, and concludes with the arsenate reductase gene, arsC (Silver et 11 al., 2002). All arsR regulator genes known to date appear closely related and can be induced by arsenate, arsenite, antimonite, and bismuth. Several families of arsB genes exist though all appear functionally similar. They encode a membrane efflux pump which extrudes both arsenite and antimonite from the cell and is driven by membrane potential. Two main families of arsC genes have been characterized, though both encode for a small cytoplasmic protein that reduces arsenate to arsenite. The primary difference between the families lies in their electron source. One family, exemplified by the well studied E. coli plasmid R773, uses both reduced glutathione and glutaredoxin as electron donors while the other family, typified by the S. aureus plasmid pI258, uses thioredoxin as an electron donor (Silver et al., 2002; Mukhopadhyay et al., 2002). In both cases, ATP is required for reducing arsenate via this mechanism. Table 1.1. Various primary gene products of known ars operons (Mukhopadhyay et al., 2002; Silver et al., 2002; Oremland and Stoltz, 2003). Protein Function ArsA soluble ATPase subunit of the AsIII efflux pump; interacts with ArsB to convert to an ATP driven efflux pump ArsB membrane AsIII efflux pump; removes AsIII from cytoplasm ArsC arsenate reductase; mediates cytoplasmic reduction of AsV to AsIII ArsD small secondary transcriptional regulator; proposed to regulate arsB expression ArsH undetermined ArsR transcriptional regulator In addition to these essential ars genes, two others (arsD and arsA) have been found most often inserted between the arsR and arsB genes. The arsD gene encodes for a small 12 secondary transcriptional regulator protein and has not been studied extensively. In fact, only six arsD genes have been discovered, though it is suggested they all function to repress the overexpression of ArsB, which could be toxic to the cell in large quantities (Silver et al., 2002). Interestingly, all arsD genes have been found in combination with arsA, which encodes a protein that complexes with the ArsB efflux pump and converts it to an ATPhydrolysis driven ArsAB complex pump for more efficient arsenite extrusion from the cell (Mukhopadhyay et al., 2002; Silver et al., 2002). The presence of arsAD appears to be exclusive to plasmids of gram-negative bacteria. Further gene additions to the ars operon of specific organisms have also been documented, though the function of these genes are yet undetermined. For instance, arsH is part of both the plasmid-encoded Yersinia and chromosome-encoded Acidothiobacillus ferrooxidans ars operon and orf2 is a component of the Bacillus subtilis chromosomal operon (Mukhopadhyay et al., 2002; Silver et al., 2002). While the three-gene arsRBC and five-gene arsRDABC arrangements are the bestcharacterized ars operons, variation is common, including shuffled gene arrangement and even separate transcription. Furthermore, in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the arsB and arsC genes are fused and the existence of two separate sequence-unrelated arsC genes has been discovered in Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Mukhopadhyay et al., 2002). The gene-structure of the ars operon may also differ within a single microorganism based on the loci of the operon. For example, the E. coli chromosomal ars operon includes arsB, arsC and arsR genes while its plasmid, R733, contains these three plus arsD and arsR (Oremland and Stolz, 2003). In short, while the ars operon is diverse in structure, its function across disparate phyla is largely conserved. 13 The other predominant mechanism responsible for the reduction of arsenate to arsenite is dissimilatory reduction. This mechanism involves a membrane-bound arsenate reductase that uses arsenate as a terminal electron acceptor coupled to an electron donor to support anaerobic respiration (Saltikov and Newman, 2003). It appears that all known arsenaterespirers are facultative arsenate-reducers, capable of using one or more alternate electron acceptors, with the most common alternative being nitrate (Stolz and Oremland, 1999; Macy and Santini, 2002). The vast majority of arsenate-respirers have been isolated using lactate as the electron donor (Macy and Santini, 2002; Oremland and Stolz, 2003). Dissimilatory reduction is mediated by a two-gene (arrA and arrB) cluster (Saltikov and Newman, 2003), and the structure of the respiratory arsenate reductase (Arr) appears to be highly conserved across disparate phyla, as suggested by the similarity of three characterized reductases in Chrysiogenes arsenatis (Macy and Santini, 2002), Bacillus selenitireducens (Afkar et al., 2003) and Shewanella sp. str. ANA-3 (Saltikov and Newman, 2003). Dissimilatory arsenate reductases appear to be membrane-associated and consist of a large (ArrA) molybdenum containing subunit and a small (ArrB) subunit composed of several iron-sulfur clusters. The large Mo-pterin sub-unit (ArrA) is also a member of the DMSO reductase family and is related to the Mo-pterin sub-units of aerobic arsenite oxidases (AsoA/AroA/AoxB) (Saltikov and Newman, 2003; Inskeep et al., 2007). The mechanism by which this reductase reduces arsenate while harvesting energy is still not clearly understood nor is the physiological function of the two reductase subunits clear, though both were shown to be required for arsenate respiration (Saltikov and Newman, 2003). 14 Microbial arsenate reduction via detoxification may play a greater role than dissimilatory reduction in transforming arsenate to arsenite in phylogenetically diverse soil environments (Inskeep et al., 2002). The reasoning behind this hypothesis is that soil arsenate concentrations are generally insufficient to support significant growth of microbial populations utilizing arsenate as the dominant electron acceptor. Moreover, the dissimilatory arsenate reducing organisms isolated to date are strict anaerobes or microaerophiles (Oremland et al., 1994; Macy et al., 1996; Blum et al., 1998); consequently, this mechanism is only expected to be important when levels of oxygen are depleted. Given that arsC genes appear widely distributed throughout the prokaryotic domains, numerous soil microorganisms are likely capable of arsenate reduction via this mechanism. Indeed, the reduction of arsenate to arsenite has often been documented in highly oxic environments and in fully aerobic pure cultures (Jones et al., 2000; Macur et al., 2001) where dissimilatory reduction is not occurring. Multiplicity and Ubiquity of Arsenic Transforming Mechanisms Several microorganisms have been shown to be capable of transforming arsenic via several of the aforementioned possible mechanisms depending on the environmental conditions. For instance, Thermus sp. str. HR 13 has the ability to oxidize arsenite via presumed detoxification in aerobic conditions, while generating energy by reducing arsenate as its electron acceptor in anaerobic environments (Oremland and Stolz, 2003). Another study (Macur et al., 2004) identified two Agrobacterium tumefaciens-like isolates with an identical 16S rDNA sequence (across 1400 bp); however, under aerobic conditions one isolate exhibited arsenite oxidation (str. 5A) and the other isolate was capable only of 15 arsenate reduction under aerobic conditions (str. 5B). Interestingly, a putative arsC gene was identified in both strains; however, isolate 5A was not capable of arsenate reduction (Macur et al., 2004). The oxidizing strain was also shown to possess an arsenite oxidase operon (aoxSRAB); transposon mutagenesis not only resulted in the loss of arsenite-oxidizing capability, but also revealed that isolate 5A now had the ability to reduce arsenate (Kashyap et al., 2006). Therefore, it is hypothesized that A. tumefaciens str. 5A is capable of simultaneous arsenite oxidation and arsenate reduction, but the oxidation rate exceeds that of reduction yielding a net arsenite oxidizing phenotype (Kashyap et al., 2006). Previous research further supports that microorganisms with the ability to oxidize arsenite and/or reduce arsenate coexist within localized areas and are ubiquitous across myriad soil environments (Jackson and Dugas, 2003; Macur et al., 2004; Inskeep et al., 2007). Arsenic resistance mechanisms similar to those found in bacteria also appear to be present in yeast, plants and animals (Silver et al., 2002). Currently, it is unknown what role detoxification plays versus energy generation in controlling the speciation of As in natural environments, or what soil conditions may shift the net microbial transformation towards AsIII or AsV. Certainly, anaerobiosis will generally result in the production of arsenite, and microbial oxidation of arsenite to arsenate is likely in aerobic environments (Oremland and Stoltz, 2003). Yet, there has not been sufficient progress in assessing relative contributions of detoxification versus energy generation pathways in controlling arsenic speciation in natural systems. The methylation of arsenic is also an important component of the global As cycle. Like ars operons, the genes responsible for methylation, arsM, are often located downstream of an 16 arsR transcriptional regulator gene, suggesting the evolutionary purpose of arsM genes was arsenic resistance. This has been disputed as the gene’s protein product, ArsM, catalyzes the transfer of methyl groups from S-adenosylmethionine to AsIII to form monomethylarsenite (MMAIII), dimethylarsenite (DMAIII) and trimethylarsine (TMAIII), which are considerably more toxic than inorganic As forms. However, it appears that MMAIII and DMAIII are nonaccumulating “transient intermediates” (Qin et al., 2006), and that TMAIII is the end product of methylation, which volatilizes to remove arsenic from the cell (i.e. As resistance). Over 140 methylase (ArsM) homologues have been identified to date in bacteria and archaea (Qin et al., 2006). The global arsenic cycle is not only defined by the aforementioned microbial transformations (Figure 1.5), but also by abiotic processes such as mineral precipitation and dissolution (Inskeep et al., 2002; Mukhopadhyay et al., 2002). However, certain sets of soil conditions may result in microbial processes that favor arsenate, the less bioavailable and mobile form. Information on factors controlling microbial transformations of arsenic in soilwater systems will be useful in meeting compliance with current arsenic health standards, and for achieving bioremediation goals for contaminated lands, such as abandoned mines. 17 Figure 1.5. Microbiological components of the global arsenic cycle. (Reproduced from Cervantes et al., 1994.) Soil Arsenic Contamination Arsenic is a leading contaminant in many soil environments worldwide with background soil levels typically varying from < 10 to 40 mg kg-1 (Belluck et al., 2003). Specific rock types naturally vary in their average As content. For example, the mean arsenic concentration in shale, igneous rock and sandstone is 13, 1.8, and 1 mg kg-1, respectively, while some sedimentary deposits, such as coal, have been found to contain 2900 mg As kg-1 (Tamaki and Frankenberger, 1992). The origin of arsenic in a specific soil is not limited to the inherent rock material, but can also emanate from adjacent water sources. Specifically, 18 As-rich geothermal water originating from Yellowstone National Park discharges to the Madison River (Madison County, Montana) yielding river water with an As concentration range of 1-4 µM. High concentrations of As in the Upper Madison River Basin may impact biota throughout the watershed. For example, it has been shown that elk herds concentrating in the upper Madison-Firehole River geothermal basins have elevated levels of As in tissues compared to elk residing in sites with low background As concentrations (Kocar et al., 2003). Contamination problems from natural arsenic sources can be further exacerbated by anthropogenic activities. For example, As-rich Madison River water is used as a primary source of irrigation for surrounding lands, thus widening the distribution of arsenic. Regional water and soil quality issues have developed as a result of these irrigation practices and several residential wells in the Madison River aquifer have revealed concentrations of As 5 to 10 times the current drinking water standard (10 µg L-1); the groundwater concentrations in this region however, may be more affected by long-term natural processes originating ultimately from the geothermal sources in Yellowstone (Jones et al., 1999). Another regionally important example of anthropogenic contamination is the aerial deposition of trace elements from smelting operations, including Cu, Zn, As, Pb and others. For example, smelters in Anaconda, Montana dealt in the milling, smelting and refining of primarily copper ore and were in operation from 1884 to 1980 (nearly one hundred years). One Anaconda smelting operation, added to the National Priorities List (NPL) in 1983, has left a legacy of soil and water Cu, As and Zn contamination that remains a significant environmental health issue decades after operations have ceased. Soil and house dust samples from residences in nearby Anaconda have been shown to contain 410 mg kg-1 and 19 170 mg kg-1 As, respectively (Freeman et al., 1995). The extent of aerial deposition was farther reaching than the adjacent town of Anaconda, and the now vacated smelter is surrounded by approximately 6,000 acres affected by solid mine waste, 13,000 acres contaminated by aerial emissions, 4,800 acres of alluvial ground water with elevated metal concentrations, and 28,600 acres of bedrock ground water that exceeds the state standards for arsenic (Jones et al., 1997; US EPA, 1998). Similar situations can be described throughout the northwestern U.S. including former smelting turned Superfund sites in Kellogg and Smelterville, ID, East Helena, MT and Sandy, UT to name a few (US EPA 2006c). Other noteworthy examples of large scale environmental As contamination from mining can be found across the U.S. and abroad. The prevalence and cost effectiveness of smelting by-products containing high arsenic fostered its use as a pesticide. The application of arsenical pesticides is another primary source of anthropogenic arsenic contamination. Prominent commercial arsenical pesticide usage began in the U.S. with Paris green (copper arsenate) in the late 1860s, followed by London purple (a calcium arsenate, arsenite, and organic matter mixture) by 1872, lead arsenate in 1892 and calcium arsenate in 1906. The next major commercial addition to the arsenical suite came in the 1940s with the introduction of synthetic organoarsenicals such as monosodium methanoarsonate (MSMA), dimethylarsenic acid (DMSA) and arsonic acid. Though these compounds are less toxic than arsenate salts, they eventually are transformed into the more toxic, inorganic forms. As such, their immense usage in the U.S. through the 1980s has contributed to elevated levels of arsenic in numerous soils (Nriagu, 2002). 20 The various sources of arsenic contamination have resulted in many sites where arsenic concentrations exceed 100 mg kg-1. In fact, Freeman et al. (1995) estimates that “in the United States alone, 100,000 to 1,000,000 hectares of current and former agricultural land contain soil As concentrations of 200 mg kg-1or more while tens of millions of hectares contain arsenic residues in the range of 20 to 30 mg kg-1.” In some instances soil concentrations exceed 1000 mg kg-1. For example, arsenical use has resulted in soil arsenic levels upwards of 2,550 mg kg-1 as measured in an orchard soil in Washington State and in Tacoma, Washington arsenic levels of approximately 3000 mg kg-1were reported in soils of property adjacent to a post-operational smelter (Belluck et al., 2003). Generally accepted methods of remediating extremely disturbed lands can be complicated by the environmental chemistry and microbiology of arsenic. Specifically, the addition of liming agents, generally in the form of CaCO3, Ca(OH)2 or CaO, or phosphate is common in acidic mine tailing environments to increase soil pH, which is conducive to both revegetation and immobilization of trace metals such as Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd. However, the pH dependence of arsenate sorption reactions is reversed relative to metal ions, and increases in pH above 8 can result in an increase in the mobility of arsenic (Jones et al., 1997; Macur et al., 2001). Therefore, it is important to understand how major environmental parameters such as pH or phosphate concentration influence the behavior and microbial transformations of arsenic. Summary and Project Goals The extent of arsenic contamination in landscapes across the globe provides significant incentive for understanding factors controlling the fate and transport of this toxic trace 21 element. The need to remediate widespread arsenic soil contamination resulting from various anthropogenic sources, treatment of arsenic in the groundwater of countries such as Bangladesh and compliance with the lowered U.S. arsenic drinking water standard represent specific examples where a thorough understanding of these factors will contribute to longterm solutions. As such, the overall goal of my project was to elucidate interactions of arsenic and indigenous soil microbial populations and to determine factors important in the microbial oxidation or reduction of arsenic in soil environments. Two detailed objectives were formulated to support this goal along with a respective hypothesis: (i) Evaluate the influence of arsenite and arsenate concentrations on microbial community composition under unsaturated (aerobic) conditions and link As redox transformations with specific microbial populations. H1. It is hypothesized that low concentrations of As contamination will not result in large reductions in microbial diversity in soils given the ubiquity of As detoxification genes. However, high concentrations of As will likely select for organisms that either are capable of As detoxification or that utilize As in energy conservation. (ii) Determine the affect of phosphate concentration on microbial arsenite oxidation and microbial arsenate reduction using known As transforming organisms. H2. It is hypothesized that high concentrations of phosphate in the soil environment may inhibit a cell’s ability to uptake arsenate (via phosphate transporters), thus preventing its reduction to arsenite through the ars operon. 22 The experiments and results obtained to address each objective are detailed in the following chapters: Chapter 2: Effects of Arsenic Pressure on Microbial Diversity and AsRedox Capability; Chapter 3: Inhibition of Microbial Arsenate Reduction by Phosphate. The final chapter is a summary of the thesis project, with additional comments on broader implications. 23 2. EFFECTS OF ARSENIC PRESSURE ON MICROBIAL DIVERSITY AND AS-REDOX CAPABILITY Introduction The fate and toxicity of As is largely dependent on its predominant valence state and chemical form. In soil environments two arsenic oxidation states dominate: AsIII (arsenite, as H3AsO30) and AsV (arsenate, as H2AsO4- and HAsO4-2) (Oremland and Stolz, 2003). Pentavalent arsenic is generally more strongly sorbed to common soil components, thus considered less mobile and bioavailable than the more reduced, trivalent form (Pierce and Moore, 1982; Xu et al., 1991). Given its neutral charge in soil environments, arsenite is able to enter cells via membrane aqua-glyceroporins (Cullen and Reimer, 1989; Winegardener, 1995; Rosen, 2002) and is toxic to cells because of its affinity to protein sulfhydryl groups (Oremland and Stolz, 2003). Conversely, arsenate is typically negatively charged in soils, therefore unable to enter non-specific membrane porins (Cullen and Reimer, 1989); however, as a chemical analog of phosphate, AsV is able to enter cells via membrane phosphate transporters (Mukhopadhyay et al., 2002; Oremland and Stolz, 2003). As a consequence of its chemical and biological similarities to phosphate, arsenate toxicity arises when substituted for phosphate in cell metabolic processes such as oxidative phosphorylation (Mukhopadhyay et al., 2002; Oremland and Stolz, 2003). The relative abundance of arsenite and arsenate in soil environments is influenced by geochemical conditions as well as a myriad of possible microbial transformations including methylation, detoxification or energy-yielding oxidation-reduction (Inskeep et al., 2002). Cultured microorganisms have been shown to possess arsenic transforming mechanisms and 24 several have multiple As regulatory pathways (Oremland and Stolz, 2003; Macur et al., 2004; Kashyap et al., 2006). Previous research further supports that microorganisms with the ability to oxidize arsenite and or reduce arsenate coexist within localized areas and are ubiquitous across myriad soil environments (Jackson and Dugas, 2003; Macur et al., 2004; Inskeep et al., 2007). While arsenate is often the predominant valence state in oxidized environments (Oremland and Stolz, 2003), microbial reduction to arsenite in aerobic or anaerobic environments is an important factor increasing the bioavailability of arsenic. The reductive dissolution of iron oxides or sulfides and resultant release of sorbed arsenic has been widely accepted as one of the primary mechanisms responsible for high arsenic concentrations in South Asian groundwater aquifers (Nickson et al., 1998; Fazal et al., 2001). The dissolution of iron oxides containing sorbed arsenic has been implicated in other cases of arsenic release in soil-water environments including the high total arsenic (>500 mg kg-1) found in sediments of Coeur d’Alene Lake (Idaho) (Harrington et al., 1998) and the elevated arsenic (up to 1100 mg kg-1) found in the hyporheic zone of Silver Bow Creek (Montana). In the Silver Bow-Clark Fork River system, over 100 million metric tons of As-rich mining waste were discharged throughout the basin, accumulating arsenic rich Fe-oxide sediments (Smith et al., 1998; Nagorski and Moore, 1999). In addition to the potential release of As via Fe-oxide dissolution, a recent study on the cause of the South Asian arsenic crisis (Polizzotto et al., 2005) put greater emphasis on sulfide dissolution as a predominant control on arsenic release. Sediment core sampling in the highly impacted central Bangladesh district revealed that arsenic-sulfides constituted the largest solid phase arsenic fraction while reactive iron oxides were, in fact, largely depleted 25 in arsenic. The study further suggested that seasonal wetting and drying periods in nearsurface sediments induced cyclic redox processes which increase sulfide weathering rates and thus arsenic release. Aqueous arsenic is then thought to be transported to well depth (~30-50 m) by lateral groundwater flow and downward migration due to recharge (Polizzotto et al., 2005). These cases illustrate the complexity of geochemical and hydrodynamic conditions that combine to control arsenic mobility. Prior work has been successful in isolating As transforming organisms that contribute to As geochemical cycling in soils and natural water systems. Salmassi et al. (2006) recently isolated Hydrogenophaga-like organisms from Hot Creek, CA sediments that were shown to be important arsenite-oxidizing organisms in this system, and it was recently shown that three arsenite-oxidizing strains of Hydrogenophaga contain an aroA-like gene (Inskeep et al., 2007). Prior work in irrigated soils of the Madison River Valley demonstrated that both arsenic oxidizers and reducers were present in the same soil system (Macur et al., 2004). Three arsenite-oxidizing organisms were isolated from this study (Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5A, Variovorax paradoxous str. RM1, and Pseudomonas fluorescens str. 3) and the arsenite oxidase of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5A was further shown to be important in the detoxification of arsenite (Kashyap et al., 2006). Earlier work by Macur et al. (2001) identified aerobic arsenate reduction as a net arsenic transforming process in a mine tailing soil. In summary, past studies clearly indicate that arsenic transforming microorganisms are important members of microbial communities present in soil-water systems. However, it is not clear what generalizations can be made at this point in time 26 regarding the organisms and factors controlling As oxidation-reduction reactions in natural environments, especially in soils where the microbial diversity is extremely high. More knowledge regarding the distribution of organisms with regulatory pathways contributing to arsenic redox transformations will be beneficial for understanding biotic processes contributing to the fate and transport of As in soils. Although previous work in As contaminated soils has shown that As transforming organisms are common, less effort has focused on the microbial community response to As perturbation in previously uncontaminated systems. Consequently, the objectives of the current work were to (i) evaluate the influence of arsenite and arsenate concentration on the resident microbial community composition of a previously non-contaminated oxic soil, and (ii) identify the organisms and mechanisms responsible for As transformations occurring under unsaturated (aerobic) soil conditions. It was hypothesized that low concentrations of As contamination would not result in large reductions in microbial diversity in soils given the ubiquity of As detoxification genes; however, high concentrations of arsenic would select for organisms that either are very efficient in detoxifying As or that utilize arsenic in energy conservation. Materials and Methods Soil Collection and Chemical Characterization The top 20 cm of a previously non-contaminated agricultural soil (Amsterdam soil series, Post Farm, Bozeman, MT) was collected, sieved (2 mm), physically and chemically characterized (Table 2.1), and stored field moist at 4oC until use. 27 Column Experiments Autoclaved polycarbonate columns (10.4 cm long, 3.48 cm diameter) were packed with a mixture of 2.4% Amsterdam soil and 97.6% sterilized quartz sand (50-70 mesh, Sigma Chemical, St. Louis, MO) for a total mass of ~153 g (bulk density ~1.52 g cm-3). The sand used in all columns, as well as the soil used in two duplicate sterile control columns were sterilized by autoclaving a 5 cm layer for 90 minutes, repeated for three consecutive days. Table 2.1. Physical and chemical characteristics of Amsterdam soil used in column experiments. NO3-N Texture Sand Silt Clay pH K EC % % % mg/kg mmhos/cm mg/kg Silty clay loam 15 49 36 6.7 474 0.19 36.7 OM % 2.15 Olsen P % H2O mg/kg 1/3 bar 44.4 25.6 Column treatments were continuously supplied with soil solution media (SSM) for approximately 57 days at room temperature. This media was used to reduce the bias inherent with glucose-based media, and to provide the resident microbial community with carbon and vitamin sources that would be common in the actual soil environment. The media was prepared by first thoroughly mixing sieved Amsterdam soil and deionized water (1:5 ratio) for approximately 6 hours at 100 oscillations min-1. Aliquots of the suspension were centrifuged at 9000 rpm for 40 minutes and the supernatant was filtered (0.2 µm) with a Gelman filter apparatus attached to a vacuum pump. Filtered media was chemically characterized (Table 2.2), then stored at -20oC until use. Inductively coupled plasma (ICP) spectrometry was employed to determine Ca, K, Fe, Mg, Na, Al, and P concentrations, while F, Cl, and SO4 concentrations were determined using ion chromatography (IC). 28 Concentrations of NH4 and NO3 were determined using a flow injection analyzer (Lachat Corp., Loveland, CO) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was determined with a Dohrmann carbon analyzer. The final solutions used for column experiments contained SSM (diluted 1:4 with triple-deionized water), and were autoclaved prior to spiking the solutions with either arsenite (as NaAsO2) or arsenate (as Na2HAsO4) to obtain three influent As concentrations (2 mg L-1, 20 mg L-1 and 200 mg L-1). Diluted, As-spiked SSM was delivered to two duplicate sterile controls and two duplicate non-sterile “treatment” columns via a continuous-flow pump set at 1.3 mL h-1 (pore water velocity = 0.64 cm h-1) in each of the three concentration experiments. Two duplicate non-sterile control columns were also included which received dilute SSM only (no As). The first experiment was conducted for 57 days; however, subsequent experiments were shortened to approximately 25 days after observations showed that arsenic transformations (i.e., arsenite oxidation or arsenate reduction) were complete by approximately 28 days. Table 2.2. Chemical composition of soil solution media (SSM) used in column experiments. A 1:4 dilution of this extract into water was prepared prior to use as influent in column studies. All dissolved constituent concentrations reported in µM. Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), Ca, Mg and NO3 are listed as the average of three separate soil:water extractions. pH 6.7 DOC 1040 Ca 318 K 136 Fe 4 Mg 145 Na 43 Al 10 NH4 NO3 P F Cl SO4 As 5 462 38 11 33 243 <0.67 The abiotic oxidation of arsenite was minimized by continuously bubbling the arsenite input solution with N2 (g) and by separating the SSM and arsenite influent components until 29 just prior to addition to columns. Unsaturated flow conditions (volumetric water content, θv = ~0.22 cm3 cm-3, ~50.9% of saturation) were maintained in the columns using a second peristaltic pump set at approximately 100 mL h-1 to draw 0.22 µm filter-sterilized air through the column via a separate inlet from that which delivered the liquid media. Flow rates were confirmed periodically by measuring column effluent volume as a function of time. Two pore-water samples per column were obtained approximately every third day throughout the experiment by drawing 1.5 mL of effluent from two separate column samplers (Figure 2.1) constructed using a 1-bar ceramic lysimeter (Soil Moisture, Goleta, CA) connected with a sterile needle and peristaltic tubing to a sterile Vacutainer vile (BD, Franklin Lakes, NJ). Two 1:10 dilutions were prepared from each port sample by adding 0.5 mL filtered (0.22 µm) sample to 4.5 mL deionized water in a 15-mL polyethylene bottle; a total of four samples were prepared per column per sampling time. One sample per port was pre-treated with sodium-borohydride to remove arsenite using the method modified from Masscheleyn et al. (1991): 1 mL of 2 M TRIS buffer (pH 6.5) was added to 5-mL filtered sample, then the buffered solution was sparged with N2 (g) while 1 mL of 3% NaBH4/0.1% NaOH was added (in 0.2 mL aliquots) over a 3 min. period, then sparged for an additional 7 min. Samples were then acidified with HCl to a final concentration of 1% (v/v) and stored at 4oC. Before analysis with hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry (HG-AAS; Varian VGA 77; Perkin Elmer 3100), samples were further diluted to within the instrument’s 2 – 30 µg L-1 linear detection range (Jones et al., 2000). For treatments receiving 2 mg L-1 (26.7 µM) and 20 mg L-1 (267 µM) arsenite or arsenate, the arsenic speciation results were essentially identical at the two column sampling positions, therefore only data from the top 30 sampling position is presented here; sampling at the lower column position was excluded in the 200 mg As L-1 (2.7 mM) experiment. Two additional treatment columns were included for experiments performed at 2 and 20 mg L-1. These columns were set-up (Figure 2.2) and sampled as described previously, but were sacrificed at various time points to monitor changes in microbial community composition potentially occurring during the ~30 d experiments. (Analytical data for columns sacrificed for molecular sampling is included in Appendix A, Figures A.1,2.) At termination, the treatment columns were disassembled, and two soil samples per port were obtained; one soil sample was stored at -80oC for molecular analysis, and the other was kept at 4oC for cultivation of As-transforming organisms. 3 cm 8 cm Figure 2.1. Polycarbonate column apparatus used in As transformation experiments showing placement of two ceramic lysimeters (sampling ports). 31 Figure 2.2. Arrangement of column experiment. Cultivation and Characterization of Pure-culture Isolates Microorganisms were cultivated from the column soil samples by adding 1 g homogenized soil to 9 mL of 10 mM NaCl. The resulting slurry was serially diluted to 10-7 and 100 mL of the three most dilute solutions were plated using a spread-plate technique on SSM media (prepared with autoclaved, concentrated SSM media containing Difco granulated agar). Colonies were picked from the SSM plates via a sterilized loop and replated on nutrient-rich R2A media plates. Isolates were subsequently replated a third time on R2A media to ensure their purification, after which, their colony morphologies were recorded (Appendix A, Tables A.1-4). DNA templates of the isolates were obtained by loop inoculating a single pure colony into a 0.2 mL tube containing 50 µL DNA-free water. Two µL of this DNA template were used in polymerase chain reactions (PCR) to amplify a 1384 bp region of the 16S rRNA gene using the Bacteria-specific Bac-8F and universal 1392R primers and the following optimized 32 thermocycler (Techne model FGENO5TP, Burlington, NJ) protocol: initial denaturing at 95oC for 8 min; 32 cycles of 95o for 1 min, 55o for 1 min and 72o for 2 min; and final extension at 72o for 10 min. PCR products were purified using the QIAquick PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen Inc., Valencia, CA) and quantified by electrophoresing 2 µL product and 2 µL Low DNA Mass Ladder (Gibco-BRL) on a 1.2% agarose gel containing ethidium bromide. Purified products were sequenced by TGen (Phoenix, AZ) and Ohio State University (Columbus, OH). Sequences were edited and aligned with Sequencer 4.2 software (Gene Codes Corporation, Ann Arbor, MI) and compared to known sequences in the GenBank database using BLAST (NCBI, Bethesda, MD). Isolates were tested for their ability to oxidize or reduce As by incubating in two duplicate 50 mL Falcon tubes containing 15 mL of autoclaved media made from 25% concentrated SSM solution (described above) and 75% Soil Solution Equivalent (SSE) media, modified as described in the Materials and Methods section of Chapter 3 to include an additional 3 mg L-1 yeast extract. Prior to isolate inoculation, media was spiked with equal amounts (2.9 mg L-1) of both arsenite and arsenate to a final concentration of 5.8 (±0.5) mg As L-1 (77 µM). Vials were incubated at 30oC while agitating at 120 rpm and were aseptically aerated periodically. To confirm that observed transformations were not abiotic, duplicate sterile control vials containing only spiked media were also included. After approximately 8 days, 3.5 mL of the suspended cell solution was extracted from each vial for optical density determination via A500 spectrometry. To confirm that vials were not contaminated, 10 µL of suspended cells were extracted from each vial at the experiment’s conclusion, plated on R2A media and evaluated for purity and consistency with colony 33 morphology prior to inoculation. Two additional 5 mL extracts were filtered (0.22 µm) and added to separate 15-mL polyethylene bottles; one sample was treated with sodiumborohydride to remove arsenite (described above). The total soluble As and arsenate only (borohydride treated) samples were 2 and 3% acidified with 12N HCl, respectively, and stored at 4oC until analysis with inductively coupled plasma (ICP) spectrometry. Isolates were assigned an As redox phenotype based on a comparison of the arsenate remaining after 8 days in treated versus control vessels. Organisms were considered ‘arsenate reducing’ if the amount of arsenate remaining was less than ~2.2 mg L-1, or ‘arsenite oxidizing’ if the arsenate remaining was greater than ~3.6 mg L-1. Consequently, isolates exhibiting arsenate values between ~2.2 and 3.6 mg L-1 were assumed to have no As-transforming capability under the growth conditions tested (see Appendix A, Tables A.5–8 for data). Molecular Analysis of Column Soils and Isolate DNA Extracts DNA was extracted from column porous media samples using the FastDNA SPIN Kit for Soil (Bio 101, Vista, CA). Both these column sample DNA extracts and the pure culture templates described previously were used to PCR-amplify a 322 bp region of the 16S rRNA gene using the Bacteria-specific 1070F primer and the universal 1392R primer containing a 40 bp GC clamp (Integrated DNA Technologies, Coralville, IA). Optimized thermocycler protocol for the PCR reaction included initial denaturing at 94oC for 6 min; 32 cycles of 94o for 45 s, 55o for 45 s and 72o for 55 s; and a final extension of 72o for 7 min. Two µL PCR product and 2 µL Low DNA Mass Ladder (Gibco-BRL) were electrophoresed on a 1.2% agarose gel containing ethidium bromide for quantification. The PCR products were loaded onto a denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) gel consisting of 8% acrylamide, 1x 34 TAE (40 mM Tris, 20 mM acetic acid, and 2 mM EDTA at pH 8.5), and a 40–70% urea/formamide gradient that increased from gel top to bottom. PCR products were separated via DGGE by inserting gels into the DCode Universal Detection System (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA) and running at 60 V for 17 hours at 60oC in 1x TAE buffer. DGGE gels were stained by agitating at low speed for 40 min in a 200 mL 1x TAE buffer/20 µl SYBR green solution, then rinsed with triple-DI water before they were visualized and photographed using UV transillumination. Gels were poured in multiple arrangements to allow comparison of microbial signatures across the three As concentrations, among duplicate columns and between pure isolates and the column soil sample from which they were extracted (Appendix A, Figures A.3-14). Visually dominant DGGE bands from selected environmental lanes, including all which showed co-migration with a pure isolate PCR product, were stabbed with a sterile pipette tip, inserted into a 0.2 mL tube containing 10 µL DNA-free water and used as template for PCR amplification using 1070 forward and 1392 reverse (without the GC clamp) primers as described above. Amplification and DGGE analysis were repeated until a pure band was obtained. Pure band PCR products were purified, quantified and sequenced (TGen, Phoenix, AZ). Resultant sequences were edited and aligned with Sequencer 4.2 software and compared to known sequences in the GenBank database using BLAST. 35 Amplification of Arsenite Oxidase Gene Fragments Degenerate primers were used to PCR amplify approximately 500 bp within the Mopterin (aroA/asoA/aoxB) subunit of arsenite oxidases detected in the DNA extracts from soil columns and isolates from each As concentration experiment. Forward (5'- GTSGGBTGYGGMTAYCABGYCTA-3') and reverse (5'-TTGTASGCBGGNCGRTTR TGRAT-3') primers bind at nucleotide positions 85-107 and 592-614, respectively, within the aroA-like gene of Rhizobium sp. str. NT26 (Santini and vanden Hoven, 2004). The PCR mix contained 1 μM of each primer. Optimized PCR conditions were: 95oC for 4 min followed by 9 cycles of 95oC for 45 s, 50oC (decreased by 0.5oC after each cycle) for 45 s, 72oC for 50 s, followed by 25 cycles of 95oC for 45 s, 46oC for 45 s, and 72oC for 50 s, and a final extension of 72oC for 5 min. Purified PCR products were cloned into the pGEM-T Vector System (Promega, Madison, WI) and the clones were sequenced (TGen, Phoenix, AZ) using T7P and SP6 primers that targeted vector sites. Results and Discussion Column Experiments Columns amended with 2 mg L-1 (26.7 µM) arsenite exhibited a steady increase in the amount of arsenate measured in pore waters from column sampling ports, culminating in near complete (~97%) oxidation to arsenate (Figure 2.3B). Although arsenate is the thermodynamically favored As species under these (aerobic) conditions, arsenite-treated sterile controls showed little (less than 13%) oxidation to arsenate (Figure 2.3A). These data 36 confirm that the abiotic oxidation rate is relatively slow and that biota were responsible for the observed oxidation of arsenite in the non-sterile treatments. Neither sterile controls nor treatment columns amended with 2 mg L-1 arsenate showed appreciable reduction to arsenite; arsenate remained an average of 93.4% (standard deviation, sd, = 11.3) of the total soluble As in sterile controls and 92.9% (sd = 7.1) in treatment columns (Figure 2.3C,D). Over the course of the 2 mg L-1 As experiment, total As values fluctuated between 1.4 and 2.6 mg L-1 (average concentration 2.0 mg L-1, sd = 0.31). A) Arsenite Sterile Controls B) Arsenite Treatment Columns C) Arsenate Sterile Controls D) Arsenate Treatment Columns Figure 2.3. Percent of total soluble arsenic present as arsenite (gray) or arsenate (black) as a function of time in columns amended with 2 mg L-1 (26.7 µM) of either arsenite or arsenate. Data presented represents the average of two duplicate columns. 37 Similar As transformations were observed in columns amended with 20 mg L-1 (267 µM) arsenite or arsenate. Within 9 to 12 days, nearly 60% of the arsenite was oxidized and by 24 days approximately 97% of the arsenite had been oxidized to arsenate (Figure 2.4B). Conversely, sterile controls receiving 20 mg L-1 arsenite showed no appreciable oxidation to arsenate (Figure 2.4A). Meanwhile, arsenate-amended sterile controls and treatment columns remained predominately arsenate over the experiment duration with an average 96 97% (sd = 3) of total soluble As comprised by arsenate (Figure 2.4C,D). Total arsenic in the 20 mg L-1 experiments fluctuated between 14.9 and 30.8 mg L-1 with an average As concentration of 20.4 mg L-1 (sd = 3.95). The upper limit of As tolerance and the maximum concentrations of As which can be transformed by various organisms is also useful for broadening our understanding of microbial As interactions. Consequently, although rarely observed in uncontaminated systems, an additional experiment was performed at 200 mg As L-1 (2.7 mM). In contrast to results obtained at 2 and 20 mg As L-1, no appreciable redox transformations were observed at 200 mg L-1. Arsenite remained the predominant aqueous species of As in arseniteamended sterile controls and treatment columns throughout the experiment (Figure 2.5A,B). Similarly, arsenate was the predominant solution species in arsenate-amended sterile controls and treatment columns, remaining >99.6% (sd = 0.57) and 99.7% (sd = 0.31), respectively, as arsenate (Figure 2.5C,D). Total soluble As values in the 200 mg L-1 experiments fluctuated between 173.5 and 228.7 mg L-1 with an average concentration of 207.4 mg L-1 (sd = 10.90). Two duplicate non-sterile control columns treated with only SSM (no arsenic) for approximately 26 days were included in the experimental suite to monitor microbial 38 composition response to media in the absence of As-pressure. As expected, concentrations of soluble As were significantly lower than treatment columns (average = 0.07 mg L-1, sd = 0.11). A) Arsenite Sterile Controls B) Arsenite Treatment Columns C) Arsenate Sterile Controls D) Arsenate Treatment Columns Figure 2.4. Percent of total soluble arsenic present as arsenite (gray) or arsenate (black) as a function of time in columns amended with 20 mg L-1 (267 µM) of either arsenite or arsenate. Data presented represents the average of two duplicate columns. 39 A) Arsenite Sterile Controls B) Arsenite Treatment Columns C) Arsenate Sterile Controls D) Arsenate Treatment Columns Figure 2.5. Percent of total soluble arsenic present as arsenite (gray) or arsenate (black) as a function of time in columns amended with 200 mg L-1 (2.7 mM) of either arsenite or arsenate. Data presented represents the average of two duplicate columns. Isolate Cultivation A total of 62 bacterial isolates (confirmed using long-fragment [~1380 bp] 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis) were obtained from column samples taken at the conclusion of each experiment. No significant trends were observed in the absolute number of unique isolates retrieved in treatments ranging from 2 to 200 mg As L-1. Specifically, 24 isolates from 14 40 genera were obtained from the 2 mg As L-1 treatments, 14 isolates from 12 genera were obtained from the 20 mg As L-1 treatments and 17 isolates from 10 genera were obtained from the 200 mg As L-1 treatments (Tables 2.3A-C). Interestingly, only 7 isolates from 4 genera were retrieved from non-sterile control columns receiving no As (Table 2.3D). The most common phylogenetic groups represented in this study include members of the Actinobacteria, and the α- and β- Proteobacteria. Members of the Actinobacteria were the only organisms isolated in column treatments receiving no As pressure (Table 2.3D). The importance of these bacterial genera in soil environments has been documented in several prior studies on soil microbial diversity (Ulrich and Wirth, 1999; Smit et al., 2001; Torsvik and Ovreas, 2002; Salmassi et al., 2006). Streptomyces, Rhodococcus, Nocardioides and Arthrobacter are all common genera in soil environments, and they are often represented in culture libraries (Ulrich and Wirth, 1999; Smalla et al., 2001; Smit et al., 2001). Although the microbial diversity in terms of number of genera cultivated showed essentially no decrease with increasing As-pressure, the most commonly encountered genera appeared to shift from Streptomyces in the 2 mg As L-1 treatments to Variovorax in the 200 mg As L-1 treatments. The cultivation of numerous Variovorax spp. at the highest As concentration suggests this genera may be more efficient in detoxifying As or may utilize As in energy generation, which is consistent with previous literature that has identified Variovorax-like populations in As-rich environments (Ellis et al., 2003; Macur et al., 2004; Battaglia-Brunet et al., 2006). There was a significant shift from primarily Actinobacteria obtained from columns treated with a lower [As] 0 – 20 mg L-1) (Tables 2.3A,B,D) to βProteobacteria in columns treated with a more extreme [As] (200 mg L-1) (Table 2.3C). 41 Table 2.3A. Pure cultures of bacteria isolated from columns receiving 2 mg L-1 (26.7 µM) of either arsenite or arsenate. Isolates are identified based on strain number, closest cultivated relative in GenBank, major phylogenetic division, and experimentally determined As phenotype (i.e. arsenite oxidizer or arsenate reducer). All isolates were obtained from 10-4 serial dilutions. Isolate Strain Name 1 Closest GenBank Neighbor (% sim.) Phylogenic Group Isolates cultivated from As III treatment columns. DM1A Leptothrix sp. str. S1.1 (98.0) DM1AA Streptomyces sp. str. FXJ14 (99.9) DM1B Streptomyces argillaceus (99.8) DM1BB Rhodococcus sp. str. 17 (99.9) DM1E Janthinobacterium lividum (99.8) DM1M Streptomyces luteogriseus str. ISP 5483 (99.6) DM1N Acidovorax delafieldii (98.8) DM1O Streptomyces peruviensis str. DSM 40592 (98.5) DM1Q Caulobacter henricii str. ATCC 15253 (99.6) 4 DM1R Saccharothrix texasensis str. NRRL B-16107T (99.1) DM1S Rhodococcus marinonanscens str. ATCC 35653T (98.0) DM1T Arthrobacter chlorophenolicus (98.8) Betaproteobacteria Actinobacteria Actinobacteria Actinobacteria Betaproteobacteria Actinobacteria Betaproteobacteria Actinobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Actinobacteria Actinobacteria Actinobacteria Isolates cultivated from As V treatment columns. DM1U Janthinobacterium sp. str. IC161 (98.6) DM1V Flavobacterium sp. str. TB4-10-II (99.0) DM1W Janthinobacterium agaricidamnosum str. SAFR-022 (97.5) DM1X Sinorhizobium sp. str. TB2-T-5 (95.8) DM1Y Arthrobacter aurescens str. TC1 (99.9) DM1F Nocardioides sp. str. RS3-1 (98.3) DM1G Mesorhizobium sp. str. 98_RREM2003 (99.8) DM1H Mesorhizobium sp. str. HB5A4 (99.9) DM1I Streptomyces mirabilis str. ATCC27447 (98.5) Betaproteobacteria Flavobacteria Betaproteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Actinobacteria Actinobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Actinobacteria Isolates cultivated from As III sterile control columns. DM1J Microbacterium ginsengisoli (99.9) DM1K Caulobacter henricii str. ATCC 15253 (99.4) 4 Actinobacteria Alphaproteobacteria DM1L Betaproteobacteria Zoogloea ramigera str. ATCC 25935 (99.2) Isolate did not grow well in liquid media. Unable to replate isolate from glycerol stock. 3 Isolate showed neither oxidation or reduction capability. 4 Caulobacter henricii -like strs. DM1Q and str. DM1K are 99.4% similar. 2 As Phenotype 2 reducer reducer reducer reducer reducer reducer reducer 3 reducer reducer reducer 2 reducer reducer 3 reducer reducer 3 oxidizer reducer 1 3 reducer 42 Table 2.3B. Pure cultures of bacteria isolated from columns receiving 20 mg L-1 (267 µM) of either arsenite or arsenate. Isolates are identified based on strain number, closest cultivated relative in GenBank, major phylogenetic division, and experimentally determined As phenotype (i.e. arsenite oxidizer or arsenate reducer). All isolates obtained from 10-3 serial dilutions. Isolate Strain Name Closest GenBank Neighbor (% sim.) Phylogenic Group As Phenotype Isolates cultivated from AsIII treatment columns. DM2A DM2B DM2C DM2D DM2T DM2U Rhodococcus sp. str. I7 (99.7) Arthrobacter sp. str. c311 (99.5) Methylobacterium sp. str. G296-5 (98.3) 4 Afipia massiliensis (95.5) Hongia koreensis (99.1) Bradyrhizobium sp. str. Cmey 1 (97.4) Actinobacteria Actinobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Actinobacteria Alphaproteobacteria reducer reducer reducer Actinobacteria Actinobacteria Actinobacteria Firmicutes Actinobacteria reducer reducer reducer reducer Alphaproteobacteria Actinobacteria reducer reducer Alphaproteobacteria 3 1 reducer 3 Isolates cultivated from AsV treatment columns. DM2N DM2O DM2P DM2Q DM2R Streptomyces griseus (99.7) Actinomadura citrea str. DSM 43461T (99.7) Nocardioides kribbensis str. KSL-6 (98.4) Paenibacillus alginolyticus (97.5) Streptosporangium roseum str. DSM44111 (99.1) 2 Isolates cultivated from AsIII sterile control columns. DM2E DM2F Methylobacterium radiotolerans str. P (99.5) 4 Mycobacterium sacrum str. BN 3151 (97.6) Isolates cultivated from AsV sterile control columns. DM2S Methylobacterium fujisawaense str. DSM 5686 (99.8) 4 1 Isolate did not grow well in liquid media. Unable to replate isolate from glycerol stock. 3 Isolate showed neither oxidation or reduction capability. 2 4 Methylobacterium -like str. DM2C is 96.0% similar to str. DM2E and 95.6% similar to str. DM2S. And Methylobacterium -like str. DM2E is 99.5% similar to str. DM2S. 43 Table 2.3C. Pure cultures of bacteria isolated from columns receiving 200 mg L-1 (2.7 mM) of either arsenite or arsenate. Isolates are identified based on strain number, closest cultivated relative in GenBank, major phylogenetic division, and experimentally determined As phenotype (i.e. arsenite oxidizer or arsenate reducer). Isolate Strain Closest GenBank Neighbor (% sim.) Name Isolates cultivated from AsIII treatment columns. DM3A9 DM3B9 DM3C9 DM3D9 DM3E9 DM3F9 Rhodoferax ferrireducens str. DSM 15236 (97.7) 6 Pseudomonas frederiksbergensis str. OUCZ24 (99.6) Variovorax sp. str. K6 (99.9) 4 Arthrobacter nitroguajacolicus str. Rue61a (99.8) 5 Variovorax sp. str. K6 (99.4) 4 Variovorax paradoxus (100) 4 Phylogenic Group Betaproteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Actinobacteria Betaproteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Isolates cultivated from AsV treatment columns. Betaproteobacteria DM3G7 Variovorax paradoxus (99.4) 4 7 DM3H Janthinobacterium agaricidamnosum str. SAFR-022 (99.4) Betaproteobacteria DM3I8 Variovorax sp. str. WDL1 (97.6) 4 Betaproteobacteria DM3J8 Streptomyces griseus (99.3) Actinobacteria DM3K8 Phyllobacterium trifolii (99.8) Alphaproteobacteria DM3L8 Afipia genospecies 9 strain G8993 (99.5) Alphaproteobacteria As Phenotype reducer reducer 3 reducer 3 reducer reducer 3 reducer 2 reducer 1 Isolates cultivated from AsV sterile control columns. DM3M9 DM3N8 DM3O7 DM3P9 DM3R9 Herbaspirillum seropedicae str. X8 (97.6) Sinobacter albidoflavus str. 45 (99.1) Arthrobacter nitroguajacolicus str. Rue61a (99.8) 5 Rhodoferax ferrireducens (97.7) 6 Variovorax sp. str. K6 (99.7) 4 Betaproteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Actinobacteria Betaproteobacteria Betaproteobacteria 1 reducer reducer 1 reducer 1 Isolate did not grow well in liquid media. Unable to replate isolate from glycerol stock. 3 Isolate showed neither oxidation or reduction capability. 2 4 Variovorax -like str. DM3R is 99.7% similar to str. DM3C, 99.3% similar to str. DM3E, 98.4% similar to str. DM3F, 98.9% similar to str. DM3G, and 96.84% smilar to str. DM3I. 5 Arthrobacter nitroguajacolicus-like strs. DM3O and DM3D are 100% similar. Rhodoferax ferrireducens-like strs. DM3P and DM3A are 99.9% similar. 7 Cultured from 10-2 serial dilution plate. 8 Cultured from 10-3 serial dilution plate. 9 Cultured from 10-4 serial dilution plate. 6 44 Table 2.3D. Pure cultures of bacteria isolated from columns withstanding no As pressure. Isolates are identified based on strain number, closest cultivated relative in GenBank, major phylogenetic division, and experimentally determined As phenotype (i.e. arsenite oxidizer or arsenate reducer). All isolates obtained from 10-3 serial dilutions. Isolate Strain Name DM2G DM2H DM2I DM2J DM2K DM2L DM2M Closest GenBank Neighbor (% sim.) Streptomyces novaecaesareae str. NBRC 13368 (99.2) Streptomyces turgidiscabies (99.6) Rhodococcus erythropolis str. HS11 (97.0) Streptomyces novaecaesareae str. NBRC 13368 (99.2) Arthrobacter sp. str. 110 (99.4) Nonomuraea sp. str. TFS 1165 (98.8) Arthrobacter aurescens str. TC1 (100) Phylogenic Group Actinobacteria Actinobacteria Actinobacteria Actinobacteria Actinobacteria Actinobacteria Actinobacteria As Phenotype reducer reducer reducer reducer reducer reducer reducer Despite employing standard autoclaving protocol (described above) to sterilize soil before use in the column studies, a number of isolates were cultivated from the sterile control columns in each experiment. These findings suggest that the columns were either contaminated by an extraneous source during the course of the experimentation, or that specific organisms within the soil inoculum survived autoclaving. However, organisms belonging to the same genera were cultivated both from sterile control and treatment columns, and were highly similar in their 16S rRNA sequence identity (Tables 2.3A-C). Therefore, it is probable these isolates also shared the same environmental origin, the soil inoculum. These strains represent populations that are likely particularly resilient, indigenous members of the Amsterdam soil microbial community and were able to survive autoclave suppression and restore growth over the one-to-two month experiment. This phenomenon has been documented in the literature previously where one study suggested that high concentrations of dissolved organic carbon can result after autoclaving soil, 45 providing surviving bacterial spores a nutrient rich environment following autoclaving (Tuominen et al. 1994). Although arsenite oxidation was the net As transformation process observed in soil column experiments, 43 of the 62 isolates obtained from the column treatments exhibited an arsenate-reducing phenotype (Tables 2.3A-D). In fact, the Mesorhizobium-like isolate (str. DM1) cultivated from a 2 mg As L-1 arsenate-treated column was the sole arsenite-oxidizing isolate cultivated from all experiments. The reasoning for this anomaly is unclear. Perhaps the net activity of the seemingly smaller population of arsenite oxidizers is greater than that of the arsenate-reducers. It is also possible that the cultivation approach utilized in this study favored the growth of arsenate-reducing microorganisms; although, it is not clear what specific attributes of the media would favor arsenate reducers. It is further possible that the relevant and numerous arsenite-oxidizing populations present in the columns were not cultivatable using the current approach. Finally, it is possible that a subset of the isolates characterized could be shown to oxidize arsenite under different conditions, as it has been documented that some organisms have the potential to oxidize and or reduce As under different growth conditions (Oremland and Stolz, 2003). Nevertheless, it is certainly the case that arsenate reduction is a common attribute among soil bacteria. Molecular Analysis Porous media samples from column experiments were used to obtain a molecular fingerprint of the microbial community using DNA extraction, PCR-amplification and separation of short-fragment 16S sequences (~300 bp) via denatured gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). DGGE banding patterns showed no evidence for a decrease in 46 microbial diversity with increasing As concentration. In fact, the significant number of different microbial bands within each sample, evidenced by “smearing” of the signatures on the DGGE gel, precluded sequence analysis of all possible bands (Appendix A, Figures A.38). Banding patterns of columns sampled at the conclusion of each experiment demonstrated up to 15 distinct bands in a particular column treatment and consistency in the signatures of arsenite- versus arsenate-amended treatment columns at each respective As concentration ranged from ~20 to 80% (Appendix A, Figures A.3,5,7,8). Banding patterns were generally consistent (~80 - 90%) across the same column treatment regardless of the time sampled, that is, columns “sacrificed” and sampled prior to experiment’s conclusion exhibited similar banding patterns to columns sampled at the end of the experiment (Appendix A, Figures A.4,6). A total of 18 dominant DGGE bands were purified and sequenced in an attempt to elucidate potential dominant microbial populations within selected columns across the experimental arsenic concentration gradient. Eight of the isolate DGGE bands appeared to co-migrate with one of the environmental bands when run simultaneously on DGGE (Table 2.4). However, the 16S sequence of only one of these isolates, Herbaspirillum-like DM3M (as assigned by closest GenBank neighbor), agreed with the BLAST-named sequence of the co-migrating dominant environmental band (Figure 2.6). A second isolate, Sinobacter-like DM3N, also co-migrated with this environmental band (Figure 2.6); a direct comparison of the 16S sequences of the co-migrating BLAST-named Herbaspirillum-like environmental band and Sinobacter-like DM3N isolate confirmed they are also closely related (99.6%) phylogenetically. Variovorax limosa str. EMB320 (86.8) Herbaspirillum sp. str. SE1 (99.6) Chelatococcus sp. str. A (99.7) 200 mg AsV L-1 V -1 200 mg As L 200 mg AsV L-1 200-C7-1 200-C6-1 200-C6-2 Methylobacterium extorquens (97.4) Massilia sp. str.VA23069_03 (98.7) -1 III 200 mg As L 200 mg AsIII L-1 V -1 200 mg As L 200-C3-3 200-C3-4 200-C3-5 200-C5-2 -1 III 200-C5-3 200-C5-4 200 mg As L 200 mg As L -1 V 200 mg As L 200 mg As L Bosea thiooxidans str. TJ1 (94.6) Duganella violaceinigra str. YIM 31327 (98.6) Achromobacter xylosoxidans str. 27 (93.1) Sphingomonas sp. str. D31C2 (98.8) Variovorax sp. str. Yged136 (99.6) -1 III 200-C3-2 Variovorax sp. str. Yged136 (99.6) -1 III 200-C3-1 200 mg As L -1 III Pseudomonas sp. str. BCL-63 (90.2) 20 mg As L 20-C12-1 Herbaspirillum sp. str. B601 (99.1) -1 2 mg As L V 2 mg AsIII L-1 2-C2-1 2-C2-2 Methylobacillus sp. JER103 (94.1) III -1 2 mg As L 2-C3-5 -1 Leptothrix sp. str. SAYI-C (94.8) 2 mg AsIII L-1 2-C3-3 III Phormidium sp. str. MBIC10025 (96.3) 2 mg As L Proteobacterium Sva0812b (85.2) Bacterium clone ITOD25 (95.9) Closest GenBank Neighbor (% sim.) 2-C3-2 -1 2 mg AsIII L-1 2-C3-1 III As Treatment of Source Column Band ID Variovorax -like str. DM3R Variovorax -like str. DM3F Variovorax -like str. DM3C Variovorax -like str. DM3E Herbaspirillum -like str. DM3M Sinobacter -like str. DM3N Rhodococcus -like str. DM1BB Rhodococcus -like str. DM1S Co-migrating Isolates Table 2.4. Potentially dominant microbial populations within column treatments based on 16S rRNA DGGE banding patterns and co-migrating cultivars. 47 Herbaspirillum sp. str. SE1 (99.6) Sinobacter-like Isolate DM3N Herbaspirillum-like Isolate DM3M Band Sequence Closest GenBank Neighbor (% sim) AsV-treated Column 200-6 48 sequences 99.6% similar sequences 98.8% similar Chelatococcus sp. str. A (99.7) Figure 2.6. Representative co-migration using DGGE of short fragment 16S rDNA sequences from two isolates compared to environmental DGGE bands from the 200 mg L-1 (2.7 mM) arsenate-treated column from which they were isolated. Arsenite Oxidase Gene Amplification PCR amplification using aroA-like specific primers resulted in the detection of three novel aroA-like gene sequences from soil columns treated with 2 mg arsenite L-1 (GenBank accession numbers: DQ380572, DQ380571 and DQ380573). No aroA-like PCR product was detected in any of the other AsIII or AsV treated columns, or the untreated Amsterdam soil, which had no history of As application. The fact that aroA-like was only detected in the 2 49 mg AsIII L-1 treatment and not in the 20 mg AsIII L-1 treatment was perplexing, since arsenite oxidation was the dominant redox process in both treatments. Possible explanations for this result are that the primer sequences lacked sufficient homology to anneal to the aroA-like gene sequences present in the 20 mg L-1 treatment or that the DNA extraction or PCR conditions are not yet optimized for these types of samples. Negative results with functional gene primers applied to environmental samples are not uncommon and are difficult to interpret. The results obtained with these soils suggest that aroA-like sequences are present (2 mg As L-1) and may play a role in arsenite oxidation, but the inability to detect aroA-like in the 20 mg As L-1 treatments leaves a question regarding the efficacy of the technique and or other mechanisms of arsenite oxidation. PCR amplification using genomic DNA from 62 isolates representing α−, β−, and γProteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Firmicutes and Flavobacteria, yielded only one aroA-like sequence. Detection of an aroA-like gene in Mesorhizobium str. DM1 correlated with the observation that it was the only isolate capable of oxidizing arsenite under the experimental conditions employed in the current study. It is interesting that this aroA-like sequence was not detected in the 2 mg L-1 AsV-treated soil column from which the Mesorhizobium-like isolate was cultivated. This was possibly due to inhibition of PCR by the relatively high concentrations of dissolved humic substances in the Amsterdam soil. It is also possible that only very low numbers of this population were present in this soil column. Phylogenetic analysis of the aroA-like genes detected in soil columns revealed that they clustered with aroA-like genes found in Variovorax, Acinetobacter and Hydrogenophaga strains (Figure 2.7). Conversely, the aroA-like gene detected in Mesorhizobium sp. str. DM1 50 groups with the oxidase genes found in Agrobacterium and Rhizobium strains, all phylogenetically closely related organisms. Achromobacter sp. str. NT10 (DQ412673) ‘Alcaligenes faecalis’ (AAQ19838) H. Arsenicoxydans str. ULPAs1 (AAN05581) 73 Variovorax sp. str. RM1 (DQ380569) 66 Acinetobacter sp. str. WA19 (DQ412677) 73 Rhodoferax ferrireducens (ZP_00691323) Hydrogenophaga sp. str. NT14 (DQ412672) 100 Amst soil column aroA (DQ380572) Thiomonas sp. VB-2002 (CAD53341) Agrobacterium sp. str. Ben5 (DQ412675) 100 98 74 Sinorhizobium sp. str. NT4 (DQ412674) Ag. tumefaciens str. 5A (ABB51928) Rhizobium sp. str. NT26 (AARO5656) Mesorhizobium sp. str. DM1 (DQ380570) 73 94 100 58 Rosevarius sp. 217 (ZP_01034989) Nitrobacter hamburgensis (ZP_00627780) Sargasso Sea metagenome (EAI76964) 96 Thermus thermophilus HB8 (BAD71923) Chlorobium phaeobacteroides (ZP_00530522) Sulfolobus tokodaii str. 7 (NP_378391) 0.05 changes Figure 2.7. Phylogenetic tree of selected, deduced prokaryotic amino acid sequences of the large subunit of the aerobic bacterial arsenite oxidase (AroA-like). Tree shows relative positioning of aroA-like sequences obtained from a pure culture isolate, Mesorhizobium sp. str. DM1, and an arsenite-treated soil column sample (Amst soil column). Bootstrap values (per 100 trials) of major branch points are shown. Tree = neighbor-joining method; bar = 0.05 substitutions/sequence position; tree rooted with Fdh from Methanocaldococcus jannaschii NP_248356 (not shown); accession numbers for the sequences are shown in parentheses. Conclusions and Implications The primary goal of this study was to determine the influence of As concentration on the microbial community composition of a previously non-contaminated oxic soil. Cultivation and short-fragment DNA analysis via DGGE provided no evidence for a decrease in microbial diversity as a function of increasing As concentration, even in the presence of 51 extreme (200 mg L-1) As contamination. Greater microbial selection and less diversity were expected at the highest level of As perturbation. The fact that numerous organisms appeared to be stimulated in this treatment suggests that detoxification mechanisms allow them to withstand As pressure. However, while concentrations of 200 mg As L-1 did not greatly decrease microbial diversity, a shift in phylogeny was noted, and the concentrations were too high for organisms within this community to maintain arsenite oxidation (the net redox capability of the resident microbial population at 2 and 20 mg As L-1). Contaminated soil environments containing 200 mg As kg-1 or greater are not uncommon (Freeman et al., 1995; Belluck et al., 2003), consequently, future studies should continue to focus on cultivating or stimulating microorganisms in situ that are capable of oxidizing arsenite to the less mobile arsenic form, thereby assisting in bioremediation goals. The second experimental goal was to elucidate the organisms and mechanisms responsible for observed As redox transformations. Sixty-two pure culture isolates obtained across respective column treatments are potential candidates for contributing to As oxidationreduction. The primary genera cultivated shifted from members of the Actinobacteria (e.g. Streptomyces and Arthrobacter spp.) to β-proteobacteria (e.g. Variovorax spp.) with increasing As concentration. However, 43 of the isolates exhibited an arsenate-reducing phenotype while only one isolate (Mesorhizobium-like str. DM1) appeared capable of arsenite oxidation. Although aerobic arsenate-reducing organisms appear easy to cultivate, arsenite-oxidizing organisms are either considerably less frequent or are more difficult to cultivate. Results from the isolation and characterization of As transforming microorganisms from the column treatments do not explain the net biotic oxidation that was observed at 2 and 52 20 mg As L-1, where we would have expected greater success in cultivating arseniteoxidizing organisms. Molecular analysis of short-fragment 16S rRNA genes obtained from column porous media samples was used to identify potentially important As transforming organisms at different As treatment concentrations. Eighteen different DGGE bands were sequenced based on their intensity and apparent co-migration compared to DNA fragments of pure culture isolates. There was little consistency between the dominant genera identified by cultivation versus molecular methods, and only one genus, Herbaspirillum, was suggested as a dominant population by both molecular and isolation techniques. However, this isolate was identified as an arsenate-reducing organism in the phenotypic screening, thus its contribution to the net oxidation of As observed in the column experiments is not clear. While this study has contributed information regarding the ubiquity of aerobic arsenate-reducing microorganisms, the role of specific biota in arsenite oxidation remains elusive. Additional work with a greater number of previously uncontaminated soils would be helpful for identifying consistent trends in microbial response to As perturbation, and improvement in molecular tools and methods will be necessary for quantifying arsenite oxidase genes from environmental samples. 53 3. INHIBITION OF MICROBIAL ARSENATE REDUCTION BY PHOSPHATE Introduction Arsenic (As) is the twentieth most abundant element in the earth’s crust and is ubiquitous in soils (average concentration: ~ 2-3 mg kg-1) across the globe (Francesconi and Kuehnelt, 2002). Thus, most soil microorganisms are exposed to some level of arsenic, and in certain circumstances elevated levels of As may enrich for organisms capable of utilizing arsenic in energy conservation. The source of As in soils and natural water systems is ultimately volcanic (Cullen and Reimer, 1989), it’s distribution generally correlating with the distribution of sulfides in hydrothermal, geothermal and heavily mineralized, sulfidic veins. Sedimentary (alluvial) sources of arsenic are also significant in some geographic locations such as Bangladesh and India where naturally occurring As associated with pyritic sediments has contaminated drinking water supplies for millions of rural residents (Nickson et al., 1998; Fazal et al., 2001; Nordstrom, 2002; Polizzotto et al., 2005). Anthropogenic sources of arsenic include mining and smelting of pyritic-ores and the application of As-based pesticides; these inputs can result in elevated levels of arsenic, in many cases resulting in soil concentrations exceeding 100 mg As kg-1 (Belluck et al., 2003). The distribution of As in soils and natural waters has serious environmental health implications; symptoms of chronic exposure to arsenic range from nausea, skin discoloration and lesions to various organ cancers and may result in death (US EPA, 2006a). Fatalities linked to As poisoning have been recorded since antiquity; however, in the last two decades arsenic has gained heightened global attention following its discovery in high concentrations 54 in the drinking water of many Asian and North and South American countries (Fazal et al., 2001; Nordstrom, 2002). The most severely impacted country is Bangladesh where an estimated 21 to 40 million citizens have been exposed to concentrations above the nation’s current As standard (50 µg L-1) (Fazal et al., 2001). In part due to calls from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. EPA, the U.S. recently (February, 2006) adopted a new drinking water standard for As equal to 10 µg L-1, commonly accepted across the developed countries as a reasonable exposure level based on chronic risks (Smith et al., 2002). The environmental fate and toxicity of As is highly dependent on its predominant valence state and chemical form. Arsenic is known to occur naturally in four oxidation states: As-III (arsine), As0 (elemental As), AsIII (arsenite), and AsV (arsenate), where the latter two are most prevalent in soil environments (Oremland and Stolz, 2003). Pentavalent arsenic is thermodynamically favored in oxic environments as the oxyanion arsenate, which generally sorbs more strongly and to a wider variety of minerals than trivalent arsenic (Pierce and Moore, 1982; Xu et al., 1991). Hence, arsenate is generally considered to be less mobile and less bioavailable than arsenite. These two forms of arsenic also vary in their molecular properties, mode of cell entry and biological toxicity. The predominant arsenite species in soils and natural waters is usually H3AsO30, with an exception that sulfidic environments can yield significant levels of AsIII-sulfide complexes (Rochette et al., 2000). The weak acid H3AsO30 has a pKa value of 9.2; consequently, across most environmental systems, arsenite will exist as an uncharged species (Cullen and Reimer, 1989). The neutrally charged arsenite species can enter cells via aqua-glyceroporins (large pores in the cell membrane) that allow 55 passage of water and uncharged solutes (Rosen, 2002). Once internalized, arsenite toxicity occurs as it binds to the sulfhydryl groups of proteins and impairs their function (Oremland and Stolz, 2003). The predominant forms of arsenate in soil solutions and natural waters will generally be either the H2AsO4- (pKa = 7.0) or HAsO42- (pKa = 11.5) species, which due to their negative charge, are unable to enter nonspecific membrane porins (Cullen and Reimer, 1989). However, due to structural similarities between arsenate and phosphate, arsenate species can enter cells via membrane-associated phosphate transporters (Mukhopadhyay et al., 2002; Oremland and Stolz, 2003). The mechanism of arsenate toxicity is quite different than for arsenite, and is again due to the chemical similarities between arsenate and phosphate. Specifically, arsenate is detrimental to basic cell function when it is substituted for phosphate in cell metabolic processes such as oxidative phosphorylation (Mukhopadhyay et al., 2002; Oremland and Stolz, 2003). The relative abundance of AsIII and AsV in soil environments is influenced by geochemical conditions and microbial transformations including detoxifying or energyyielding redox pathways (Inskeep et al., 2002). Most microorganisms in culture have been shown to possess at least one type of arsenic transforming mechanism. While arsenate is often the predominant valence state in oxidized environments (Oremland and Stolz, 2003), microbial reduction to arsenite in both aerobic and anaerobic systems is an important factor increasing the mobility and potential bioavailability of As (Macur et al., 2001; Harvey et al., 2002). 56 Commonly practiced methods of remediating damaged lands, such as the addition of lime to increase soil pH, can also exacerbate arsenic bioavailability. Past work has shown that increases in pH values above 8 increase arsenic mobility (Darland and Inskeep, 1997; Jones et al., 1997; Macur et al., 2001). Therefore, careful liming and pH management is recommended to minimize solubilization of sorbed arsenic (Jones et al., 1997; Heeraman et al., 2001). In theory, the addition of phosphate can help prevent microbial reduction of arsenate to the more mobile and toxic arsenite form, thus phosphate application is also a potential component of As bioremediation strategies. However, there have been indications that the possible effects of soil phosphate additions on arsenic mobility may complicate its use. Literature supports that increased phosphate concentrations lead to an increase in arsenic desorption and thus mobility, consistent with the fact that phosphate strongly competes with arsenate for soil adsorption sites (Darland and Inskeep, 1997; Peryea and Kammereck, 1997; Alam et al., 2001). However, there is also evidence that As desorption rates decrease in “aged” systems where the presence of arsenic precedes the introduction of phosphate giving arsenic sufficient time to react to soil binding sites (Darland and Inskeep, 1997). Many As-contaminated sites are “aged,” where their arsenic exposure dates decades or even centuries (Freeman et al., 1995; Harrington et al., 1998; Nagorski and Moore, 1999; Belluck et al., 2003), the potential use of phosphate in arsenic bioremediation should not be ruled out. As mentioned previously, phosphate and arsenate are in many ways chemically and biologically analogous and this relationship is what allows phosphate to inhibit microbial AsV reduction. Phosphate has long-since been shown to compete with the cell uptake of 57 arsenate in numerous biological species (Rothstein and Donovan, 1963; Harold and Baarda, 1966; Willsky and Malamy, 1980; Thiel, 1988); therefore, high concentrations of phosphate may completely inhibit microbial uptake of arsenate, thus preventing its reduction to AsIII via ArsC (arsenate reductase) of the ars operon. To date, the ars operon is the best understood arsenic regulatory mechanism in microorganisms and appears to be widely distributed phylogenetically. For example, a recent gene search of The Institute for Genomic Research-Comprehensive Microbial Resource (TIGR-CMR) database shows that an arsenate reductase gene has been at least putatively detected either chromosomally or in a plasmid in over 100 microbial genera, including three of particular interest for this study: Agrobacterium, Arthrobacter and Bacillus (http://cmr.tigr.org). Previous research further supports that microorganisms with the ability to reduce arsenate are ubiquitous across myriad soil environments (Macur et al., 2001; Jackson and Dugas, 2003; Macur et al., 2004). Although there are interesting variations in both the structure of the ars operon and the mechanisms by which particular ars genes are regulated, the primary function of this operon (reduction of arsenate to arsenite via ArsC and exclusion of arsenite from the cell via ArsA,B efflux pumps) is largely conserved across different phyla (Mukhopadhyay et al., 2002; Silver et al., 2002). Previous literature (Gladysheva et al., 1994; Ji et al., 1994; Mukhopadhyay et al., 2000; Zhou et al., 2004) supports that the ability of phosphate to inhibit arsenate reductase activity varies by species. For example, phosphate did not inhibit the activity of LmACR2, the arsenate reductase in Leishmania major (Zhou et al., 2004), the Saccharomyces cerevisiae arsenate reductase, Acr2p (Mukhopadhyay et al., 2000) or the arsenate reductase located in plasmid pI258 of 58 Staphylococcus aureus (Ji et al., 1994); however, it was shown to be an inhibitor of arsenate reduction by the arsenate reductase located in the Escherichia coli plasmid R773 (Gladysheva et al., 1994). How phosphate may affect the uptake of arsenate or ArsC activity in countless other organisms is yet to be determined. Consequently, the goal of the current study was to evaluate the effects of phosphate on the microbial transformation of arsenic in five As-transforming bacteria. Specific objectives were to (i) evaluate the oxidation of arsenite by several known arsenite oxidizing organisms as a function of P:As ratios, (ii) determine the effects of phosphate on arsenate reduction and cell growth in organisms known to possess arsC genes (e.g. known arsenate reducers), and (iii) evaluate whether high phosphate:arsenate has any indirect role on the expression of arsC in a specific arsenate-reducing microorganism, Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5B. It was hypothesized that high ratios of phosphate relative to arsenate will competitively reduce AsV uptake by cells via phosphate transporters. As a result, it was further hypothesized that (i) microbial arsenate reduction would be inhibited, (ii) the upper concentration threshold of As exposure before a reduction in cell growth is observed would be extended, and (iii) arsC expression would be reduced. Conversely, AsIII oxidation was not expected to be affected by phosphate given that (i) no competition for uptake between arsenite and phosphate has been suggested and (ii) phosphate is transported into the cell’s cytoplasm while arsenite oxidases are believed to exist in the periplasm. 59 Materials and Methods Isolate Selection and Preparation Five As-transforming microorganisms previously isolated from soils with long-term As contamination were selected for use in liquid culture experiments. Specifically, the microorganisms included were two known arsenite-oxidizing organisms – Variovorax paradoxus-like (99.3% similarity) str. RM1 and Agrobacterium tumefaciens-like (99.9% similarity) str. 5A – and three known arsenate-reducing organisms – Agrobacterium tumefaciens-like (99.9% similarity) str. 5B, Bacillus sp.-like (99.8% similarity) str. S18, and Arthrobacter sp.-like (99.5% similarity) str. S6. Three of these organisms (Variovorax paradoxus-like str. RM1 and Agrobacterium tumefaciens-like strs. 5A and 5B) were isolated previously (Macur et al., 2004) from aerobic column experiments conducted using agricultural soil with prior exposure to As-rich irrigation water from the Madison River (Gallatin County, MT). The remaining two organisms (Bacillus sp.-like str. S18 and Arthrobacter sp.-like str. S6) were isolated from soil samples impacted by aerial As contamination from several copper smelters near Anaconda, MT (N 46.10313o W 112.87296o (see Appendix C, Near Substation section for further details). Prior to their use as inoculum for As transformation experiments, these microorganisms (which will hereafter be identified simply by genus and strain designation) were grown in individual autoclaved centrifuge vials containing 200 mL of synthetic soil solution media (SSE), modified from Macur et al. (2004) to contain NH4NO3 (1.25 mM), MgCl2 (1 mM), KH2PO4 (0.05 mM), KOH (0.25 mM), FeCl2-4H2O/disodium EDTA (0.02 mM), CaSO4 (2 mM), glucose (5 mM) yeast extract (2 mgL-1), MOPS buffer (5 mM) and 1 mL L-1 trace 60 metals solution modified from Newman et al. (1997) to exclude FeCl2. Once stationary growth was achieved, the culture was centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 40 – 60 min. Pelleted cells were sterilely aspirated to remove supernatant then re-suspended in approximately 30 mL of sterile SSE media containing no KH2PO4 and an original optical density was determined at A500 (Hitachi U-2000). Liquid Culture Experiments Duplicate autoclaved glass 118 mL culture vials were filled with sterile SSE media (without KH2PO4) and spiked with either arsenite (as NaAsO2) or arsenate (as Na2HAsO4) plus phosphate (as KH2PO4) in one of the P:As ratio combinations listed in Table 3.1 (to a known total volume of 80 - 85 mL). Filled vials were inoculated with stationary cells to obtain a uniform initial optical density. Cultures and duplicate sterile controls (containing only SSE and either AsIII or AsV) were incubated (30oC) for approximately a 48-hour period on a shaker (120 rpm). Two 5-mL solution samples were extracted and filtered (0.22 µm) at 0, 8, 24 and ~48 hours; one sample was oxidized to contain only AsV via the sodiumborohydride pre-treatment method described in the Materials and Methods section of Chapter 2. The original, “AsTotal,” sample and the borohydride-treated sample, containing only AsV, were 2 and 3% acidified, respectively, with 12M HCl and stored at 4oC until analyzed for As using hydride generation-atomic absorption spectrometry (HG-AAS; Hydride system: Varian VGA 77; AAS: Perkin Elmer 3100) or inductively coupled plasma spectrometry (ICP). The AsIII concentration was calculated from the difference of these values. This method has been thoroughly evaluated in a past study (Jones et al., 2000) and “check standards” prepared using fresh arsenite and arsenate stock solutions were included in 61 the analysis suite to further validate sample data. At each sampling point, samples were also obtained for optical density measurement (3.5 mL) at 500 nm (OD500) and for subsequent analysis of mRNA transcripts (3 mL were immediately frozen at -80oC). Table 3.1. Concentrations of phosphate and arsenic, and corresponding P:As ratios used in experiments to examine effects of phosphate on either the oxidation of arsenite or the reduction of arsenate. A P:As ratio of 0.5 was used to confirm organism As phenotype. Increases in phosphate were examined at different absolute concentrations of As and P to achieve similar ratios of either 5 or 10. P (µM) As (µM) P:As 50 500 1000 50 50 100 100 100 10 5 0.5 5 10 5 10 Isolate Confirmation through Full-Length Sequencing Periodically during experimentation, 10 µL of suspended cells were extracted from the culture vials and diluted with 90 µL DNase-free water. This DNA template was used in polymerase chain reactions (PCR) which amplified a 1384 bp region of the 16S rRNA gene using the Bacteria-specific Bac-8 forward (5’-AGAGTTTGATCCTGGCTCAG-3’) and 1392 reverse (5’-ACGGGCGGTGTGTA-3’) primers. The optimized thermocycler protocol included 6 min initial denaturing at 94oC, 25 cycles including 94oC for 45 s, 55oC for 45 s and 72oC for 55 s followed by a 7 min final extension at 72oC. The products were purified, quantified and sequenced by TGen (Pheonix, AZ). Sequences were edited and aligned with Sequencer 4.2 software (Gene Codes Corporation, Ann Arbor, MI) and compared to known 62 sequences in the GenBank database using BLAST (NCBI, Bethesda, MD) to confirm inoculum purity. Amplification of arsC mRNA transcripts The effect of phosphate and arsenic concentration on the expression of arsC during growth of Agrobacterium str. 5B was evaluated by first extracting RNA from cell suspensions using the FastRNA Pro Blue Kit (Q-Biogene). A 346 bp fragment of arsC mRNA was PCR-amplified using the Atume-arsC forward (5’-ACCCTCGCACTCATTGAGC-3’) and reverse (5’-ACCTGCTCGCCGTCTTCT-3’) primers; the design was based on the known arsC sequences in the Agrobacterium strains 5A and 5B (Macur et al., 2004; accession # AY286230 and AY286231). The PCR mix contained 1 μM of each primer. The initial generation of cDNA using the Access RT-PCR System (Promega Corp.) was followed by a PCR protocol of 95oC for 2 min, 40 cycles of 95oC for 45 s, 50oC for 45 s, 72oC for 50 s, and final extension of 72oC for 5 min. To ensure that the correct target sequences were amplified, purified PCR products were cloned into the pGEM-T Vector System (Promega, Madison, WI) and the clones were sequenced. Results and Discussion Effects of Phosphate on Microbial Oxidation of Arsenite The 0.5 (50 µM P and 100 µM As) ratio treatment served as a baseline to verify that the isolates used in the study were expressing their usual ‘As-phenotype’. As expected, the two oxidizing strains (Variovorax str. RM1 and Agrobacterium str. 5A) converted arsenite to arsenate within ~ 48 hours after inoculation (Figure 3.1). Sterile control trials showed 63 average abiotic oxidation of 1.25% and neither arsenite-oxidizer showed considerable arsenate reducing capability when grown in media containing only arsenate, regardless of phosphate concentration applied. The amount of arsenite relative to total As decreased from 100% to less than 10% by the ~48-hour time point in all ten experiments involving different ratios of phosphate to arsenite involving either of the arsenite-oxidizing strains. Significant differences (α =0.05; univariate ANOVA; see Appendix B, Tables B.1-5 for all ANOVA data) in the amount of arsenite oxidized were minimal at the conclusion of each P:arsenite ratio experiment (Figure 3.1B). Despite the statistical difference, the data indicate that the two arsenite-oxidizing organisms still achieved near complete arsenite oxidation (>90%) regardless of the P:arsenite ratio treatment applied, suggesting that the presence of phosphate has no apparent effect on the oxidation process (Figure 3.1). Effects of Phosphate on Microbial Reduction of Arsenate All three AsV-reducing isolates (Agrobacterium str. 5B, Arthrobacter str. S6, and Bacillus str. S18) exhibited efficient reduction of arsenate to arsenite within 48 hours in the presence of 100 µM arsenate and 50 µM phosphate (P:As ratio = 0.5) (Figure 3.2). The Agrobacterium str. 5B and Arthrobacter str. S6 showed near complete reduction (>98%) of arsenate within 48 hours, while the Bacillus str. S18 isolate showed approximately 74% arsenate reduction by 48 hours. The Bacillus str. S18 is a less vigorous arsenate-reducing strain when compared to the Agrobacterium and Arthrobacter strains used in this study. Sterile controls sampled over the same time frame exhibited less than 4% reduction to arsenite. 64 A) Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5A a B) Variovorax sp. str. RM1 P (µM) As (µM) 50 50 500 50 1000 100 5 100 10 100 P:As 0.5 10 5 5 10 a b Figure 3.1. Percent of arsenite relative to total As plotted as a function of time in experiments containing arsenite-oxidizing strains (A) Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5A, and (B) Variovorax sp. str. RM1, each subjected to five phosphate:arsenite ratios. The amount of arsenite oxidized by 48 hrs is essentially independent of the P:AsIII ratio. Lower case letters denote significant differences at α=0.05, and error bars indicate standard deviation of duplicate cultures; when apparently absent, error bars are contained within symbol. 65 A) Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5B a P (µM) As (µM) 50 50 500 50 1000 100 5 100 10 100 P:As 0.5 10 5 5 10 b B) Arthrobacter sp. str. S6 a b c C) Bacillus sp. str. S18 a b c d Figure 3.2. Percent of arsenate relative to total As plotted as a function of time in experiments containing arsenate–reducing strains (A) Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5B, (B) Arthrobacter sp. str. S6 and (C) Bacillus sp. str. S18, each subjected to five phosphate:arsenate ratios. The amount of arsenate oxidized by 48 hrs is dependent on the P:AsV ratio. Lower case letters denote significant differences at α=0.05, and error bars indicate standard deviation of duplicate cultures; when apparently absent, error bars are contained within symbol. 66 At 100 µM arsenate, reduction was nearly completely inhibited (Figure 3.2) when phosphate concentrations were increased to 500 and 1000 µM (P:As ratios of 5 and 10). These effects were observed for all three arsenate-reducing isolates, suggesting that high phosphate to arsenate ratios in natural systems may decrease the likelihood that arsenate will become reduced to arsenite via microbial detoxification processes. However, results from experiments conducted at identical P:As ratios (5 and 10), but with relatively low arsenate concentrations (5 and 10 µM) and a constant P concentration (50 μM), showed no significant differences (α=0.05) in arsenate reduction compared to baseline (50 µM P and 100 µM AsV) results, where nearly 100 percent of the arsenate was reduced (Figure 3.2). Consequently, high P:As ratios alone are not sufficient to inhibit microbial reduction of arsenate, and the absolute concentration of phosphate is an important factor in addition to the overall P:As ratio. Finally, none of the three arsenate-reducers showed considerable AsIII oxidation when grown in media containing only arsenite, independent of the phosphate concentration applied. (Growth curves and arsenic totals remained uniform, respectively, for each species across the five ratio trials; see Appendix B for plots of these relationships and additional data, Figures B.3-15.) Effects of Phosphate on Cell Growth in the Presence of High Arsenic Isolates were subjected to additional experiments in the presence of either 1000 µM arsenite or arsenate (for reducing or oxidizing isolates, respectively) plus 50 µM phosphate (P:As = 0.05) to query the organisms ability to transform significant levels of As (Figures 3.3 and 3.4). All isolates except the Bacillus str. S18 continued to exhibit their expected Asphenotype at this elevated As concentration. However, a lag or slower AsIII oxidation 67 (Figure 3.3) or AsV reduction (Figure 3.4) is noted when plotted as a percent of AsTotal. The actual maximum rates of AsV-reduction in the 50 µM P:1000 µM As experiments for the Agrobacterium, Arthrobacter and Bacillus strains were 4.46 x 10-11, 1.64 x 10-11, and 1.75 x 10-9 millimoles AsV reduced hour-1 cell-1, respectively, and each was higher than the maximum rate of reduction calculated at 100 µM arsenate and an identical phosphate concentration of 50 µM for each organism. A 10 - 82% decrease in cell growth was observed in experiments containing 1000 µM As (Figure 3.5). It is noteworthy that all isolates with the exception of Bacillus str. S18 were more vigorous than expected despite this extreme As pressure. The growth of the Arthrobacter strain appeared to be affected the least by the high As pressure (Figure 3.5B), although its arsenate-reducing capability at 1000 µM As appeared delayed compared to the 100 µM As treatment (Figure 3.4B). To determine if increased phosphate concentration would ameliorate high As-induced reduction in cell growth, the AsV-reducing bacteria were treated with 1000 µM As and 1000 µM P. (Arsenite-oxidizing isolates were not subjected to this treatment as phosphate previously showed no effect on studies utilizing arsenite.) The high phosphate treatment appeared to have the greatest affect on the growth of Bacillus str. S18. This organism is clearly sensitive to arsenate at concentrations of 1000 µM; however, the addition of 1000 µM phosphate is sufficient to alleviate this toxicity (Figure 3.5C). Increased phosphate concentrations of 1000 µM also successfully inhibited arsenate reduction for all three arsenate-reducing isolates, similar to results observed in the baseline, 0.5 P:As ratio, experiment (Figure 3.4). 68 A) Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5A P (µM) As (µM) 50 50 P:As 1000 0.05 100 0.5 B) Variovorax sp. str. RM1 Figure 3.3. Oxidation of arsenite by arsenite-oxidizing strains (A) Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5A and (B) Variovorax sp. str. RM1 in the presence of 1000 µM As. The 0.5 ratio study (50 µM P:100 µM As) serves as the organism’s baseline oxidation trend. Error bars indicate standard deviation of duplicate cultures; when apparently absent, error bars are contained within symbol. 69 A) Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5B P (µM) As (µM) P:As 50 1000 50 0.05 1.0 1000 1000 100 0.5 B) Arthrobacter sp. str. S6 C) Bacillus sp. str. S18 Figure 3.4. Reduction of arsenate by arsenate-reducing isolates (A) Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5B, (B) Arthrobacter sp. str. S6 and (C) Bacillus sp. str. S18 at high levels of arsenate (1000 µM) and the effects of elevated phosphate (1000 µM) on arsenate reduction. The 0.5 ratio study (50 µM P:100 µM As) serves as the organism’s baseline reduction trend. Error bars indicate standard deviation of duplicate cultures; when apparently absent, error bars are contained within symbol. 70 A) Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5B B) Arthrobacter sp. str. S6 C) Bacillus sp. str. S18 D) Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5A E) Variovorax sp. str. RM1 Figure 3.5. Effect of 1000 µM As on cell vitality and ameliorating effects of elevated phosphate (1000 µM). Arsenate-reducing isolates were subjected to treatments at 50 µM P:100 µM As ( ), 50 µM P:1000 µM As ( ), and 1000 µM P:1000 µM As ( ). Arsenite-oxidizing isolates were not treated with the high phosphate treatment. Error bars indicate standard deviation of duplicate cultures; when apparently absent, error bars are contained within symbol. 71 Possible Mechanisms Controlling Phosphate Inhibition of Arsenate Reduction The inhibition of arsenate reduction by phosphate could be the result of several possible factors. One of the hypotheses tested was that increased phosphate:arsenate causes arsenatereducing isolates to down-regulate the production of ArsC at, or prior to, transcription. However, analysis of arsC mRNA using gene-specific PCR primers revealed that high P:AsV failed to inhibit transcription of arsC in Agrobacterium str. 5B, even when a high absolute phosphate concentration (1000 µM) was used (Figure 3.6). A similar result was reported in a previous study (Saltikov et al., 2005), where three different P:AsV ratios (0.02, 0.12 and 1) failed to reduce arsC expression in Shewanella sp. str. ANA-3. - Reverse Transcriptase + Reverse Transcriptase Time (hrs) 0 Replicate 8 a 24 b a b 0 8 a 24 b a b 100 µM As:50 µM PO4 arsC mRNA 100 µM As:1000 µM PO4 arsC mRNA Figure 3.6. Expression of the arsenate reductase gene, arsC, in Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5B as a function of time (0 – 24 hours) and phosphate concentration (50 and 1000 µM). 72 In the current study, expression of the arsenate reductase gene was not observed at T0, suggesting that either arsC is not a constitutively expressed gene in this organism or that the copy number was below detection for this protocol. However, expression was observed at the 8 and 24-hour time points for both the 50 µM P:100 µM As and 1000 µM P:100 µM As ratio experiments, despite the fact that essentially no AsV reduction was observed in the latter experiment. These results suggest that transcription of the isolate’s arsenate reductase is not inhibited by high phosphate to arsenate ratio or P concentration and that the decreased reduction of AsV observed in the high phosphate:arsenate experiments (ratios of 5 and 10) is the result of some other mechanism, such as competitive inhibition at the uptake or enzymatic level. It is possible that arsenate reduction may have been inhibited as a result of enzymatic substrate (arsenate) exclusion at the cell transport level. Literature supports that to conserve time and energy many organisms possess at least two genetically differentiated systems of phosphate transport. Both high- and low-affinity phosphate transport systems have been identified in Bacillus cereus (Rosenberg et al., 1969), Escherichia coli (Rosenberg et al., 1977; Willsky and Malamy, 1980), Acinetobacter johnsonii (van Veen et al., 1993), Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Tamai et al., 1985; Martinez et al., 1998), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Lacoste et al., 1981), Rhizobium meliloti (Voegele et al., 1997) and Rhizobium tropici (Botero et al., 2000). Though differences exist in the gene structure, specific affinity (KM) and ion specificity of phosphate transport systems, many characteristics appear universal within each affinity classification. 73 The low-affinity system appears less efficient at scavenging phosphate at very low external concentrations as indicated by KM values typically one to two orders of magnitude higher than the same organism’s high-affinity system (Willsky and Malamy, 1980; Lacoste, 1981; Tamai et al., 1985; van Veen et al., 1993; Voegele et al., 1997; Botero et. al, 2000). Additionally, low-affinity systems are used for a variety of substrates therefore they are typically constitutively expressed; this can be afforded as these systems are typically driven by chemiosmotic gradients (van Veen, 1997). Conversely, high-affinity systems are more efficient in the binding and thus transport of phosphate ions and are likely less efficient at arsenate transport (Willsky and Malamy, 1980; Rosen, 2002). In fact, van Veen et al. (1997) estimated that the E. coli high-affinity system (Pst) has a 100-fold greater affinity for phosphate than arsenate. Often driven by energy-expensive ATP hydrolysis, high-affinity systems are generally induced only in stress conditions when phosphate concentrations are limited. The external phosphate concentration necessary to induce high-affinity transport varies with the organism, but is loosely defined in the literature as being “low (µM) concentrations” (Martinez et al., 1998) or “below the millimolar range” (Harris et al., 2001). Additional literature based on specific species suggests a more concrete quantification of the phosphate concentration necessary to derepress high-affinity transport is between 1 and 100 µM. Specifically, alkaline phosphatase activity, a good indicator that the high-affinity system has been derepressed, was shown to greatly increase in Rhizobium meliloti when external phosphate concentration decreased to approximately 10 µM (Al-Niemi et al., 1997). Interestingly, alkaline phosphatase activity in Rhizobium tropici does not induce until 74 concentrations reach 1 µM (Botero et al., 2000). Derepression of the high-affinity phosphate transport system in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is reported to occur when external phosphate concentrations are below 100 µM, with highest transport activity when concentrations near 30-40 µM (Mouillon and Persson, 2005). At the other extreme, Rosenberg et al. (1977) showed that the E. coli high-affinity system was repressible when cells were grown in media containing phosphate concentrations of 1 mM or higher. The inhibition of arsenate reduction was observed in the current study when high concentrations of phosphate (>500 µM) were utilized. Consequently, based on previous literature, it is likely that the isolates’ low-affinity systems were responsible for primary phosphate transport activity. Since the high affinity transport system was likely not employed, arsenic should not have been systematically excluded from cell uptake. However, it is conceivable that low affinity P transport systems exhibit some competition between phosphate and arsenate, where very high phosphate concentrations may reduce arsenate uptake simply due to competitive exclusion. Alternatively, once inside the cell, phosphate may have acted as a competitive inhibitor, binding to the active site of ArsC, thus preventing arsenate from binding and subsequently being reduced to arsenite. As mentioned previously, this mechanism has been documented in E. coli (Gladysheva et al., 1994); however, phosphate was shown to only weakly inhibit ArsC activity in this organism (inhibition constant, Ki = 30 mM). The inhibitory effect of phosphate in the P:AsV experiments involving Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5B, Arthrobacter sp. str. S6 and Bacillus sp. str. S18 was modeled using Michaelis-Menten enzyme kinetic expressions. The maximum velocity of the reduction reaction (VMAX) and the Michaelis constant (KM) for each isolate were estimated based on 75 Equation 3.1 and optimized using MS Excel Solver software, using the respective maximum arsenate-reduction velocity (υ, in mmol AsV hr-1 cell-1) and corresponding arsenate concentration (S1, in mM) for the four P:AsV experiments that included an initial phosphate concentration of 50 µM (Table 3.1). (See Appendix B, Figures B.16, 18, and 20 for calculations.) v = VMAX K 1+ M [ S1 ] (3.1) The predicted VMAX and KM values were then used to estimate and optimize the phosphate inhibition constant (Ki, in mM) for each isolate via Equation 3.2 using the respective maximum arsenate-reduction velocity (υ, in mmol AsV hr-1 cell-1) in addition to the corresponding phosphate concentration (I, in mM) and arsenate concentration (S2, in mM) for the three P:As experiments that included an initial arsenate concentration of 100 µM (Table 3.1). (See Appendix B, Figures B.17, 19, and 21 for calculations.) v = KM VMAX ⋅ [ S 2 ] ⎛ [I ] ⎞ ⎜⎜1 + ⎟ + [S 2 ] K i ⎟⎠ ⎝ (3.2) The results of this modeling effort (Table 3.2) confirm that phosphate is a strong competitive inhibitor of arsenate reduction in Agrobacterium str. 5B (Ki = 0.024 mM), Arthrobacter str. S6 (Ki = 0.090 mM), and Bacillus str. S18 (Ki = 0.105 mM). Although this data supports the idea that phosphate acts as a competitive inhibitor of arsenate reduction in 76 these arsenate-reducing isolates, it does not specify whether inhibition occurs during phosphate transport or arsenate reduction. Therefore, the inhibition of arsenate reduction that was observed in this study may be due to reduced arsenate uptake into the cells and or the reduced binding of arsenate to the ArsC active sites, both seemingly as a result of competition from the increased concentration of phosphate ions present at P concentrations exceeding 500 µM. Table 3.2. Calculated kinetic values for three known arsenate-reducing isolates (Agrobacterium str. 5B, Arthrobacter str. S6 and Bacillus str. S18) based on MichaelisMenten modeling. Calculated parameters included: maximum reduction velocity (VMAX), Michaelis constant (KM), and inhibition constant (Ki). Isolate Agrobacterium str. 5B Arthrobacter str. S6 Bacillus str. S18 VMAX -1 -1 (mmol hr cell ) KM R (mM) 2 2 Ki R (%) (mM) (%) 5.0 x 10 -11 0.055 99.9 0.024 97.1 1.9 x 10 -11 0.070 99.0 0.090 88.7 -9 0.075 98.8 0.105 88.7 1.75 x 10 Conclusions and Implications High phosphate concentrations were shown to inhibit the microbial reduction of arsenate to the more toxic arsenite form both empirically and through Michaelis-Menten enzyme kinetic modeling. Conversely, P:As ratios had no affect on the microbial oxidation of arsenite by known arsenite-oxidizing organisms. The absolute concentration of phosphate is important as well as the ratio of phosphate to arsenate. It appears that for the three arsenatereducing isolates, a phosphate concentration threshold must be exceeded to effectively inhibit reduction; based on the current study, this threshold is between 50 and 500 µM. The inhibition of arsenate reduction observed in this study was not a result of decreased arsenate 77 reductase expression. Furthermore, systematic exclusion of arsenate by the cell’s transport system did not appear responsible for limiting arsenate reduction. Rather, less arsenate was microbially reduced to arsenite via the ars operon because the elevated amount of phosphate ions present in the media (i) allowed less arsenate to be taken into the cells due to competition for phosphate membrane transporters, and or (ii) prevented arsenate from binding to the ArsC active sites. All five isolates included in this study showed lessened growth or As-transforming capability when grown in high As (1000 µM) conditions, though the Arthrobacter sp. str. S6 appeared most tenacious. The addition of a high phosphate concentration (1000 µM) both increased cell growth and inhibited reduction in arsenate-reducing isolates, likely by limiting cell exposure to arsenate through competition for cell uptake. A better understanding of the factors which control formation of the more toxic and bioavailable arsenite form in soils and natural waters has implications for reducing chronic human As poisoning, increasing compliance with the new U.S. drinking water regulation for arsenic and for bioremediation of As-contaminated lands. The findings of this study add justification to the theory that phosphate concentration in soils or natural waters may be an important parameter indirectly limiting the formation of arsenite via microbial processes. Hence, phosphate addition may have potential use in As-bioremediation; however, additional column studies and field experiments which consider the effects of increased phosphate on arsenic desorption are necessary before this method is put into practice. Tassi et al. (2004) reported increased success of lupine As-phytoextraction when this As-accumulating crop was grown in previously As-contaminated soil amended with multiple biammonium phosphate 78 applications. Hence, the use of phosphate in arsenic bioremediation may be more effective if coupled with the phytoextraction of desorbed arsenic by As-hyperaccumulating plants. 79 4. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Summary of Problem Arsenic is a naturally ubiquitous element in the Earth’s crust; however, anthropogenic actions have led to an increase in concentrations of arsenic in soil and water systems. In some instances, concentrations are up to three orders of magnitude greater than values accepted as background levels (Francesconi and Kuehnelt, 2002; Nriagu, 2002; Belluck et al., 2003). While century-old former mining and smelting operations have contributed significantly to the global arsenic dilemma (Freeman et al., 1995; Jones et al., 1997; US EPA, 1998; US EPA 2006c), arsenic soil and water contamination should not be perceived as only a past transgression that we are presently remediating. For example, since the 1970s chromated copper arsenic (CCA) has been the primary wood preservative used in the U.S. (US EPA, 2006b). Although it has been phased out for residential use since 2004 (US EPA, 2006b), CCA-treated lumber is still quite prevalent in outdoor wooden structures, which can readily release arsenic by leaching or decomposing when discarded (Nriagu, 2002; Belluck et al., 2003). Furthermore, 3-nitro-4-hydroxybenzene arsonic acid (roxarsone) is presently used extensively in the U.S. as a chicken feed additive to stimulate growth and prevent disease in commercial broiler operations (Schaefer, 2007). However, Stolz et al. (2007) recently reported that Clostridium species prevalent in chicken excrement can transform this organoarsenical to the more toxic inorganic arsenic form in less than 10 days. Roxarsone is not readily retained by the broilers but rather excreted; since an estimated 90% of commercial chicken litter is applied to land (Stolz et al., 2007), roxarsone usage is a very real example of present day land and water As contamination. 80 Summary of Objectives and Conclusions Microbial interactions can increase the bioavailability of arsenic in soil and water environments by inducing the reduction of arsenate to the more mobile arsenite form (Oremland and Stolz, 2003). Biogeochemical processes catalyzed by microbiota have even been implicated as important reactions contributing to the massive arsenic epidemic in Bangladesh (Harvey et al., 2002). Therefore, a better understanding of the factors that cause microbial communities to exhibit net arsenite oxidation or net arsenate reduction is imperative for preventing further pollution, limiting human exposure, and ameliorating present contamination. In this thesis, experiments were conducted to address arsenic redox transformations as a function of arsenic concentration in column experiments (Chapter 2), and to investigate the affect of phosphate on arsenate oxidation-reduction mediated by known As-transforming microorganisms (Chapter 3). Specific objectives of these studies were to: (i) Determine the effects of arsenite or arsenate concentration on microbial diversity and ability to transform arsenic by soil populations within an aerobic column transport system. (ii) Isolate microorganisms from column transport study and elucidate their dominant arsenic redox phenotype. (iii) Evaluate the effects of phosphate concentration and P:As ratio on biological responses to arsenate and arsenite. The primary conclusions of experiments designed to address these objectives are as follows: 81 (i) Arsenite oxidation was the net microbial transformation process observed in aerobic column experiments using previously uncontaminated soil at arsenite or arsenate concentrations of 2 and 20 mg L-1. Conversely, values of 200 mg L-1 inhibited microbial arsenite oxidation. However, microbial diversity was not significantly reduced as a function of increasing As concentration and numerous isolates were obtained from columns treated with high arsenic (200 mg L-1). (ii) Sixty-two isolates were cultivated from porous media samples obtained at the termination of column experiments including representatives from α−, β−, and γProteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Firmicutes and Flavobacteria. Forty-three of these isolates were shown to be capable of arsenate reduction, while only one isolate (a Mesorhizobium sp.-like strain) was capable of arsenite oxidation. (iii) The addition of phosphate inhibited the microbial reduction of AsV in three arsenate-reducing organisms. Further, high phosphate ameliorated As-induced cell growth reduction in the presence of high (1 mM) arsenic pressure; however, the absolute concentration of phosphate, in addition to a high phosphate to arsenate ratio, was necessary to inhibit microbial arsenate reduction. While high phosphate:arsenate ratios effectively shut down microbial arsenate reduction, the expression of the arsenate reductase gene (arsC) was not inhibited under these conditions in the arsenate-reducing isolate, Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5B. Consequently, phosphate likely inhibits arsenate reduction by impeding arsenate uptake by the cell via phosphate transport systems or by competitively binding to the active site of the ArsC. 82 Implications of the Current Work Soils are among the most complex and difficult systems to analyze accurately, in part due to the tight coupling of physical, chemical and biological processes. For example, it is currently very difficult to quantify the immense diversity and abundance of microflora in soil, frequently exceeding one billion individuals g-1 (Sylvia et al., 1999), much less understand whether several populations may dominate microbial community activity at any given time. Many molecular techniques may be complicated by biases such as the presence of humic or fulvic acids known to inhibit PCR reactions, depending on the primer sets and the templates. Results obtained in the current work using a previously uncontaminated soil raise numerous questions regarding the impacts of As on soil microbial communities and provide another example of the difficulty involved with linking microbial processes with specific individual species and their physiologies in culture. For example, although the results clearly documented that arsenite oxidation was the net As transformation mediated by the microbial community, only 1 of the 62 isolates cultivated from this soil was shown to be capable of oxidizing arsenite while 43 were shown to reduce arsenate. There are many possible reasons for this apparent inconsistency. Arsenite-oxidizing organisms could be less prevalent in soil environments than arsenate reducers. However, a recent study (Inskeep et al., 2007) identified over 170 phylogenetically diverse arsenite oxidase gene sequences from geographically widespread soil environments, including 3 sequences from the Amsterdam soil extracted from the aforementioned column studies (Chapter 2) and 12 from the Gardner Ditch and Substation soils detailed in Appendix C. 83 Prior to the Inskeep et al. (2007) study, a mere 13 microbial genera had been shown to possess an arsenite oxidase-like gene sequence, while arsenate reductase genes (arsC) had been confirmed or putatively identified in over 100 genera (TIGR-CMR; http://cmr.tigr.org). Since fewer arsenite oxidase sequences are available for the construction of degenerate primers compared to arsenate reductases, it is conceivable that current amplification techniques are biased against the identification of oxidase gene sequences of common soil organisms. Moreover, arsenite oxidases are not highly conserved across phylogenetically diverse organisms (Inskeep et al., 2007), which further complicates effective primer design. Another important consideration is that the currently known bacterial arsenite oxidases (AroA, AsoA, AoxB) may only represent one type of enzymes capable of mediating this redox process. The precedent for this hypothesis originates in part from the fact that microorganisms clearly exhibit diverse strategies for mediating As transformation and that some known arsenite oxidizing organisms do not appear to have aroA-like genes (Inskeep et al., 2007). Finally, it is critical to remember that cultivation protocols certainly have their biases and it is possible that the cultivation techniques employed in the current study favored the isolation of arsenate reducing microorganisms over arsenite oxidizers. Together, these potential biases and unknowns pose a significant limitation to fully understanding microbial contributions to the global arsenic cycle. Many environmental factors beyond the scope of this project also contribute to arsenic cycling, such as soil water content. Water saturated soils lead to low oxygen diffusion rates, which would exert a greater selection pressure towards dissimilatory arsenate reducing microorganisms (Stolz and Oremland, 1999). Microbial transformations under anoxic 84 conditions were not addressed in the current study; nonetheless, microorganisms with the capability to respire on arsenate may become active in microaerobic to anaerobic environments and play an important role in the chemical speciation of As. Future studies to determine if these organisms contribute to arsenate reduction in anaerobic conditions are warranted. The complexity of microbial interactions with arsenic is further complicated by the competitive relationship between arsenate and phosphate, and the fact that the P:As ratio may also influence the net microbial transformation of As in soils and natural waters. In the current work (Chapter 3), the presence of high phosphate was shown to inhibit microbial reduction of arsenate by aerobic arsenate reducing organisms, thus high P:As may minimize the formation of arsenite, a more mobile and toxic arsenic form. However, the same phenomenon responsible for phosphate inhibition of arsenate reduction (i.e. the chemical similarity between phosphate and arsenate) can also result in increased mobilization of arsenic (Darland and Inskeep, 1997; Peryea and Kammereck, 1997; Alam et al., 2001). As a chemical analog, phosphate often competes with arsenate for soil sorption sites, thus leading to an increase in soluble arsenic concentrations. 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Chem. 279: 37445-37451. 95 APPENDICES 96 APPENDIX A: SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL FOR CHAPTER 2 97 A) Arsenite 20-Day Treatment Column B) Arsenite 28-Day Treatment Column C) Arsenate 20-Day Treatment Column D) Arsenate 28-Day Treatment Column Figure A.1. Percent of total soluble arsenic present as arsenite (gray) or arsenate (black) as a function of time in columns amended with 2 mg L-1 (26.7 µM) of either arsenite or arsenate. Columns were sacrificed prior to experiment’s conclusion to monitor changes in microbial community composition over time and were later excluded from the experimental design as they exhibited no significant differences in microbial or As redox profiles as treatment columns completing the entire experiment duration. 98 A) Arsenite 5-Day Treatment Column B) Arsenite 16-Day Treatment Column C) Arsenate 5-Day Treatment Column D) Arsenate 16-Day Treatment Column Figure A.2. Percent of total soluble arsenic present as arsenite (gray) or arsenate (black) as a function of time in columns amended with 20 mg L-1 (267 µM) of either arsenite or arsenate. Columns were sacrificed prior to experiment’s conclusion to monitor changes in microbial community composition over time and were later excluded from the experimental design as they exhibited no significant differences in microbial or As redox profiles as treatment columns completing the entire experiment duration. 99 Table A.1. Colony morphology of isolates cultivated from 2 mg As L-1 (26.7 µM) Amsterdam column soil samples. (Plated on R2A media.) Isolate Strain Name DM1A DM1AA DM1B DM1BB Description yellowish-cream, opaque, convex, circular colony with translucent outer ring cream, opaque, dull, tiny, punctiform colony with smooth margin orangish, opaque, dull, circular colony with white fuzzy umbonate top and smooth margin pinkish, opaque, shiny, tiny, punctiform colony with smooth margin DM1E cream, opaque, shiny, irregular colony diffusing to clear, translucent smooth margin DM1F creamish-clear, translucent, shiny, small, irregular colony with smooth margin DM1G cream, opaque, shiny, convex, circular colony with diffuse translucent margin; tends to smear DM1 creamish-clear, translucent, shiny, tiny, punctiform colony; tends to smear DM1I grey, opaque, dull, punctiform colony with white fuzzy top and undulate margin DM1J yellowish, translucent, shiny, irregular colony DM1K bright yellow, shiny, raised, irregular colony DM1L yellowish-cream, opaque, shiny, large, irregular colony with scalloped margin DM1M cream, opaque, dull, circular colony with white fuzzy umbonate top and smooth margin DM1N cream, shiny, punctiform colony with undulate margin DM1O cream, opaque, dull, circular colony with white fuzzy slightly umbonate top and smooth margin DM1Q orangish, translucent, shiny, convex, circular colony with smooth margin; tends to smear DM1R cream, opaque, shiny, irregular colony with lobate margin; tends to smear DM1S peachish-cream, opaque, shiny, punctiform colony with smooth margin DM1T cream, opaque, shiny, irregular colony with smooth margin; tends to smear DM1U creamish-clear, translucent, concentric, circular colony with undulate margin DM1V peach, translucent, shiny, punctiform colony with undulate margin DM1W yellowish, shiny, irregular colony with translucent undulate margin; tends to smear DM1X cream, translucent, shiny, irregular colony with translucent smooth margin DM1Y cream, opaque, shiny, medium puntiform colony with smooth margin 100 Table A.2. Colony morphology of isolates cultivated from 20 mg As L-1 (267 µM) Amsterdam column soil samples. (Plated on R2A media.) Isolate Strain Name Description DM2A peach, opaque, punctiform, convex, dull colony with smooth margin DM2B cream, translucent, irregular, shiny colony with undulate margin; tends to smear DM2C pink, tiny, translucent, punctiform, shiny colony with smooth margin DM2D yellowish, tiny, shiny, punctiform colony DM2E pink, tiny, translucent, punctiform, shiny colony with smooth margin DM2F peachish, translucent, punctiform, shiny, convex colony with smooth margin DM2N tan, opaque, dull, convex papillate, circular colony with undulate margin and fuzzy white top DM2O cream, opaque, shiny, circular colony with concentrated cream center DM2P yellowish, opaque, shiny, irregular colony with undulate margin; tends to smear DM2Q cream, opaque, shiny, irregular colony with smooth translucent margin DM2R cream, opaque, concentric, raised with concave beveled edge, circular colony with thick white outer ring DM2S red, translucent, tiny, shiny, punctiform colony with smooth margin DM2T tan, dull, circular colony with fuzzy white umbonate top and undulate white margin DM2U cream, opaque, shiny, circular colony with smooth translucent margin 101 Table A.3. Colony morphology of isolates cultivated from 200 mg As L-1 (2.7 mM) Amsterdam column soil samples. (Plated on R2A media.) Isolate Strain Name Description DM3A peachish, opaque, moderately shiny, irregular colony with undulate margin; tends to smear DM3B yellowish, opaque, shiny, irregular colony with translucent cream lobate margin DM3C yellowish-green, translucent, shiny, irregular colony with transparent undulate margin DM3D yellowish, opaque, shiny, convex, circular colony with opaque cream smooth margin DM3E yellow, translucent, shiny, convex, irregular colony with smooth margin DM3F yellowish-green, transparent, shiny, raised with concave beveled edge, irregular colony with clear transparent, diffusing ciliate margin DM3G yellow, opaque, shiny, convex, irregular colony with smooth margin DM3H yellow, translucent, shiny, raised with concave beveled edge, irregular colony with clear undulate margin DM3I yellow, translucent, shiny, punctiform colony with smooth margin DM3J brownish-cream, opaque, dull, circular colony with white fuzzy top DM3K peachish, opaque, shiny, irregular colony with cream translucent, filamentous outer ring and smooth margin DM3L cream, translucent, shiny, punctiform colony with smooth margin; tends to smear DM3M cream, translucent, shiny, punctiform colony with smooth margin DM3N yellow, translucent, shiny, convex papillate, irregular colony with scalloped margin DM3O yellowish, translucent, shiny, irregular colony with cream smooth margin DM3P cream, translucent, shiny, umbonate, circular colony with smooth margin DM3R yellowish-green, transparent, shiny, raised with concave beveled edge, irregular colony with clear transparent, diffusing ciliate margin 102 Table A.4. Colony morphology of isolates cultivated from non-sterile control (no-arsenic pressure) Amsterdam column soil samples. (Plated on R2A media.) Isolate Strain Name Description DM2G white, opaque, dull, circular, umbonate colony with smooth margin; tends to harden DM2H brown, opaque, dull, puntiform colony with smooth margin and fuzzy white top DM2I peachish, opaque, shiny, irregular colony with smooth margin; tends to smear DM2J pinkish, opaque, shiny, circular, moderately umbonate colony with smooth margin DM2K cream, opaque, shiny, convex, circular colony with smooth, translucent margin DM2L pinkish, opaque, shiny, circular, moderately umbonate colony with smooth margin DM2M yellowish, opaque, shiny, irregular colony with undulate, translucent margin 103 Table A.5. Data from As phenotype screening of isolates cultured from Amsterdam column studies withstanding 2 mg L-1 (26.7 µM) As pressure. Isolates treated with 2.9 mg L-1 (38.7 µM) of both AsIII and AsV and grown in duplicate for approximately 8 days in SSE/SSM media. Isolate Strain Name Measured [As] (mg/L) Dilution Factor Samples speciated to include As V only. DM1AA 2.0 1.24 DM1AA 1.8 1.24 DM1AA2 0.3 1.40 DM1AA2 0.3 1.40 DM1B 0.9 1.24 DM1B 0.4 1.24 DM1BB 0.2 1.24 DM1BB 0.2 1.24 DM1C 0.4 1.24 DM1C 0.3 1.24 DM1D 0.2 1.24 DM1D 0.2 1.24 DM1E 0.2 1.24 DM1E 0.2 1.24 DM1F 0.2 1.24 DM1F 0.2 1.24 DM1G 2.2 1.40 DM1G 2.1 1.40 DM1 3.8 1.24 DM1 3.7 1.24 DM1I 0.3 1.24 DM1I 0.3 1.24 DM1J 2.2 1.24 DM1J 2.1 1.24 DM1J2 2.2 1.40 DM1J2 2.1 1.40 DM1K 2.1 1.24 DM1K 2.1 1.24 DM1L 0.2 1.24 DM1L 0.2 1.24 DM1M 0.2 1.24 DM1M 0.3 1.24 Final [As] (mg/L) AsV in Isolate Media:AsV in Sterile Control (SC) Media (%) Observed As Transformation1 OD (A 500) 2.43 2.20 0.38 0.40 1.07 0.43 0.22 0.21 0.49 0.42 0.28 0.28 0.29 0.27 0.29 0.25 3.14 2.93 4.74 4.57 0.34 0.33 2.76 2.61 3.03 2.98 2.55 2.60 0.25 0.26 0.30 0.32 90 82 10 11 40 16 8 8 18 16 10 11 11 10 11 9 111 104 176 170 12 12 103 97 107 105 95 97 9 10 11 12 none none reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction none none oxidation oxidation reduction reduction none none none none none none reduction reduction reduction reduction 0.058 0.214 0.251 0.004 0.752 0.178 0.095 0.415 0.844 0.012 0.016 0.61 0.056 0.087 0.037 0.028 0.483 0.591 0.078 1 The observed As transformation of an isolate was assigned based on the ratio of AsV in isolate media:AsV in sterile control media. The following ratio ranges were assigned the corresponding result: <75% = reduction, >125% = oxidation and 75 - 125% = none. 2 Data from re-screening. Isolates with conflicting duplicate observed transformations or with an extrememly low optical density (OD) were re-treated in duplicate. 3 Average of two duplicate sterile controls. 104 Table A.5 con’t. Data from As phenotype screening of isolates cultured from Amsterdam column studies withstanding 2 mg L-1 (26.7 µM) As pressure. Isolates treated with 2.9 mg L-1 (38.7 µM) of both AsIII and AsV and grown in duplicate for approximately 8 days in SSE/SSM media. Final AsV in Isolate Media:AsV in Observed As OD [As] Sterile Control (SC) Media (A 500) Transformation1 (mg/L) (%) DM1N 1.5 1.40 2.11 75 reduction 0.252 DM1N 1.2 1.40 1.69 60 reduction 0.265 DM1O 1.6 1.24 1.98 74 reduction 0.046 DM1O 1.4 1.24 1.72 64 reduction DM1Q 1.8 1.24 2.25 84 none 0.16 DM1Q 2.0 1.24 2.43 90 none DM1R 2.0 1.24 2.51 93 none 0.054 DM1R 1.9 1.24 2.31 86 none 2 DM1R 0.3 1.40 0.44 16 reduction 0.773 DM1R2 0.3 1.40 0.47 17 reduction DM1S 0.2 1.24 0.19 7 reduction 1.656 DM1S 0.2 1.24 0.22 8 reduction DM1T 0.2 1.24 0.26 10 reduction 0.739 DM1T 0.2 1.24 0.26 10 reduction DM1V 0.2 1.24 0.26 10 reduction 0.343 DM1V 0.2 1.24 0.28 10 reduction DM1W 0.3 1.40 0.38 14 reduction 1.169 DM1W 0.3 1.40 0.36 13 reduction 1.131 DM1X 2.2 1.24 2.73 101 none 0.371 DM1X 2.2 1.24 2.73 101 none DM1Y 0.2 1.24 0.28 11 reduction 1.245 DM1Y 0.3 1.24 0.36 13 reduction DM1Z 2.1 1.24 2.60 97 none 0.052 DM1Z 2.1 1.24 2.60 97 none DM1Z2 0.3 1.40 0.39 15 reduction 0.161 2 DM1Z 0.3 1.40 0.45 17 reduction 0.39 SC3 Trial 1 2.2 1.24 2.69 SC3 Trial 2 2.7 1.40 3.75 SC3 Trial 3 2.0 1.40 2.83 1 The observed As transformation of an isolate was assigned based on the ratio of AsV in isolate media:AsV in sterile control media. The following ratio ranges were assigned the corresponding result: <75% = reduction, >125% = oxidation and 75 - 125% = none. Isolate Strain Name Measured [As] (mg/L) Dilution Factor 2 Data from re-screening. Isolates with conflicting duplicate observed transformations or with an extrememly low optical density (OD) were re-treated in duplicate. 3 Average of two duplicate sterile controls. 105 Table A.5 con’t. Data from As phenotype screening of isolates cultured from Amsterdam column studies withstanding 2 mg L-1 (26.7 µM) As pressure. Isolates treated with 2.9 mg L-1 (38.7 µM) of both AsIII and AsV and grown in duplicate for approximately 8 days in SSE/SSM media. Isolate Strain Name Measured [As] (mg/L) Dilution Factor Final [As] (mg/L) Total arsenic samples; run to ensure no loss of arsenic via methylation, etc. DM1AA 4.7 1.11 5.26 DM1AA2 6.0 1.00 5.99 DM1B 4.8 1.11 5.37 DM1BB 4.8 1.11 5.31 DM1C 4.8 1.11 5.27 DM1D 4.8 1.11 5.28 DM1E 4.6 1.11 5.11 DM1F 4.6 1.11 5.16 DM1G 5.6 1.00 5.56 DM1 5.0 1.11 5.60 DM1I 4.8 1.11 5.28 DM1J 4.8 1.11 5.29 DM1J2 5.5 1.00 5.52 DM1K 4.8 1.11 5.33 DM1L 4.9 1.11 5.48 DM1M 4.8 1.11 5.37 DM1N 5.4 1.00 5.39 DM1O 4.8 1.11 5.34 DM1Q 4.8 1.11 5.36 DM1R2 5.4 1.00 5.37 DM1S 4.9 1.11 5.43 DM1T 4.8 1.11 5.35 DM1V 4.9 1.11 5.44 DM1W 5.4 1.00 5.43 DM1X 4.8 1.11 5.33 DM1Y 4.7 1.11 5.26 DM1Z 4.8 1.11 5.30 DM1Z2 6.0 1.00 6.00 SC3 Trial 1 5.4 1.00 5.40 3 6.3 1.00 6.26 3 5.3 1.00 5.33 SC Trial 2 SC Trial 3 1 The observed As transformation of an isolate was assigned based on the ratio of AsV in isolate media:AsV in sterile control media. The following ratio ranges were assigned the corresponding result: <75% = reduction, >125% = oxidation and 75 - 125% = none. 2 Data from re-screening. Isolates with conflicting duplicate observed transformations or with an extrememly low optical density (OD) were re-treated in duplicate. 3 Average of two duplicate sterile controls. 106 Table A.6. Data from As phenotype screening of isolates cultured from Amsterdam column studies withstanding 20 mg L-1 (267 µM) As pressure. Isolates treated with 2.9 mg L-1 (38.7 µM) of both AsIII and AsV and grown in duplicate for approximately 8 days in SSE/SSM media. Isolate Strain Name Measured [As] (mg/L) Dilution Factor Final [As] (mg/L) AsV in Isolate Media:AsV in Sterile Control (SC) Media (%) Observed As Transformation1 OD (A 500) 0.36 0.43 0.39 0.38 0.42 0.45 2.98 3.00 3.21 3.37 1.85 0.62 0.38 0.46 0.40 0.39 0.43 0.44 1.34 2.14 0.47 0.40 2.68 2.71 0.53 0.60 2.94 2.96 3.75 2.83 3.26 10 11 14 13 11 12 105 106 98 103 49 17 10 12 11 10 15 16 36 57 13 11 95 96 14 16 104 105 reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction none none none none reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction none none reduction reduction none none 0.987 0.991 1.013 1.077 0.442 0.639 0.038 0.027 0.062 0.08 0.159 0.735 0.919 0.918 0.48 0.404 1.268 1.118 0.208 0.203 0.201 0.14 0.095 0.102 0.149 0.086 0.045 0.051 Samples speciated to include As V only. DM2A DM2A DM2B DM2B DM2C DM2C DM2D DM2D DM2D2 DM2D2 DM2E DM2E DM2F DM2F DM2N DM2N DM2P DM2P DM2Q DM2Q DM2R DM2R DM2S DM2S DM2T DM2T DM2U DM2U SC3 Trial 1 SC3 Trial 2 SC3 Trial 3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 2.1 2.1 2.3 2.4 1.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.0 1.5 0.3 0.3 1.9 1.9 0.4 0.4 2.1 2.1 2.7 2.0 2.3 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1 The observed As transformation of an isolate was assigned based on the ratio of AsV in isolate media:AsV in sterile control media. The following ratio ranges were assigned the corresponding result: <75% = reduction, >125% = oxidation and 75 - 125% = none. 2 Data from re-screening. Isolates with conflicting duplicate observed transformations or with an extrememly low optical density (OD) were re-treated in duplicate. 3 Average of two duplicate sterile controls. 107 Table A.6 con’t. Data from As phenotype screening of isolates cultured from Amsterdam column studies withstanding 20 mg L-1 (267 µM) As pressure. Isolates treated with 2.9 mg L-1 (38.7 µM) of both AsIII and AsV and grown in duplicate for approximately 8 days in SSE/SSM media. Measured Final Dilution [As] [As] Factor (mg/L) (mg/L) Total arsenic samples; run to ensure no loss of arsenic via methylation, etc. Isolate Strain Name DM2A DM2A DM2B DM2B DM2C DM2C DM2D DM2D DM2E DM2E DM2F DM2F DM2N DM2P DM2P DM2Q DM2Q DM2R DM2S DM2S DM2T DM2U DM2U 3 SC Trial 1 3 SC Trial 2 SC Trial 3 6.2 6.2 5.5 5.5 6.3 6.0 5.4 5.4 6.2 5.6 5.8 6.3 6.1 5.4 5.3 6.2 6.1 6.2 5.3 5.3 6.2 5.3 5.3 6.3 5.3 6.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.20 6.23 5.45 5.46 6.28 6.01 5.39 5.42 6.24 5.59 5.85 6.25 6.14 5.36 5.31 6.20 6.15 6.19 5.32 5.32 6.16 5.32 5.34 6.26 5.33 6.04 1 The observed As transformation of an isolate was assigned based on the ratio of AsV in isolate media:AsV in sterile control media. The following ratio ranges were assigned the corresponding result: <75% = reduction, >125% = oxidation and 75 - 125% = none. 2 Data from re-screening. Isolates with conflicting duplicate observed transformations or with an extrememly low optical density (OD) were re-treated in duplicate. 3 Average of two duplicate sterile controls. 108 Table A.7. Data from As phenotype screening of isolates cultured from Amsterdam column studies withstanding 200 mg L-1 (2.7 mM) As pressure. Isolates treated with 2.9 mg L-1 (38.7 µM) of both AsIII and AsV and grown in duplicate for approximately 8 days in SSE/SSM media. Isolate Strain Name Measured [As] (mg/L) Dilution Factor V Final [As] (mg/L) V V As in Isolate Media:As in Sterile Control (SC) Media (%) Observed As 1 Transformation OD (A 500) Samples speciated to include As only. DM3A 0.822 1.40 1.15 35 reduction 1.033 DM3A 0.53 1.40 0.74 23 reduction 1.057 DM3B 0.4 1.40 0.62 17 reduction 0.369 DM3B 0.3 1.40 0.49 13 reduction 0.269 DM3C 2.4 1.40 3.37 119 none 0.08 DM3C 2.5 1.40 3.49 123 none 0.105 DM3D 0.4 1.40 0.53 14 reduction 0.847 DM3D 0.4 1.40 0.51 14 reduction DM3E 2.2 1.40 3.09 83 none 0.155 DM3E 2.5 1.40 3.50 94 none 0.13 DM3F 0.3 1.40 0.42 11 reduction 0.076 DM3F 0.3 1.40 0.36 10 reduction 0.067 DM3G 0.3 1.40 0.38 10 reduction 0.351 DM3G 0.3 1.40 0.38 10 reduction 0.325 DM3H 2.5 1.40 3.50 94 none 0.122 DM3H 2.5 1.40 3.52 95 none 0.288 DM3I 0.3 1.40 0.39 14 reduction 1.384 DM3I 0.3 1.40 0.39 14 reduction 1.381 DM3K 1.5 1.40 2.07 73 reduction 0.117 DM3K 1.5 1.40 2.07 73 reduction 0.126 DM3L 2.3 1.40 3.27 116 none 0.054 DM3L 2.4 1.40 3.34 118 none 0.082 DM3M 2.0 1.40 2.86 101 none 0.058 DM3M 2.0 1.40 2.82 100 none 0.065 DM3N 0.3 1.40 0.37 10 reduction 0.488 DM3N 0.3 1.40 0.44 12 reduction 0.336 DM3O 0.3 1.40 0.41 11 reduction 0.784 DM3O 0.3 1.40 0.36 10 reduction 0.864 DM3P 2.4 1.40 3.30 88 none 0.066 DM3P 2.4 1.40 3.39 91 none 0.064 2 DM3P 2.0 1.40 2.78 98 none 0.043 2 DM3P 2.0 1.40 2.84 100 none 0.04 1 V V The observed As transformation of an isolate was assigned based on the ratio of As in isolate media:As in sterile control media. The following ratio ranges were assigned the corresponding result: <75% = reduction, >125% = oxidation and 75 - 125% = none. 2 Data from re-screening. Isolates with conflicting duplicate observed transformations or with an extrememly low optical density (OD) were re-treated in duplicate. 3 Average of two duplicate sterile controls. 109 Table A.7 con’t. Data from As phenotype screening of isolates cultured from Amsterdam column studies withstanding 200 mg L-1 (2.7 mM) As pressure. Isolates treated with 2.9 mg L-1 (38.7 µM) of both AsIII and AsV and grown in duplicate for approximately 8 days in SSE/SSM media. Isolate Strain Name Measured [As] (mg/L) Dilution Factor Final [As] (mg/L) V V As in Isolate Media:As in Sterile Control (SC) Media (%) Observed As 1 Transformation OD (A 500) DM3R 0.3 1.40 0.43 12 reduction 0.591 DM3R 0.3 1.40 0.48 13 reduction 1.444 3 SC Trial 1 2.7 1.40 3.73 3 SC Trial 2 2.0 1.40 2.83 3 SC Trial 3 2.3 1.40 3.29 Total arsenic samples; run to ensure no loss of arsenic via methylation, etc. DM3A 6.128 1.00 6.13 DM3B 5.7 1.00 5.71 DM3B 5.6 1.00 5.63 DM3C 5.3 1.00 5.32 DM3C 5.3 1.00 5.34 DM3D 5.9 1.00 5.88 DM3D 5.9 1.00 5.92 DM3E 6.0 1.00 5.98 DM3E 6.1 1.00 6.11 DM3F 5.8 1.00 5.82 DM3F 5.9 1.00 5.90 DM3G 5.9 1.00 5.91 DM3G 6.0 1.00 6.04 DM3H 6.0 1.00 5.95 DM3H 6.0 1.00 6.04 DM3I 5.3 1.00 5.26 DM3I 5.3 1.00 5.28 DM3K 5.5 1.00 5.50 DM3K 5.5 1.00 5.46 DM3L 5.4 1.00 5.36 DM3L 5.3 1.00 5.31 DM3M 5.4 1.00 5.36 DM3M 5.3 1.00 5.35 DM3N 5.8 1.00 5.84 DM3N 5.8 1.00 5.83 DM3O 5.8 1.00 5.84 DM3O 5.8 1.00 5.83 1 V V The observed As transformation of an isolate was assigned based on the ratio of As in isolate media:As in sterile control media. The following ratio ranges were assigned the corresponding result: <75% = reduction, >125% = oxidation and 75 - 125% = none. 2 Data from re-screening. Isolates with conflicting duplicate observed transformations or with an extrememly low optical density (OD) were re-treated in duplicate. 3 Average of two duplicate sterile controls. 110 Table A.7 con’t. Data from As phenotype screening of isolates cultured from Amsterdam column studies withstanding 200 mg L-1 (2.7 mM) As pressure. Isolates treated with 2.9 mg L-1 (38.7 µM) of both AsIII and AsV and grown in duplicate for approximately 8 days in SSE/SSM media. Final Measured Dilution [As] [As] Factor (mg/L) (mg/L) DM3P 6.0 1.00 5.97 DM3P 5.9 1.00 5.94 2 DM3P 5.3 1.00 5.33 2 DM3P 5.3 1.00 5.33 DM3R 5.9 1.00 5.89 DM3R 5.9 1.00 5.90 3 SC Trial 1 6.0 1.00 6.01 3 SC Trial 2 5.3 1.00 5.33 SC Trial 3 5.9 1.00 5.86 1 V V The observed As transformation of an isolate was assigned based on the ratio of As in isolate media:As in sterile control media. The following ratio ranges were assigned the corresponding result: <75% = reduction, >125% = oxidation and 75 - 125% = none. 2 Data from re-screening. Isolates with conflicting duplicate observed transformations or with an extrememly low optical density (OD) were re-treated in duplicate. 3 Average of two duplicate sterile controls. Isolate Strain Name 111 Table A.8. Data from As phenotype screening of isolates cultured from Amsterdam column studies withstanding no As pressure. Isolates treated with 2.9 mg L-1 (38.7 µM) of both AsIII and AsV and grown in duplicate for approximately 8 days in SSE/SSM media. Isolate Strain Name Measured [As] (mg/L) Dilution Factor V V Final [As] (mg/L) As in Isolate Media:As in Sterile Control (SC) Media (%) Observed As 1 Transformation OD (A 500) 0.43 0.42 0.37 0.39 0.46 0.40 2.22 0.58 0.38 0.43 0.40 0.36 0.48 0.52 3.75 2.83 12 11 10 10 16 14 59 15 10 11 11 10 13 14 reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction 0.265 0.228 0.14 0.347 1.212 1.198 0.186 0.445 0.745 0.734 0.451 0.596 0.978 0.96 V Samples speciated to include As only. DM2G DM2G DM2H DM2H DM2I DM2I DM2J DM2J DM2K DM2K DM2L DM2L DM2M DM2M SC3 Trial 1 3 SC Trial 2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.6 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 2.7 2.0 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 Total arsenic samples; run to ensure no loss of arsenic via methylation, etc. DM2G 6.2 1.00 6.20 DM2G 6.2 1.00 6.16 DM2H 6.1 1.00 6.11 DM2H 5.9 1.00 5.92 DM2I 5.4 1.00 5.38 DM2I 5.4 1.00 5.40 DM2J 6.2 1.00 6.24 DM2J 6.1 1.00 6.10 DM2K 6.2 1.00 6.18 DM2K 6.2 1.00 6.17 DM2L 6.1 1.00 6.08 DM2L 6.1 1.00 6.11 DM2M 6.2 1.00 6.22 DM2M 6.2 1.00 6.20 SC3 Trial 1 6.3 1.00 6.26 3 SC Trial 2 5.3 1.00 5.33 1 V V The observed As transformation of an isolate was assigned based on the ratio of As in isolate media:As in sterile control media. The following ratio ranges were assigned the corresponding result: <75% = reduction, >125% = oxidation and 75 - 125% = none. 2 Data from re-screening. Isolates with conflicting duplicate observed transformations or with an extrememly low optical density (OD) were re-treated in duplicate. 3 Average of two duplicate sterile controls. Column 8A Column 7B Column 7A Column 4A Column 3B Column 3A Column 2A Column 1B Column 1A AsV Treatment Columns Column 9A AsV Sterile Controls Column 9B AsIII Treatment Columns Column 10A AsIII Sterile Controls Column 10B Column 8B Column 4B Column 2B Figure A.3. DGGE gel demonstrating microbial banding patterns of soil columns treated with 2 mg L-1 (26.7 µM) arsenite or arsenate and broken-down at the experiment’s conclusion (57 days). An “A” in the column name designates the sample corresponds to the top sampling port of the column, while a “B” denotes a bottom port sample. 112 113 28 days Column 9B Column 9A Column 10B Column 10A 57 days Column 12B Column 12A Column 11B Column 11A 20 days Figure A.4. An example DGGE gel demonstrating little change over time or region in microbial banding patterns of soil columns treated with 2 mg L-1 (26.7 µM) arsenate. Columns 11 and 12 were “sacrificed” and molecularly analyzed 20 and 28 days, respectively, after experiment commenced, while columns 10 and 9 endured the entire experiment duration of 57 days. An “A” in the column name designates the sample corresponds to the top sampling port of the column, while a “B” denotes a bottom port sample. A similar result was observed in the 2 mg L-1 AsIII-treated columns. 114 Column 12B Column 12A Column 11B Column 11A AsV Treatment Columns Column 14B Column 14A Column 13B AsV Sterile Controls Column 13A Column 2B Column 2A Column 1B AsIII Treatment Columns Column 1A Column 6B Column 6A Column 5B Column 5A AsIII Sterile Controls Figure A.5. DGGE gel demonstrating microbial banding patterns of soil columns treated with 20 mg L-1 (267 µM) arsenite or arsenate and broken-down at the experiment’s conclusion (26 days). An “A” in the column name designates the sample corresponds to the top sampling port of the column, while a “B” denotes a bottom port sample. 115 Column 12B Column 12A Column 11B Column 11A Column 10B Column 10A Column 9B Column 9A 26 days 16 days 5 days Figure A.6. An example DGGE gel demonstrating little change over time or region in microbial banding patterns of soil columns treated with 20 mg L-1 (267 µM) arsenate. Columns 9 and 10 were “sacrificed” and molecularly analyzed 5 and 16 days, respectively, after experiment commenced, while columns 11 and 12 endured the entire experiment duration of 26 days. An “A” in the column name designates the sample corresponds to the top sampling port of the column, while a “B” denotes a bottom port sample. A similar result was observed in the 20 mg L-1 AsIII-treated columns. 116 Column 8A AsV Treatment Columns Column 7A Column 6A AsV Sterile Controls Column 5A Column 4A Column 3A Column 2A Column 1A AsIII AsIII Sterile Controls Treatment Columns Figure A.7. DGGE gel demonstrating microbial banding patterns of soil columns treated with 200 mg L-1 (2.7 mM) arsenite or arsenate and broken-down at the experiment’s conclusion (25 days). An “A” in the column name designates the sample corresponds to the top sampling port of the column, while a “B” denotes a bottom port sample. 117 Column 8B Column 8A Column 7B Column 7A Non-sterile Control Columns Figure A.8. DGGE gel demonstrating microbial banding patterns of soil columns that endured no As pressure (non-sterile controls) and were broken-down at the experiment’s conclusion (26 days). An “A” in the column name designates the sample corresponds to the top sampling port of the column, while a “B” denotes a bottom port sample. Isolate DM1L Isolate DM1K Isolate DM1J Band #: AsIII-treated Column 2-2 Isolate DM1BB Isolate DM1AA Isolate DM1T Isolate DM1S Isolate DM1R Band #: AsIII-treated Column 2-3 118 2-C3-1 2-C2-1 2-C2-2 2-C3-2 2-C3-3 2-C3-5 Figure A.9. DGGE gel showing co-migration of microbial signatures between two isolates (DM1S and DM1BB) cultivated from 2 mg L-1 (26.7 µM) arsenite-treated columns and the environmental sample from which they originated. Figure A.10. DGGE gel showing no co-migration of microbial signatures between isolates cultivated from 2 mg L-1 (26.7 µM) arsenite or arsenate-treated columns and the environmental sample from which they originated. AsIII-treated Column 2-4 Isolate DM1A Isolate DM1B Isolate DM1E Isolate DM1M Isolate DM1N Isolate DM1O Isolate DM1Q AsV-treated Column 2-9 Isolate DM1F Isolate DM1G Isolate DM1U Isolate DM1V AsV-treated Column 2-10 Isolate DM1 Isolate DM1I Isolate DM1W Isolate DM1X Isolate DM1Y 119 20-C12-1 Band #: Figure A.11. DGGE gel showing no co-migration of microbial signatures between isolates cultivated from 20 mg L-1 (267 µM) arsenite or arsenate-treated columns and the environmental sample from which they originated. AsV-treated Column 20-12 Isolate DM2N Isolate DM2O Isolate DM2P Isolate DM2Q Isolate DM2R AsV-treated Column 20-13 Isolate DM2S AsIII-treated Column 20-2 Isolate DM2A Isolate DM2B Isolate DM2C Isolate DM2D Isolate DM2T Isolate DM2U AsIII-treated Column 20-5 Isolate DM2E Isolate DM2F 120 Isolate DM3F Isolate DM3E Isolate DM3D Isolate DM3C Isolate DM3B AsIII-treated Column 200-3 121 Band #: 200-C3-1 200-C3-2 200-C3-3 200-C3-4 200-C3-5 Figure A.12. DGGE gel showing co-migration of microbial signatures between three isolates (DM3C, DM3E, and DM3F) cultivated from 200 mg L-1 (2.7 mM) arsenite-treated columns and the environmental sample from which they originated. 200-C7-1 Band #: 200-C6-2 200-C6-1 Band #: 200-C5-3 200-C5-4 200-C5-2 Band #: Isolate DM3R Isolate DM3P AsV-treated Column 200-5 Isolate DM3O Isolate DM3N Isolate DM3M AsV-treated Column 200-6 Isolate DM3L Isolate DM3K Isolate DM3J Isolate DM3I Isolate DM3H Isolate DM3G AsV-treated Column 200-7 Figure A.13. DGGE gel showing co-migration of microbial signatures between three isolates (DM3M, DM3N, and DM3R) cultivated from 200 mg L-1 (2.7 mM) arsenate-treated columns and the environmental sample from which they originated. 122 Isolate DM2M Isolate DM2L Isolate DM2K Isolate DM2J Isolate DM2I Isolate DM2H Isolate DM2G Non-sterile Control 7 123 Figure A.14. DGGE gel showing no co-migration of microbial signatures between isolates cultivated from a non-sterile control column and the environmental sample from which they originated. 124 APPENDIX B: SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL FOR CHAPTER 3 125 A) 50 µM P - 1000 µM As Experiment B) 1000 µM P - 1000 µM As Experiment C) 50 µM P - 100 µM As Experiment D) 500 µM P - 100 µM As Experiment E) 1000 µM P - 100 µM As Experiment Figure B.1. Concentration of total arsenic over time in experiments initially spiked with either 1000, 100, 10 or 5 µM As. 126 F) 50 µM P - 5 µM As Experiment G) 50 µM P - 10 µM As Experiment Figure B.1 con’t. Concentration of total arsenic over time in experiments initially spiked with either 1000, 100, 10 or 5 µM As. 127 A) Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5A B) Variovorax sp. str. RM1 C) Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5B D) Arthrobacter sp. str. S6 E) Bacillus sp. str. S18 50 µM P – 100 µM As 50 µM P – 5 µM As 500 µM P – 100 µM As 50 µM P – 10 µM As 1000 µM P – 100 µM As 50 µM P – 1000 µM As 1000 µM P – 1000 µM As Figure B.2. Comparison of isolate growth curves in all P:As experiments. 128 A) 50 µM P - 100 µM As B) 50 µM P - 5 µM As C) 500 µM P - 100 µM As D) 50 µM P - 10 µM As E) 1000 µM P - 100 µM As F) 50 µM P - 1000 µM As Figure B.3. Correlation of phosphate concentration and optical density (OD500) over experiment duration in all Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5A trials. 129 A) 50 µM P - 100 µM As B) 50 µM P - 5 µM As C) 500 µM P - 100 µM As D) 50 µM P - 10 µM As E) 1000 µM P - 100 µM As F) 50 µM P - 1000 µM As Figure B.4. Correlation of phosphate concentration and optical density (OD500) over experiment duration in all Variovorax sp. str. RM1 trials. 130 A) 50 µM P - 100 µM As B) 50 µM P - 5 µM As C) 500 µM P - 100 µM As D) 50 µM P - 10 µM As Figure B.5. Correlation of phosphate concentration and optical density (OD500) over experiment duration in all Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5B trials. 131 E) 1000 µM P - 100 µM As F) 50 µM P - 1000 µM As G) 1000 µM P - 1000 µM As Figure B.5 con’t. Correlation of phosphate concentration and optical density (OD500) over experiment duration in all Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5B trials. 132 A) 50 µM P - 100 µM As B) 50 µM P - 5 µM As C) 500 µM P - 100 µM As D) 50 µM P - 10 µM As Figure B.6. Correlation of phosphate concentration and optical density (OD500) over experiment duration in all Arthrobacter sp. str. S6 trials. 133 E) 1000 µM P - 100 µM As F) 50 µM P - 1000 µM As G) 1000 µM P - 1000 µM As Figure B.6 con’t. Correlation of phosphate concentration and optical density (OD500) over experiment duration in all Arthrobacter sp. str. S6 trials. 134 A) 50 µM P - 100 µM As B) 50 µM P - 5 µM As C) 500 µM P - 100 µM As D) 50 µM P - 10 µM As Figure B.7. Correlation of phosphate concentration and optical density (OD500) over experiment duration in all Bacillus sp. str. S18 trials. 135 E) 1000 µM P - 100 µM As F) 50 µM P - 1000 µM As G) 1000 µM P - 1000 µM As Figure B.7 con’t. Correlation of phosphate concentration and optical density (OD500) over experiment duration in all Bacillus sp. str. S18 trials. 136 A) 50 µM P - 100 µM As B) 50 µM P - 5 µM As C) 500 µM P - 100 µM As D) 50 µM P - 10 µM As E) 1000 µM P - 100 µM As F) 50 µM P - 1000 µM As Figure B.8. Correlation of phosphate concentration and the arsenite (AsIII) fraction over experiment duration in all Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5A trials. 137 A) 50 µM P - 100 µM As B) 50 µM P - 5 µM As C) 500 µM P - 100 µM As D) 50 µM P - 10 µM As E) 1000 µM P - 100 µM As F) 50 µM P - 1000 µM As Figure B.9. Correlation of phosphate concentration and the arsenite (AsIII) fraction over experiment duration in all Variovorax sp. str. RM1 trials. 138 A) 50 µM P - 100 µM As B) 50 µM P - 5 µM As C) 500 µM P - 100 µM As D) 50 µM P - 10 µM As Figure B.10. Correlation of phosphate concentration and the arsenate (AsV) fraction over experiment duration in all Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5B trials. 139 E) 1000 µM P - 100 µM As F) 50 µM P - 1000 µM As G) 1000 µM P - 1000 µM As Figure B.10 con’t. Correlation of phosphate concentration and the arsenate (AsV) fraction over experiment duration in all Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5B trials. 140 A) 50 µM P - 100 µM As B) 50 µM P - 5 µM As C) 500 µM P - 100 µM As D) 50 µM P - 10 µM As Figure B.11. Correlation of phosphate concentration and the arsenate (AsV) fraction over experiment duration in all Arthrobacter sp. str. S6 trials. 141 E) 1000 µM P - 100 µM As F) 50 µM P - 1000 µM As G) 1000 µM P - 1000 µM As Figure B.11 con’t. Correlation of phosphate concentration and the arsenate (AsV) fraction over experiment duration in all Arthrobacter sp. str. S6 trials. 142 A) 50 µM P - 100 µM As B) 50 µM P - 5 µM As C) 500 µM P - 100 µM As D) 50 µM P - 10 µM As Figure B.12. Correlation of phosphate concentration and the arsenate (AsV) fraction over experiment duration in all Bacillus sp. str. S18 trials. 143 E) 1000 µM P - 100 µM As F) 50 µM P - 1000 µM As G) 1000 µM P - 1000 µM As Figure B.12 con’t. Correlation of phosphate concentration and the arsenate (AsV) fraction over experiment duration in all Bacillus sp. str. S18 trials. 144 A) 50 µM P - 1000 µM As B) 50 µM P - 100 µM As C) 50 µM P - 10 µM As D) 50 µM P - 5 µM As E) 500 µM P - 100 µM As F) 1000 µM P - 100 µM As Figure B.13. Correlation of arsenate (AsV) reduction and optical density (OD500) over experiment duration in Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5B trials. 145 A) 50 µM P - 1000 µM As B) 50 µM P - 100 µM As C) 50 µM P - 10 µM As D) 50 µM P - 5 µM As E) 500 µM P - 100 µM As F) 1000 µM P - 100 µM As Figure B.14. Correlation of arsenate (AsV) reduction and optical density (OD500) over experiment duration in Arthrobacter sp. str. S6 trials. 146 A) 50 µM P - 1000 µM As B) 50 µM P - 100 µM As C) 50 µM P - 10 µM As D) 50 µM P - 5 µM As E) 500 µM P - 100 µM As F) 1000 µM P - 100 µM As Figure B.15. Correlation of arsenate (AsV) reduction and optical density (OD500) over experiment duration in Bacillus sp. str. S18 trials. 147 Table B.1. Univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) data depicting no significant differences (α=0.05) in the arsenite fraction at the final sampling in Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5A P:As trials, as shown in Figure 3.1. Line color corresponds to P:As ratio as follows: 50 µM P: 5 µM As – blue; 1000 µM P: 100 µM As – cyan; 50 µM P: 10 µM As – green; 50 µM P: 100 µM As – pink; and 500 µM P: 100 µM As – red. (I) line blue cyan green pink red (J) line cyan green pink red blue green pink red blue cyan pink red blue cyan green red blue cyan green pink Mean Difference (I-J) -.9915 -4.7400 -5.6480 -1.7340 .9915 -3.7485 -4.6565 -.7425 4.7400 3.7485 -.9080 3.0060 5.6480 4.6565 .9080 3.9140 1.7340 .7425 -3.0060 -3.9140 Based on observed means. Std. Error 3.81604 3.81604 3.81604 3.81604 3.81604 3.81604 3.81604 3.81604 3.81604 3.81604 3.81604 3.81604 3.81604 3.81604 3.81604 3.81604 3.81604 3.81604 3.81604 3.81604 Sig. .805 .269 .199 .669 .805 .371 .277 .853 .269 .371 .821 .467 .199 .277 .821 .352 .669 .853 .467 .352 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound -10.8010 8.8180 -14.5495 5.0695 -15.4575 4.1615 -11.5435 8.0755 -8.8180 10.8010 -13.5580 6.0610 -14.4660 5.1530 -10.5520 9.0670 -5.0695 14.5495 -6.0610 13.5580 -10.7175 8.9015 -6.8035 12.8155 -4.1615 15.4575 -5.1530 14.4660 -8.9015 10.7175 -5.8955 13.7235 -8.0755 11.5435 -9.0670 10.5520 -12.8155 6.8035 -13.7235 5.8955 148 Table B.2. Univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) data depicting significant differences (“*”; α=0.05) in the arsenite fraction at the final sampling in Variovorax sp. str. RM1 P:As trials, as shown in Figure 3.1. Line color corresponds to P:As ratio as follows: 50 µM P: 5 µM As – blue; 1000 µM P: 100 µM As – cyan; 50 µM P: 10 µM As – green; 50 µM P: 100 µM As – pink; and 500 µM P: 100 µM As – red. (I) line blue cyan green pink red (J) line cyan green pink red blue green pink red blue cyan pink red blue cyan green red blue cyan green pink Mean Difference (I-J) .9890 -7.0540* 1.5245 2.6165 -.9890 -8.0430* .5355 1.6275 7.0540* 8.0430* 8.5785* 9.6705* -1.5245 -.5355 -8.5785* 1.0920 -2.6165 -1.6275 -9.6705* -1.0920 Std. Error 1.26052 1.26052 1.26052 1.26052 1.26052 1.26052 1.26052 1.26052 1.26052 1.26052 1.26052 1.26052 1.26052 1.26052 1.26052 1.26052 1.26052 1.26052 1.26052 1.26052 Sig. .468 .003 .281 .093 .468 .001 .689 .253 .003 .001 .001 .001 .281 .689 .001 .426 .093 .253 .001 .426 Based on observed means. *. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level. 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound -2.2513 4.2293 -10.2943 -3.8137 -1.7158 4.7648 -.6238 5.8568 -4.2293 2.2513 -11.2833 -4.8027 -2.7048 3.7758 -1.6128 4.8678 3.8137 10.2943 4.8027 11.2833 5.3382 11.8188 6.4302 12.9108 -4.7648 1.7158 -3.7758 2.7048 -11.8188 -5.3382 -2.1483 4.3323 -5.8568 .6238 -4.8678 1.6128 -12.9108 -6.4302 -4.3323 2.1483 149 Table B.3. Univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) data depicting significant differences (“*”; α=0.05) in the arsenate fraction at the final sampling in Agrobacterium tumefaciens. str. 5B P:As trials, as shown in Figure 3.2. Line color corresponds to P:As ratio as follows: 50 µM P: 5 µM As – blue; 1000 µM P: 100 µM As – cyan; 50 µM P: 10 µM As – green; 50 µM P: 100 µM As – pink; and 500 µM P: 100 µM As – red. (I) color blue cyan green pink red (J) color cyan green pink red blue green pink red blue cyan pink red blue cyan green red blue cyan green pink Mean Difference Std. Error (I-J) -87.8563* 1.85163 4.5447 1.85163 4.5602 1.85163 -86.0008* 1.85163 87.8563* 1.85163 92.4010* 1.85163 92.4165* 1.85163 1.8555 1.85163 -4.5447 1.85163 -92.4010* 1.85163 .0155 1.85163 -90.5455* 1.85163 -4.5602 1.85163 -92.4165* 1.85163 -.0155 1.85163 -90.5610* 1.85163 86.0008* 1.85163 -1.8555 1.85163 90.5455* 1.85163 90.5610* 1.85163 Sig. .000 .058 .057 .000 .000 .000 .000 .362 .058 .000 .994 .000 .057 .000 .994 .000 .000 .362 .000 .000 Based on observed means. *. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level. 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound -92.6161 -83.0966 -.2151 9.3045 -.1996 9.3200 -90.7606 -81.2410 83.0966 92.6161 87.6413 97.1608 87.6567 97.1763 -2.9042 6.6153 -9.3045 .2151 -97.1608 -87.6413 -4.7443 4.7752 -95.3053 -85.7857 -9.3200 .1996 -97.1763 -87.6567 -4.7752 4.7443 -95.3207 -85.8012 81.2410 90.7606 -6.6153 2.9042 85.7857 95.3053 85.8012 95.3207 150 Table B.4. Univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) data depicting significant differences (“*”; α=0.05) in the arsenate fraction at the final sampling in Arthrobacter sp. str. S6 P:As trials, as shown in Figure 3.2. Line color corresponds to P:As ratio as follows: 50 µM P: 5 µM As – blue; 1000 µM P: 100 µM As – cyan; 50 µM P: 10 µM As – green; 50 µM P: 100 µM As – pink; and 500 µM P: 100 µM As – red. (I) line blue cyan green pink red (J) line cyan green pink red blue green pink red blue cyan pink red blue cyan green red blue cyan green pink Mean Difference (I-J) -91.6645* -2.6900 -2.5980 -78.6305* 91.6645* 88.9745* 89.0665* 13.0340* 2.6900 -88.9745* .0920 -75.9405* 2.5980 -89.0665* -.0920 -76.0325* 78.6305* -13.0340* 75.9405* 76.0325* Std. Error 3.22528 3.22528 3.22528 3.22528 3.22528 3.22528 3.22528 3.22528 3.22528 3.22528 3.22528 3.22528 3.22528 3.22528 3.22528 3.22528 3.22528 3.22528 3.22528 3.22528 Sig. .000 .442 .457 .000 .000 .000 .000 .010 .442 .000 .978 .000 .457 .000 .978 .000 .000 .010 .000 .000 Based on observed means. *. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level. 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound -99.9553 -83.3737 -10.9808 5.6008 -10.8888 5.6928 -86.9213 -70.3397 83.3737 99.9553 80.6837 97.2653 80.7757 97.3573 4.7432 21.3248 -5.6008 10.9808 -97.2653 -80.6837 -8.1988 8.3828 -84.2313 -67.6497 -5.6928 10.8888 -97.3573 -80.7757 -8.3828 8.1988 -84.3233 -67.7417 70.3397 86.9213 -21.3248 -4.7432 67.6497 84.2313 67.7417 84.3233 151 Table B.5. Univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) data depicting significant differences (“*”; α=0.05) in the arsenate fraction at the final sampling in Bacillus sp. str. S18 P:As trials, as shown in Figure 3.2. Line color corresponds to P:As ratio as follows: 50 µM P: 5 µM As – blue; 1000 µM P: 100 µM As – cyan; 50 µM P: 10 µM As – green; 50 µM P: 100 µM As – pink; and 500 µM P: 100 µM As – red. (I) line blue cyan green pink red (J) line cyan green pink red blue green pink red blue cyan pink red blue cyan green red blue cyan green pink Mean Difference (I-J) -65.5490* -32.0570* -1.1500 -56.7515* 65.5490* 33.4920* 64.3990* 8.7975* 32.0570* -33.4920* 30.9070* -24.6945* 1.1500 -64.3990* -30.9070* -55.6015* 56.7515* -8.7975* 24.6945* 55.6015* Std. Error 3.12447 3.12447 3.12447 3.12447 3.12447 3.12447 3.12447 3.12447 3.12447 3.12447 3.12447 3.12447 3.12447 3.12447 3.12447 3.12447 3.12447 3.12447 3.12447 3.12447 Sig. .000 .000 .728 .000 .000 .000 .000 .037 .000 .000 .000 .001 .728 .000 .000 .000 .000 .037 .001 .000 Based on observed means. *. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level. 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound -73.5807 -57.5173 -40.0887 -24.0253 -9.1817 6.8817 -64.7832 -48.7198 57.5173 73.5807 25.4603 41.5237 56.3673 72.4307 .7658 16.8292 24.0253 40.0887 -41.5237 -25.4603 22.8753 38.9387 -32.7262 -16.6628 -6.8817 9.1817 -72.4307 -56.3673 -38.9387 -22.8753 -63.6332 -47.5698 48.7198 64.7832 -16.8292 -.7658 16.6628 32.7262 47.5698 63.6332 152 Michaelis-Menten Equation Fitting for Agrobacterium str. 5B v=Vmax/(1+(Km/[S1])) estimated Vmax 5.00E-11 estimated Km 0.0550 Extrapolation [S1] = v = amt. reduction corresponding [As] mmol/hr/cell (in mM) (at max rate interval) 0.52 4.46E-11 0.057 2.48E-11 0.0043 3.25E-12 0.0017 1.09E-12 Var: 4.E-22 r2: Y' 4.52E-11 2.54E-11 3.63E-12 1.50E-12 Sum: (Y'-Y)2 3.80E-25 4.02E-25 1.38E-25 1.71E-25 1.09E-24 x 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.007 0.005 y 4.74E-11 3.23E-11 7.69E-12 5.65E-12 4.17E-12 0.999 5.00E-11 4.50E-11 v (mmol/hr/cell) 4.00E-11 3.50E-11 3.00E-11 Actual Fitted 2.50E-11 2.00E-11 1.50E-11 1.00E-11 5.00E-12 0.00E+00 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 [S] (mM) Figure B.16. Michaelis-Menten kinetic modeling for Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5B. The model was used to estimate the maximum velocity of the reduction reaction (VMAX) and the Michaelis constant (KM) based on the known maximum arsenate reduction velocity (υ) and corresponding arsenate concentration (S1) of the four P:As experiments that included an initial phosphate concentration of 50 µM. 153 Michaelis Competitive Inhibition Equation Fitting for Agrobacterium str. 5B v=Vmax[S2]/Km(1+([I]/Ki)+[S2] estimated Vmax 5.00E-11 estimated Km 0.0550 initial [As] 0.1000 estimated Ki 0.0236 [S2] = corresponding [As] (in mmol) 0.057 0.1 0.1 [I] = corresponding [P] v (@ max v (@ max rate (in mmol) rate interval) interval) X (Y'-Y)2 Y Y' 0.03 2.48E-11 2.27E-11 4.41E-24 0.48 7.92E-13 3.97E-12 1.01E-23 0.95 5.64E-13 2.11E-12 2.40E-24 Var: 2 r: Sum: 1.69E-23 2.E-22 Extrapolation x y 0.05 1.84E-11 0.50 3.79E-12 0.80 2.48E-12 1.00 2.01E-12 0.971 3.00E-11 v (mmol/hr/cell) 2.50E-11 2.00E-11 Actual 1.50E-11 Fitted 1.00E-11 5.00E-12 0.00E+00 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 [I] (mM) Figure B.17. Michaelis-Menten enzyme inhibition modeling for Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. 5B. The model was used to estimate the phosphate inhibition constant (Ki) based on the calculated VMAX and KM, in addition to the known maximum arsenatereduction velocity (υ) and the corresponding phosphate (I) and arsenate (S2) concentrations of the three P:As experiments that included an initial arsenate concentration of 100 µM. 154 Michaelis-Menten Equation Fitting for Arthrobacter str. S6 v=Vmax/(1+(Km/[S1])) estimated Vmax 1.90E-11 estimated Km 0.0700 Extrapolation [S1] = v = amt. reduction corresponding [As] mmol/hr/cell (in mM) (at max rate interval) 0.83 1.64E-11 0.06 9.35E-12 0.006 1.92E-12 0.0025 1.17E-12 Var: 5.E-23 r2: Y' 1.75E-11 8.77E-12 1.50E-12 6.55E-13 Sum: (Y'-Y)2 1.30E-24 3.38E-25 1.77E-25 2.64E-25 2.08E-24 x 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.007 0.005 y 1.78E-11 1.12E-11 2.38E-12 1.73E-12 1.27E-12 0.990 1.80E-11 v (mmol/hr/cell) 1.60E-11 1.40E-11 1.20E-11 1.00E-11 Actual 8.00E-12 Fitted 6.00E-12 4.00E-12 2.00E-12 0.00E+00 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 [S] (mM) Figure B.18. Michaelis-Menten kinetic modeling for Arthrobacter sp. str. S6. The model was used to estimate the maximum velocity of the reduction reaction (VMAX) and the Michaelis constant (KM) based on the known maximum arsenate reduction velocity (υ) and corresponding arsenate concentration (S1) of the four P:As experiments that included an initial phosphate concentration of 50 µM. 155 Michaelis Competitive Inhibition Equation Fitting for Arthrobacter str. S6 v=Vmax[S2]/Km(1+([I]/Ki)+[S2] estimated Vmax 1.90E-11 estimated Km 0.0700 initial [As] 0.1000 estimated Ki 0.0900 [S2] = [I] = corresponding corresponding [P] v (@ max [As] (mmol) rate interval) X (mmol) Y 0.06 0.04 9.35E-12 0.1 0.50 3.05E-12 0.1 1.00 6.29E-13 Var: 2 r: 2.E-23 v (@ max rate interval) (Y'-Y)2 Y' 7.14E-12 4.87E-24 3.40E-12 1.21E-25 2.00E-12 1.89E-24 Sum: 6.88E-24 Extrapolation x y 0.05 9.10E-12 0.50 3.40E-12 0.80 2.40E-12 1.00 2.00E-12 0.887 1.00E-11 9.00E-12 v (mmol/hr/cell) 8.00E-12 7.00E-12 6.00E-12 Actual Fitted 5.00E-12 4.00E-12 3.00E-12 2.00E-12 1.00E-12 0.00E+00 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 [I] (mM) Figure B.19. Michaelis-Menten enzyme inhibition modeling for Arthrobacter sp. str. S6. The model was used to estimate the phosphate inhibition constant (Ki) based on the calculated VMAX and KM, in addition to the known maximum arsenate-reduction velocity (υ) and the corresponding phosphate (I) and arsenate (S2) concentrations of the three P:As experiments that included an initial arsenate concentration of 100 µM. 156 Michaelis-Menten Equation Fitting for Bacillus str. S18 v=Vmax/(1+(Km/[S1])) estimated Vmax 1.75E-09 estimated Km 7.50E-02 Extrapolation [S1] = v = amt. reduction mmol/hr/cell corresponding [As] (at max rate interval) (in mM) 1 1.75E-09 0.07 8.39E-10 0.0076 2.68E-10 0.0035 1.85E-11 Var: 6.E-19 r2: Y' 1.63E-09 8.45E-10 1.61E-10 7.80E-11 Sum: (Y'-Y)2 1.44E-20 3.73E-23 1.14E-20 3.54E-21 2.93E-20 x 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.007 0.005 y 1.63E-09 1.00E-09 2.06E-10 1.49E-10 1.09E-10 0.988 2.00E-09 1.80E-09 v (mmol/hr/cell) 1.60E-09 1.40E-09 1.20E-09 Actual 1.00E-09 Fitted 8.00E-10 6.00E-10 4.00E-10 2.00E-10 0.00E+00 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 [S] (mM) Figure B.20. Michaelis-Menten kinetic modeling for Bacillus sp. str. S18. The model was used to estimate the maximum velocity of the reduction reaction (VMAX) and the Michaelis constant (KM) based on the known maximum arsenate reduction velocity (υ) and corresponding arsenate concentration (S1) of the four P:As experiments that included an initial phosphate concentration of 50 µM. 157 Michaelis Competitive Inhibition Equation Fitting for Bacillus str. S18 v=Vmax[S2]/Km(1+([I]/Ki)+[S2] estimated Vmax 1.75E-09 estimated Km 0.0750 initial [As] 0.1000 estimated Ki 0.1050 [S2] = corresponding [As] (mmol) 0.07 0.1 0.1 [I] = corresponding [P] (mmol) X 0.04 0.50 1.00 Var: 2 r: v (@ max rate interval) Y 8.39E-10 2.00E-10 2.64E-10 v (@ max rate interval) Y' 6.94E-10 3.29E-10 1.97E-10 1.E-19 2 (Y'-Y) 2.08E-20 1.66E-20 4.52E-21 Sum: 4.20E-20 Extrapolation x y 0.05 8.31E-10 0.50 3.29E-10 0.80 2.35E-10 1.00 1.97E-10 0.887 9.00E-10 8.00E-10 v (mmol/hr/cell) 7.00E-10 6.00E-10 5.00E-10 Actual Fitted 4.00E-10 3.00E-10 2.00E-10 1.00E-10 0.00E+00 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 [I] (mM) Figure B.21. Michaelis-Menten enzyme inhibition modeling for Bacillus sp. str. S18. The model was used to estimate the phosphate inhibition constant (Ki) based on the calculated VMAX and KM, in addition to the known maximum arsenate-reduction velocity (υ) and the corresponding phosphate (I) and arsenate (S2) concentrations of the three P:As experiments that included an initial arsenate concentration of 100 µM. 158 APPENDIX C: PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS OF SOIL SAMPLES COLLECTED FROM ANACONDA-DEER LODGE COUNTY, MONTANA 159 Introduction A total of 11 soil samples were obtained on November 9, 2004 from various locations within Anaconda-Deer Lodge County, Montana, an area known for its vast metal contamination. In fact, several of the sampling points were located on areas assigned to the National Priorities List (NPL) as severely contaminated Superfund sites. The subsequent sections include thorough descriptions of each sample site and images of each site are included in Figure C.1. All samples were collected as a composite of several sub-samples on each respective locale using a shovel sterilized with 10% bleach and homogenized in sterilized plastic buckets. The soils were sieved (2 mm) under a laboratory sterile air hood and stored at 4oC until future use. A homogenized soil extract was immediately collected from each sample after sieving and submitted for chemical analysis, Table C.1. A second homogenized sample was collected and stored at -80oC for future molecular analysis. Initial separation of microbial signatures was performed on all samples (Figure C.2) via denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), as detailed in the Materials and Methods section of Chapter 2. Miles Crossing - Silver Bow Creek NPL Site Soil samples were collected at a location within the Silver Bow Creek NPL site known as Miles Crossing. The site has a long history of metal contamination, likely the result of fluvial deposited mine, mill, and smelter wastes washed downstream from Butte and Anaconda mining operations in the summer of 1908 during the greatest flood event in 160 western Montana’s recorded history (Smith et al., 1998). Evaporative salts and tailings deposits, predominantly with the appearance of copper and iron, were visible on the soil surface. Visible vegetation included: Baltic rush (Juncus balticus), Kochia (Kochia scoparia), Redtop (Agrostis stolonifera), Saltgrass (Distichlis stricta), Spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa), Western wheatgrass (Pascopyrum smithii), Willow (Salix sp.), and Tufted hairgrass (Deschampsia caespitosa), which is a metal tolerant species and an indicator of tailings contamination (D. Neuman, personal communication, November 9, 2004). Soil texture and vegetation gradients were visible on the site (Figure C.1A); therefore, composite samples were collected from three spatial landscape positions to elucidate any corresponding chemical and microbiological gradients. A description of each sampling point follows. Miles Crossing Pit 1 (MC1) • Coordinates: N 46.01172 o W 112.72380 o • Elevation: 1,615 m • Sub-location: mid landscape position (Figure C.1B) • Vegetative cover: none • Visible soil characteristics: reddish tailings on soil surface and subsoil stratification • Sample depth range from surface: 10 – 51 cm 161 Miles Crossing Pit 2 • Coordinates: N 46.01195 o W 112.72327 o • Elevation: 1,613 m • Sub-location: low landscape position, adjacent to creek bank (Figure C.1C) • Vegetative cover: none • Visible soil characteristics: two distinct soil layers and groundwater encroachment in pit led to the collection of 3 separate samples: Upper Horizon (MC2-5) Soil characteristics: red, orange and yellow well-mixed tailings materials Sample depth range from surface: 13 – 25 cm Lower Horizon (MC2-10) Soil characteristics: organic-rich; dark black; saturated, at groundwater layer Sample depth range from surface: 25 – 46 cm Groundwater (MC2-18) Characteristics: aqueous and suspended sediment Sample depth range from surface: 46 cm 162 Miles Crossing Pit 3 (MC3) • Coordinates: N 46.01137 o W 112.72372 o • Elevation: 1,617 m • Sub location: upper landscape position (Figure C.1D) • Vegetative cover: ~50%, mostly Saltgrass (Distichlis stricta) • Visible soil characteristics: tailings material just beneath the slightly crusted, salt-rich surface, subsoil fibrous throughout, appeared to be an A horizon buried beneath tailings deposits covered by second A horizon • Sample depth range from surface: 0 – 15 cm Near Substation - East of Washoe Smelter Stack The site’s proximity to an electrical substation east of the Washoe smelter stack (Figure C.1E) yielded the designation of the soil samples collected within. The site has a history of aerial metal contamination from fallout originating from copper smelters (Anaconda, Montana). Not surprisingly, no visible tailings were present. The site boasted a fair species richness with visible vegetation composed of: Baltic rush (Juncus balticus), Basin wildrye (Leymus cinereus), Redtop (Agrostis stolonifera), Saltgrass (Distichlis stricta), Spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa), Western wheatgrass (Pascopyrum smithii), and Wood’s rose (Rosa woodsii). 163 Substation Pit • Coordinates: N 46.10313 o W 112.87296 o • Elevation: 1573 m • Vegetative cover: ~65% • Visible soil characteristics: two distinct soil layers (Figure C.1F) led to separate sampling of each layer and an additional sample was taken of the top 5 cm of the surface soil: Surface Soil (SUB-2) Sample depth range from surface: 0 – 5 cm Upper Horizon (SUB-6) Sample depth range from surface: 0 – 15 cm Lower Horizon (SUB-12) Sample depth range from surface: 15 – 30 cm The soil samples from the Substation site were chosen for additional molecular and microbial cultivation analysis due to their high relative concentrations of arsenic and low concentrations of copper (Table C.1). The initial DGGE separation attempt on the Anaconda-Deer Lodge soils (Figure C.2) did not produce a clear microbial signature for the three Substation samples; therefore additional DGGE analysis employing various DNA extract dilutions prior to PCR amplification was conducted on these samples in an attempt to produce clearer banding patterns (Figure C.3). Microbial isolates were cultivated from homogenized soil samples that had previously been stored at 4oC. The colony morphology of each purified isolate was recorded (Table C.2). DNA was extracted from two isolates 164 attributed to the 0 – 5 cm depth range, six from the 0 – 15 cm range and seven belonging to the 15 – 30 cm range, submitted for sequencing by TGen (Phoenix, AZ) and compared to known microbial sequences in the GenBank database (Table C.3). Isolates were then tested for their ability to oxidize or reduce As and assigned a corresponding As phenotype (Table C.4). (See the Materials and Methods section of Chapter 2 for the detailed methodology of all microbiological techniques mentioned herein.) Several additional isolates were cultivated from the Substation soil samples; however, DNA significant for sequencing was unattainable, thus they were dropped from further experimentation. An isolate from the Substation 0 – 15 cm depth range, Arthrobacter-like str. S6, and an isolate from the Substation 15 – 30 cm depth range, Bacillus drentensis-like str. S18, were selected for inclusion in subsequent phosphate experiments, detailed in Chapter 3. Near Gardner Ditch – Anaconda Smelter Site Gardner Ditch sampling point was located on state land having previously been aerially contaminated with metal fallout from the Anaconda-area copper smelters (Figure C.1G). Visible vegetation on the site included: Basin wildrye (Leymus cinereus), Fescue (Festuca ovina), Rubber rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus nauseosus), Spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa), and Western wheatgrass (Pascopyrum smithii). sampling point follows. Further description of the 165 Gardner Ditch Pit (GD) • Coordinates: N 46.19208 o W 112.86601 o • Elevation: 1532 m • Vegetative cover: ~50%, dominated by Spotted knapweed as a result of severe overgrazing (D. Neuman, personal communication, November 9, 2004) • Visible soil characteristics: very rocky, 30% coarse fragments present in soil sample, no visible tailings (Figure C.1H) • Sample depth range from surface: 0 – 8 cm Clark Fork River NPL Site The Clark Fork sample was collected along the bank of the Clark Fork River north of Perkins Lane near Warm Springs, Montana (Figure C.1I). The area is listed as a NPL site due to its high arsenic and copper concentrations and phytotoxic soils, the result of fluvial deposition of nearby mine, mill, and smelter wastes. Mine tailings were not visible from the soil surface, but were uncovered at depth. Vegetative cover consisted mostly of grasses highly grazed to stem base by cattle and was dominated by Basin wildrye (Leymus cinereus) and Willow (Salix sp.). 166 Clark Fork Pit (CF) • Coordinates: N 46.21024o W 112.76768 o • Elevation: 1,453 m • Vegetative cover: ~90% • Visible soil characteristics: buried tailings (Figure C.1J) • Sample depth range from surface: 20 – 30 cm 167 A) Landscape at Miles Crossing B) MC1 Pit C) MC2 Pit D) MC3 Pit E) Landscape at Substation F) SUB Pit Figure C.1. Pictures of the landscape and soil pits at each sampling point. 168 G) Landscape at Gardner Ditch H) GD Pit I) Landscape at Clark Fork J) CF Pit Figure C.1 con’t. Pictures of the landscape and soil pits at each sampling point. 7.3 123 1329 1279 4591 <2 <2 <1 <0.48 <0.37 228 <0.18 <3 5613 <15 pH1 K1 Mg1 Na1 Ca1 Cu Fe As Pb Al Si Cd P S Zn 1 30.7 39.6 % H2O (at 105 C) <15 1185 19 <0.18 420 <0.37 <0.48 5 <2 14 3693 196 769 1043 6.4 Analysis performed on saturated paste of sample. O 231 77 Alkalinity (mgCaCO3/L) 1.04 1.21 EC1 (mmhos/cm) GD CF Analyte 15201 34924 10 39.680 1153 1019 3.861 1 4 8557 2246 2466 1876 184 4.2 28.7 <10 3.92 MC1 1774 15747 6 6.851 1748 2 <0.48 1 517 2832 2570 2123 1831 8 2.8 34.7 <10 2.74 MC2-5 15 19239 16 0.445 1011 11 <0.48 5 2833 3 9232 2962 3373 711 6 72.3 29 2.89 MC2-10 <15 15061 10 0.356 1289 7 <0.48 5 2281 <2 6986 2845 2530 621 6.1 75.9 48 2.46 MC2-18 2615 26224 6 5.783 1410 204 0.483 1 5 1213 13548 21083 2505 4013 4.6 44.4 <10 4.67 MC3 184 655 16 1.690 915 15 <0.48 12 4 69 1073 209 181 1008 4.6 49.5 <10 0.58 SUB-2 92 655 32 0.356 1 4 <0.48 40 <2 11 1397 157 189 624 5.4 44.3 29 0.51 SUB-6 <15 405 10 <0.18 509 <0.37 <0.48 85 <2 <2 1148 178 218 15 7.5 44.9 77 0.30 SUB-12 Table C.1. Chemical characterization of soil samples collected in Anaconda-Deer Lodge County, Montana. (Analytes reported in µM unless otherwise noted.) 169 1:10 Amsterdam 1:10 SUB-12 1:10 SUB-6 1:10 SUB-2 MC2-18 MC2-10 MC2-5 MC3 MC1 CF 1:10 GD GD 170 Figure C.2. Initial DGGE separation of microbial signatures in soils collected from Anaconda-Deer Lodge County, Montana. A 1:10 dilution of DNA extract was employed in the PCR amplification of samples exhibiting particularly high quantities of DNA based on quantification after electrophoresis on a 1.2% agarose gel. SUB-12 1:5000 SUB-12 1:1000 SUB-12 1:100 SUB-6 1:5000 SUB-6 1:1000 SUB-6 1:50 dup SUB-6 1:50 SUB-2 1:5000 SUB-2 1:1000 SUB-2 1:100 SUB-2 1:10 171 Figure C.3. DGGE gel displaying results of employing various dilutions of the DNA extract from the three Substation soil samples prior to PCR amplification in an attempt to produce clearer banding patterns. This further analysis was in response to the poor banding patterns obtained in the initial DGGE separation attempt, Figure C.2. 172 Table C.2. Colony morphology of isolates cultivated from Substation soil samples. (Plated on R2A media.) Isolate Strain Name Description S1 whitish-cream, opaque, shiny, convex, punctiform colony with smooth margin S2 cream, translucent, shiny, punctiform colony with smooth margin S6 cream, opaque, shiny, irregular colony with undulate margin; tends to smear S7 cream, opaque, shiny, concentric, moderately umbonate, irregular colony with smooth margin S8 cream, opaque, shiny, convex, punctiform colony with smooth margin S9 cream, opaque, shiny, low convex, irregular colony with translucent smooth margin S13 peachish-cream, opaque, shiny, irregular colony with smooth margin; tends to smear S14 peachish-cream, opaque, shiny, irregular colony with smooth margin; tends to smear S15 cream, opaque, shiny, convex, irregular colony with clear, translucent outer ring and white fuzzy top; tends to smear S16 cream, opaque, shiny, punctiform colony with smooth margin S17 brown, wavy interlaced, irregular colony with diffuse translucent thick cream outer ring and convex rugose fuzzy white top S18 cream, opaque, shiny, irregular colony , diffusing to translucent smooth outer ring/margin; tends to smear S19 cream, opaque, shiny, irregular colony , diffusing to translucent smooth thick outer ring/margin; tends to smear S21 cream, opaque, shiny, concentric, irregular colony, diffusing to lighter undulate margin S22 brown, shiny, circular colony with moderately convex rugose white fuzzy top and smooth margin 173 Table C.3. Pure cultures of bacteria isolated from Substation soils collected in AnacondaDeer Lodge County, Montana. Isolates are identified based on strain number, closest cultivated relative in GenBank, major phylogenetic division, and experimentally determined As phenotype (i.e. arsenite oxidizer or arsenate reducer). Isolate Strain Name Closest GenBank Neighbor (% sim.) Phylogenic Group As Phenotype Isolates cultivated from the 0-5 cm soil depth range. S1 S2 Arthrobacter oxydans (98.57) 2 Arthrobacter polychromogenes (98.2) 3 Isolates cultivated from the 0-15 cm soil depth range. S6 Arthrobacter sp. str. 108 (99.5) 7 S7 Bacillus simplex str. WN570 (99.9) 5 S8 Arthrobacter oxydans str. c306 (99.7) 2 S9 Paenibacillus sp. str. DS-1 (97.4) 6 S13 Arthrobacter polychromogenes (98.2) 3 S14 Arthrobacter ramosus (99.5) 4 Isolates cultivated from the 15-30 cm soil depth range. S15 Phyllobacterium brassicacearum str. STM (99.9) S16 Arthrobacter ramosus (99.1) 4 S17 Saccharothrix sp. str. LM 150 (99.5) S18 Bacillus drentensis str. WN575 (99.6) 5, 7 S19 Paenibacillus sp. str. DS-1 (98.0) 6 S21 Paenibacillus sp. str. DS-1 (97.7) 6 S22 Streptomyces resistomycificus str. NBRC 12814 (98.9) 1 Isolate showed neither oxidation or reduction capability. Actinobacteria Actinobacteria reducer reducer Actinobacteria Firmicutes Actinobacteria Firmicutes Actinobacteria Actinobacteria reducer reducer reducer reducer reducer reducer Alphaproteobacteria Actinobacteria Actinobacteria Firmicutes Firmicutes Firmicutes Actinobacteria 2 Arthrobacter oxydans -like strs. DMS1 and DMS8 are 98.57% similar. 3 Arthrobacter polychromogenes -like strs. S2 and S13 are 100% similar. 4 Arthrobacter ramosus -like strs. S14 and S16 are 99.44% similar. 5 Bacillus -like strs. S7 and S18 are 95.24% similar. 1 reducer reducer reducer reducer reducer reducer 6 Paenibacillus -like str. S9 is 99.55% similar to str. S19 and 99.17% similar to str. S21. And Paenibacillus -like strs. S19 and S21 are 99.31% similar. 7 Isolate used in the experimental screening in Chapter 3: Inhibition of Microbial Arsenate Reduction by Phosphate . 174 Table C.4. Data from As phenotype screening of isolates cultured from Substation soil samples. Isolates treated with 2.9 mg L-1 (38.7 µM) of both AsIII and AsV and grown in duplicate for approximately 8 days in SSE/SSM media. Isolate Strain Name Measured [As] (mg/L) Dilution Factor Final [As] (mg/L) AsV in Isolate Media:AsV in Sterile Control (SC) Media (%) Observed As Transformation1 OD (A 500) 0.57 0.64 0.48 0.58 0.70 0.65 3.29 4.22 17 19 14 17 20 19 96 123 reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction none none 0.707 0.951 0.188 0.183 1.174 1.141 0.212 0.264 Samples speciated to include As V only. S1 0.4 1.40 S1 0.5 1.40 S2 0.3 1.40 S2 0.4 1.40 S6 0.5 1.40 S6 0.5 1.40 S7 2.4 1.40 S7 3.0 1.40 S72 1.4 1.40 1.93 59 reduction 0.287 2 S7 S8 S8 S9 S9 S13 S13 S14 S14 S15 S15 1.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 1.8 2.0 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 2.22 0.66 0.67 0.64 0.79 0.51 0.63 0.67 0.68 2.46 2.77 67 19 20 19 23 15 18 20 20 76 85 reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction none none 0.315 1.001 1.118 0.416 0.373 0.448 0.362 1.301 1.303 0.251 0.209 S152 2.1 1.40 2.94 89 none 0.202 S152 S16 S16 S17 S17 S18 S18 S19 S19 S20 S20 2.2 0.7 0.8 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.7 0.8 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 3.15 1.03 1.11 0.48 0.53 0.92 1.04 1.11 1.57 1.54 1.63 96 32 34 15 16 28 32 34 48 47 50 none reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction 0.185 1.163 0.999 0.036 0.024 0.464 0.489 0.26 0.246 0.389 0.283 1 The observed As transformation of an isolate was assigned based on the ratio of AsV in isolate media:AsV in sterile control media. The following ratio ranges were assigned the corresponding result: <75% = reduction, >125% = oxidation and 75 - 125% = none. 2 Data from re-screening. Isolates with conflicting duplicate observed transformations or with an extrememly low optical density (OD) were re-treated in duplicate. 3 Average of two duplicate sterile controls. 175 Table C.4 con't. Data from As phenotype screening of isolates cultured from Substation soil samples. Isolates treated with 2.9 mg L-1 (38.7 µM) of both AsIII and AsV and grown in duplicate for approximately 8 days in SSE/SSM media. Isolate Strain Name Measured [As] (mg/L) Dilution Factor Final [As] (mg/L) AsV in Isolate Media:AsV in Sterile Control (SC) Media (%) Observed As Transformation1 OD (A 500) S21 S21 S22 S22 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.5 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.03 0.96 0.73 0.70 32 29 22 21 reduction reduction reduction reduction 0.305 0.254 0.371 0.222 SC3 Trial 1 2.5 1.40 3.44 SC3 Trial 2 2.3 1.40 3.26 3 SC Trial 3 2.3 Total arsenic samples; run to arsenic via methylation, etc. S1 5.9 S2 5.9 S6 6.0 S7 6.1 1.40 3.29 ensure no loss of 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.87 5.87 6.01 6.12 S72 S8 S9 S13 S14 6.0 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.95 6.14 6.15 6.08 6.19 S152 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 S22 6.0 6.0 6.7 5.7 5.9 5.7 6.0 6.1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.96 6.05 6.69 5.68 5.88 5.74 6.00 6.09 SC Trial 1 6.1 1.00 6.11 SC Trial 2 SC3 Trial 3 6.0 5.9 1.00 1.00 6.04 5.86 1 The observed As transformation of an isolate was assigned based on the ratio of AsV in isolate media:AsV in sterile control media. The following ratio ranges were assigned the corresponding result: <75% = reduction, >125% = oxidation and 75 - 125% = none. 2 Data from re-screening. Isolates with conflicting duplicate observed transformations or with an extrememly low optical density (OD) were re-treated in duplicate. 3 Average of two duplicate sterile controls.