PHGN311 Homework #9

PHGN311 Homework #9
Due Friday, Nov. 8, 2013 at the beginning of class
Finish reading Chapter 14 on contour integration through section 8. There will be a
couple more problems on contour integration in the next assignment, but then we will
move on to Chapter 8 on ordinary differential equations. So you should start looking at
1. Boas 14.2.23
2. Boas 14.2.24
3. Boas 14.3.11 (your first temptation is to say this integral is zero. It isn’t. Why not?)
4. Boas 14.3.23
5. Boas 14.4.4 (remember how to find partial fractions when one of the denominator
terms is squared)
6. Boas 14.4.11
7. Boas 14.6.5
8. Boas 14.6.8
9. Boas 14.6.18
10. Boas 14.7.4