PHGN311 Homework #7

PHGN311 Homework #7
Due Friday, Oct. 18, 2013 at the beginning of class
Finish Chapter 7 on Fourier Series and Transforms. Start reading Chapter 5 on multiple
integrals. We will not do this entire chapter, but will review some key topics like
Jacobian’s. Show your work on all problems. Use Mathematica to check results but not
as a solution itself unless asked to.
1. Boas 7.11.6 (you don’t need to find the series in 7.9.9, you can use Mathematica to
show the book’s answer is right and submit that along with the problem. It would be
good practice to do it, however).
2. Boas 7.12.1
3. Boas 7.12.6
4. Boas 7.12.9
5. Find the Fourier Transform of f(x-a) where f is the function from problem 3. You are
free to use the general form for translation of a function we discussed in class.
6. Show that the Fourier Transform of f(x/s) is |s| g(αs) where g(α) is the Fourier
transform of f(x).
7. Boas 7.12.15