UCL INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION IT for SLMS IT for SLMS: Live@UCL – Outlook 2007 – Recurring meetings or appointments 1. Document Information Document Name outlook2007-recurring-meeting.docx Service live@UCL (calendar) Author Kristina Drew Contributors Issue Date 01/08/2013 2. Document History Version Date Summary of change 1.0 01/08/2013 Republished with ‘IT for SLMS’ branding outlook2007-recurring-meeting.docx Confidential Page 1 of 5 UCL INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION IT FOR SLMS Contents 1. Document Information ......................................................................................... 1 2. Document History ................................................................................................ 1 3 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 2 4 Using the Recurrence option ............................................................................... 2 5 Daily recurrence................................................................................................... 2 6 Weekly recurrence ............................................................................................... 3 7 Monthly recurrence .............................................................................................. 4 8 Yearly recurrence ................................................................................................ 5 3 Introduction This document covers how to use the Recurrence option in Outlook 2007 within the live@UCL service to set up meetings that happen on a regular, recurring basis. 4 Using the Recurrence option To make the appointment/meeting recur, in the Appointment/Meeting window click on the Recurrence button on the Meeting tab (or Appointment tab) in the Options group. From the options available, choose when and how often you would like the meeting to be repeated. Here is an explanation of some of the options: 5 Daily recurrence Daily recurring appointments occur at the same time every day (e.g. Lunch break). outlook2007-recurring-meeting.docx Confidential Page 2 of 5 UCL INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION IT FOR SLMS Appointments or meetings that recur daily can be set to occur every single day or every weekday. Range of recurrence allows you to set a start date for the first occurrence and then set how often the appointment should recur. This can be set for a number of occurrences (End after ‘x’ occurrences), to end on a specific date (End by) or No end date. 6 Weekly recurrence Appointments or meetings that recur on a weekly basis are set for selected days of the week. Range of recurrence allows you to set a start date for the first occurrence. You can then set how often the appointment should recur. This can be set for a number of occurrences (End after ‘x’ occurrences), to end on a specific date (End by) or No end date outlook2007-recurring-meeting.docx Confidential Page 3 of 5 UCL INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION IT FOR SLMS 7 Monthly recurrence Appointments or meetings that recur on a monthly basis can be set to recur in one of two ways: On a specific date each month or On a specific weekday such as the first Monday or last Friday of every month Range of recurrence allows you to set a start date for the first occurrence and then set how often the appointment should recur. This can be set for a number of occurrences (End after ‘x’ occurrences), to end on a specific date (End by) or No end date. outlook2007-recurring-meeting.docx Confidential Page 4 of 5 UCL INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION IT FOR SLMS 8 Yearly recurrence Appointments or meetings that occur on a yearly basis can be set to recur in one of two ways: On a specific date every year e.g. an anniversary On a specific weekday such as the first Monday in October Range of recurrence allows you to set a start date for the first occurrence and then set how often the appointment should recur. This can be set for a number of occurrences (End after ‘x’ occurrences), to end on a specific date (End by) or No end date. outlook2007-recurring-meeting.docx Confidential Page 5 of 5