I want to make a gift in honor of Dennis Beagen: $100 $250 $500 Other $______________ Donor name(s): ____________________________ Please designate my gift to: Dennis Beagen Endowed Scholarship in Forensics (01343) Dennis Beagen Undergraduate Symposium Endowment (01689) I would like to set up a multi-year pledge. Total pledge $_____________________ _____________ years at ________ per year. The Eastern Michigan University Foundation is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization whose primary mission is to encourage and manage gifts for the benefit of Eastern Michigan University. To ensure accurate credit, please return this form with your payment. Contributions are tax deductible in accordance with internal revenue service rules. Payment information: My check for $_______________ is enclosed. (Please make checks payable to the EMU Foundation) Charge my gift to: Mastercard Visa Charge amount: $_________________ Exp: ___/___ Account number: ____________________________ Name as it appears on card: ____________________ Signature: __________________________________ Billing address: ______________________________ City/State/Zip: _______________________________ Home phone:________________________________ Email: ______________________________________ To make your gift online, visit emufoundation.org SA12BEA