Karyn Ann Kretschmer
A professional paper submitted in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree
Master of Science
Science Education
Bozeman, Montana
July 2012
In presenting this professional paper in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
a master’s degree at Montana State University, I agree that the MSSE Program shall
make it available to borrowers under rules of the program.
Karyn Ann Kretschmer
April 2012
INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND ........................................................................1
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK ........................................................................................3
METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................11
DATA AND ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................28
INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSION .....................................................................47
VALUE ..............................................................................................................................51
REFERENCES CITED ......................................................................................................57
APPENDICES ...................................................................................................................60
APPENDIX A: Student Attitudes and Experiences with Learning Science..........61
APPENDIX B: Technology Use Pre-Treatment Questionnaire ............................63
APPENDIX C: Student Independent Learning pre-Treatment Survey .................65
APPENDIX D: Quick Post Test Self Reflection ...................................................67
APPENDIX E: Administrator Exemption and Permission....................................69
APPENDIX F: Excerpt from ACS Lesson Plan…………….. ..............................72
APPENDIX G: Sample Post Test Self Reflection Questionnaire .........................78
APPENDIX H: Sample Lesson Plan .....................................................................80
APPENDIX I: Sample Assessment: Understanding Cells Quiz ............................88
APPENDIX J: Sample Webquest: Cell Research Using iPads ............................90
APPENDIX K: Sample Teacher Created Test: Cell Unit......................................93
APPENDIX L: Technology Use Reflection Questionnaire ...................................98
APPENDIX M: Journal Reflection Prompts .......................................................100
APPENDIX N: Sample Post Treatment Technology Use Reflection .................102
APPENDIX O: Post Treatment Technology Use Questionnaire ........................104
APPENDIX P: Student Independent Learning Post-Treatment Survey ..............106
APPENDIX Q: Personal Technology Tool Use Contract ...................................108
1. Applications for Technology Use ..................................................................................13
2. Triangulation Matrix ......................................................................................................29
3. Student Unit Specific Report of Study Habit .................................................................52
4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology Tools ...................................................52
1. A Model of Learning Powered by Technology ..............................................................7
2. Middle School Chemistry Web Page ............................................................................16
3. Cell Biology Web Page .................................................................................................17
4. Vision Learning On-Line Quiz .....................................................................................18
5. Microscope Practice ......................................................................................................19
6. Wiffiti Message Board ..................................................................................................20
7. Flex Scope Image Projected to Smartboard ..................................................................21
8. Glucose Lab Posted to Webpage ..................................................................................22
9. Bookmarking Site for Research: ...........................................................23
10. Virtual Poster Presentation .........................................................................................24
11. Review and Vocabulary Study Tool: .....................................................24
12. Classroom Review Web Page with Khan Academy Video Links ..............................26
13. Technology Use ..........................................................................................................29
14. Technology Skill .........................................................................................................31
15. Technology Difficulty.................................................................................................32
16. Technology Use Reflection.........................................................................................34
17. November Charted Growth .........................................................................................35
18. December Charted Growth .........................................................................................37
19. January Charted Growth .............................................................................................39
20. Change in Confidence Level .......................................................................................41
21. February Charted Growth ...........................................................................................44
22. March Charted Growth ...............................................................................................46
23. Technology Use Reflection: Pre and Post Treatment .................................................48
24. Changes in Student Independent Learning Habits ......................................................51
In this investigation technology tools were implemented with the purpose of
improving student independence and learning of science content in both school and home
settings. Multiple opportunities for technology use throughout all lessons saturated a
traditional approach to teaching science with 21st century technological tools. The data
was used to analyze whether or not the use of technology enhanced the learning process,
improved confidence, and increased independent inquiry while improve science content
For the past eight years I have been teaching seventh grade science at Brookwood
Middle School in Genoa City, Wisconsin. Brookwood Middle School is a grade 5-8
middle school in a small town with a population of about 1,983 people (GIS Planning
Inc., 2011). The students come from families that are primarily working class: 49% are
considered white-collar workers, and 50% are considered blue-collar workers. Families
in this district have a $56,312 median income and 90.95% of adults hold a high school
degree or higher. About 20% of adults have a bachelor’s degree or higher (GIS Planning
Inc., 2011). According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 30.7% of
Brookwood Middle School students were eligible for subsidized lunch in 2009-2010.
The K-12 district population was 88.2% white, 10.8% Hispanic, 0.7 % Black, and 0.3 %
Asian (N=624). The number of students with disabilities was about 14.8 % in 2009-2010
(Wisconsin DPI, 2011). The results of the 2010 Wisconsin Knowledge and Concept
Examination showed that by the end of 8th grade, students at Brookwood Middle School
scored 84%, 85%, 78%, 62%, and 77% proficient in Reading, Social Studies, Science,
Language Arts, and Math respectively (Greatschools Inc., 2011).
As a student at Montana State University, for the purpose of earning a Masters of
Science in Science Education, I conducted a research study of my students during the
2011-2012 school year. My interests lie in converging traditional and inquiry based
teaching methods with the use of technological tools. Our district school board has a
strong affinity for encouraging the use of technology in the classroom; they always
provide as much modern technology as the district can afford with the intent that these
resources would increase student learning. In recent years all classrooms have been
equipped with Smartboard screens. In addition, teachers have been using and learning
the benefits of having personal MacBooks for years. Following their introduction,
student sets were also made available and only recently have been portable and functional
enough to actually make using them in the classroom practical. Recently, some teachers
were given iPads to use depending on whether or not they thought they could incorporate
them into their curriculum. I am currently exploring the possibilities for their use in
science since classroom sets are likely to follow. Since I have been teaching at
Brookwood students have had the use of desktop computers with varied availability.
Two 28 computer technology labs are available. Brookwood School also has breakout
pods, which are small groups of computers accessible to several grade levels. Each of
our three hallway wings has 12 computers available. The computers the district owns
vary in age and capability with some computers being capable of doing far greater tasks
than others. The district also allows teacher access to portable laptops with limited
Technology is an integral part of everyday life. The number of technological
tools that are being introduced into our personal and professional lives is astounding.
The question as to whether or not technological tools enhance learning is the primary
focus of my research. As a middle school teacher, in addition to teaching scientific
understanding of content and processes, I am also responsible for guiding my students
toward a certain level of independence. I need to teach them how to seek out information
and assistance from sources beyond the classroom. Therefore, my secondary focus is
whether or not technological access and understanding could be a portal for students
becoming better learners. I would like to know if they use their new gadgets to tap into
resources, both personal and educational, until they are able to better understand the
science content being taught.
Using technology, including but not limited to: student laptops, desktops, iPad
applications, Smartboard lessons, iPods or smart phones with internet access,
photography, video, interactive web applications, and accompanying software, to
improve independent thinking and learning, develop a greater mastery of science
objectives, and increase appreciation for scientific study is the purpose of the study.
Traditional teaching of science has focused more on fact-based memorization and
review of text with teacher driven lectures, laboratory experiments, and sectional reviews
(Pursell, 2009; Yager & Akcay, 2008). Some research suggests this approach may inhibit
students’ ability to think creatively and engage in science at levels where cognitive
thinking and problem solving strategies are employed (Harmer & Cates, 2007). Others
argue that the direct approach to teaching is more beneficial and that guided instruction is
more conducive to positive learning outcomes. Some have found that schools with
individualized learning opportunities and whose students are taught higher-level thinking
skills tend to perform better than schools that do not (Stansbury, 2011; Cobern, 2010;
Sweller, 2009; Kirschner, Sweller & Clark, 2006; Klahr, 2002).
An effective method that teachers can follow to provide opportunities for student
engagement, inquiry, and higher level thinking is the 5E Model of Learning. This
method of learning was developed, with the philosophies of Jean Piaget as its base,
through the careful construction and philosophical contributions of Robert Karplus,
theoretical physicist and educator. Karplus and his co-workers initially constructed
several strategies of learning with exploration, invention, and discovery as the main
teacher focus to get the greatest positive student response. Karplus published his ideas in
the Journal of Research in Science Teaching in 1977, where he stressed the importance
of employing three instructional phases of learning: exploration, concept introduction,
and concept application (Fuller, 2003). In 1988, this learning cycle was modified and
enhanced through the work of Roger Bybee and is today known as the 5E Learning
Cycle. It includes the original philosophies of both Piaget and Karplus through use of the
learning phases of engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, and evaluation of
students (Su, Chiut & Wang, 2010).
The first stage of the 5E modeled recommended for each lesson is engage. An
engage activity should make connections between past and present experience and
mentally engage students in the content, process or skill to be learned. This is usually
done through an anticipation activity that focuses students’ thinking on the learning
outcomes of the current activity. The second stage recommended for each lesson is
explore. This phase of the 5E’s provides students with a common base of experiences.
Here they can identify and develop concepts, processes, and skills. During this phase,
students actively explore their environment or manipulate materials. Explain is the phase
of the 5E’s that helps students explain the concepts they have been exploring. They have
opportunities to verbalize their conceptual understanding or to demonstrate new skills or
behaviors. This phase also provides opportunities for teachers to introduce formal terms,
definitions, and explanations for concepts, processes, skills, or behaviors. After
instruction the next stage is elaborate. This phase of the 5E’s extends students’
conceptual understanding and allows them to practice skills and behaviors. Through new
experiences, the learners develop deeper and broader understanding of major concepts,
obtain more information about areas of interest, and refine their skills. The final stage of
the 5E’s is evaluate. This phase of the 5E’s encourages learners to assess their
understanding and abilities and lets teachers evaluate students’ understanding of key
concepts and skill development (Fountain, 2009).
One way for a teacher to recognize and utilize the philosophies of the 5E Learning
Cycle is through the use of technology. In February 2011, a study conducted by the
George Marshall Applied Cognition Laboratory was published in Educational
Leadership Magazine. In this study, data indicated that students born after 1990 are
continuously spending their time multitasking by using media and technology. This
generation, sometimes labeled the iGeneration or the YouTube generation, is
continuously immersed in using individualized mobile technologies including the iPhone,
iPod, Wii, iTunes, and other popular electronic devices (Rosen, 2011; Pursell, 2009).
Because these technologically savvy students are the students in American classrooms
today, finding an effective means to adapt to their unique learning styles is
Incorporating technology use into the middle school science classroom shows
benefits such as increased personal relevance, learner engagement, student focus on
problem solving rather than memorization, and inquiry (Harmer & Cates, 2007). The use
of technology improves students’ ability to read content while obtaining direct access to
definitions to vocabulary words that typically could prevent students from
comprehending what they were reading (Marino, 2009). Understanding the language of
science is essential to students’ understanding of the science content (Young, 2005).
Instructional sites are also contributing to students’ ability to formulate their writing by
presenting multiple pictorial applications including graphic organizers, outlines, and
images relevant to the main ideas. The use of multimedia applications may have a strong
impact on holding student interest. The use of animations, pictures, and simulations are
becoming more and more interactive and have the potential to improve student
comprehension (Biancarosa, 2007). They are also a great resource to tap into students’
creativity and enhance their understanding of the world around them (Tuttle, 2011).
The benefits of using technology in the classroom have driven a wave of school
districts towards utilizing technology in the classroom (U.S. Department of Education,
2011). However, if used inappropriately, technology can inhibit rather that increase
student understanding. Unfortunately, many e-learning materials have not been
developed with the purpose of teaching in mind (Computer in Schools, 1998). Teachers
could be accessing materials where effective learning strategies are not the focus of the
site. In order to alleviate this problem, districts need to make sure that their instructors
have access to teaching technology with a concrete computer based framework and
professional training adequate enough to train teachers to translate best practice into real
The needs of the teachers as well as the students in the context to which they are
being used are essential to the success of implementing technology in the classroom.
These authors also warn that this is a complex, costly, and time-consuming process (Su et
al., 2010; Liu et al., 2009). Another factor that can inhibit students’ learning while using
technology tools is the frustration that can arise from students not knowing how or when
to use the tool. In that case, having the technological tool available will not make a
difference. In addition, students who only utilize web tools for certain tasks, such as
looking up vocabulary, expend less cognitive energy than traditional learning methods.
Studies show that teachers need to balance the use of interactive tool use with traditional
teaching methods, and monitor student tool use. Otherwise, content area knowledge may
be lost (Marino, 2009).
The iPad, the portable laptop and the cell phone are three technological tools that
have had recent attention and some research has been done that indicates that these
technological tools could be vital to a new era of understanding science in the context of
a technological world. Most of the studies prior to 2003 used the desktop computer in
their studies, and current research tends to use this as a foundation. With the advent of
the Internet as a resource, now accessible to most districts, and the future potential for
broadband to be accessible everywhere in a new model of learning (Figure 1), there is
exciting potential for learning through technology (U.S. Dept of Education, 2010). This is
especially true due to the mobility of computers with wireless communications through
the use and applications of laptops, tablet computers, and cell phones (Bielec, 2010).
Figure 1. A Model of Learning Powered by Technology (Adapted from U.S. Dept of
Education, 2010).
Today, students are spending a majority of their waking hours online with others
and in this era of sudden immersion in a climate of wireless interaction, students must
have an educational system that keeps up with the change in a way that gives them
continuous access to technology that will give them answers to any questions, any time
they ask (Bielec, 2010; Rivero, 2010). Desktop computers are no longer used as just
word processors, but as an access window to the Internet world. School districts are
encouraged to put the new technology to use and to allow the students opportunities for
inquiry and further drive their learning. New software and web sites allow students to
use their creativity to engage in and to elaborate their understanding of science through
visual presentations of content they are learning (Bryne, 2010). They can also share their
work with their peers and their teacher. If teachers incorporate the philosophies of
learning into a curriculum rich with technology, students will become better learners and
teachers will be better teachers (Lightle, 2011).
With the advent of interactive content and the ability for teachers to incorporate
the 5E’s of learning into the typical terminology based reading, there is far more promise
of student understanding, especially if teachers can effectively integrate interactive
enhancements. Incorporating the learning cycle structure with the traditionally written
text is an effective way to teach science (Mushino & Lawson, 1999). Science teachers
using technology in their classrooms are able to support their standard teaching with
methods that include creativity, inquiry, and innovation in learning. By integrating
digital photos, word processing, digital movies, probes, freeze frames, simulations,
YouTube, wikis, and net-based research into their science curriculum, teachers are certain
to not only engage students but also inspire in them a lifelong love of science and
ultimately raise their achievement levels (Tuttle, 2007).
In addition to the possibilities for use of applications in mobile computers and
desktops, there are a number of new tablets and electronic readers (e-reader) currently
available to school districts. The e-reader (i.e. the Kindle) is basically just a digital space
to store and read books. Use in the classroom is especially advantageous for readers who
struggle because the size of the text can be manipulated (Ferriter, 2010). However, the
use of tablet style computers (i.e. the iPad) is even more promising because not only can
text size of passages be increased and pages digitally turned, but also an entire array of
computer functions and applications are available. These include the ability to combine
written knowledge with images, access to interactive activities and videos, multiple
sources through web queries, and student discretion to either work independently or
interact socially (Barack, 2010; The iPad, 2010). Use of the tablet computers will not
replace classroom lectures, reading, researching, studying socially in groups, discussions,
and writing. However, the devices should enhance the learning environment that students
currently have (Sandars, 2010; Stephens, 2010).
The technological trends are changing quickly. It would be a mistake to only
focus classroom teaching strategies using only laptops, desktops, or other equipment that
locks students down to a particular location (Librero, Ramos, Ranga, Trinona, &
Lambert, 2007; Pursell, 2009; Bielec, 2010; Rosen, 2011; Scherer, 2011; Kolb, 2011).
Cell phones can be used for a number of effective teaching strategies, including
addressing the importance of building students knowledge of science vocabulary (Young,
2005). This can be accomplished through the creation of flashcards that can be accessed
using the students’ cell phones no matter where they are, be it the mall, the movie theater,
on the bus, or in their own homes (Pursell, 2009). Other useful approaches in student
learning and understanding include using drill and practice games and programs that can
be used directly from the cell phone and accessed nearly anytime and anywhere.
Teachers can ask students to respond to brainstorming questions or polls by using the text
messaging features or directly accessing specific communication sites on-line through
blogs, wikis, and other avenues. Because Smartphones have the capability of, and in
many cases even higher capability than, the desktop and laptop computers found in the
average U.S. classroom, virtually any multimedia creation, picture, movie, podcast, and
data that could be saved or sent using a computer can be accessed and stored using a
Smartphone (Using Cell Phones, 2010; Kolb, 2011).
Undoubtedly, the use of technology can improve student engagement, motivation,
and participation in learning science. Technology can provide enjoyment, and with that
enjoyment, an increased potential is derived for students to be motivated and engaged in
exploration and experimentation (Harmer & Cates, 2007). Cultures of learning through
the use of technology are enhanced by interactions with others, exploration through
inquiry, collaboration with teachers, performing new tasks, creatively solving problems,
tackling complex questions, and adapting to change by acquiring new skills (Wyer,
1994). When used properly, great benefits can be realized both for the students and the
teachers, If a balance between using regular methods of practice, such as the 5E
Learning cycle, and incorporating technological tools is met a greater potential for
learning can then be achieved (Liu et al., 2000). In the end, this should cement student
understanding and successful mastery of the concepts being taught.
Before introducing students to a variety of technology, I gathered baseline data to
assist me in my planning. All students were given the Student Attitude and Experiences
Questionnaire (Appendix A). This questionnaire served as background information to
understand student context. It included questions about student and family perceptions
toward science and its importance in their lives. The first set of questions held three
themes relevant to my study: science as enjoyable, science as important in daily life, and
student confidence levels. The questionnaire also served as a way to gauge student
experience and exposure to technology in their home environment and the accessibility
that students have to technology outside of school.
All students were also given the Technology Use: Pre-Treatment Questionnaire at
the start of treatment (Appendix B). It included questions about student use and
perceptions of technology and its importance in their lives, both inside and outside of
school. It revealed four themes relevant to my study: experience with technology,
preference for use in classroom, difficulties with technology, and student confidence
Finally, all students were asked to consider how their time is spent outside of
school either working independently on science or collaborating with their friends or their
family members. To assess this, I distributed the Student Independent Learning PreTreatment Survey (Appendix D). This survey offered students a semantic scale to which
they could answer that they agreed or disagreed with my statements within the given
range, this survey was repeated at the end of the treatment as well.
In order to conduct this study, I needed to be able to communicate with students
in and outside of the classroom, so I created a teacher web page. Near the end of the
Chemistry Unit, I posted review materials to the Ms. Kretschmer web site at, and
recommended that the students review the science pages often throughout the year. I told
them that much of the material that was available to them for review would be directly on
the unit tests and quizzes. After their first test, following the launch of the new web page,
I gave them the Quick Post Test Self Reflection Questionnaire which asked the students
questions about how they prepared for the test (Appendix D). I counted the number of
positive responses to the question, “Did you study?” I also counted the number of
positive responses to the question, “Did you look at any materials on my web page?”
Finally, I reviewed student comments in response to the question, “Is there anything you
would like to tell me?” This served as my first baseline data to compare the future
treatment results to and was administered again following each unit test to assess change.
My capstone project spanned several units of study following the Introduction to
Chemistry Unit early in the first trimester and continuing through several fields of
science that included biology and earth sciences with its conclusion at the end of April,
2012. Using the 5E learning process as a template, I inserted several main technological
tools of learning and incorporated similar ideas into my instructional approach (Table 1).
Table 1
Applications for Technology Use
Introduction to
Cells and
Introduction to
Microbiology &
Smartboard to
Stream Video
Clips and
and Flex
Camera to
iPads and
Teacher Web
Page and
Web links
and Flex
Camera to
iPads and
Teacher Web
Page and
Web links
Cell Phone and
iPads: Wiffiti
Message Board
to Stream
Video Clips
to Stream
Video Clips
iPads and
Laptops: Teacher
Web Page and
Interactive Web
iPads and
Web Page
Web links
Cell Phone
and iPads:
iPads and
iPads and
iPads and
Students Use
Open Office, and
Smartboard for
iPads or
for Vocabulary
Teacher Web
Page materials,
laboratory videos,
and photographs
of activities in
class for student
independent study
purposes and
Teacher Web
Page materials,
videos, and
photographs of
activities in
class for
study purposes
and review
Teacher Web
Page materials,
videos, and
photographs of
activities in
class for
study purposes
and review
display flex
scope images
from lab
teacher created
Smartboard for
Smartboard for
Virtual Poster
Web Page
videos, and
photos of
activities in
class for
and review
iPads and
iPads and
Web Page
to Stream
Video Clips
Web Page
videos, and
of activities
in class for
and review
and laptop
iPads and
Laptops: Teacher
Web Page with
Interactive Web
Laptops: Virtual
Poster Creation
Throughout various units I introduced students to technological applications and
provided instruction to those students who needed assistance with learning how to use the
applications. In addition, embedded into my lessons were various opportunities for
students to access enhanced study materials through materials posted on my teacher web
page. I developed multiple opportunities for technology use throughout all of my lessons
and saturated my traditional approach to teaching science with 21st century technological
The study group consisted of students in all of the three 7th grade science classes
(N=62). Historically, our class make-up consists of one higher math group (n=23), and
two middle level groups (n=19, n=20). For the most part, my data reflects the 7th grade
as a whole. Routinely, I also assessed student data in correlation with results of the
Wisconsin Knowledge Concept Examination reading Lexile level. I did this so that I
could see if there were any distinguishing changes within each Lexile category. The
breakdown was as follows: 31% were below proficient, 58% were proficient, and 11%
were above proficient. Before the treatment process I received administrator approval
and sign off on the methods of collection and permission to research these techniques
within my regular classroom environment (Appendix E). The research methodology for
this project received an exemption by Montana State University's Institutional Review
Board and compliance for working with human subjects was maintained.
The first unit of study was Introduction to Chemistry. I prepared my lessons and
instructed the students about matter and energy using the first chapter of the American
Chemical Society (ACS) Middle School Chemistry On-line lesson plan (Appendix F). In
this unit I implemented two technological tools. I used the Smartboard to stream video
clip animations, and posted notes for students to review as needed. The lessons were
written with the 5E’s as a guide and utilized both traditional and 21st century tools. I
carefully reviewed the posted information so students knew how to access the pages
during class time well before the matter unit’s summative assessment. I encouraged them
to refer to the tools on the website as needed to aid in their studying (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Middle School Chemistry Web Page.
After the test, I administered the Post-Test Self Reflection Questionnaire
(Appendix G). I compared the number of yes responses to the questions, “Did you
review any of the materials posted on my web page?” from the Quick Post-Test Self
Reflection Questionnaire to the number of yes responses on this questionnaire. I also
compared the number of positive responses to the question, “Did you study?” I noted the
responses to the other questions to use in future data collection analyses.
The second unit was the Introduction to Cells unit. I was pleased with the format
of the ACS lesson plan so I decided to rewrite my own future lesson plans for the biology
and geology units in a similar manner (Appendix H). I taught students about
microscopes and cells using traditional laboratory methods, with the focus being on the
introduction of microscopes, how to prepare slides, practice viewing specimens, and text
book readings and vocabulary. After students completed their reading strategies, a post
reading assessment to assess student understanding of science concepts, called
Understanding Cells Quiz, was administered (Appendix I). I scored the assessment, per
question, on a scale of 0 for no understanding, 1 for basic understanding, and 2 for
complete understanding. Each student had the potential to score a maximum of eight. I
grouped the data according to student Lexile levels (n=19, n=36, n=7), I then tallied the
scores, and calculated the percentage.
I then implemented two more strategies into the lesson: the creation of a web
page with interactive supplementary materials to stimulate student interest (Figure 3), and
the use of iPads to research and complete an Internet research webquest (Appendix J).
Students were given iPads during class time to explore the teacher page, to become
familiar with the links that were provided, and to begin their webquest research.
Figure 3. Cell Biology Web Page.
After students completed the webquest, I administered the Understanding Cells
Quiz again (Appendix I). I scored it the same as before. After the webquest I also did an
informal assessment of student feelings about the webquest.
I implemented the last strategy for this unit by projecting two online interactive
quizzes for review practice on the Smartboard to reinforce memorization and
understanding (Figure 4 & Figure 5). I encouraged students to use their afterschool and
weekend time to refer to all of the resources on my webpage including all of the
webquest sites and interactive quizzes to prepare for their unit test.
Figure 4. Vision Learning On-Line Quiz.
Figure 5. Microscope Practice.
Following the completion of the cell biology unit, students were given a
summative assessment which consisted of a teacher created test constructed with multiple
choice, matching, and fill in the blank questions with two short answer constructed
response questions and an illustration (Appendix K). I scored their unit test using
percentages and then compared the growth from the percentages earned for the first two
formative assessments (pre-treatment, and post webquest) to see if there were any gains
in understanding, again grouping the data according to Lexile level. After the test I
distributed two questionnaires, the Post Test Self Reflection Questionnaire (Appendix G),
and the Technology Use Reflection Questionnaire (Appendix L), to determine the extent
that the students studied outside of school, specifically how much they utilized their
technology choices and whether or not they felt they were beneficial.
In the third unit, called the Introduction to Life unit, I introduced three more
technological applications. First, I introduced the use of cell phones when a student
asked, “Why are cell organelle names so weird?” Since this treatment included the use of
devices that students are supposed to leave in their lockers, per district policy, I
developed a student contract with the classes input (Appendix Q). I chose to only
implement this treatment in one class period (n=22) because this homeroom responded to
having the greatest number of personal devices with access to the internet. In the event
that students did not have a personal device, they were to select a school provided iPad.
Students were asked to use their personal devices to find the answer to the
meanings behind scientific names and record their answers in their notebooks, and pair
up and share what they discovered. They were then asked to go to my website and either
text their findings to the message board that was linked to my webpage, or use the Wiffiti
website code I assigned to post a message to an online message board. I displayed group
responses on the Smartboard, using the message board (Figure 6).
Figure 6. Wiffiti Message Board.
After students completed their Wiffiti post I assigned chapter reading and gave a
post reading constructed response assessment: Understanding Life Quiz, to assess student
understanding of science concepts, in the same manner as I did in the cell unit. I scored
the four question assessment, per question, on a scale of 0 for no understanding, 1 for
basic understanding, and 2 for complete understanding. Each student had the potential to
score a maximum of eight. I grouped the data according to student Lexile levels (n=19,
n=36, n=7), I then tallied the scores, and calculated the percentage.
I then introduced three other technology tools; I used the Smartboard and flex
scope to enhance their understanding of content by showing students animations and
displaying microscopic images both in real time and later posting these videos and photos
on the web page (Figure 7).
Figure 7. Flex Scope Image Projected to Smartboard.
I also video recorded our Glucose Lab and I displayed the methods, analysis, and
conclusions from the lab onto the web page as well (Figure 8).
Figure 8. Glucose Lab Posted to Web Page.
After students completed the glucose lab I administered the formative assessment:
Understanding Life Quiz. I scored it the same as before. Following the completion of
the Introduction to Life unit, I posted materials that included animations and links for
students to access for review. They were given one period in class to study with the
options of selecting either laptops, iPads, or desktop computers. The following day,
students were then given a summative assessment which consisted of a teacher created
test constructed with multiple choice, matching, and fill in the blank questions with two
short answer constructed response questions and an illustration. I scored their unit test
using percentages and then compared the growth from the percentages earned for the first
two formative assessments (pre-treatment, and post technology) to see if there were any
gains in understanding, again grouping the data according to Lexile level. After the test I
distributed two questionnaires, the Post Test Self Reflection Questionnaire (Appendix G),
and the Technology Use Reflection Questionnaire (Appendix L), to determine the extent
that the students studied, specifically asking how much they utilized their technology
choices and whether or not they felt they were beneficial.
Unit 4, the Microbiology and Immunology Unit, again followed traditional and
21st century learning methods. Students in all three classes used Wiffiti messaging via
class assigned iPads to share their predictions for a bacteria culture lab. They then used
those predictions to develop hypotheses for their experiment. Throughout the unit I
basically followed the same teaching methodology as in the prior units. However, in the
Microbiology and Immunology unit, in addition to the reading and post technology
formative assessments, I used artifact creation for summative assessment purposes.
Students were given iPads to use and were instructed on how to use to
gather research material for a virtual poster assignment (Figure 9).
Figure 9. Bookmarking Site for Research:
Students created and presented virtual posters and I used their presentations to assess
their content understanding (Figure 10). After the presentation I also did an informal
assessment of student feelings about the virtual poster assignment.
Figure 10. Virtual Poster Presentation Immunology Unit.
Then, I distributed iPads and students accessed the on line tool: (Figure 11).
Figure 11. Review and Study Tool
Students used the tool to create flashcards to learn key vocabulary. They used the
program to review material in class and at home. Later, I administered the constructed
response formative assessment: Understanding Microbiology and Immunology Quiz, in
the same manner as I had in past units. I scored it the same as before. Classroom notes
and links were posted to the teacher website, and students were given their summative
assessment. It was scored the same as in prior units. After the test I distributed the
technology use reflection questionnaire and also did an informal assessment of student
feelings about using technology.
The 5th unit and 6th unit were geology units. During the Geology: Earth’s Surface
unit, I introduced vocabulary mapping using Inspiration software, and posted a Wiffiti
message board for students to communicate their muddiest point questions from home.
These questions were addressed in class the following day to reinforce student
understanding. Both the Earth’s Surface and the Oceanography units followed the same
methodology as all prior units using the technological tools that were previously
introduced. However, I extended previously used teaching methods by assigning
classroom group challenges where students were given the opportunity to create their
own technology applications. First, while in groups of four, students were given data and
were required to use the data to create a bar graph. To do this, they had to collectively
teach themselves how to learn and apply graphing software, either Numbers, Open
Office, or Appleworks. Secondly, students were asked to create their own webquest
questions. Several days later they were asked to do those webquests themselves.
Following both challenges I assessed student confidence, enjoyment, and acceptance of
the challenges through informal whole class discussion. Additionally, before each unit
test, students were introduced to and presented with films from the Khan Academy.
Classroom notes and links to those films were posted on the teacher website (Figure 12).
Students were again encouraged to review the information provided to prepare for their
Figure 12. Classroom Review Pages with Khan Academy Video Links.
In summary, I continued to introduce new technology until my lesson plans
became saturated with opportunities for students to learn using 21st century technical
tools- I continued to encourage students to seek and to use the opportunities available to
them both inside and outside the classroom. I used formative assessment strategies
throughout the learning process to validate whether or not they successfully gained a
better understanding of the concepts being taught. In all cases I gave the formative
assessment quizzes (Appendix I), and journal reflection prompts (Appendix M), to gauge
how much students understood before the lessons and technology infusion and how much
they gained following the immersion. Nearing the end of each unit I also asked students
to create artifacts to express their learning in the form of laboratory reports, computer
aided and generated concept maps, graphics, presentations, models, and/or analysis
writing. These were also used as formative assessments to determine the level of
understanding of the science concepts being taught. I also continued to academically
gauge success of learning through a Teacher Created Unit Test for every unit (Appendix
K). After each unit test I administered both the Post Test Self Reflection Questionnaire
and the Technology Use Reflection Questionnaire to determine if the technology
resources were helpful, and how students elected to prepare for their test (Appendix G
and L). I tracked and compared all data responses for all units.
Within each unit of study, the data assessment included specific instruments that I
used to compare student progress and understanding of the science objectives. I also
tracked their satisfaction with the technology choices to determine if they were using
them independently outside of class time. At the end of the six units of treatment I
compared the pre treatment assessment responses with similar post treatment assessment
responses to determine student participation and satisfaction with their technology
options and to see if their culture of learning changed for the better. Many data sources
were used to evaluate students using both qualitative or quantitative and formative or
summative assessment strategies. The method of data collection and techniques are
summarized in the data triangulation matrix below (Table 2).
Table 2
Data Triangulation Matrix
Qualitative Data
Research Focus
Will students have
understanding of
concepts, content
knowledge, and
Are students willing
to spend more time
engaging in science
inquiry in and outside
of class if tech use is
Are students more
likely to ask for
assistance if tech
tools are made
available to them?
Will students spend
more time studying if
info reinforcing
learning is available?
Analysis, Self
Questionnaire/ Artifacts,
Survey, Student (Assignments,
Thumbs up,
Thumbs down, Responses
Thumbs up,
Questionnaire/ Questionnaire/
Teacher made
tests, quizzes
Differential or
Likert Scale
Differential or
Likert Scale
Likert Scale,
When asked if students had used technology to learn, 58% of students responded
that they had (N=62) (Figure 13).
Figure 13. Technology Use, (N=62).
A few students commented that they have been successful with technology at
home. One student said, “Some ways that I have used technology to learn is by using my
phone to look up something, also using my computer… it has worked for me because if
there is something in the book that I don’t understand, I can look it up to see if there is an
easier way for it to make sense.” Others commented that if they were given training and
access to technology tools that they would find it beneficial, “I would use games and
practice answering questions to study for tests to see if I am right or wrong, if I am wrong
I need help but if I did do it right then I don’t need any help.”
Most students reported that they enjoyed using technology, and nearly 90% said
that given the choice they would prefer being taught with technology integrated within
the traditional classroom. Some students were afraid that if technology tools were
introduced there would be fewer laboratory experiences. Eight percent of the students
who said they would rather learn science using traditional methods said something about
how they learn better doing experiments, or “hands-on.” One student summed her
thoughts up by explaining, “I would (prefer to) learn science the old fashioned way
because then I could really do experiments, on an iPad you can’t touch the experiments. I
think teachers are a little better when they offer tech, but really I think that we should just
read from the books and learn it in person, not on a screen.”
Another commented, “I think it is more fun to do experiments like with the goo
and other stuff, than when someone does it for you on like YouTube or something.” More
than half of students surveyed enjoy science, the most frequent response to questions
relating to whether science was fun was that they agree that it is (59%).
Most students consider themselves good at using technology, but are not as
confident in themselves with regards to science. According to the student responses
relating to confidence in science on the Student Attitude and Experiences Questionnaire,
more than half of students are confident with their ability in science (61%). More
students are very confident with their ability to master technology. According to the PreTreatment Technology Use Questionnaire, many think that students are better at
technology than teachers (Figure 14). Remarkably, 90% of students felt that they were as
good or better at using technology than teachers, mostly because they, “are the
technology generation,” “…because we have been using tech (for) our whole life,” and
“because we were born with technology.”
Students who thought they
were better at technology
than teachers
Students who thought that
teachers were better at
technology than students
Students who thought that
both were equally good at
using technology
Figure 14.Technology Skill, (N=62).
When asked if students had problems or concerns about using technology, 27% of
students have had some problem and mentioned something discouraging about using
technology. Of those students who had problems with technology, 35% said that using
technology made learning or doing their homework harder, some students were frustrated
with having too many choices, “It made it hard to find the right answer because Google
had like thousands of websites and I went to six websites and none of them had anything
about what I need.” Others had trouble with websites that were not “in kid terms,” and
others said that when the teacher was using the Smartboard, they felt like they were just
watching, “someone else do something,” when they’d rather do it themselves.
Nearly 18% said that using technology was boring, stating, “Technology in school
is okay, but I don’t like constantly going on the computer every day,” and, “I think we
should learn in person and read from the book, not on a screen. If I sit there and stare
into a screen all day my eyes will start to hurt. It’s not like we sit and stare into a screen
all day… yet, in the future we might.”
Additionally, 47% mentioned infrastructure problems relating to printers not
working, server crashes, slow Internet, software stalling, and work being lost (Figure 15).
Technology Use Boring,
Repetitive, Same thing All
Issues with Technology
Infrastructure, i.e. Printer,
Software, Server Problems
Learning with Technology is
Figure 15. Technology Difficulty, (N=62).
One student summed up his concerns when he said, “Well, the only thing I don’t like
about using technology is if something shuts off while you’re using it, because then you
have to start all over (if it doesn’t save)!” Another stated, “The only time technology is a
pain in the butt is when a server crashes, or something gets deleted on accident or maybe
the printer breaks.” A third student wrote, “Sometimes technology is harder because
there are a lot of viruses your computer can get easily or your computer/iPad/cellphone
can run slow.”
The results of the Student Independent Learning Pre-Treatment Survey indicated
that none of them spent time looking up information related to science lessons more than
sometimes. Even then, only 47% said sometimes, while the other half answered hardly
ever or never. The numbers were slightly higher when asked if they spent time outside
of school studying for tests and quizzes. About 23% spend time outside of class studying
for quizzes and tests often. A similar amount, 24% admitted to studying for quizzes
either hardly ever, or never at all. With regards to collaborating with parents or even
discussing science lessons with parents, only 26% of students approached their parents
often, and 13% of parents approached their children. Students hardly ever or never asked
their parents questions about science 47% of the time. Parents approached their children
to assist them with science sometimes 44% of the time. Students are more likely to
collaborate with their friends. They contact their friends for help with their science
homework 56% of the time, at least sometimes.
Cell Unit
The results of the Understanding Cells Quiz (Appendix I) before and after the
Webquest: Cell Research Using iPads (Appendix J), indicated that students in the
Advanced Lexile grouping (n=7), had the greatest increase in their level of
understanding with an increase of 41%. Students in the Proficient (n=36) group
increased their score by 36%, and students in the Below Proficient (n=19) Lexile group,
had an increase in their score by 31%. An informal assessment of student feelings about
the webquest indicated that students did not like some of the questions because there was,
“too much to answer.” One student explained, “Just when I thought I was nearly finished
I clicked on question (d)… I was like, oh no, no way I have to do this much more!”
The Technology Use Reflection also indicated that, in general, 85% of students
felt that they benefited from increased technology, both inside and outside of the
classroom. One student wrote, “I learned more about the Golgi, (I didn't get it), and,
more about the plant cell parts, (they weren't in the book). I also learned how different
parts of the cell worked by watching the animations.” This is evidenced by two definite
themes that emerged in student responses: technology helped students gain a better
understanding of the material and technology was useful for reviewing for the test and
reviewing the vocabulary (Figure 16).
Useful for review and
vocabulary practice
Helped student gain a
deeper understanding of
Student did not think it
enhanced learning
experience or did not
comment at all
Figure 16. Technology Use Reflection: Cell Unit, (N=62).
Students also voiced their appreciation for the review materials that were made
available on the teacher web page, “A couple of things I learned by using technology was
probably some of the stuff like the links on prokaryotic and eukaryotic. Because if I
looked up something we reviewed, it would show more of an explanation and a picture,
too.” They also used the on-line quizzes. One student said, “It helped me with
memorizing the parts of the cell, when we did the internet quiz on Monday that really
helped me.” Another wrote, “It was easier to remember who first made the microscope.
The many quizzes we could go to helped with a lot.”
In addition to student perception of understanding, the assessment data for all
three Lexile groups indicated a progressive increase in content understanding as
technology was introduced and implemented in the unit (Figure 17).
Figure 17. November Charted Growth: Cell Unit, (N=62).
Life Unit
The Lexile level grouped results of the Assessment: Understanding Living Things
Quiz indicated that the students in the Advanced Lexile grouping, and the students in the
Below Proficient Lexile group had the greatest increase in their level of understanding.
Both increased their score by 40%. Students in the Proficient group increased their score
by 36%, also showing a marked increase in understanding. The increase in
understanding was also obvious by the range of depth in the answers given before and
after using technology. One example was when students were asked to explain the
difference between simple and complex carbohydrates. At first attempt, one student
answered, “Simple carbohydrate has sugar and complex has some sugar.” But, after
technology was used, this same student answered, “The simple carbohydrates have less
sugar than complex carbohydrates. The complex carbohydrates have more sugars
connected into long strung out ones.” Another question asked students to explain how
proteins are used by an organism. A student first answered, “Proteins are used by an
organism by dissolving it and then it turns it into energy or ATP.” After technology was
implemented, this student answered, “Proteins are used by an organism by coming into
the body as food. We dissolve the food and it’s then turned into little proteins. The
proteins help make the organism have more tissue or muscle or energy or whatever the
cells need.” These responses reflect the level of responses that most students gained after
technology was implemented in the unit.
Summative assessment data showed an increase in understanding throughout for
all three Lexile groups. The scores indicated a progressive increase in content
understanding as technology was introduced and implemented in the unit (Figure 18).
Figure 18. December Charted Growth: Life Unit, (N=62).
Journal reflections expressed that most students, 79%, liked the images or
animations and that they provided a deeper understanding and agreed that being able to
look at those was helpful. After reading the text and taking notes, many students were
unclear about how cells processed nutrients until the instruction was enhanced by video.
This was evidenced by responses like, “I really didn't get how the proteins are made from
amino acids until we watched the movie.” Students also used the posted laboratory
images while they were completing their lab analysis; nearly 39% reported a benefit in
having these images available. Had they not been able to access these images on-line,
they would have had to rely entirely on their notes. One example of a student who
expressed this wrote, “I looked at the lab pictures and it helped me answer my questions,
I could see what happened and remember better.” Students also positively responded to
the projected slide images, 28% mentioned this in their reflections, and reported that, “it
was cool to see the protozoa, they look like monsters,” and, “when we saw the cilia on
the screen it made it easier to understand how they work.” Although students thought the
Wiffiti message board was, “cool,” and, “fun,” not a single student indicated that the
message board improved their ability to understand the material. Cell phone use was
mentioned as a benefit to their learning less than 1% of the time and in those cases, where
the phones were mentioned, the students were looking up vocabulary words while in the
car or texting their friends for answers to questions they could not find on their own.
The Technology Use Reflection also indicated that, 87%, agreed that learning in
this way was helpful. One student said, “A couple of things that I learned by using
technology was probably some of the stuff we were reviewing because if I looked up
something we reviewed it would show an animation or more of an explanation,” another
explained, “Something it helped me learn was, mostly everything. I learned a lot after
school, it all would have been much more difficult without it.” Students who replied that
they did not find technology helpful either did not try to access the web resources outside
of school, or could not access the internet at home, or didn’t feel they needed it. For
example, one student wrote, “I really have not learned much with technology that I didn’t
already understand because I already know all the information that I need.” Overall, it
was clear by students’ answers that most felt they benefited from the opportunity to use
technology inside and outside of the classroom.
Immunology Unit
Students in all lexile groupings had similar gains in understanding. The
Advanced Lexile grouping average scores increased by 41%, students in the Proficient
group increased their scores by 42%, and students in the Below Proficient Lexile group,
had an increase in their score by 42%.
Overall content understanding showed gains after vocabulary practice, virtual poster presentations, webquest and independent web based research
using desktops, laptops, and iPads (Figure 19).
Figure 19. January Charted Growth: Immunology Unit, (N=62).
Reflections after the test indicated that students appreciated the teacher web page,
with 59% of students specifically mentioning having gone to the web page to access
supplementary materials while learning the material. Students wrote comments like, “All
of the animations and diagrams were really helpful in my learning experience. It made
learning more fun, you actually got to see how something worked,” and, “The virus
webquest links helped a lot because they were fast and reliable. The game of the immune
system helped me understand a lot better and the websites with pictures of types of
bacteria helped me understand the different types better…it was easier for me to learn
how the immune system works, I didn’t really get it in class.”
The Technology Use Reflection indicated that 80% of students benefited having
to learn the Open Office program, research using iPads, constructing a virtual poster, and
presenting their newfound knowledge to the class. One student wrote that he, “learned
while using technology lots about salmonella with (his) presentation and lots of things
about microbes and pathogens while watching everyone else’s presentations,” and
another reported that, “I learned about my bacteria (tuberculosis) that I would never have
learned without technology and making a poster with a graph helped me a lot, plain
teaching is confusing to me sometimes, reading on iPads and going on line really helps
me!” Overall, even though not all students mentioned all of the tools that they used
during the unit, those who did mention the smart phone use,, Quizlet, and
Wiffiti had positive remarks about them. The only negative responses that I received
were with regards to how slow pages were when loading, and how transferring outside of
school was frustrating because computer software and versions varied in compatibility.
When students were asked to express if they were getting better at technology,
72% of them responded with a “thumbs up,” meaning better than before. There weren’t
any students who responded with a “thumbs down,” meaning worse than before.
However, 28% of students felt that they were just as good at technology as they were
before the school year started. When asked to respond in the same manner, thumbs up or
thumbs down, with how confident they were now about learning science, compared to
before treatment started, 45% reported that they were more confident now than they were
before, 47% felt the same about science, and 8% felt they weren’t as good at science as
they used to be (Figure 20).
Confidence Level
Figure 20. Change in Confidence Level, (N=62).
When asked to write a journal response explaining their thoughts about their levels of
confidence, most students wrote positive reflections about using technology. Typical
answers included responses much like the following examples: “When I use technology,
it makes me think more, it helps me more because that is what I’m used to,” and, “Well,
at the beginning of the year I really didn’t know there was so many science websites that
are helpful. Now, I can search something on a science site instead of google to get a
more clearer answer. I think using technology is sort of fun!” Very few students felt that
they were worse at science than they were at the start of the school year. They did not
attribute that to the use of technology, though. They just believed science was more
difficult. The students who thought that they were “worse” at science than they were
before wrote answers like, “science over all is getting more difficult to learn than before,”
and, “Science is harder than last year.”
Earth Unit
After implementation of the two student driven challenges, creating their own
webquests, and learning how to electronically construct a bar graph, the Lexile level
grouped results of the Assessment: Earth Is Always Changing Quiz indicated that the
students in the Advanced Lexile grouping had the greatest increase in their level of
understanding. Their score increased by 41%. Students in the Proficient group increased
their score by 39%, and students in the Below Proficient Lexile group, had an increase in
their score by 30%.
Student answers improved after they were exposed to videos, animations, and
digitally enhanced explanations of information. Post reading, one student answered, “I
think I remember that soil comes from rocks being melted in volcanoes.” Post
technology, the same student answered, “Soil comes from a parent rock. As this rock is
chemically weathered, like from acid rain or oxidation, or physically weathers, like from
ice wedging or another form of physical weathering, it doesn’t matter, the rock will start
to break down. It will continue to break down over time and bit by bit the rock will get
smaller and smaller until finally it is fine bits of soil. Erosion and deposition can have a
part in physical weathering, too, and this will also help make soil.” Another example on
the first attempt, before technology implementation, a student responded, “The landscape
of Wisconsin has not always been how it is today because of storms and tornados and
mini earthquakes that have caused the ground to have moved, or other damages by
nature.” Later, she responded, “The landscape of Wisconsin has not always been like this
because of the Wisconsin Ice Age. When the glaciers melted, torrents of melt water and
ice tore gorges into the landscape. Leftover debris also moved soil into new areas.
Tectonic plates also made little earthquakes happen by rubbing against each other. Most
of the lakes and rivers in Wisconsin came from the melting glaciers.”
The Post Treatment Technology Use Reflection (Appendix N) indicated that
students were most impressed with the Khan Academy videos, 84% thought that they
were useful in learning about the Earth’s changing surface. One student wrote, “I thought
the videos were very helpful because I don’t always understand the book, so the videos
really just sum up the book. The fact that he draws, too, helps… it’s also helpful to be
able to return to the videos to review.”
Students were also quite happy with the “creating your own webquest”
assignment, 79% mentioned that they benefitted from the assignment. One student
explained, “I liked creating our own webquests. I liked it because we could see what you
go through trying to create one for us. Plus, we were doing research and studying
without really even knowing it. When I did my webquest, some of the information I
read really clarified some of the things I didn’t understand before.” Another student
wrote, “I think it was helpful because you actually had to read some of the websites to
know what question to ask, so you can’t just skim and be done in 5 minutes.”
Nearly as many students, 77%, expressed that they used and appreciated the Ms.
Kretschmer Science web pages. Of those students, most used the pages throughout the
unit and not just for study purposes. One student wrote, “Yes, I thought these pages were
helpful. I liked that the links to the videos and other websites were there after the lesson.
Also, if we needed to review the notes, they were easy to access.” Another student
appreciated, “not having to carry extra stuff home,” and still be able to, “review
everything we mostly learned in the past.” Finally, another student summed up her
appreciation when she wrote, “This was very, very helpful. I love that you have
everything on (your) page. It really helps me understand everything and I like it when I
have stuff (to access). I really like it because when I have a question, it’s there.”
The bar graph team challenge was not as popular, and only 44% of students
thought it was worthwhile. Most students who answered that they thought it was
beneficial quite simply mentioned that it was, “fun,” and that they, “liked working with
partners,” and that they, “liked the competition.” Very few of the students described the
activity as being a learning tool. Most of the students complained about it being, “too
stressful,” or, “too hard to learn by themselves.”
The concluding summative assessment for this unit followed the same trend as
earlier units as students exhibited a gain in overall content understanding. This was once
again evidenced by their final assessment scores (Figure 20).
Figure 21. February Charted Growth: Earth Unit, (N=62).
The results of the Oceanography Quiz indicated that students in the Advanced
Lexile level had a greater gain in understanding with the average scores increasing by
48%, students in the Proficient Lexile group increased their scores by 37%, and students
in the Below Proficient Lexile group had an increase in their score by 37%. Student
responses were better after viewing various films describing the pollution in the ocean in
the pacific gyre, this was evident in the improved details in student responses. For
example, when asked to differentiate between deep currents and surface currents, one
student initially wrote, “A current is where the water is wavy the most. They are similar
by they both having to do with the oceans and the way they move.” After exposure to
animations, films, and links related to currents in the ocean student understanding
increased substantially. The same student later wrote, “A current is a cycle in the ocean.
When there is something in the ocean if it gets stuck in a current it will stay in it until it
eventually washes up on shore somewhere. Deep currents and ocean currents are similar
because they both go in a cycle. They are different because deep currents are deep and
surface currents are higher and gather things like trash.”
Student summative assessment scores for this unit were an anomaly, since, for the
first time, they did not gain any points on average (Figure 21). This might be due to the
fact that Spring Break fell in the middle of the unit, or that students did not read the
second part of the reflection question. Most students lost the most points because they
neglected to answer that part of the question.
Figure 22. March Charted Growth: Ocean Unit, (N=62).
When I asked students to reflect on the benefits of using technology during the
oceanography unit, most students were enthusiastic, especially with the wave animations,
95% of students specifically mentioned that these animations were essential to their
understanding of the concept of a wave. Student responses were similar. An example of
one such response was, “The wave animations helped me the most. The “Longitudinal
Wave” animations helped me, because now I fully understand how longitudinal waves
move, because I was confused before. Now, I see that longitudinal waves look just like
slinkies, if you move one end of the slinky, the energy transfers through the rest of it.”
The Great Garbage Patch youTube videos were also mentioned by a number of students,
75% of students felt that those videos had a greater impact on their understanding than
the reading alone.
Data from the Post-Treatment Technology Use Questionnaire (Appendix O),
indicated that, in general, students benefitted from the treatment. This is evidenced by
two definite themes that emerged in student responses: technology helped students gain a
better understanding of the material and technology was useful for reviewing for the test
and reviewing the vocabulary (Figure 11). Post treatment responses revealed positive
student perceptions and an increase in appreciation and usefulness from having been
exposed to increased technological tools for learning. At the start of treatment, 81% of
students felt that they benefited from increased technology, both inside and outside of the
classroom; following treatment, 95% of students felt they benefitted. This included the
24% that appreciated having the option to review and access information on-line to better
prepare them for tests and quizzes and the 71% that were provided resources to research
information and query answers to questions to better understand the content that they
were being taught. The most notable difference was that students changed their behavior
from simply using the tools for memorization and recall to using the tools for inquiry and
investigation (Figure 22).
Useful for review and
vocabulary practice
Helped student gain a
deeper understanding of
Student did not think it
enhanced learning
experience or did not
comment at all
Pre-Treatment Data
Useful for review and
vocabulary practice
Helped student gain a
deeper understanding of
Student did not think it
enhanced learning
experience or did not
comment at all
Post-Treatment Data
Figure 23. Technology Use Reflection: Pre and Post Treatment, (N=62).
To assess if there was a change in how students spent their time outside of school
either working independently on science or collaborating with their friends or their family
members, I distributed the Student Independent Learning Post-Treatment Survey
(Appendix P). Before the treatment, when students were asked if they spent time outside
of school looking up information related to science lessons, none of them answered that
they did more than sometimes. After treatment, 11% said they spent time outside of
school looking up information often and 57% said sometimes. This is far better, with
68% of students spending time outside of school using scientific inquiry as compared to
47% who said that they did before.
The numbers fell remarkably when students were asked if they spent time outside
of school studying for tests and quizzes. Before the treatment, about 23% spend time
outside of class studying for quizzes and tests sometimes, or often. A similar amount,
24% admitted to studying for quizzes either hardly ever, or never at all. Surprisingly,
after the treatment, 52% admitted to studying for quizzes either hardly ever, or never at
all! When I compared the above results from the Student Independent Learning Post
Treatment Survey to the data collected from each Post Test Self Reflection
Questionnaire, the data appears inconsistent. Immediately following each student
summative assessment, students reported studying at least 78% of the time (Table 3)
Table 3
Student Unit Specific Report of Study Habits
Did you study?
Did you use the Ms. Kretschmer web page
to study?
According to the same surveys, the amount of time students reported using the Ms.
Kretschmer Web page varied from test to test. However, post treatment, when asked how
often students used the Brookwood Middle School, “Ms. Kretschmer” web pages to
review material that we had covered in class, or to watch animations or simulations
related to class, students responded that 24% of them used it sometimes, 40% of them
used it often, and 23% of them used it all the time. This indicates that 87% of students
had in fact used the web pages most of the time. Likely, students only think that studying
for a test includes the night before, and not the weeks prior to the test or during the course
of the unit.
With regards to collaborating with parents or even discussing science lessons with
parents, before the treatment, only 26% of students approached their parents often. This
went down to 15% after the treatment. Before the treatment, 13% of parents approached
their children often, but that dropped to less than 4% after the treatment. After the
treatment, students reported that they hardly ever or never asked their parents questions
about science, 52% of the time. Parents approached their children to assist them with
science sometimes 44% of the time before and after treatment. These numbers did not
Before the treatment, students were more likely to collaborate with their friends.
They used to contact their friends for help with their science homework 56% of the time,
at least sometimes, but after the treatment, students only asked their friends for assistance
19% of the time. It is important to note that informal discussions with students revealed
that contact with their friends meant getting their friends to just give them the answers to
the questions, and not to actually help them to find the answers for themselves.
Overall, student independence while using technology changed rather
dramatically, with 87% of students being confident enough in their own inquiry skills to
access the web links provided and internet resources available both in and outside of the
classroom. This was evidenced by the greatest increase in the number of students who
spent time outside of school looking up information or reading about information related
to their science lessons on their own (Figure 23).
Figure 24. Changes in Student Independent Learning Habits, (N=62).
Offering an array of 21st Century technological tools had varied results, with some
showing far fewer benefits and ease of use than others. For example, students appreciated
the on-line quizzes, but those were not always an available resource that I could provide
for every unit. However, even when they were provided, students forgot to use them as a
regular part of their study habit. When time was offered in class for students to create online study tools like Quizlet, they appreciated it, but usually this took longer than the
class time that was available, and students didn’t get back to them on their own.
Inspiration was a better tool for students to learn their vocabulary, but again, without
setting aside multiple periods for students to use the software to complete an assignment,
students did not choose to go into the program on their own. Interactive quiz programs
like the microscope parts quiz were really only available if another organization provided
them for students to access. The same can be said for the interactive on-line content
specific games; as software creators are not employed by most districts. Wiffiti message
board was less of a direct resource for students, it did not enhance student learning
because it is more of a resource for the teacher. It gave students the opportunity to ask
questions or respond in a manner that made them anonymous, and I felt that I had more
candid responses and questions than if students were to raise their hands, but as a learning
tool for students it was not particularly useful. Table 4 summarizes the benefits and
disadvantages of the various technology tools that were used in this treatment.
Table 4
Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology Tools
Easy for Readily
Students Available
to Use? for
to Post?
to Post?
Tool with
Tool that
to both in
school and
out of
Web Page
and Video
Varies by
Varies by
Varies by
Varies by No
Varies by
by Unit
By far, the tool that offered the greatest positive impact on student learning was
the teacher web page. Time and again, students responded that they appreciated the Ms.
Kretschmer web page and the links and notes provided. Students accessed the varied
animations, video, simulations, and interactive quizzes and viewed the posted data and
images that were available from their classroom experiences more than any other
resource. Those students that felt technology was the most helpful combined their
written resources, notes and book, with the on-line sources to enhance their
understanding of the material. They came to expect that the information would be posted
in real time, and this became a challenge for me as a teacher to keep as much information
as possible available for them to access when they needed it.
A close second to providing the teacher web page for students was having a
webquest activity for each unit. The most surprising data that I received was when
students resoundingly approved of the “Create your own webquest” assignment.
Truthfully, this was not planned. Classroom planning had gotten the best of me and
having been sick the weekend before I did not have time to create the webquest that was
needed for that unit. It should be noted that when I realized the worth of the webquests in
earlier units, I felt it was essential to continue to provide them for the students. However,
each webquest would take anywhere from three to six hours to create! For this particular
unit I did not have one done, so I asked them to do it themselves. They loved it!
However, had they not had three units of prior experience with webquests, I am not sure
that they would have been able to create them on their own.
Saturating my classroom with technology definitely helped me to become a better
teacher, I learned so much from doing this study. I realized that the success from using
technological tools is like the success of any other educational resource, it does not rely
on any one factor. Also, the teacher must not only understand its purpose, but also keep
in the forefront the specific objective or goals that they have in mind when using them. In
an environment where 21st century technological tools are being introduced
exponentially, teachers must be careful to choose wisely.
Teacher preparation is key, but knowing which tools to use for each specific goal
is also essential. It is not enough for students to have fun, they also must learn! The
greatest challenge for me was providing enough technological application and learning
experiences without losing essential hands on laboratory activities. I kept student
pretreatment concerns in the forefront of my mind. A number of students at the start of
the treatment expressed that they were concerned that with an increase in technology
there would be a decrease in labs. Unfortunately, they were right. It was unavoidable. I
found myself replacing full classroom experiences with front of the classroom
demonstrations. My greatest hope is that someday students will each have personal
technological devises, i.e. their own iPads, or laptops, to take to and from school. But,
having personal devises comes with it another set of problems, including streaming
difficulties, exposure to inappropriate media, cyber bullying, income discrimination, etc.
These were the main reasons why personal devises were not used extensively in my
treatment. However, if there were ways to prevent negative uses, and if personal devises
for all students of all income levels was a realistic possibility in the future, much time
could be saved in an out of the classroom and student understanding of science could
soar! Classroom difficulties with the infrastructure and hardware inadequacies such as
converting files, and streaming media would be few and far between, and more time
would be available again for hands on activities.
During my treatment, I also realized there was an opportunity to improve science
literacy while incorporating 21st century technology tools. This is an area that is a
common core goal and that teachers are expected to address, so future studies in this area
would be beneficial. Currently, laboratory experiences, scientific literacy, mathematical
applications, communications of data using graphs and diagrams, technological skill,
content understanding, and of course, laboratory performance skills are all areas that
science teachers are expected to address. Undoubtedly, technological applications are
necessary in today’s world. As districts become more and more aware of the importance
of connecting these applications to science and math it is becoming increasingly
important that teachers are given the time and resources necessary to provide their
students with enhanced instruction. I believe that in order to make this happen, districts
need to develop and maintain functioning infrastructure, provide adequate classroom time
so that hands on laboratory activities are not lost, and ensure that teachers are given the
time that they need to prepare their curriculum to infuse the lessons with relevant
information so that they maintain student engagement and use of the resources provided.
If teacher’s needs are met, then the applications would be endless. The knowledge,
confidence, and excitement my students showed me during my treatment could very well
be just as prolific elsewhere. Perhaps, with fewer infrastructure issues and a balanced
classroom approach, classrooms would maintain essential hands on laboratory science
experiences with students successfully incorporating independent technological tool use.
This would further feed their inquiry, confidence, and understanding, and teachers would
have classrooms that radiate scientific excellence.
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Appendix A
Student Attitudes And Experiences with Learning Science
Directions: The statements in this survey have to do with your opinions and beliefs about
science instruction in school and the importance of science in your life. Please read each
statement carefully, and circle the number that best expresses your own feeling.
Remember that this is not a test, and there are no “right” or “wrong” answers. Please
respond to every item.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements
about science? (Circle one number on each line).
Strongly Disagree Not sure Agree
I enjoy science……………………………..
Science is useful in everyday life………….
Scientists often don’t have very good social
Doing science often makes me feel nervous
or upset
Science challenges me to use my mind…………… 1
The science instruction that I have received
will be helpful for me in the future…………………1
Scientists usually work with colleagues as
part of a team………………………………………. 1
I am good at science………………………………...1
Advancements in science and mathematics
are largely responsible for the standard of
living in the United States………………………… 1
I usually understand what we are doing in
science class………………………………………. 1
Knowing science really doesn’t help get a
job…………………………………………………. 1
Science is difficult for me………………………… 1
Working as a scientist sounds pretty lonely
to me……………………………………………… 1
Studying hard in science is not cool to do…………1
Even without a strong background in science,
I will probably end up with the kind of job I
Appendix B
Technology Use: Pre-Treatment Questionnaire
What are some ways that you have used technology to learn? Did it work for you,
why or why not?
If you were given the option of using technology to help you learn science
concepts better, what tools would you choose, and how would you use them?
Given the choice between learning something using traditional methods: reading,
writing, laboratory experiments, discussion, class notes, worksheets and review
learning something using traditional methods PLUS using technology
like laptops, iPads, cell phones, video equipment, and other interactive web based
sources to learn. What would you choose, and why?
Have you ever found that technology use makes it more difficult for you to learn?
If so, please give me at least one example. Explain why it made it harder for you.
Do you think teachers are better teachers when they offer technology? Why or
why not? Give examples.
How good are you at using technology to learn?
Do you own a cell phone or or other portable device that connects to the
internet? What is it? Do you bring it to school?
How often would you say you text during the school day? How about outside of
Did you ever use texting or the Internet to look up the answer to a question?
Who do you think knows more about using technology, teachers or students?
Why do you say that?
Is there anything else that you would like to share with me about using technology
in school?
Appendix C
Student Independent Learning Pre-Treatment Survey
1. How often do you spend time outside of school looking up information or reading
about information related to your science lessons?
Never 1
Hardly Ever 2
Sometimes 3
Often 4
All the Time 5
2. How often do you talk to your parents or ask your parents questions about information
related to your science lessons?
Never 1
Hardly Ever 2
Sometimes 3
Often 4
All the Time 5
3. How often do your parents ask you questions or approach you about science related
homework or information related to your science classes?
Never 1
Hardly Ever 2
Sometimes 3
Often 4
All the Time 5
4. How often do you do extra work related to studying for or preparing for quizzes and
Never 1
Hardly Ever 2
Sometimes 3
Often 4
All the Time 5
5. How often do you contact your friends outside of class to ask questions about your
science homework or for assistance from them in any way related to your science
Never 1
Hardly Ever 2
Sometimes 3
Often 4
All the Time 5
6. How often do you use the Brookwood Middle School “Ms. Kretschmer” Web Pages
to review material we have covered in class, or to watch animations or simulations
related to class?
Never 1
Hardly Ever 2
Sometimes 3
Often 4
All the Time 5
Appendix D
Quick Post Test Reflection Questionnaire
1. Did you study?
2. Did you look at any of the materials on my web page?
3. Is there anything you would like to tell me?
Appendix E
Administrator Exemption and Permission
* From
Appendix F
Excerpt from ACS Lesson Plan
Appendix G
Sample Post Test Self Reflection Questionnaire
1. Did you study? Why or why not? Please explain.
2. Did you review any of the materials on my web page? Why or why not? Please
3. Is there anything you could have done better to be more prepared for the test?
4. Is there anything I could have done differently to help you learn better?
Appendix H
Sample Lesson Plan
The Movement of Ocean Water
Lesson Plan 1: Students will explore the causes and characteristics of surface and
deep currents in the ocean. They will learn about the different factors related to
ocean currents and explore the ways currents and climate are related.
Students will also explore the impact that humans have on the natural environment
and discuss ways that they can contribute to solutions to existing problems.
Lesson Plan 2: Students will describe the characteristics of waves and will explore
wave formation and movement. They will understand the different forces that
effect ocean waves and be able to identify different types of waves and their
Lesson Plan 3: Students will recognize that there are gravitational forces that create
tides on earth that are impacted by where the earth is in relation to the moon and the
Key Concepts
Currents are stream-like movements of water at or below the ocean surface.
Coriolis Effect is the curving of moving objects from a straight path due to the
Earth’s rotation.
Salinity is the measure of the amount of dissolved solids in a liquid.
Upwelling is a process in which cold, nutrient rich water from the deep ocean
rises to the surface and replaces warm surface water.
A wave is a disturbance or variation which travels through a medium.
Wave structure includes its crest, trough, height, length, and period.
A swell is a surface gravity wave that is not generated by local wind.
Tides are daily movements of ocean water that change the level of the ocean’s
Spring Tides are tides that have the greatest range between high and low water;
they occur at the new and full moons, when earth, the sun, and the moon are in
Neap Tides have the least tidal range; they occur at the Moon’s first and last
quarters, when the Moon is at right angles to the line of centers of Earth and the
Tidal Bulge is used to describe the area of water on earth that is affected by the
pull of the sun’s and the moon’s gravity.
A Tidal Bore is a body of water that rushes up through a narrow bay, estuary, or
river channel during the rise of high tide, causing a very sudden tidal rise.
Journal responses and activity sheets will serve as the assessment or the “Evaluate”
component of each 5-E lesson plan. The activity sheets are formative assessments of
student progress and understanding. Summative assessments are given at the end of each
unit in the form of a unit test.
Be sure that students are wearing properly fitting goggles when necessary for laboratory
Students should be assigned reading of Chapter 3, Sections 1, 2, and 3 as homework
before the start of each of Lessons 1: Currents, 2: Waves, and 3: Tides. All students
should create a Predict and Clarify Chart in their science notebooks as strategies to
improve their reading comprehension. The morning after the reading section is assigned,
students should begin class with a review of their reading. Have each student journal in
their notebooks. First, they should write what they remember from the previous nights
homework. Then, they may open their books and look at the key objectives and add to
what they've already written to complete their review. They may draw or sketch out their
thoughts however they wish. These journal entries should take only ten minutes with
about five minutes for questions and discussion if needed.
LESSON PLAN 1: Ocean Currents
Gather around the Smart Board. Show the first 3 minutes of this video clip from
you tube.
After the film, ask the students
this question: where do you
think all of the plastic
material has come from?
Begin Discussion:
Say: If you have ever dropped something in a large lake or even in the ocean, you have
probably seen how the water tends to carry it away from you and you've probably
watched it bob up and down in the waves. The movement you've seen is caused by the
influence of the ocean's surface currents and waves on the dropped object.
Wind and surface currents affect all objects on the surface of the ocean. The direction of
surface current movement is the result of the interaction of many forces, including
salinity and density currents, land and sea breezes, tides, gravity and global rotation. For
that reason, locating an object floating in the ocean can become a complex problem. It
requires gathering and processing several pieces of data.
This unit will explore the various aspects that affect the physical make-up of the ocean.
We will learn about currents (both surface and deep ocean current) first. Then we will
learn about waves and tides and the basic physical properties of them.
Tell students that over the last 30 years there have been incidences of many items
that have been discovered floating and or washing up on the coasts of the ocean. Grab
student interest and attention by showing them this story:
3. Distribute iPads. First ask the students to record in their science notebook a prediction
as to what they think may have happened to all of the debri that was cast into the ocean
from the Japanese tsunami of 2011.
Then, ask students to type in the following search keywords: flotsam japan tsunami
After doing about twenty minutes of research have them gather in small groups to share
what they have learned. Ask them to write a one paragraph summary in their own
notebook explaining: who, what, when, where, why of the Japanese flotsam, and how
scientists today predict where it will end up.
Here is a good example story for your own review, however, it is best to allow the
students to drive their own research to teach them how to query a question such as this.
Use Powerpoint Presentation as a guide to teach students about ocean currents.
Chapter 3 Section 1
Classroom Notes
Classification of Currents
1. Surface Currents – stream-like movements of water that occur at or near the
surface of the water. example: Gulf Stream (one of the longest surface
2. Deep Currents – stream-like movements of water FAR BELOW the surface
of the water.
Throughout the notes periodically access the slides from the following link. This
narrated tutorial is an excellent discussion of the main points.
How does the Ocean Move? with audio – the script may also be downloaded if needed.
Integrate activities, labs and demonstrations throughout the instruction and note taking in
order to exercise student interest and keep their attention - particular attention should be
spent to stress the factors that control surface currents.
Use the film clips that are embedded in the powerpoint as a way to describe and reinforce
the concepts.
Demonstrate the continental deflections by acting out the movements of the currents in
the classroom by pretending to be a current and bumping into and going around the desks
and countertops. You can involve students as well.
Include “Earth’s Uneven Heating” Activity as an introduction to solar radiation and its
affect on Earth’s temperature.
Use the Earth’s Rotation and the Coriolis Effect Activity to reinforce student
understanding of the rotation of the Earth through the building of models.
Integrate Activity 7.4, "Changing Density of a Liquid-Adding Salt" and Activity 7.5,
“Changing the density of a liquid – Heating and cooling” into the lesson to ensure a
deeper understanding of the molecular behavior of deep ocean currents.
Use the “Deep Water Masses and Global Circulation Activity” as a reference for a
demonstration of the movement of currents and as a tool for students to practice
recording data and creating charts and graphs to present information they collect.
Distribute MEDITERANEAN DEEP CURRENT Lab Activity. As a
performance based assessment, have the students follow the lab procedure and use the
questions to assess student understanding.
Distribute iPads or laptops and have students use the Inspiration concept mapping
program to develop a concept map to show their understanding of the vocabulary for this
Show the video clip from Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
Distribute iPads. Ask students to compile a list of some things that they can do to help
reduce the size of the great garbage patch. They could
use a bookmarking site such as to
gather a collection of sites important to their research.
Using Animoto, students should develop a presentation
of their ideas to convince the community of the
importance of protecting our oceans from litter.
Appendix I
Sample Assessment: Understanding Cells Quiz
What are cells?
What do all cells have in common?
Are all cells the same? Explain.
Why do you think that cells need DNA?
Appendix J
Sample Webquest: Cell Research Using iPads
Please go to the homepage. Click on Grade Level Links.
Click on 7th grade. Click on Ms. Kretschmer. Click on Chapter 1 Webquest. Then, answer the
questions using the links provided! Have fun! This is like a scavenger hunt. You may use
websites more than once or not at all.
1. Go to this link and study the parts of the animal cell.
Read the definitions and try to understand what they structures do. Choose one part
(organelle) to draw. Draw it in your notebook. Label your drawing and write a definition
telling me what it is.
2. Go to Biology 4 Kids:
Answer these questions about cells:
a) What is the main purpose of a cell?
b) How many cells do you have in your body?
c) What is one thing that ALL cells have in common?
Scroll down and click on
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
d) Why are there holes in a cell membrane?
Scroll down and click on
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
e) What is the function of the nucleus?
f) What is cytoplasm?
g) Do all cells have a nucleus?
h) How do scientists classify cells?
3. Using any or all of the cell links, answer the following questions:
a) What are the scientific names for the two types of cells? (Hint: one kind has a
nucleus, the other does not)
b) Draw and Identify as many parts of both types of cells as you can (this can be done on
a plain white piece of paper or a page of your notebook).
Remember, cell drawings do not always look identical! Try to figure out which parts
match the structures on the yellow study sheet. Leave the ones that are not on one
site blank until you come across another site that helps you figure them out  Have
4. Make a chart. For each item listed below write down
a) Which is bigger (hint, look at the site that says: Introduction to Cell and Virus
Structure – relative sizes).
b) Then, write its size and the detection device used to see it.
Human or Ant
Wasp or Atom
DNA or Cell
Bacteria or virus
5. Tell me what a ribosome looks like. Where do you find the most ribosomes?
6. Tell me two major differences between plant cells and animal cells.
7. Go to website: Inside the Cell-- history and Cell Theory Click on Chapter 1“An Owner’s Guide to
the Cell”. Click on the typical animal cell.
What shape are the lysosomes?
What structure surrounds the nucleus and looks like a maze?
Which structure looks like kidney beans sliced in half?
Go to the “Got It?” link. Answer all of the questions on a separate sheet of
8. According to the website called Cell Biology:
What are the 3 basic parts of the cell theory?
9. Go to website:
Play the cartoon What makes you, you?. Zoom IN! and keep Zooming IN!
What “tells the cell just what to do?”
How many chromosomes does a human have?
What are DNA shaped like?
What are genes?
10. Go to this website:
Click on “Structural Differences between Plant and Animal Cells.”
a) What is the difference between the vacuole in a plant cell and a vacuole in an
animal cell?
b) Does the Animal Cell have a cell wall?
Appendix K
Sample Teacher Created Test: Cell Unit
Name: ______________________ Class: _________________ Date: _________
Cell Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
____ 1. Humans like you are
a. machines.
b. systems.
c. organisms.
____ 2. A group of cells with the same function make up
a. an organism.
b. an organ system.
c. a tissue.
____ 3. An organ consists of
a. two or more tissues.
b. a group of cells.
c. two or more systems.
____ 4. What is smallest unit that can perform all the processes necessary for life?
a. cell
b. nucleus
c. organelle
____ 5. Which of the following statements is not part of the cell theory?
a. Animals and plants share the same kinds of cells.
b. All organisms are made up of one or more cells.
c. The cell is the basic unit of all living things.
d. All cells come from existing cells.
____ 6. What part of the cell forms a barrier between the cell and its environment?
a. cell membrane
b. ribosome
c. mitochondria
____ 7. What part of the plant cell keeps the cell from collapsing?
a. cell wall
b. cytoplasm
c. cytoskeleton
____ 8. A cell’s nucleus contains DNA, which carries genetic material with
a. instructions for how to make protein.
b. the cytoskeleton.
c. the endoplasmic reticulum.
____ 9. Ribosomes, the organelles that make proteins, are found on the membranes of the
a. cell wall.
b. endoplasmic reticulum.
c. mitochondria.
____ 10. What part of the cell acts as the cell’s delivery system?
a. nucleolis
b. mitochondrion
c. endoplasmic reticulum
____ 11. Energy released by a cell’s mitochondrion is stored in
a. ATP.
b. DNA.
c. the ER.
____ 12. Most of a cell’s ATP is made and stored in the inner membrane of the
a. mitochondrion.
b. Golgi complex.
c. endoplasmic reticulum.
____ 13. Which phrase describes a cell?
a. is always microscopic
b. does everything needed for life
c. always looks like an egg
____ 14. What are all organisms made of?
a. plants
b. protists
c. cells
____ 15. Where do all cells come from?
a. animals
b. ponds
c. cells
____ 16. What is cytoplasm?
a. the nucleus of a cell
b. the fluid inside a cell
c. the genetic material in a cell
____ 17. Where does photosynthesis take place in a cell?
a. in the nucleus
b. in the mitochondria
c. in the chloroplasts
____ 18. What does the Golgi complex do in a cell?
a. It packages and distributes proteins.
b. It is the power source of the cell.
c. It makes sugar and oxygen.
Complete each sentence or statement.
Use the terms from the following list to complete the sentences below.
cell organ
structure tissue
multicellular system
19. The lowest level of organization is the ____________________.
20. Cells that are like each other and do the same job form a(n) ____________________.
21. A structure made of two or more tissues working together is called a(n)
22. A group of organs that work together form an organ ____________________.
23. Larger size, longer life, and more-specialized cells are characteristics of
____________________ organisms.
24. How a part of an organism works is related to how it is built, or its
Match each item with the correct statement.
a. cell membrane e. endoplasmic reticulum
b. cell wall f. Golgi complex
c. mitochondrian g. nucleus
d. ribosomes
____ 25. a rigid structure that gives support to a cell, found in plant and bacteria cells
____ 26. a barrier that encloses and protects the cell allowing only certain materials to
come in and out
____ 27. a large organelle that produces and stores the cell’s DNA
____ 28. organelles that make proteins
____ 29. a system of folded membranes that functions as the internal delivery system of a
____ 30. an organelle that functions as the main power source of a cell, breaking down
sugar to produce
____ 31. the organelle that packages and distributes materials
Match each item with the correct statement.
a. DNA
c. nucleus
b. eukaryote
d. prokaryote
____ 32. a cell with a nucleus
____ 33. a cell without a nucleus
____ 34. genetic material in cells
____ 35. where DNA is stored
Match each item with the correct statement. You may use more than once.
a. found in plant cells
b. found in animal cells
c. found in both plant and animal cells
____ 36. cellulose, a complex sugar used to build cell walls
____ 37. nucleus
____ 38. organelles called chloroplasts that aid photosynthesis
____ 39. vacuoles, vesicles that store water and other materials
Short Answer (C.O.P.S. Counts!). Choose TWO of these to answer. (5 pts each).
40. List the main difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
41. Why weren’t cells discovered until 1665? What invention made their discovery
42. Are all cells the same? Explain.
Appendix L
Technology Use Reflection
Please write a few things that made it beneficial to learn using tools of technology at
home or in school. Also, please note any difficulties you encountered.
Which technological
home school
tools or software did you
use to help you learn the
Please describe both the pros and/or cons of
using this technology to learn.
a. Please write two or more examples of something you learned while using technology
(that may have been difficult understanding without it).
b. Is there anything that you think that I could do, or could have done differently to
improve your learning experience?
c. Is there anything that you think that YOU could do, or could have done differently to
improve your learning experience
Appendix M
Sample Journal Reflection Prompts
Journal Prompt
Nature of Science
Geology (Earth)
Geology (Oceans)
Streams, Rivers,
Lakes, and
Describe what science means to you. Start by telling me who
scientists are, and what you think that they do for a living. Then
explain what you think a scientific investigation is.
All living things are made up of at least one or more cells. Why
do you think complex organisms have so many cells? What could
their purpose be?
Do you think the Earth has always looked the way it does today?
Think about the landscape, including the rivers, mountains,
valleys, streams, and oceans. Has anything changed over time?
Explain your thoughts.
Where do you think the water in the ocean came from? Explain
your reasoning.
Do you think that our Earth might run out of all of its fresh
drinking water someday? What would happen if we didn’t have
fresh water? Explain your thoughts on this.
Appendix N
Sample Post Treatment Technology Use Reflection
During this unit you were given several different uses of technology to learn the material.
For each one, please tell me: 1) If you thought it was helpful for you in your learning
about Earth’s Changing Surface, and 2) Please, also tell me what you liked or disliked
about it.
Khan Academy videos
Bar Graph Team Challenge
Creating your own Webquest
Ms. Kretschmer Science Web Pages
Is there anything else you would like to share with me about the technology uses during
this unit?
Appendix O
Post Treatment Technology Use Questionnaire
What are some ways that you have used technology to learn? Did it work for you,
why or why not?
If you were given the option of using technology to help you learn science
concepts better, what tools would you choose, and how would you use them?
Do you think teachers are better teachers when they offer technology? Why or
why not? Give examples.
How good are you at using technology to learn?
Who do you think knows more about using technology, teachers or students?
Why do you say that?
Is there anything else that you would like to share with me about using technology
in school?
a. Please write two or more examples of something you learned while using
technology (that may have been difficult understanding without it).
b. Is there anything that you think that I could do, or could have done differently
to improve your learning experience?
c. Is there anything that you think that YOU could do, or could have done
differently to improve your learning experience?
Appendix P
Student Independent Learning Post Treatment Survey
1. How often did you spend time outside of school looking up information or reading
about information related to your science lessons?
Never 1
Hardly Ever 2
Sometimes 3
Often 4
All the Time 5
2. How often did you talk to your parents or ask your parents questions about
information related to your science lessons?
Never 1
Hardly Ever 2
Sometimes 3
Often 4
All the Time 5
3. How often did your parents ask you questions or approach you about science related
homework or information related to your science classes?
Never 1
Hardly Ever 2
Sometimes 3
Often 4
All the Time 5
4. How often did you do extra work related to studying for or preparing for quizzes and
tests (include extra credit work).
Never 1
Hardly Ever 2
Sometimes 3
Often 4
All the Time 5
5. How often did you contact your friends outside of class to ask questions about your
science homework or for assistance from them in any way related to your science
Never 1
Hardly Ever 2
Sometimes 3
Often 4
All the Time 5
6. How often did you use the Brookwood Middle School “Ms. Kretschmer” Web Pages
to review material we have covered in class, or to watch animations or simulations
related to class?
Never 1
Hardly Ever 2
Sometimes 3
Often 4
All the Time 5
7. When did you usually use Ms. Kretschmer’s Web Pages? Why? Was it helpful?
Appendix Q
Personal Technology Tool Use Contract
I, ___________________________________ agree that it is a privilege to use
technology tools in the classroom.
If I am given the opportunity to bring my personal technology tool, i.e. cell phone, smart
phone, iPod touch, or other device with access to the Internet into the classroom,
I agree that, unless classroom teacher gives me specific permission, that there will
No texting
No going on other Apps
No going on games like “Angry Birds,”… etc.
No taking pictures
No taking movies or recording people
No listening to music
I also agree that:
The student is responsible for their own device (not the school)
Only the student who owns it can use it
The volume will be turned off
The student must only use it during class time and return it to lockers when
If any of these agreements are broken, the student agrees that the teacher can take it away
and call parents before returning the device to student.
Student Signature