D I V I S I O N S A D E M I C teaching facilities available to faculty and students in both divisions include the Forest Resources A C The College is organized into two academic divisions, each headed by a chair. Research and Management and Engineering, Rick Gustafson, Chair Library branch of the University of Washington Libraries, the C. L. Pack Experimental Forest, the Washington Park Arboretum, the Olympic Natural Resources Center, the Center for Urban Horticulture, the Union Bay Wildlife Area, and the Wind River Canopy Crane. Ecosystem Sciences, Tom Hinckley, Chair Ecosystem Sciences Tom Hinckley, Chair Carrie Bayless, Program Coordinator, Ken Bible, Computer Support Analyst, Kate Bicket, Research Aide, David Braun, Research Technician, Lynn Catlett, Administrative Assistant, Mark Creighton, Heavy Equipment Operator, Joan Dunlap, Research Analyst, Shelley Evans, Research Coordinator, Patricia Gomez, Research Technician, Annette Hamilton, Program Coordinator, Lynne Hendrix, Office Assistant,Tom King, Research Technician, Kathy Kohm, Information Specialist, Ann Lezberg, Research Consultant, Georgia Murray, Research Scientist, Jim Scott, Advisor, David Shaw, Facility Manager, Adrienne Whitener, Program Coordinator, Dongsen Xue, Research Technician Faculty in the Ecosystem Sciences Division oversee three undergraduate majors leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Forest Resources. Conservation of Wildland Resources provides a broad education in forest-related natural resources. It emphasizes the interaction among the biological, environmental, and social dimensions of forested ecosystems. Environmental Horticulture and Urban Forestry prepares graduates for careers in professions concerned with the selection, management, restoration, and role of plants and ecosystems in urban landscapes. Wildlife Science focuses on the application of ecological knowledge to wildlife biology and management aimed at preparing students for graduate study in wildlife science. Graduate programs leading to the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy are available in forest soils, wildlife science, urban horticulture, and ecosystem analysis. A practice-oriented degree leading to the Master of Forest Resources in Urban Horticulture is also available. Management and Engineering Rick Gustafson, Chair Robert Allen, Secretary Senior, Heather Lawrence, Administrative Assistant, Mark Lewis, Program Operations Manager, Teresa Min, Secretary Senior, Danielle Orr-Bement, Administrative Assistant, Andrew Smith, Research Consultant Faculty in the Management and Engineering Division oversee three professional undergraduate majors leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Forest Resources. Forest Management emphasizes the management of forest land for a multiplicity of uses while Forest Engineering focuses on engineering design associated with forest protection, harvest, and transport. The Paper Science and Engineering curriculum is designed for students seeking training in the chemical and physical sciences and chemical engineering as applied to pulp and paper processing. Graduate programs leading to the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy are available in social sciences, forest economics, paper science and engineering, forest products marketing, silviculture and forest protection, forest engineering and hydrology, and quantitative resources management. A practiceoriented degree leading to the Master of Forest Resources in Silviculture is also available. 5 Ecosystem Sciences Faculty James Agee Professor Ph.D., Wildland Resource Science University of California, Berkeley, 1973 (206) 543-2688, jagee@u.washington.edu Charles Halpern Research Associate Professor Ph.D., Botany and Plant Ecology, Oregon State University, 1987 (206) 543-2789, chalpern@u.washington.edu David L. Peterson Professor Ph.D., Forest Ecology, University of Illinois, 1980 (206) 543-1587, wild@u.washington.edu Alan Wagar Research Professor Ph.D., Forestry, University of Michigan, 1961 (206) 543-0389/546-8251, jawagar@u.washington.edu Clement Hamilton Associate Professor Ph.D., Population Biology, Washington University, 1985 (206) 685-2589, cwh@u.washington.edu David W. Peterson Research Associate Ph.D., Forest Ecology, University of Minnesota, 1998 (206) 543-9138, larix@u.washington.edu Stephen West Associate Professor Ph.D., Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, 1979 (206) 685-7588, sdwest@u.washington.edu Robert Harrison Associate Professor Ph.D., Soil Chemistry, Auburn University, 1985 (206) 685-7463, robh@u.washington.edu Kenneth Raedeke Research Associate Professor Ph.D., Wildlife Ecology, University of Washington, 1979 (206) 685-2677, raedeke@nwlink.com Robert Wissmar Professor Ph.D., Zoology, University of Idaho, 1972 (206) 543-7467, wissmar@fish.washington.edu Linda Brubaker Professor Ph.D., Zoology, University of Michigan, 1973 (206) 543-5778, lbru@u.washington.edu Charles Henry Research Associate Professor Ph.D., Forest Soils/Waste Management, University of Washington, 1989 (206) 685-1915, clh@u.washington.edu Sarah Reichard Research Assistant Professor Ph.D., University of Washington, Urban Horticulture, 1994 (206) 616-5020, reichard@u.washington.edu Kathy Wolf Research Assistant Professor Ph.D., Landscape Architecture, University of Michigan, 1993 (206) 616-5758, kwolf@u.washington.edu Linda Chalker-Scott Associate Professor Ph.D., Horticulture, Oregon State University, 1988 (206) 685-2595, lindacs@u.washington.edu Thomas Hinckley Professor Ph.D., Ecophysiology (Forest), University of Washington, 1971 (206) 543-1588, hinckley@u.washington.edu Marco Restani Research Associate Ph.D., Biology, Utah State University, 1997 (206) 543-2764, restani@u.washington.edu John Wott Professor Ph.D., Cornell University, 1968 (206) 543-8602, jwott@u.washington.edu Robert Edmonds Professor Ph.D., Forest Pathology, University of Washington, 1971 (206) 685-0953, bobe@u.washington.edu Kathryn Kelsey Research Associate Ph.D., Wildlife Science, University of Washington, 1995 (206) 543-7232, kkelsey@u.washington.edu Jeffrey Richey Professor Ph.D., Ecology, University of California (Davis), 1973 (206) 543-7339, richey@u.washington.edu Darlene Zabowski Associate Professor Ph.D., Soil Science, University of Washington, 1988 (206) 685-9550, zabow@u.washington.edu David Manuwal Professor Ph.D., Zoology, UCLA, 1972 (206) 543-1585, auklet@u.washington.edu Douglas Sprugel Professor Ph.D., Forest Ecology, Yale University, 1974 (206) 543-2040, sprugel@u.washington.edu Adjunct Faculty Richard Edwards Research Assistant Professor Ph.D., Ecology, University of Georgia, 1985 (206) 543-3507, ricke@pisces.fish.washington.edu Kern Ewing Associate Professor Ph.D., Botany, University of Washington, 1982 (206) 543-4426, kern@u.washington.edu James Marra Research Associate Ph.D., Forest Ecology, University of Washington 1994 (206) 543-1486, jimarra@u.washington.edu David Ford Professor Ph.D., Botany (Ecology), London University, 1967 D.Sc., London University, 1995 (206) 685-9995, david@cqs.washington.edu John Marzluff Assistant Professor Ph.D., Zoology, Northern Arizona University, 1987 (206) 616-6883, corvid@u.washington.edu H. D.“Toby” Bradshaw Research Associate Professor Ph.D., Biochemistry, Louisiana State University, 1984 (206) 616-1796/616-3013, toby@u.washington.edu Sally Brown Research Associate Ph.D., Agronomy, University of Maryland, 1996 (206) 616-1299, slb@u.washington.edu 6 Jerry Franklin Professor Ph.D., Botany and Soils, Washington State University, 1966 (206) 543-2138, jff@u.washington.edu Robert Naiman Professor Ph.D., Stream Ecology, Arizona State University, 1974 (206) 685-2025, naiman@u.washington.edu Lee Newman Research Assistant Professor Ph.D., Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Rutgers University and Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, 1993 (206) 616-2388, newmanla@u.washington.edu Stuart Strand Research Professor Ph.D., Environmental Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, 1982 (206) 543-5350, sstrand@u.washington.edu Sean Thomas Research Associate Ph.D., Organic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, 1993 (206) 616-8565, sean@u.washington.edu Robert Van Pelt Research Associate Ph.D., Forest Resources, University of Washington, 1995 783-0991, abies2@lternet.edu Joseph Ammirati, Department of Botany Loveday Conquest, School of Fisheries John Edwards, Department of Zoology Christian Grue, School of Fisheries Richard Horner, Department of Landscape Architecture Estella Leopold, Department of Botany Iain Robertson, Department of Landscape Architecture John Skalski, School of Fisheries Glenn Van Blaricom, School of Fisheries Samuel Wasser, School of Medicine Affiliate Faculty Arthur Antonelli, Joseph Antos, Keith Aubry, Richard Bigley, Robert Bilby, Peter Bisson, Jeffrey Braatne, Jiquan Chen, James Clark, Richard Everett, Thomas Hanley, Paul Heilman, Rita Hummel, Jon Johnson, John Lehmkuhl, Raymond Maleike, Nalini Nadkarni, A. George Newcombe, Martin Raphael, Gary Ritchie, David Sandberg, Edward Schreiner, Jack Stanford, John Vande Castle Management and Engineering Faculty Graham Allan Professor Ph.D., Organic Chemistry, University of Glasgow, 1955 D.Sc., University of Strathclyde, 1970 (206) 543-1491, create@u.washington.edu Frank Greulich Professor Ph.D., Forest Management, University of California, Berkeley, 1976 (206) 543-1464, greulich@u.washington.edu Bruce Bare Professor Ph.D., Forest Management, Operations Research Purdue University, 1969 (206) 685-0878, bare@u.washington.edu Richard Gustafson Professor Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of Washington, 1982 (206) 543-2790, pulp@u.washington.edu Susan Bolton Associate Professor Ph.D., Civil Engineering, New Mexico State University, 1991 (206) 685-7651, sbolton@u.washington.edu Gordon Bradley Professor Ph.D., Urban, Technological, and Environmental Planning, University of Michigan, 1986 (206) 685-0881, gbradley@u.washington.edu Art Breitsprecher Lecturer, Part-Time Ph.D., Forest Resources, University of Washington, 1987 (206) 543-1465, artb@u.washington.edu David Briggs Professor Ph.D., Forestry, University of Washington, 1980 (206) 543-1581, dbriggs@u.washington.edu Barney Dowdle Professor Ph.D., Yale University, 1962 (206) 543-2765 Ivan Eastin Associate Professor Ph.D., Forest Products Marketing, University of Washington, 1992 (206) 543-1918, eastin@u.washington.edu James Fridley Professor Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington, 1984 (206) 543-6993, fridley@u.washington.edu Robert Gara Professor Ph.D., Entomology, Plant Ecology, Forest Management Oregon State University, 1964 (206) 543-2788, garar@u.washington.edu Kevin Hodgson Associate Professor Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of Washington, 1986 (206) 543-7346, hodgson@u.washington.edu Bjorn Hrutfiord Professor Ph.D., Organic Chemistry, University of North Carolina, 1959 (206) 543-1714 Chavonda Jacobs-Young Assistant Professor Ph.D., Wood and Paper Science, North Carolina State, 1998 (206) 685-7865, cjacobs@u.washington.edu Jay Johnson Professor Ph.D., Wood and Fiber Science, University of Washington, 1973 (206) 685-0988, jjohnson@u.washington.edu Anne Kearney Research Assistant Professor Ph.D., Cognition and Environment University of Michigan, 1997 (206) 685-7140, akearney@u.washington.edu Robert Lee Professor Ph.D., Wildland Resource Science University of California, Berkeley, 1973 (206) 685-0879, boblee@u.washington.edu Bruce Lippke Professor M.S., Operations Research, Industrial Engineering University of California, Berkeley, 1966 (206) 543-8684, blippke@u.washington.edu William McKean Professor Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of Washington, 1967 (206) 543-1626, wmckean@u.washington.edu David Thorud Professor Ph.D., Forest Hydrology, University of Minnesota, 1964 (206) 685-1928, thorud@.washington.edu Robert Northey Assistant Professor Ph.D., Wood Chemistry, University of Washington, 1985 (206) 616-2179, northera@u.washington.edu Eric Turnblom Assistant Professor Ph.D., Forest Biometrics, University of Minnesota, 1994 (206) 543-2762, ect@u.washington.edu Chadwick Oliver Professor Ph.D., Yale University, 1975 (206) 685-0875, oliver@silvae.cfr.washington.edu Thomas Waggener Professor Ph.D., Forest Economics, University of Washington, 1966 (206) 543-8151, waggener@u.washington.edu Dorothy Paun Assistant Professor Ph.D., Marketing, University of Oregon, 1993 (206) 685-9467, dap@u.washington.edu Adjunct Faculty John Perez-Garcia Associate Professor Doctor of Forestry, Forest Economics, Yale University, 1991 (206) 685-2315, perjohm@u.washington.edu Stewart Pickford Professor Ph.D., Forest Fire Science, University of Washington, 1972 (206) 543-1097, pickford@u.washington.edu Clare Ryan Assistant Professor Ph.D., Natural Resource and Environmental Policy, University of Michigan, 1996 (206) 616-3987, cmryan@u.washington.edu Peter Schiess Professor Ph.D., University of Washington, 1975 (206) 543-1583, schiess@u.washington.edu Gerard Schreuder Professor Ph.D., Economics, Yale University, 1968 (206) 685-0887, gsch@u.washington.edu Steven Shook Research Associate Ph.D., Forest Products Marketing, 1997 (206) 616-9187, woodlab@u.washington.edu Derek Booth, Department of Civil Engineering Mark Ganter, Department of Mechanical Engineering Jens Jorgensen, Department of Mechanical Engineering Dennis Lettenmaier, Department of Civil Engineering Neil Ricker, Department of Chemical Engineering Affiliate Faculty Jamie Barbour, David Barlow, Bernard Bormann, Ann Camp, Roger Clark, Terrance Cundy, Robert Curtis, Dean DeBell, Susan Ferguson, Paul Flanagan, Donald Flora, Randy Foltz, William Fuller, Richard Haynes, David Hyink, Rachel Kaplan, Stephen Kaplan, Edward Kelley, Willis Littke, Vijay Kumar Mathur, Robert McGaughey, Walter Megahan, Lynn Michaelis, Edwin Miyata, Steve Reutebuch, Ralph Riley, Zinovy Royzen, Jack Rucker, Kenelm Russell, Martin Schroeter, Robert Seidl, Margaret Shannon, Daniel Smith, James Stevens, Donald Theoe, Jeremy Wilson, Weihan Xu 7