Historical Enrollments STUDENT NUMBERS 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 AUTUMN AUTUMN AUTUMN AUTUMN AUTUMN AUTUMN AUTUMN AUTUMN 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Graduate and Research Programs Graduate programs in forest resources are designed to accommodate a wide range of education and career objectives, from the development of advanced professional skills and knowledge to the exploration of sciences basic to the discipline. The College’s research program not only contributes to the basic understanding of forest systems and their products and resources, it also supports the education goals of students and the scientific curiosity of the faculty. Graduate Program Areas Master of Science (MS) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD ) Degree Options Forest Economics involves the economic analysis of forest resource use and management, the forest products industry, and international trade in forest products. Silviculture and Forest Protection includes regeneration practices, stand development, intermediate stand management practices, and management of disturbance effects such as wildfire, insects, and pathogens. Social Sciences comprises leisure and recreation, community forestry and rural Forest Ecosystem Analysis covers a wide range of topics in forest biology, including development, land use issues, public agency decision making, and environmental regulation. community and landscape ecology, soils and mineral cycling, dendrochronology, tree physiology, and genetics. Urban Horticulture encompasses a range of disciplines with a focus on the purposes Forest Engineering and Hydrology focuses on the analysis and design at the watershed scale of forest management activities related to timber production, wildlife, fish, recreation, and water and involves the understanding of hydrologic processes through field and modeling analysis. The effects of human activities through forest land management are considered. Wildlife Science students specialize in wildlife ecology, studying the interrelationships of wild animals and their environments, or in wildlife conservation, applying ecological, social, political, and economic principles. and environments of urban plants. Students specialize in plant ecophysiology, public horticulture, or selection and management of landscape plants. Forest Products and Marketing studies the production, marketing, and technical characteristics of wood products. Emphasis areas include wood science, forest products marketing, and operations research. Professional Master of Forest Resources (MFR) Degree Options Pulp and Paper Science covers areas ranging from process engineering studies to pulping chemistry. Specializations are pulp and paper engineering, wood chemistry, and fiber science. Silviculture is designed for working professionals and offers opportunities for Quantitative Resources Management focuses on the application of quantitative Urban Horticulture is a program option for recent graduates and mid-career postgraduate study in current topics and concepts of silviculture and forest protection. techniques to the management of forest lands. Students specialize in forest biometrics or management science/operations research. professionals to provide specialized training for careers related to the management of vegetation in urban areas. Graduate Student Statistics REGISTERED MAJORS AUTUMN 1997 FEMALE ETHNIC MINORITY PHD TOTAL Forest Ecosystem Analysis* 1 24 29 54 23 0 1 2 Urban Horticulture 4 14 3 21 12 0 1 Silverculture and Protection 0 9 7 16 3 1 0 Wildlife Science 0 4 12 16 6 0 Forest Economics 0 5 8 13 5 0 Paper Science and Engineering 0 7 6 13 2 Forest Engineering and Hydrology 0 7 5 12 2 Social Sciences 0 4 5 9 Forest Products Marketing 0 4 2 6 Quantitative Resources Management 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 TOTAL 5 78 79 162 59 1 3 *includes Forest Soils Native America Asian America INTERNATIONAL MFR MS Hispanic American GRADUATES (Summer 97–Spring 98) MFR MS PhD 8 0 10 2 0 1 1 4 1 0 3 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 8 0 1 2 0 0 0 5 0 1 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 5 0 1 0 1 0 2 4 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 2 29 1 22 18 Graduate Scholarships and Fellowships Awarded 1997-98 Agnes H. Anderson Scholarship Caren Crandell Marvin Klemme Research Fellowship Ajit Krishnaswamy Agnes H. Anderson Fellowship Gordon Smith R.D. Merrill Forestry Research Fund Cynthia Gilbert, Melissa Keeley, Kimberlee McDonald Bloedel Forestry Fellowship Grace Sparks Winkenwerder Memorial Graduate Fellowship Jeanette Dorner Byron and Alice Lockwood Endowed Fellowship Jon Honea, Melissa Keeley Graduate School Merit Award Margaret McCauley Graduate Degrees Conferred 1997-1998 Forest Economics MASTER OF SCIENCE Clayton Hobart [Dr. T. Waggener, committee chair] Community Well-Being of Forest-Based Communities: A Community Action Perspective Timothy Hyatt [Dr. R. Naiman, committee chair] The Residence Time of Large Woody Debris in the Queets River,Washington Donald McKenzie [Dr. C. Halpern, committee chair] Modeling Large-Scale Fire Effects: Concepts and Applications Franklin (Rand) Knight [Dr. J. Franklin, committee chair] A Spatial Analysis of Sierra Nevada Old Growth Mixed-Conifer Forest Forest Engineering and Hydrology DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Ann Lezberg [Dr. C. Halpern, committee chair] Yujiao Wang [Dr. J.Perez-Garcia, committee chair] Survival of Herbaceous Species after Canopy Closure: Role of Below-Ground Traits Timothy Beechie [Dr. S. Bolton, committee chair] An Analysis of the Employment Impact of Stumpage Price Increase Policy in B.C. Weihuan Xu [Dr. G. Schreuder, committee chair] Experimental Choice Analysis of Non-Market Values for Ecosystem Management with Preference Heterogeneity Forest Ecosystem Analysis MASTER OF SCIENCE Stephanie Cooper [Dr. D. Peterson, committee chair] Wyatt Oswald [Dr. L. Brubaker, committee chair] Late Quaternary Pollen Records from Tukuto and Etivlik Lakes, Northwestern Alaska: Reconstruction of Vegetational History and Analysis of Sampling Issues Elizabeth Ritzenthaler [Dr. R. Edwards, committee chair] Biogeochemistry and Hydrology of a Forested Floodplain Backchannel: Riparian and Hyporheic Interactions Assessing Tropospheric Ozone in Western Washington DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Karen Fevold [Dr. R. Edwards, committee chair] Emily Heyerdahl [Dr. L. Brubaker, committee chair] Sub-Surface Controls on the Distribution of Benthic Algae in Floodplain Back Channel Habitats of the Queets River Spatial and Temporal Variation in Historical Fire Regimes of the Blue Mountains, Oregon and Washington: The Influence of Climate DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Rates and Pathways of Recovery for Sediment Supply and Woody Debris Recruitment in Northwestern Washington Streams, and Implications for Salmonid Habitat Restoration Forest Products Marketing MASTER OF SCIENCE Robert Hashizume [Dr. I. Eastin, committee chair] Analysis of 2x4 Technology Transfer to the Japanese Residential Housing Market Wendy Sammarco [Dr. I. Eastin, committee chair] Nonthesis option David Wright [Dr. I. Eastin, committee chair] Nonthesis option DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Steven Shook [Dr. I. Eastin, committee chair] Innovation and the U.S. Residential Construction Industry: An Integrated Model of Determinants of Firm Innovativeness for Engineered Wood Products Forest Soils MASTER OF SCIENCE Maryann Baird [Dr. D. Zabowski, committee chair] Wildfire Effects on Nutrient Capitals in Inland Coniferous Forests Paul Kramer [Dr. D. Zabowski, committee chair] Native Plant Restoration of the Copper Mine Tailings at Holden, WA F. Joseph Rocchio [Dr. K. Ewing, committee chair] Donor Soil Use in Wetland Restoration: Implications for Initial Vegetation Establishment Paper Science and Engineering Noboru Minakawa [Dr. R. Gara, committee chair] Kristin Warren [Dr. R. Lee, committee chair] DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY MASTER OF SCIENCE The Dynamics of Aquatic Insect Communities Associated with Salmon Spawning Symbolic Politics and Local Control: An Analysis of Framing Processes in the County Movement Cynthia Gilbert [Dr. C. Hamilton, committee chair] Aspects of Community Ecology, Population Growth and Genetic Structure Applied to the Conservation of Polemonium Pectinatum (Polemoniaceae), a Rare and Threatened Shrub-Steppe Perennial Brent Petersen [Dr. D. Briggs, committee chair] Pulping Characteristics of Young, Genetically Selected Western Hemlock DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Jeremy Wilson [Dr. C. Oliver, committee chair] Wind Stability of Naturally Regenerated and Planted Douglas-Fir Stands in Coastal Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia Yue Liu [Dr. R. Gustafson, committee chair] Application of Secondary Fluorescence to Measure the Kappa Number of Single Fibers Masahiro Ueda [Dr. G. Allan, committee chair] Sugar in Paper:Topochemistry and Physics Silviculture and Forest Protection Social Science MASTER OF SCIENCE Hans-Erik Andersen [Dr. G. Schreuder, committee chair] Nonthesis option John MacWilliams [Dr. G. Bradley, committee chair] Urban Horticulture MASTER OF FOREST RESOURCES Aaron Cady [Dr. J.Wott, committee chair] DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY MASTER OF SCIENCE David Giblin [Dr. C. Hamilton, committee chair] The Relationships of Reproductive Biology and Disturbance to the Rarity of Aster Curtus (Cronq.), a Pacific Northwest Endemic Nonthesis option Randall Hitchin [Dr. C. Hamilton, committee chair] MASTER OF SCIENCE DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Kelly Kavicky [Dr. E. Turnblom, committee chair] Penny Jennings Eckert [Dr. R. Lee, committee chair] Using Adaptive Management Strategies to Evaluate Silvicultural Prescriptions for Achieving Late Successional Characteristics Social Construction of a Watershed: Changing Rights and Changing Land The Native Forest Vegetation in the Washington Park Arboretum: Community Analysis and Curatorial Recommendations DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Forest Land Owners and Managers in Two Watersheds on the Olympic Peninsula: A Study in Sustainability Mike Johnson [Dr. R. Gara, committee chair] Host Selection Behavior of the Douglas-Fir Pitch Moth, Synanthedon Novaroensis (Hy. Edwards) (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae), Related to Intermediate Silvicultural Activities Ajit Krishnaswamy [Dr. R. Lee, committee chair] Gordon Smith [Dr. G. Bradley, committee chair] Adaptation in the Organization and Behavior of the U.S.D.A. Forest Service Wildlife Science MFR Professional Paper Richard Ferrero [Dr. G. VanBlaricom, committee chair] Life History and Multivariate Analysis of Habitat Selection Patterns among Small Cetaceans in the Central North Pacific Ocean Scott Pearson [Dr. D.Manuwal, committee chair] Behavioral and Ecological Tests of Four Models Explaining Narrow Hybrid Zones between Hermit and Townsend’s Warblers Gregory Mazer [Dr. K.Ewing, committee chair] Environmental Limitations to Vegetation Establishment and Growth in Vegetated Stormwater Biofilters Lizbeth Seebacher [Dr. K. Ewing, committee chair] Restoration of Coastal Estuarine Habitats within Previously Diked Wetlands in the South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, Charleston, Oregon RA SALARIES Graduate Student Research and Teaching Assistantships In the 1997-98 academic year, College of Forest Resources graduate students were awarded RA and TA support totaling $1, 740, 841. This consisted of $952,533 in RA salaries, $499,836 in RA tuition support, $190,678 in TA salaries, and $97,794 in TA tuition waivers. $952,533 $499,836 $190,678 + $97,794 $1,740,841 RA TUITION SUPPORT TA SALARIES TA TUITION WAIVERS TOTAL RA AND TA SUPPORT Funded Research FOR PUBLICATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE FOLLOWING PROJECTS, PLEASE CONTACT THE PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR. P R I N C I PA L I N V E S T I G ATO R P RO J E C T FUNDING AGENCY David Briggs (206) 543-1581 CORRIM II Consortium Proposal for Environmental Performance Research Priorities - Wood Products U.S. Department of Energy Bruce Lippke (206) 543-8684 Competitiveness in International Forest Products USDA Cooperative State Research Service Experimental Choice Analysis of Environmental Values for Ecosystem Management Assuming Preference Heterogeneity USDA Forest Service - Pacifjc NW Research Station Competitive Position of Southern Forest Products Industries USDA Forest Service Uncertainty Analysis of Climate Change Impacts on the Global Forest Sector USDA Forest Service Fire in Managing Ecosystems USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Fire Risk in Eastside Forest Riparian Zones USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Susan Bolton (206) 685-7561 Service Agreement: Department of Fisheries and CSS; Dept. of Natural Resources and CSS Various H.D. “Toby” Bradshaw (206) 616-1796 Development and Validation of Marker-Aide Selection Methods for Wood Property Traits in Loblolly Pine and Hybrid Poplar Lockheed-Martin Energy Systems Genetic Markers to Select for Crown Architecture and Productivity Lockheed-Martin Energy Systems Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci in Populus USDA National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program Microsatellite (SSR) Marker Map for Populus Consortium for Plant Biotechnology Research, Inc. Molecular Genetics of Pre-Mating Reproductive Isolation in Mimulus National Science Foundation Popular Molecular Genetics Research Cooperative Lockheed-Martin Energy Systems et al. Collaborative Study: Effects of Climate-Landscape Interactions on Soil Carbon Storage and Cycling in Arctic Alaska National Science Foundation Late Quaternary Vegetation and Climate History of the Alaskan North Slope: Part 2 Analysis of Paleo Records National Science Foundation Long-Term Fire Histories in Coastal Temperate Rainforest Simon Fraser University Development of a Request for Proposals for Monitoring Riparian Areas USDA Forest Service and Olympic Natural Resources Center Olympic Natural Resources Center Conference: Forest Policy: Ready for Renaissance USDA Forest Service and Olympic Natural Resources Center ONRC Purchase of Fieldcam Video System USDA Forest Service and Olympic Natural Resources Center Using Oysters to Monitor the Condition of Willapa Bay: Developing A Standard Tool for Estuaries USDA Forest Service and Olympic Natural Resources Center Forest Economics John Perez-Garcia (206) 685-2315 Forest Ecosystem Analysis James Agee (206) 543-2688 Linda Brubaker (206) 543-5778 John Calhoun (206) 685-9477 P R I N C I PA L I N V E S T I G ATO R P RO J E C T FUNDING AGENCY Biocontrol of Arbutus Canker Caused by hendersonula Toruloidea Washington State University Biological Control of Madrone Canker City of Seattle Continued Studies on the Biodiversity of Invertebrates in Coarse Woody Debris in Managed 50-70 Year Old Stands USDA Forest Service and Olympic Natural Resources Center Further Studies on Biocontrol of Cankering Fungi in Madrone City of Seattle Influence of Ecosystem Management Practices on Seedling Growth and Biological Processes in Soil and Coarse Woody Debris USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Precipitation Chemistry and Ecosystem Function in Olympic National Park National Park Service Relationships between Forest Management, Coarse Woody Debris and Long Term Ecosystem Productivity in Western Washington USDA McIntire-Stennis Program Response of Forest-Floor Fungi and Invertebrates to Variable Thinning, Amount and Arrangement of Coarse Woody Debris and Understory USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Richard Edwards (206) 543-3507 Ecosystem Management Research in the Pacific NW - A Regional Research Consortium Oregon State University Susan Ferguson (206) 553-7815 Vegetation Response to Mesoscale Climate Variability in the Mountainous West Collaborative Research National Science Foundation David Ford (206) 685-9995 Ecological Research at the Wind River Canopy Crane Facility (WRCCRF) Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Jerry Franklin (206) 543-2138 Ecosystem Management - Canopy Crane Recovery USDA Forest Service Micrometeorological Research at the Wind River Canopy Crane Research Facility USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Stimulating and Facilitating Collaborative Long-term Ecological Research: Proposal for Continuing Support of the LTER Network Office National Science Foundation Teakettle Ecosystem Experiment USDA Forest Service Assessment of Overstory and Understory Vegetation for DEMO Project (Gifford Pinchot) USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Community Composition, Structure, and Species Diversity of Managed Forest Stands: An Inventory and Predictive Model Weyerhaeuser Demo Grids USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Demonstration of Ecosystem Management Options: Coordination of Vegetation Research USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Development of Understory and Understory Plant Communities in Young Closed-Canopy Stands on the Olympic Peninsula: Roles of Seed Banks and Existing Plant Populations USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Effects of Plant Competition on Secondary Succession: An Experimental Approach USDA National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program Long-Term Effects of Broadcast Burning on Forest Composition and Structure USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Modeling the Response of Forest Understories to Alternative Harvest Treatments: A Review of Existing Models, Field Experiment USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Forest Ecosystem Analysis Continued Robert Edmonds (206) 685-0953 Charles Halpern (206) 543-2789 P R I N C I PA L I N V E S T I G ATO R P RO J E C T FUNDING AGENCY Robert Harrison (206) 685-7463 Evaluation of a High Altitude Forest Ecosystem for Advanced Treatment of Municipal Wastewater Snoqualmie Pass Sewer District Charles Henry (206) 685-1915 Demonstration of the Comparative Benefits of Using Biosolids in Forested Watersheds of the Mountains to Sound Greenway: Phase I Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust Lone Star Northwest Biosolids Demonstration Project Pierce County Mountains to Sound Greenway Biosolids Program - Design and Monitoring Advisory King County Canopy Coupling to the Atmosphere: An Examination of Water Exchange in Hybrid Poplar USDA McIntire-Stennis Program Carbon Isotope Discrimination and Water Use Efficiency of Poplars USDA National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program Genetic Improvement of Black Cottonwood for Short-Rotation Coppice Culture Lockheed-Martin Energy Systems Global Climate Change and Wildfires on the Transitions of the Major Ecosystems of the Americas: Study of Flammability and Stability USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Scaling up From Leaf To Stand: Coupling Ecophysiological Models with Remote Sensing in Populus National Institute for Global Environmental Change Assessment of Air Quality in National Parks of the Rocky Mountain Region National Park Service Effects of Fire and Climate Regimes on Vegetation USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Elwha River Ecosystem Restoration National Park Service GIS Clearinghouse USDA Forest Service and Olympic Natural Resources Center Global Climate Change National Biological Survey Global Climate Change U.S. Geological Survey Impacts of Ozone on Vegetation in Mount Rainier National Park National Park Service NBS Science Award National Biological Survey The Effects of Climate on Growth and Distribution of Subalpine Forests National Biological Survey Tropospheric Ozone in National Forests of Washington USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station USGS BRD Biology Support U.S. Geological Survey Richard Edwards (206) 543-3507 Ecosystem Management Research in the Pacific NW - A Regional Research Consortium Oregon State University Douglas Sprugel (206) 543-2040 Distribution of Photosynthetic Capacity in Conifer Canopies: the Role of Shoot Geometry, Leaf Morphology, Nitrogen Concentration National Science Foundation Stuart Strand (206) 543-5350 Bioremediation University Research Initiative - Nitrifying and Methane-oxidizing Cometabolism of Hazardous Compounds in Marine Sediments Office of Naval Research Phytoremediation Demonstration: Montezuma West Truck Spill Site Oregon State University Pentachlorophenol Redemption in Vegetated Swales for Control of Pollution from Stormwater Runoff Applied Geotechnology Inc. Phytoremediation of Methyl-t-butylether U.S. Navy Using Trees to Remediate Groundwaters Contaminated with Chlorinated Hydrocarbons U.S. Department of Energy Forest Ecosystem Analysis Continued Thomas Hinckley (206) 543-1588 David L. Peterson (206) 543-1587 P R I N C I PA L I N V E S T I G ATO R P RO J E C T FUNDING AGENCY Developing and Testing of Operational Atmospheric Correction of Satellite Data for the NSF-LTER Sites NASA LTER Network Office Subcontract Proposal with the University of New Mexico University of New Mexico Evaluation on Mineralogy and Metal Mobility from Tailings in the Pacific NW Environmental Protection Agency Revegetation of Holden Mine Tailings USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Wildfire Effects on Soil Nutrients USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Development of Stream Instrumentation USDA Forest Service Geologic Mapping and Landslide Inventory of the West-Central Portion of the Olympic Peninsula USDA Forest Service and Olympic Natural Resources Center Hydrology Component of the DEMO Project USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Investigation of Peak Summer Water Temperature and Sources of Headwater Streams (TP 4 and 5) within Recently Harvested Forest Areas USDA Forest Service and Olympic Natural Resources Center Investigation of Wheel Rut Depth and Length on Sediment Production USDA Forest Service Stream Habitat Restoration in a Large River Basin on Degree of Disturbances and Recovery Environmental Protection Agency An Automated Alternative for High Resolution Digital Elevation Model Generation USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Design Visualization for Forest-Systems Engineering USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Engineering Design of Alternative Forestry Operations USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Slope Stability Modeling from a Landscape Perspective USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Analytical and GIS Methodology Development Utilizing Low-Altitude Stereophotos Sealaska Corporation Applications of Low Altitude Stereophotos for Resource Measurement and Monitoring USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Peter Schiess (206) 543-1583 Senior Forest Engineering Field Studies Program WA Department of Natural Resources Gerard Schreuder (206) 685-0887 General Research Support - Forest Systems Engineering USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station David Briggs (206) 543-1581 Linking Trees from Stand Growth Models with Glass Log Sawing Models USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Ivan Eastin (206) 543-1918 A Comparative Cost Assessment of the North American 2x4 Residential Construction Systems WA Department of Trade and Economic Development Diffusion of Wood Product Innovations in Residential Construction USDA National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program USDA CSREES Food and Agricultural Sciences National Need Graduate Fellowship Program USDA Identifying New Markets and Developing New Forest Products for Small Diameter Trees USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Product Bundling: Strategic Choices for Forest Products Marketing USDA McIntire-Stennis Program Forest Ecosystem Analysis Continued John Vande Castle (505) 272-7315 Darlene Zabowski (206) 685-9550 Forest Engineering & Hydrology Susan Bolton (206) 685-7651 James Fridley (206) 543-6993 Stewart Pickford (206) 543-1097 Forest Products and Marketing Dorothy Paun (206) 685-9467 P R I N C I PA L I N V E S T I G ATO R P RO J E C T FUNDING AGENCY Effects of Management on Forest Productivity Lockheed-Martin Energy Systems Effects of Organic Matter Retention and Management on Long-Term Productivity of Pacific NW Coastal Douglas-fir Plantations National Council for Air and Stream Improvement Runoff Control Using Compost Robert Pitt David Briggs (206) 543-1581 Life-Cycle Analysis of Primary Wood Products Obtained from Plantation Forests USDA McIntire-Stennis Program Richard Gustafson (206) 543-2790 FactNet Analysis of Pulp and Paper Mill Variability USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Improvement of Pulping Uniformity by Measurement of Single Fiber Kappa Numbers U.S. Department of Energy Single Fiber Kappa Analyzer USDA National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program Characterization and Removal of Stickie Contaminants from OCC Recycle Mills: Phase II-Flotation Studies American Forest and Paper Association The Use of Fiber Wettability to Assess Sizing Efficiency USDA National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program The Shapes of Wood Density Profiles: A Mathematical Characterization USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station The Transverse Cylindrically Orthotropic Elastic Constants of Wood USDA National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program Low Odor Kraft Pulping National Council for Air and Stream Improvement Low Odor, High Yield Kraft Pulping U.S. Department of Energy Papermaking and Pulping Waste Properties of Wheat Straw: Development of Fiber Alternatives for the Paper Industry USDA National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program Biological Kraft Chemical Recycle for Augmentation of Recovery Furnace Capacity U.S. Department of Energy Forest Soils Robert Harrison (206) 685-7463 Paper Science and Engineering Kevin Hodgson (206) 543-7346 Jay Johnson (206) 685-0988 William McKean (206) 543-1626 Stuart Strand (206) 543-5350 Quantitative Resources Management Ivan Eastin (206) 543-1918 An Exploratory Assessment of Timber Harvesting and Processing Technologies for the Changing Federal Timber Resources in the PNW USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Jerry Franklin (206) 543-2138 Vegetation Structure and Dynamics USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Gerard Schreuder (206) 685-0887 Cooperative Forest Lands Monitoring Project around Northwest Alloys, Inc. Plant Site Northwest Alloys, Inc. Eric Turnblom (206) 543-2762 Modeling Interaction Dynamics among Vegetation Layers in Young Douglas-fir Plantations Royalty Research Fund Review of Fertilization Module in TASS for Coastal Douglas-fir British Columbia Ministry of Forests James Agee (206) 543-2688 A Study of Subsistence Uses Associated with Alaska Units of the National Park System National Park Service David Briggs (206) 543-1581 Response to Fertilization and Thinning on the Gifford Pinchot National Forest USDA Forest Service Stand Management Cooperative USDA Forest Service et al. Tree Stand Management and Forest Nutrition Bureau of Land Management Silviculture and Forest Protection P R I N C I PA L I N V E S T I G ATO R P RO J E C T FUNDING AGENCY Silviculture and Forest Protection continued Robert Edmonds (206) 685-0953 Controls on Forest Soil Carbon Dynamics: Does Nitrogen Management Matter Oregon State University Robert Gara (206) 543-2788 Effectiveness of Less-Toxic Controls of Pest Organisms for Logs to be Imported to the United States from Chile USDA Forest Service Charles Henry (206) 685-1915 Biosolids Information and Education Program Northwest Biosolids Management Association Chad Oliver (206) 685-0875 Analysis of Port Blakely’s Thinning Regimes for High Value Timber Using the Landscape Management System Port Blakely Tree Farms, L.P. Forest Management and Monitoring Plan: Satsop Nuclear Site Columbia-Pacific Resource Conservation and Development Landscape Management Decision Systems USDA Forest Service Systems for Using Silvicultural Information to Achieve Desired Results USDA McIntire-Stennis Program The Cispus Adaptive Management Area as a Forestry Research Area to Test Critical Aspects of Biological and Management Sciences USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station David L. Peterson (206) 543-1587 Reintroduction and Use of Fire in Ecosystem Management in Eastern Oregon and Washington: A Study of Change in Biomass Consumption USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Eric Turnblom (206) 543-2762 Response to Fertilization and Thinning on the Willamette National Forest USDA Forest Service Silviculture, Self-Thinning Dynamics, and Modeling the Growth of Douglas-fir Plantations USDA McIntire-Stennis Program Developing a Holistic and Integrative Understanding of Community Well Being USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station EPA Graduate Educational Fellowship Environmental Protection Agency Social Protocol for Watershed Analysis USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Stakeholders’ Perspectives: A Cognitive Approach to Assessing the Human Dimensions of Forest Management USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Study Proposal: Understanding Public Reactions to Alternative Forest Harvesting Practices USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station The Problem of Assuming Shared Images USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station A Survey of Landowners in the National Landmark Program National Park Service General Research Support- Sociology Studies Program FY 97 U.S. Geological Survey Sustainable Nontimber Forest Product Management: A Comparative Analysis of Wild Mushroom Tenure Institutions on National Forest Lands in Oregon USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Visitor Survey to Measure Public Attitudes Toward Visitor Transportation System, Mt. Rainier National Park National Park Service Clare Ryan (206) 616-3987 Participant Roles in Collaborative Decision-making Processes McIntire - Stennis Program Margaret Shannon (716) 645-5992 Developing Institutional Strategies for Landscape Management - Phase I USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Miranda Wecker (206) 685-9477 A Proposal to Compile Social and Economic Conditions in Western Clallam and Jefferson Counties Clallam County Social Sciences Gordon Bradley (206) 685-0881 Robert Lee (206) 685-0879 P R I N C I PA L I N V E S T I G ATO R P RO J E C T FUNDING AGENCY Gordon Bradley (206) 685-0881 Developing Knowledge for Forest Management along the Urban-to-Wildland Gradient USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station H.D. “Toby” Bradshaw (206) 616-1796 Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci Affecting Dormancy-Related Traits in Populus USDA National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program Linda Chalker-Scott (206) 685-2595 Histochemical Examination of Phenolic Deposition During DVMTOF Stress Resistance in Rhododendron Sp. USDA McIntire-Stennis Program Kern Ewing (206) 543-4426 A Multivariate Direct Gradient Analysis of the South Puget Sound Prairie Community The Nature Conservancy Establishing Reference Conditions for Freshwater Wetland Restoration Environmental Protection Agency Restoration of Coastal Wetland Habitats: Recruitment of Emergent Salt Marsh Vegetation within Naturally Recovering and Actively Restored Diked Wetlands in the South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve NOAA Conservation of Polemonium Pectinatum in Lincoln County Bureau of Land Management Developing Methods for Propagating Arbutus Menziesii (Pacific Madrone) from Stem Cuttings City of Seattle Planting for Sustainable Roadsides: Developing Guidelines for Plant Selection, Soil Preparation and Landscape Design WA Department of Transportation Thomas Hinckley (206) 543-1588 Develop an Architectural Analysis Method to Estimate Vigor of Pacific Madrones City of Seattle Stanley Humann (206) 685-4485 Internships - Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation Sarah Reichard (206) 616-5020 Development of Prediction Methods for Herbaceous Weeds in the United States USDA National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program Development and Assessment of Voluntary Methods to Reduce Distribution of Invasive Plants Horticultural Research Institute Economic Benefits Valuation of Landscaping in Small Business Districts Horticultural Research Institute Public Knowledge of Urban Forest Benefits and Values in Commercial and Retail Environments USDA Forest Service The View From the Road: Costs and Benefits of Roadside Urban Forests for Business Districts USDA Forest Service Stereoscopic Survey of Collections Institute of Museum Services John Calhoun (206) 685-9477 Use of Radar to Evaluate the Murrelet Survey Protocol USDA Forest Service and Olympic Natural Resources Center David Manuwal (206) 543-1585 Responses of Forest Wildlife to Modified Habitats USDA McIntire-Stennis Program Are Forest Buffers Sufficient and Necessary for Reducing Predation on Marbled Murrelet Nests? USDA Forest Service and Olympic Natural Resources Center Does Stand Size, Surrounding Forest Composition, and Distance from Stand Edge Influence Predation on Marbled Murrelet? U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Population Surveys of Hawaiian Hawks (USFWS - Pacific Island Eco-Region) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Predator Responses to Habitat Management in Washington USDA McIntire-Stennis Program The Influence of Timber Management, Proximity to Human Activity, and Forest Fragmentation on Corvid Abundance, Distribution, and Predation on Nests of Marbled Murrelets in the Pacific Northwest USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Urban Horticulture Clement Hamilton (206) 685-2589 Kathy Wolf (206) 616-5758? Wildlife Science John Marzluff (206) 616-6883 P R I N C I PA L I N V E S T I G ATO R P RO J E C T FUNDING AGENCY Kenneth Raedeke (206) 525-8122 Implications of Human Use Patterns on Elk Movements and Habitat Use in Custer State Park, South Dakota Custer State Park Steven West (206) 685-7588 Population Dynamics of Bighorn Sheep in the Black Hills, South Dakota Custer State Park Wildlife Response to Varying Levels and Patterns of Green-Tree Retention in Harvest Units USDA Forest Service - Pacific NW Research Station Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Riparian Management Zones in Providing Habitat for Wildlife WA Department of Natural Resources Habitat Cut Assessments: Effects of Treatment on Wildlife and Habitat Champion International Corporation Hanford Vertebrate Survey The Nature Conservancy Wildlife Science Fiscal Year 1998 Expenditures from External Support by Source FEDERAL USDA Forest Service $ % 1,718,058 27.1 USDA McIntire Stennnis Program 328,627 5.2 Other USDA 430,912 6.8 National Science Foundation 575,122 9.1 Department of Energy 504,972 8.0 Department of Interior 481,335 7.6 Environmental Protection Agency 230,283 3.6 12,033 0.2 4,281,341 67.6 Other SUBTOTAL NONFEDERAL $ % Gifts 832,340 13.1 Industry 582,155 9.2 Local Governments 162,125 2.6 Foundations 147,130 2.3 State of Washington 107,010 1.7 33,244 0.5 Associations Other SUBTOTAL GRAND TOTAL 191,784 3.0 2,055,788 32.4 6,337,129 100.0