what’s new 2010 web dev IT Services

start.warwick portal
• Customise your space with the content, apps and gadgets you need
to make your life easier.
• Use the gadgets already there, add some gadgets from the Gadget
list or import your other cant-live-without gadgets
• Drag and drop them to where you want and customise the whole
look and feel.
• New interface makes copying, moving and sending multiple files
simultaneously, quicker and easier to navigate.
• Files Transfer Utility. Enable access via a drive letter in Windows
Explorer (or equivalent), then drag and drop files between drives and
Files.Warwick. Or open a file from your Files.Warwick filespace directly
in a program such as Word, edit it and then save it straight back to
We very much welcome your feedback to enable us to develop it as
you would like.
An easy-to-use and versatile tool for arranging a meeting between
colleagues (even those without a Warwick email address). Not
designed to be a personal organiser or to represent a person’s
schedule as in Outlook for example, it is merely a simple solution to
replace the inevitable email ping-pong involved in searching for that
elusive meeting slot, convenient to all.
what’s new 2010
Webex – Video conferencing
The Collaboration & Email team now offer and support Webex - a
desktop video conferencing solution enabling:
• Multi-participant meetings (e.g. committees, interviews, collaboration)
• Integration with MS Outlook and popular browsers
• Application and desktop-sharing and file upload/sharing
• Breakout/syndication rooms
Instant Messaging and Live Chat
Warwick Forward
Warwick Forward is a service allowing you to point an external domain
address directly to the SiteBuilder pages of your project. The domain
itself must be registered with an external company by you.
• Warwick IM - great for quickly ‘speaking’ to a colleague without
sending an email.
• Live Chat - a ‘chatroom’ system for messaging between groups of
people. Trialled by the International Office for potential students to talk
to a someone about coming to Warwick.
web dev
IT Services
Current site admin tab
Page comments
Advances in pages and files
Perform operations at site rather than page level. People with edit and
admin permissions at homepage level, will see an additional tab in the
edit section, called 'Current site', not visible to other users.
• Edit site properties, change page contacts, purge all deleted
• View site stats and how many pages and files there are in the site
• See the recent edits and operations over the last week
Create a mini-forum on the page and enable people to comment on the
page, uploaded files and podcasts. Control both who comments and
comment moderation through the Page properties and permissions.
You can also allow non-logged-in users to comment on the pages,
although to avoid the publication of spam messages it is advisable to
evoke comment moderation for this.
Uploading files using an HTML5 compliant browser (Firefox 3.6,
Chrome 3.0 or Safari 4). Not supported by all browsers but this neat
tool allows you to upload several files without having to zip them. Hold
the Ctrl button and use the mouse to select the required files.
Uploaded files can now be made available between certain dates
(under File properties)
Comments on edit
Working in a team? Use the Comment facility (or the minor edit
checkbox) in the editor toolbar as you make an edit to build up a useful
Page history. People can see the latest changes from the History tab
without having to open each version. You can even receive email
notification of comments. Coupled with the ability to compare changes
and page pinning to locate a desired version makes this a powerful
collaborative tool.
Find & replace something on the content, page title, page heading
and link caption of the page and include images, links and embedded
media descriptions and URLs.
Resource bookings page
Automatic multimedia file conversion. If an uplodaded media file
won’t play in people’s browsers, it can quickly be converted into a
suitable format.
With some recent developmental work, it is now possible to:
Page tracking
Need to see which students have visited a particular set of pages on
your site? Once tracking is enabled on your pages, the ‘Tracking’ tab
will appear in the edit screen.
When a user browses to a page where tracking is enabled, they
are advised what data is being collected and asked for their level of
agreement. If they agree, the tracking icon will appear in the top right
hand side of the page. If they don’t want to be tracked, then they are
unable to view the pages where tracking has been enabled.
Improve the rank of your page
Some useful techniques to optimise your page and improve the rank of
your page in a web search.
• Have repeating bookings over several weeks or months
• Have more than one booking per slot, eg; places on a course that
deduct when people book themselves into a slot.
Record podcast or video directly onto SiteBuilder page (only in
Blogs previously)
We have only featured a small subset about our work on SiteBuilder and other
web publishing tools here. For more information about the work of the Web Dev
Team: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/its/servicessupport/web/