Advanced-Level Programs
NOTE: This rubric is only used by a few advanced programs. Most advanced programs chose elements from
this rubric and attach them to their existing gateway assessments.
Rubric (point values in column header are for program evaluation purposes and may be used for individual
student scores/grades)
Adherence to
codes of
conduct (1, 5%)
Commitment to
diversity (1,
Unacceptable (1 pt)
The candidate rarely adheres
to standards of ethical conduct
as defined by organizational
and professional codes of
conduct, and sometimes
demonstrates behaviors which
are at odds with the codes of
conduct. The candidate rarely
or only sometimes fulfills
professional obligations. The
candidate rarely accepts
responsibility for her/his own
decisions and sometimes
demonstrates behaviors which
are at odds with expected
The candidate rarely
demonstrates collaboration
and sometimes demonstrates
behaviors which are at odds
with the expected
collaborative behaviors.
The candidate rarely
demonstrates a commitment to
diversity and sometimes
demonstrates behaviors which
are at odds with a
commitment to diversity. The
candidate rarely shows respect
for people of differing
Acceptable (2 pts)
The candidate usually adheres
to standards of ethical conduct
as defined by organizational
and professional codes of
conduct, and rarely
demonstrates behaviors which
are at odds with the codes of
conduct. The candidate almost
always fulfills professional
obligations. The candidate
usually accepts responsibility
for her/his own decisions and
rarely demonstrates behaviors
which are at odds with
expected behaviors.
The candidate usually
demonstrates collaboration
and rarely demonstrates
behaviors which are at odds
with expected collaborative
The candidate usually
demonstrates a commitment to
diversity and rarely
demonstrates behaviors which
are at odds with a
commitment to diversity. The
candidate usually shows
respect for people of differing
Target (3 pts)
The candidate almost always
adheres to standards of ethical
conduct as defined by
organizational and
professional codes of conduct,
and never demonstrates
behaviors which are at odds
with the codes of conduct. The
candidate always fulfills
professional obligations. The
candidate almost always
accepts responsibility for
her/his own decisions and
never demonstrates behaviors
which are at odds with
expected behaviors.
The candidate almost always
demonstrates collaboration
and never demonstrates
behaviors which are at odds
with collaborative behavior.
The candidate almost always
demonstrates a commitment to
diversity and never
demonstrates behaviors which
are at odds with a
commitment to diversity. The
candidate almost always
shows respect for people of
Unacceptable (1 pt)
backgrounds in terms of
culture, ethnicity, religion,
sexual orientation, social
class, ability, political beliefs.
The candidate sometimes
demonstrates behavior that is
contrary to respecting human
Leadership (1, The candidate rarely takes
5%) MI-EMU- leadership and sometimes
demonstrates behaviors which
are at odds with expected
behaviors. The candidate
rarely takes initiative and
sometimes demonstrates
behaviors which are at odds
with expected behaviors. The
candidate rarely seeks
solutions to problems and
sometimes demonstrates
behaviors which are at odds
solving problems effectively
The candidate rarely serves as
an advocate in schools and
advocacy (1,
5%) MI-EMU- broader communities to
enhance educational
opportunities for all students.
The candidate sometimes
demonstrates behaviors which
are at odds with being an
advocate for schools,
communities, and students.
The candidate rarely deals
with conflict appropriately
demeanor (1,
5%) MI-EMU- and sometimes demonstrates
behaviors which are at odds
with the handling conflict
well. The candidate rarely
projects herself/himself in a
poised and professional
demeanor and sometimes
demonstrates behaviors which
are at odds with being a
poised and professional
educator. The candidate is
rarely responsive to
professional feedback and
Acceptable (2 pts)
backgrounds in terms of
culture, ethnicity, religion,
sexual orientation, social
class, ability, and political
beliefs. The candidate rarely
demonstrates behavior that is
contrary to respecting human
The candidate usually takes
leadership and rarely
demonstrates behaviors which
are at odds with expected
behaviors. The candidate
usually takes intiative and
rarely demonstrates behaviors
which are at odds with
expected behaviors. The
candidate usually seeks
solutions to problems and
rarely demonstrates behaviors
which are at odds with solving
problems effectively.
The candidate usually serves
as an advocate in schools and
broader communities to
enhance educational
opportunities for all students.
The candidate rarely
demonstrates behaviors which
are at odds with being an
advocate for schools,
communities, and students.
The candidate usually deals
with conflict appropriately
and rarely demonstrates
behaviors which are at odds
with the handling conflict
well. The candidate usually
projects herself/himself in a
poised and professional
demeanor and rarely
demonstrates behaviors which
are at odds with being a
poised and professional
educator. The candidate is
usually responsive to
professional feedback and
Target (3 pts)
differing backgrounds in
terms of culture, ethnicity,
religion, sexual orientation,
social class, ability, and
political beliefs. The candidate
never demonstrates behavior
that is contrary to respecting
human diversity.
The candidate almost always
takes leadership and never
demonstrates behaviors which
are at odds with expected
behaviors. The candidate
almost always takes initiative
and never demonstrates
behaviors which are at odds
with expected behaviors. The
candidate almost always seeks
solutions to problems and
never demonstrates behaviors
which are at odds with solving
problems effectively.
The candidate almost always
serves as an advocate in
schools and broader
communities to enhance
educational opportunities for
all students. The candidate
never demonstrates behaviors
which are at odds with being
an advocate for schools,
communities, and students.
The candidate almost always
deals with conflict
appropriately and never
demonstrates behaviors which
are at odds with the handling
conflict well. The candidate
almost always projects
herself/himself in a poised and
professional demeanor and
never demonstrates behaviors
which are at odds with being a
poised and professional
educator. The candidate is
almost always responsive to
professional feedback and
Student focus
Unacceptable (1 pt)
sometimes demonstrates
behaviors which are at odds
with accepting constructive
The candidate rarely reflects
on/evaluates her/his
experience and work. The
candidate sometimes
demonstrates behaviors which
are inconsistent with selfreflective educational practice.
The candidate rarely
recognizes difficulties or
deficiencies in her/his
professional practice. The
candidate sometimes
demonstrates behaviors which
are at odds with recognizing
difficulties or deficiencies.
The candidate rarely strives
for additional knowledge and
professional development.
The candidate sometimes
demonstrates behaviors which
are at odds with a
commitment to professional
The candidate rarely focuses
professional decision-making
around student needs and
sometimes (or frequently)
focuses decisions around
personal preferences. The
candidate rarely respects their
own students and sometimes
demonstrates behaviors which
are at odds with the respecting
Acceptable (2 pts)
rarely demonstrates behaviors
which are at odds with
accepting constructive
The candidate usually reflects
on/evaluates her/his
experience and work. The
candidate rarely demonstrates
behaviors which are
inconsistent with selfreflective educational practice.
The candidate usually
recognizes difficulties or
deficiencies in her/his
professional practice. The
candidate rarely demonstrates
behaviors which are at odds
with recognizing difficulties
or deficiencies. The candidate
usually strives for additional
knowledge and professional
development. The candidate
rarely demonstrates behaviors
which are at odds with a
commitment to professional
The candidate usually focuses
professional decision-making
around student needs and
rarely focuses decisions
around personal preferences.
The candidate usually respects
their own students and rarely
demonstrates behaviors which
are at odds with the respecting
Target (3 pts)
never demonstrates behaviors
which are at odds with
accepting constructive
The candidate almost always
reflects on/evaluates her/his
experience and work. The
candidate never demonstrates
behaviors which are
inconsistent with selfreflective educational practice.
The candidate almost always
recognizes difficulties or
deficiencies in her/his
professional practice. The
candidate never demonstrates
behaviors which are at odds
with recognizing difficulties
or deficiencies. The candidate
almost always strives for
additional knowledge and
professional development.
The candidate rarely
demonstrates behaviors which
are at odds with a
commitment to professional
The candidate almost always
focuses professional decisionmaking around student needs
and almost never focuses
decisions around personal
preferences. The candidate
always respects their own
students and never
demonstrates behaviors which
are at odds with the respecting
Standard Codes placed in LiveText System
for Attachment to Elements within Existing Gateway Rubrics
Adherence to professional ethics: demonstrates adherence to standards of ethical conduct, fulfills
professional obligations, assumes responsibility for own decisions;
Collaboration: works effectively with professional colleagues, parents, and other adults;
Commitment to diversity: values multiple aspects of diversity; respects children and adults of various
cultural backgrounds, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, social classes, abilities, political beliefs,
Leadership and initiative: assumes leadership roles in improving professional practice, goes beyond
what is expected, actively seeks solutions to problems.
Professional advocacy: serves as an advocate in schools and in the broader community to enhance
educational opportunities for all students.
Professional demeanor: deals with conflict appropriately, posed and professional behavior, responsive to
professional feedback.
Self-reflection: reflects on and evaluates one's own experience and work, is willing and able to recognize
difficulties of deficiencies in one's professional practice, seeks after knowledge and professional
Student focus: focuses professional decision-making around student needs rather than personal
preference, respects students as valued human beings.