Locate. EMU Learn. Live. HOUSING FAIR Basic Information Property Address: 548 East Terrace Lane Property Name: 548 East Terrance Lane Property Owner: Natalie Houde Property Website: Management Contact Name: Natalie Houde Email: nataliehoude@gmail.com Phone Number: 518.796.0318 Safety & Accessibility Questions (Please check Yes or No) Y N X Y N N/A X Y N X Y N X Y N X Y N X Y N X Y If the property contains more than five rental units, does the property have security cameras – including a recording system that stores data for thirty (30) days or more – operating in interior non-living spaces (e.g., common hallways, public stairwells)? N X Y Does the property have security cameras -- including a recording system that stores data for thirty (30) days or more -- that covers, at a minimum, all exterior doors? N N/A Y N X X Do you conduct criminal background checks on all staff? Do you conduct criminal background checks on all prospective tenants and residents? Are your employees required to wear name badges or uniforms that identify them as employees? Does your property have automatic lighting (e.g., timer, light-controlled, or motionactivated) outside all exterior building doors? Do all exterior building doors lock automatically upon closing? Are rental unit door locks changed when the unit “turns over” to a new resident? Are the common areas (e.g., laundry room, exercise facility) secured to require a key or security code to enter the room? Do you have a policy (either in your lease or another written document) prohibiting tenants from “propping” open exterior doors? Continued on BACK Transportation Question How far is the nearest AAATA bus stop from your property (e.g., ¼ mile, ½ mile)? 1/2 mile Please provide any additional information about the property and/or its security. This is a Townhouse style condo with your own private fenced yard, and private entrance. There are no shared common areas. There are two parking space directly in front of the building. Disclaimer The information contained in this form was provided by the property owner. This form is distributed by Eastern Michigan University only as an aid in searching for off-campus housing. Eastern Michigan University does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained in this form or any other offcampus housing listings. In addition, Eastern Michigan University does not inspect, endorse, or sponsor any of the agencies, services, web sites, advertisements, properties, or landlords listed on its web site or other publications.