Image Restoration Examples Colorado School of Mines Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing Image Restoration Metrics • RMS error is easy to compute (ie, square root of the mean squared error). – However, it (and similar metrics) are biased towards oversmoothed (i.e., blurry) results. Namely, an algorithm that removes not only the noise but also part of the structure (e.g., edges) will have a good score. • The structural similarity index (SSIM) takes into account the similarity of the edges (high frequency content) between the denoised image and the ideal one. – To have a good SSIM measure, an algorithm needs to remove the noise while also preserving the edges of the objects. Colorado School of Mines Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing 2 Other Image Restoration Metrics Colorado School of Mines Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing 3 Example 1 – Gaussian filter for denoising clear all close all % Get an image. Iinput = imread('liftingbody.png'); Iinput = double(Iinput); imshow(Iinput, []); % Input image % Add noise to the image. Let's use Gaussian noise, with sigma = sn. sn = 20.0; I = Iinput + sn*randn(size(Iinput)); figure, imshow(I, []); % Noisy image sigmaGaussian = 3.0; Iout = imfilter(I, fspecial('gaussian', 6*sigmaGaussian, sigmaGaussian)); figure, imshow(Iout, []), title('gaussian filter'); Idiff = Iout - Iinput; rms = sqrt(mean2(Idiff.^2)); figure, imshow(Idiff, []); title(sprintf('Errors (gaussian filter), rms = %f', rms)); Colorado School of Mines Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing 4 Example 2 - Bilateral Filter • The “bilateral filter” is similar to the “adaptive mean filter” discussed in the textbook. • It is useful to reduce image noise, but doesn’t blur across boundaries. • A good tutorial is available on this website: – – Matlab code available there too. Colorado School of Mines Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing 5 Example 2 (continued) clear all close all % Get an image. Iinput = imread('liftingbody.png'); Iinput = double(Iinput); imshow(Iinput, []); % Input image % Add noise to the image. Let's use Gaussian noise, with sigma = sn. sn = 20.0; I = Iinput + sn*randn(size(Iinput)); figure, imshow(I, []); % Noisy image maxval = max(I(:)); minval = min(I(:)); sigmaSpatial = sigmaGaussian; sigmaRange = (maxval-minval)/10; % Default is (maxval-minval)/10 Iout = bilateralFilter(I, ... [], ... % optional edge image minval, maxval, ... % range of values sigmaSpatial, sigmaRange); % sigmaSpatial, sigmaRange figure, imshow(Iout, []), title('bilateral filter'); Idiff = Iout - Iinput; rms = sqrt(mean2(Idiff.^2)); figure, imshow(Idiff, []); Colorado School of Mines Image and Multidimensional Processing title(sprintf('Errors (bilateral filter),Signal rms = %f', rms)); 6 Example 3 - Blur Degradation • A blurring degradation can be modeled by a Gaussian h ( x, y ) = 1 2πσ 2 − e x2 + y2 2σ 2 • If you take an image of a dot (impulse), the output blurred image is just the Gaussian blurring function Colorado School of Mines Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing 7 Example 3 - Blurred image of a line • Assume that the input image is a bright vertical line located at x=a in the image, and zero everywhere else. • Namely, f(x,y) = δ(x-a). What is the degraded output image g(x,y)? Colorado School of Mines Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing 8 Example 4 – Compare filters • Compare the performance of these filters, on reducing added Gaussian noise: – – – – Gaussian low pass filter Bilateral filter Adaptive mean filter Anisotropic diffusion filter • Try on these images: – ckt-board.tif – Fig0222(a)(face).tif – cameraman.tif % Add noise to the image. Let's use Gaussian noise, with sigma = sn. sn = 20.0; I = Iinput + sn*randn(size(Iinput)); figure, imshow(I, []); % Noisy image Colorado School of Mines Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing 9 Example 4 (continued) • For each image and each filter, display the error image between the original (noise-free) image and the filtered reconstructed image. Notice where errors occur. • For each image and each filter, give the RMS error between the restored image and the original. See if a low RMS error gives the “best” reconstruction in terms of preserving edges as well as reducing noise. Colorado School of Mines Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing 10 Example 4 (continued) clear all close all % Get an image. %Iinput = imread('ckt-board.tif'); %Iinput = imread('Fig0222(a)(face).tif'); Iinput = imread('cameraman.tif'); Iinput = double(Iinput); imshow(Iinput, []); % Input image % Add noise to the image. Let's use Gaussian noise, with sigma = sn. sn = 20.0; I = Iinput + sn*randn(size(Iinput)); figure, imshow(I, []); % Noisy image sigmaGaussian = 3.0; Iout = imfilter(I, fspecial('gaussian', 6*sigmaGaussian, sigmaGaussian)); figure, imshow(Iout, []), title('gaussian filter'); Idiff = Iout - Iinput; rms = sqrt(mean2(Idiff.^2)) figure, imshow(Idiff, []); title(sprintf('Errors (gaussian filter), rms = %f', rms)); maxval = max(I(:)); minval = min(I(:)); sigmaSpatial = sigmaGaussian; sigmaRange = (maxval-minval)/10; Colorado School of Mines % Default is (maxval-minval)/10 Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing 11 Iout = bilateralFilter(I, ... [], ... % optional edge image minval, maxval, ... % range of values sigmaSpatial, sigmaRange); % sigmaSpatial, sigmaRange figure, imshow(Iout, []), title('bilateral filter'); Idiff = Iout - Iinput; rms = sqrt(mean2(Idiff.^2)) figure, imshow(Idiff, []); title(sprintf('Errors (bilateral filter), rms = %f', rms)); Iout = wiener2(I, [3*sigmaGaussian 3*sigmaGaussian]); figure, imshow(Iout, []), title('adaptive mean filter'); Idiff = Iout - Iinput; rms = sqrt(mean2(Idiff.^2)) figure, imshow(Idiff, []); title(sprintf('Errors (adaptive mean filter), rms = %f', rms)); % Parameters: niter - number of iterations. % kappa - conduction coefficient 20-100 ? % lambda - max value of .25 for stability % option - 1 Perona Malik diffusion equation No 1 % 2 Perona Malik diffusion equation No 2% Iout = anisodiff(I, ... 10, ... % niter - number of iterations 30, ... % conduction coefficient 20-100 0.25, ... % max value of .25 for stability 1); % option: Perona Malik diffusion equation No 1 or No 2 figure, imshow(Iout, []); Idiff = Iout - Iinput; rms = sqrt(mean2(Idiff.^2)) figure, imshow(Idiff, []); title(sprintf('Errors (anisotropic diffusion filter), rms = %f', rms)); Colorado School of Mines Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing 12