Pacific Northwest Wildfire Coordinating Group CHARTER Fire Program Analysis Advisory Council I. Background and Purpose The Fire Program Analysis (FPA) system supports analysis of alternative organizations and strategies on an appropriate interagency landscape scale to achieve fire management objectives in a cost effective manner. The Fire Program Analysis system must be developed and implemented through a coordinated interagency effort in order to achieve an optimal level of program effectiveness. In order to meet the needs of the federal wildland fire program provided by federal policy guidance as well as Congressional and executive direction (references may be found at, the five federal wildland fire agencies started implementation of FPA on October 1, 2004. The purpose of this charter is to identify how the wildland fire agencies in the Pacific Northwest will organize themselves for successful implementation of FPA. This charter establishes the understanding that each agency agrees to serve as a participant in the implementation of the FPA system by developing and enhancing working relationships to promote a coordinated interagency effort. II. Name The Pacific Northwest Fire Program Analysis Advisory Council (PNWFPAAC); hereinafter referred to as the Team. III. Authority This Team is established pursuant to the charter authority granted to the parent group, the Pacific Northwest Wildfire Coordinating Group (PNWCG) through the respective agency fire management leadership for the Department of Agriculture and the Interior, plus the states of Oregon and Washington to assist in accomplishing the PNWCG’s mission and goals. The Team has the authority to develop and execute an annual program of work or execute work as assigned by PNWCG. The Team Chair has authority to make contacts, assign work within the Team, make commitments on behalf of the Team and commit such resources that are available within the Team. The Chair may request further resources and authority as needed. 2 IV. Mission Statement The mission of the Team is to provide advice, monitoring and assistance to field units in the interagency implementation of FPA. FPA is an interagency analysis that includes an aggregation of all lands being considered in the analysis called a Fire Planning Unit (FPU). Interagency FPUs have been identified in the Pacific Northwest and are listed in the Advisory Council Program of Work (POW). Contact information for the lead in each FPU can also be found in the POW. V. Objectives The Team will address the needs of the wildland fire management community by: VI. Coordinating development and revision of interagency Fire Planning Unit (FPU) boundaries, through local FPU teams and neighboring geographic areas as needed. Promoting consistency between FPUs whenever possible through the development and distribution of tools, aids and guidelines. Providing a communications link between PNW FPUs and the National level FPA Program Team for successful interagency implementation of FPA. Working with interagency fire management to resolve FPU and land managers’ issues and questions. Developing a POW each year for the Advisory Council and submit to the PNWFPAAC Chair for approval. Participating in monitoring of FPA implementation as necessary. Implementing the approved certification process and ensure all FPU submissions are certified in a timely manner. Membership Federal members should include one voting representative from each of the following agencies: USDA Forest Service DOI Bureau of Land Management DOI US Fish and Wildlife Service DOI National Park Service DOI Bureau of Indian Affairs State members should include one non-voting representative from each of the following state agencies: Washington Department of Natural Resources 3 Oregon Department of Forestry State members participate as “ad-hoc” members who do not rotate through the Chair or Vice Chair position Replacement members should be selected by the team based on a list of candidates from the providing agency VII. Organization The Team functions under the direction of PNWCG. Annually the Team appoints the Chair and Vice-Chair. When the Chair steps down, the vice-Chair will assume the chair position on an interim basis until a new Chair is appointed. The succession of Team leadership and the re-adjustment of the Team membership will be forwarded to PNWCG for approval. VIII. Membership definitions and responsibilities Chair: Serves for a minimum one year term but with no limitation in number of successive terms Represents the Team to PNWCG. Serves as Team spokesperson. Convenes meetings as deemed necessary by the Team or PNWCG. Presides over the meetings. Recommends the need for further resources and authority when it becomes evident. Assigns work to task groups. Selects ad hoc subject matter experts to assist in issue resolution. Prepares and signs correspondence approved by the majority of the voting members. Sends meeting announcements, agenda items, etc., to membership. Works closely with the Team’s PNWCG liaison. Vice-Chair: Functions as Chair in the event the Chair is unavailable. Becomes Chair after serving as Vice-Chair for one year. Is responsible for follow up on on-going projects and the development and implementation of Team procedures. Ensures a note taker is available for record keeping. Maintains the permanent record of Team activities. Distributes executive summary to Team, PNWCG, and other Advisory Councils’ chairs/task groups. Members: Solicit topics from their constituents for inclusion in the meeting agendas. 4 Participate in all regularly scheduled meetings or send a designated representative *(except for ODF and DNR members; refer to Section VI Membership). Members unable to regularly attend meetings should resign their position *(except for ODF and DNR members; refer to Section VI Membership). Submit sufficiently in advance any briefing papers concerning issues to be included on the upcoming meeting’s agenda. Relay team activities and developments to constituents. Subject Matter Experts: Assemble information requested by the Team for presentation and peer review. IX. Cooperation and Coordination The Team shall strive to coordinate with strategic partners as necessary on all projects and products. Issues, problems, and concerns raised by FPUs may be brought to the PNWCG for elevation to the appropriate national level representatives (FPA and/or agency fire management). Line Officers at the various levels, from the FPU to the state/regional level to the national level, are ultimately responsible for dispute resolution among partnering agencies. If any FPU runs into a dispute among the partner agencies that cannot be resolved by the FPU level line officer, then that dispute is elevated by the FPU through the affected agencies line officers for resolution. However, where possible the Advisory Council will facilitate this process, working with the agencies to resolve the conflict. The Advisory Council’s primary responsibility is to provide consistent information flow to all FPUs from and to the FPA Implementation National Coordination Group (ICG). This information flow also includes the gathering and disseminating of information that will help FPUs implement FPA, training nominations, and dissemination of Tech Tips and other pertinent information from the ICG or other sources. The committee serves as a collection point for issues/problems/concerns that are then presented to the PNWCG for elevation to the national level as needed. X. Meetings Meetings, including teleconferences, will be held to the minimum necessary to accomplish the defined purposes of the Team in a timely fashion. Team meeting schedules will be forwarded to the Team’s PNWCG liaison. No scheduled meeting shall occur unless three (3) voting members or their designated representatives (DR) are present. The DR will be authorized to attend the meeting and vote for the absentee member who made the temporary appointment. 5 Agenda and briefing papers should be made available to all Team members two weeks prior to a scheduled meeting. Minutes and executive summaries of the meetings will be made available to the PNWCG. These items as well as other pertinent information concerning Team activities will be posted on the Team’s website. XI. Reports and Minutes Sufficient records should be kept to analyze the performance of the Team and to keep the Team progressing toward its objectives. Reports and accomplishments shall be submitted to PNWCG as often as required. XII. Charter Approval and Amendment Original Charter approved March 9, 2009 as the Fire Program Analysis Working Team. This “Appended” Team Charter is effective on the date of signature by the PNWCG Chair. Charter revisions are made on the recommendation of the Team and with the concurrence of the PNWCG. All modifications to this Charter will be filed as supplements to the original Charter. /s/ Carl W. Gossard. __ Chair, Pacific Northwest Coordination Group May 18, 2011 Date