Pacific Northwest Fire Program Analysis (FPA) Advisory Council Program of Work February 2011 through February 2012 1 of 4 Purpose This Program of Work (POW) tiers to the Pacific Northwest Fire Program Analysis Advisory Council Charter. The purpose of this POW is to provide the Pacific Northwest Fire Program Analysis Advisory Council (Council) parameters for operational procedures. Its scope is limited to a given year’s analysis effort and should be updated on a yearly basis following the spring FPA budget submission. The goal of the Council is to provide fair and consistent advice, monitoring, assistance in technical reviews and other assistance to the Pacific Northwest’s 17 Fire Planning Units (FPUs) in the interagency implementation of FPA. Support Working Team The 2012 submission process has seen the addition of the Support Working Team (SWT). The SWT has been established by FPA program management to facilitate data input quality control, application integrity, and analysis support to the GA Leads and FPU’s. FPU Primary Member Contact Information Members of the Council will be the point of contact for the 17 Pacific Northwest FPUs when they have problems, issues or recommendations dealing with FPA. Table 1 contains information about the 17 Pacific Northwest FPUs including each FPU’s main point of contact for the current year. Table 1 – Pacific Northwest Fire Planning Units FPU Name FPU Lead Phone E-mail NW_OR_001 NW_OR_002 NW_OR_003 NW_OR_004 NW_OR_005 NW_OR_006 NW_OR_007 NW_OR_008 NW_OR_009 NW_OR_010 NW_OR_011 NW_WA_001 NW_WA_002 Dirk Shupe Sheryl Tooker-Dilley Robert Budge Bill Johnson Steve Garza Brian Watts Jeremy Sisneros Clint Albertson Willy Crippen Roy Walker Krisann Kosel Larry Nickey John Heckman 541-225-6405 541-767-5025 541-618-2102 NW_WA_003 NW_WA_004 Bryan Maier Dave Nee 509-644-9224 Northeast Washington The Basin Central Cascades NW_WA_005 NW_WA_007 Richard Parrish Karrie Stevens Northwest Oregon Umpqua NF Southwest Oregon Central Oregon Northeast Oregon Southeast Oregon Eastern Oregon Southeast/South Central OR Wallowa-Whitman Malheur Roseburg/Coos Bay BLM Northwest Washington North Washington Cascades West North Central Washington FPU Identifier 541-383-5435 541-278-3729 541-473-6298 541-573-4303 541-947-6113 541-523-1320 541-575-3105 541-464-3332 360-565-3121 425-783-6071 509-634-3133 C509-6341685 509-536-1226 503-668-1755 Membership The Council consists of a core group comprised of representatives from each Pacific Northwest agency who are typically the fire planning representative at the State or Regional office level. The Council members constitute the voting membership of the team. Each individual team member shall have one vote for each agency that they represent. Table 2 shows Council membership for the current year. 2 of 4 Table 2 – Pacific Northwest Council Membership Agency Name BIA Nancy Lee Wilson (2010-2011 Chair) BLM Rick D. Stratton FWS Thomas V. Skinner NPS USFS Oregon Washington Matt Johnson (2011-2012 Vice Chair) William (Bill) H. Johnson (2011-2012 Chair) Teresa Vonn Darrel Johnston Alternates Agency Name BIA Scott Bradshaw BLM Rick D. Stratton FWS Brett Fay NPS USFS Todd Johnson Rick D. Stratton Phone (208) 387-5558 (o) (208) 869-7807 (c) (503) 808-2326 (509) 546-8335 (o) (509) 438-6668 (c) (509) 546-8303 (f) (530) 295-5614 E Mail (541) 383-5435 (o) (503) 945-7226 (509) 925-8510 Phone (208) 387-5373 (503) 808-2326 (503) 872-2756 (o) (503) 347-8194 (c) (503) 231-2364 (f) (510) 520-5565 (c) (503) 808-2326 E Mail Only the Council member or his/her designated proxy will be permitted to vote. A quorum of 3 Council members, or designated proxies, must be present for a vote to proceed. The vote is carried by the majority. Officers Initially, voting members of the committee will elect a Chair and Vice-Chair in the spring, so that chair rotation occurs following the spring FPA budget submission. Initially, the term for Chair is one year; at the conclusion of the first year this will be evaluated based on individual circumstances. At the end of the Chair’s term or if the Chair position becomes vacant, the Vice-Chair will assume the Chair position and the voting members will elect a new Vice-Chair. Only voting members may be the Chair or Vice-Chair. The agency rotation will be: NPS, FWS, BIA, BLM/USFS and States (if participating). If circumstances warrant, there may be a change in the rotation if agreed to by voting members. Duties of the Chair The Chair is responsible for leading the Council to ensure, where possible and reasonable, that consistent advice, monitoring and assistance is provided throughout the PNW. 3 of 4 The Chair serves as the Council’s representative to the National FPA groups. The Chair distributes information from National FPA to the Council. The Chair is also the focal point for consolidated responses back to the national FPA group (e.g. issues, training nominations, etc.). The Chair is responsible for scheduling conference calls and meetings as they are needed. The Chair is responsible for documentation of these conference calls and meetings. Documentation may be delegated to the Vice-Chair, or another committee member. For conference calls (or meetings), the Chair reserves the conference bridge (meeting room), solicits agenda items, prepares and distributes the agenda and bridge information, as well as facilitates the call (meeting) itself. The Chair represents the committee to the Pacific Northwest Coordinating Group (PNWCG), presenting program updates, issues, and recommendations at their meetings. The Chair is responsible for updates, as deemed necessary by the Council, to both this plan as well as the Charter and then submitting the updated documents to the Chair of the PNWCG for approval. Duties of the Vice-Chair If the Chair is unavailable for a Council conference call or meeting, the Vice-Chair will facilitate the call or meeting and is also responsible for documenting the call or meeting. If the Chair is unavailable for other conference calls or meetings that require participation from the Council, the Vice-Chair will attend to represent the committee. Program of Work Amendments and Approval The POW will be reviewed and updated annually and may be amended with the concurrence of a majority of voting members. This plan is effective as of the date of signature by the PNWFPAAC Chair. /s/ Carl W. Gossard Chair, Pacific Northwest FPA Advisory Council May 18, 2011 Date 4 of 4