A Statistical Procedure for PacNW RAWS Network Optimization Terry Marsha NWS Meteorologist Goal: Define an objective method that could be used to create a more efficient RAWS network that adequately meets the needs of land/fire managers while reducing needless redundancy. Primary regard is given to NFDRS and forecasting for fire weather and smoke management. Given: A network of approximately 200 RAWS currently exists in Washington and Oregon. Assumptions: 1. 2. The current network of RAWS adequately represents the weather of the PacNW. Within the current network of RAWS exists a smaller subset of RAWS that is equally representative. This analysis is comprised of two parts. First a wind rating is determined for each RAWS in the analysis. Secondly a cross correlation matrix of the daily minimum afternoon relative humidity of the RAWS within a particular area is developed. The results of these two tools provides the means for determining the final RAWS network. Wind Rating: The purpose of the wind rating is to objectively assess the wind characteristics of each RAWS in order to try and ensure that as many as possible of the RAWS in the final network are wind sensitive. A “good” wind sensitive RAWS should show an ability to respond with elevated wind speeds when the weather dictates and also show good variability. These characteristics can be determined by inspection of the distribution of the RAWS’s hourly wind speed. Procedure: 1. Start with a database of hourly weather observations for all RAWS covering several summers. For each day the peak wind speed is determined for each of six “4-hour” time periods covering the full 24 hours of the day. This is done for each RAWS in the network analysis. 2. A “climatological” distribution of the peak wind speed for each “4-hour” time period for each RAWS is generated and the median and 90th percentile value of the peak wind speed is determined for each time period. 3. A “spread statistic” is defined as: (90th percentile peak WS) – (median peak WS) / (median peak WS) 4. This statistic indicates the amount of variability in the RAWS’s wind speed frequency distribution (much like the standard deviation). From the value of the 90th percentile peak WS and the “spread statistic” defined above, the wind sensitivity rating for each “4-hour” time period is determined for each RAWS using the following criteria. a. 90th percentile peak WS ≥ 10 mph during a “4-hour” time period b. “spread statistic” for the same time period ≥ .50 The above criteria indicates adequate or better wind sensitivity. Wind ratings are determined as follows: rating 0 - if the above criteria were not met for any of the six “4-hour” time periods of the day 1 - if the above criteria were met for at least 1 “4-hour” time period of the day 2 - if the above criteria were met for at least 1 daytime and 1 nighttime “4-hour” time period A wind rating of 0 is considered “inadequate” ; 1 is “adequate” ; 2 is “good”. Effort should be made to ensure that as many of the RAWS as possible in the final network have a wind rating of 1 or 2. After the wind sensitivity rating is determined for each RAWS, the cross-correlation analysis of the daily minimum relative humidities of the RAWS can be done. This is the main analysis for determining the “key” RAWS making up the final network. *note…Daily minimum RH is a good element to use for determining similarity between RAWS but one could experiment with other elements as well such as some NFDRS index or component. RH Correlation Analysis: Procedure: 1. Start with a database of daily afternoon minimum RH’s for all RAWS in your analysis. Correlate the minimum daily RH of each RAWS with the corresponding minimum RH of all other RAWS in your analysis. This results in a crosscorrelation matrix showing how each individual RAWS correlates with every other RAWS in your analysis in terms of daily afternoon minimum RH. 2. Select from your cross-correlation matrix the RAWS with the most correlations at or above a chosen threshold and designate as RAWS 1. I have found that for RH, a correlation coefficient threshold of around .90 is a good choice but really depends on the area being analyzed. If you desire more stations in your network select a higher threshold ( ie .92 ) or if you want less key stations, choose a lower threshold. 3. Remove from your analysis RAWS 1 and all the other RAWS that correlate with it at your threshold value or higher. 4. From the remaining RAWS, repeat step 2 and and designate as RAWS 2. Again remove RAWS 2 and all those that correlate with it at your threshold value or higher. 5. Continue repeating steps 2 through 4 until either no stations remain or none of the remaining stations correlate with another at your threshold value or greater. What you are left with is a subset of “KEY RAWS” that are uniquely different from one another as defined by your selection of a correlation coefficient threshold. All other RAWS may be discarded from your network because they correlate highly with at least one of the Key RAWS. You will find as you proceed through this analysis that often you may have a “tie” between several RAWS and need to make a choice on which to pick as a “key”. In such instances, I would recommend placing high priority on stations having a wind rating of a 1 or 2. Database and statistical software is needed to perform this analysis. I used Paradox database software and GBSTAT statistical software. I performed the above analysis using nearly all the RAWS in Washington and Oregon. I have written several papers regarding this study pointing out various strategies etc. They are available as reference. Resultant RAWS Network for Washington/Oregon Area 1 - Olympics Area 2 - Coastal Area 3 – W Washington Cascades Area 4 – NW Oregon Cascades Area 5 – SW Oregon Owl Mt Quinalt Jefferson Cougar DNR USFS USFS USFS Minot Huckleberry S Fork Tillamook Cedar Cr Rockhouse 1 Village Cr Goodwin Dunes Coos DNR DNR ODF ODF USFS ODF BLM USFS USFS ODF Sumas Finney Cr Gold Mt Johnson Greenwater Kosmos Canyon Cr DNR USFS USFS USFS DNR DNR USFS Blue Rdg Log Cr Wanderers Pk Red Box Stayton Yellowstone Trout Cr USFS USFS USFS USFS ODF BLM BLM Signal Tree Powers2 Calvert Pk Bald Knob Quail Gold Beach Red Mound Emigrant Zim Parker Mt Buckhorn BLM USFS BLM USFS USFS ODF USFS USFS USFS BLM BLM Area 6 – NE Washington Mtns Deer Mt Kettle Falls Owl Mt Gold Mt Oroville Peony Cr Kramer NCSB WA Pass USFS NPS USFS BIA BLM USFS BIA USFS USFS Area 7 – Central Washington Peoh Pt Sedge Rdg Grayback Douglas Juniper DNR DNR DNR BLM BLM Area 8 – N Central Oregon Pollywog Patjens Mutton Mt Haystack Colgate USFS BLM BIA USFS USFS Area 9 – S Central Oregon Lava Butte Timothy Mt Chemult Chiloquin Coffee Pot USFS USFS USFS USFS USFS Area 10 – Blue Mtns Alder La Grande Pt Prominence Sparta Butte Blue Canyon Antelope Case Briar Rabbit Board Hollow Salt Cr USFS ODF USFS USFS BLM BLM USFS USFS ODF BLM Area 11 – SE Oregon Summit Wagontire Moon Hill Owyhee Rdg Grassy Mt USFS BLM BLM BLM BLM Area 1 - Olympics WS Rating HerbR Cougar Owl Mt Jefferson Humptulips Quinalt *Key Stations 1 0 2 HerbR 1 .723 .865 .643 .848 .508 Cougar .723 1 .665 .732 .781 .389 Owl Mt .865 .665 1 .647 .871 .461 0 0 0 Jefferson Humptulips Quinalt .643 .848 .508 .732 .781 .389 .871 .647 .461 1 .715 .401 .715 1 .700 .401 .700 1 Tom Cr and Hurricane R were not used in analysis due to excessive missing or questionable data. Results: 6 RAWS reduced to 4. Only 1 of the key RAWS is an adequate or better wind station. Poorest correlation between a RAWS and its Key = .865; Average correlation = .868. Lack of good wind RAWS appears to be a problem in this area. Area 2 - Coastal WS Rating 2 0 2 * Abernathy Cannibal CedarC Abernathy 1 .673 .813 Cannibal .673 1 .877 CedarC * .813 .877 1 Clay .656 .813 .772 Coos * .293 .676 .487 Dean .607 .879 .795 Dunes * .200 .541 .371 .886 * Goodwin .669 .814 High .669 .764 .731 * Huckleb .863 .630 .777 Miller .900 .733 .832 Minot * .636 .613 .598 RockH * .791 .768 .825 Rye .843 .796 .885 Sfork .875 * .793 .890 * Tillamook .426 .645 .581 Village * .732 .782 .773 Wilkinson .718 .874 .794 Yoncalla .620 .799 .753 *Key Stations 0 Clay .656 .813 .772 1 .589 .788 .428 .892 .912 .564 .759 .546 .854 .759 .795 .477 .890 .896 .915 1 0 2 1 * * * Coos Dean Dunes Goodwin .293 .607 .200 .669 .676 .879 .541 .885 .487 .795 .371 .814 .589 .788 .428 .892 1 .695 .844 .678 .695 1 .547 .873 .844 .547 1 .510 .678 .873 .510 1 .538 .722 .377 .855 .258 .568 .194 .580 .380 .641 .293 .713 .339 .550 .268 .475 .443 .697 .331 .787 .414 .712 .294 .786 .404 .706 .303 .788 .687 .608 .703 .584 .549 .731 .414 .827 .621 .791 .459 .906 .592 .788 .417 .873 0 2 0 2 2 0 * * * High Huckleb Miller Minot RockH Rye .669 .863 .900 .636 .791 .843 .764 .630 .733 .613 .768 .796 .732 .777 .832 .598 .825 .885 .912 .564 .759 .546 .854 .759 .538 .258 .380 .340 .443 .414 .722 .568 .641 .550 .697 .712 .377 .194 .293 .268 .331 .294 .855 .580 .713 .475 .787 .786 1 .578 .709 .414 .815 .754 .578 1 .820 .621 .695 .767 .709 .820 1 .695 .868 .843 .414 .621 .695 1 .612 .505 .815 .695 .868 .612 1 .841 .754 .767 .843 .505 .841 1 .905 .694 .875 .891 .734 814 .428 .398 .478 .364 .465 .486 .922 .636 .773 .565 .857 .789 .871 .634 .773 .567 .832 .807 .930 .535 .673 .410 .783 .734 2 1 0 0 1 * * * SFork Tillamook Village Wilkinson Yoncalla .875 .426 .732 .718 .620 .793 .645 .782 .874 .799 .890 .581 .773 .794 .753 .795 .477 .890 .896 .915 .404 .687 .549 .621 .592 .706 .608 .731 .791 .788 .303 .703 .414 .459 .417 .906 .873 .788 .584 .827 .735 .428 .922 .871 .930 .814 .398 .636 .634 .535 .905 .478 .773 .773 .673 .694 .364 .565 .567 .410 .875 .465 .857 .832 .783 .891 .486 .789 .807 .734 1 .470 .776 .832 .744 .470 1 .457 .505 .459 .776 .456 1 .876 .852 .832 .505 .876 1 .868 .744 .459 .852 .868 1 Results: 19 RAWS reduced to 8 + Cedar Cr and Rockhouse1 added for wind and location reasons = 10. 8 of the 10 key RAWS are adequate or better wind stations. Poorest correlation between a RAWS and its Key = .873 ; Average correlation = .891 Area 3 - Western Washington Cascades WS Rating Sumas Kidney Finney * Gold Mt * * Johnson Lester * Greenwater Kosmos * Hagar Elk Rock Orr Cr Cedar Fl Trout Canyon * *Key Stations * 2 * Sumas 1 .877 .718 .817 .682 .744 .743 .731 .726 .766 .717 .729 .763 .740 0 Kidney .877 1 .814 .908 .801 .835 .818 .799 .796 .789 .785 .799 .841 .787 0 * Finney .718 .814 1 .829 .839 .782 .800 .717 .755 .695 .750 .751 .815 .751 0 0 0 1 1 0 * * * * GoldM Johnson Lester GreenW Kosmos Hagar .817 .682 .744 .743 .731 .726 .908 .801 .835 .818 .799 .796 .829 .839 .782 .800 .717 .755 1 .835 .853 .844 .807 .840 .835 1 .856 .844 .804 .817 .853 .856 1 .959 .889 .905 .959 .921 .844 .844 1 .877 .807 .804 .889 .877 1 .909 .840 .817 .905 .921 .909 1 .814 .802 .883 .870 .941 .902 .800 .825 .883 .902 .876 .942 .826 .809 .901 .898 .912 .936 .865 .835 .870 .886 .891 .915 .848 .815 .875 .887 .928 .904 0 ElkR .766 .789 .695 .814 .802 .883 .870 .941 .902 1 .882 .903 .878 .921 0 0 OrrCr CedarF .717 .729 .785 .799 .750 .751 .800 .826 .825 .809 .883 .901 .902 .898 .876 .912 .942 .936 .882 .903 1 .926 .926 1 .884 .920 .949 .882 0 2 * Trout Canyon .763 .740 .841 .787 .815 .751 .865 .848 .835 .815 .870 .875 .886 .887 .891 .928 .915 .904 .878 .921 .884 .882 .920 .949 1 .903 .903 1 Results: 14 RAWS reduced to 7. 4 of the 7 Key RAWS are adequate or better wind stations. Poorest correlation between a RAWS and its Key = .902 ; Average correlation = .926 Tolt was not used in analysis because of excessive missing data. Area 4 - Northwest Oregon Cascades WS Rating BlueR Boulder Brush Fields Hamilton Hawley Horse Log * Middle Pebble * RBox * Stayton * SugarLoaf TroutC * * Wanderers YellowS * Eagle *Key Stations * 2 0 1 0 0 0 * BlueR Boulder Brush Fields Hamilton Hawley 1 .719 .675 .677 .739 .670 .719 1 .809 .829 .844 .818 .675 .809 1 .819 .798 .915 .677 .829 .819 1 .766 .909 .739 .844 .798 .766 1 .788 .670 .818 .915 .909 .788 1 .725 .849 .871 .816 .882 .866 .951 .795 .844 .801 .778 .795 .844 .830 .783 .746 .869 .755 .920 .893 .685 .837 .822 .889 .816 .892 .817 .819 .877 .814 .735 .805 .902 .786 .813 .857 .654 .873 .858 .934 .803 .938 .911 .943 .694 .806 .886 .799 .817 .866 .816 .806 .894 .815 .739 .884 .869 .866 .874 .883 .778 .837 .883 .821 .893 .834 0 Horse .725 .849 .871 .816 .882 .866 1 .900 .820 .846 .884 .845 .855 .861 .920 .916 .903 0 * Log .795 .844 .801 .778 .951 .795 .900 1 .882 .833 .889 .826 .807 .810 .902 .894 .904 2 0 0 * * Middle Pebble RBox .844 .685 .816 .830 .920 .892 .783 .837 .817 .746 .893 .819 .869 .822 .877 .755 .889 .814 .820 .846 .884 .882 .833 .889 1 .798 .901 .798 1 .864 .901 .864 1 .846 .818 .821 .771 .905 .842 .773 .859 .844 .875 .836 .927 .838 .900 .912 .853 .841 .858 1 0 0 2 1 0 * * * * Stayton Sugarl TroutC Wanderers YellowS Eagle .735 .654 .694 .817 .739 .778 .805 .873 .806 .866 .884 .837 .902 .858 .911 .816 .869 .883 .786 .934 .886 .806 .866 .821 .813 .803 .799 .894 .874 .893 .857 .938 .943 .815 .883 .834 .845 .855 .861 .920 .916 .903 .826 .807 .810 .902 .894 .904 .846 .771 .773 .875 .838 .853 .818 .905 .859 .836 .900 .841 .821 .842 .844 .927 .912 .858 .912 1 .821 .871 .827 .856 .821 1 .911 .825 .892 .810 .911 .871 1 .819 .913 .869 .827 .825 .819 1 .898 .877 .856 .892 .913 .898 1 .889 .912 .810 .869 .877 .889 1 Results: 16 RAWS reduced to 6 plus Yellowstone and Wanderers RAWS added for wind considerations to equal 8 Key RAWS. 4 of the 8 Key RAWS are adequate or better wind stations. Poorest correlation between a RAWS and its Key = .893 ; Average correlation = .919 Area 5 - Southwest Oregon (east) WS Rating Emigrant Grandad Cinnamon Toketee Buckeye Stella Zim * Seldom Dead * Buckhorn Parker * *Key Stations * 1 0 0 0 0 * Emigrant Grandad Cinnamon Toketee Buckeye .925 .947 .952 .926 1 .925 1 .904 .933 .932 .947 .904 1 .946 .921 .952 .933 .946 1 .951 .926 .932 .921 .951 1 .901 .852 .919 .907 .917 .866 .818 .902 .868 .895 .844 .792 .884 .847 .848 .846 .810 .869 .839 .869 .814 .792 .839 .838 .840 .787 .746 .839 .790 .811 0 0 0 0 0 1 * * * Zim Seldom Dead Buckhorn Parker .866 .844 .846 .814 .787 .818 .792 .810 .792 .746 .902 .884 .869 .839 .839 .868 .847 .839 .838 .790 .895 .848 .869 .840 .811 .913 .884 .882 .836 .854 1 .871 .885 .865 .867 .871 1 .900 .855 .905 .885 .900 1 .887 .915 .865 .855 .887 1 .864 .905 .915 .867 .864 1 Stella .901 .852 .919 .907 .917 1 .913 .884 .882 .836 .854 Area 5 – (cont.) Southwest Oregon (west) WS Rating Evans Merlin Onion Silver Provolt * Illinois Burnt Mtn Signal * Powers2 BaldK * Calvert * Agness Lawson QuailP * RedMo * GoldB * *Key Stations 2 1 2 1 Evans 1 .914 .924 .857 .906 .882 .744 .779 .641 .782 .875 .761 .861 .797 .549 .284 Merlin .914 1 .907 .894 .935 .863 .770 .814 .655 .820 .903 .771 .861 .786 .560 .261 Onion .924 .907 1 .837 .906 .905 .760 .797 .627 .815 .924 .770 .910 .813 .533 .284 Silver .857 .894 .837 1 .832 .802 .848 .894 .719 .837 .907 .779 .833 .807 .614 .281 1 * Provalt .906 .935 .906 .832 1 .895 .713 .748 .587 .746 .858 .746 .853 .783 .531 .296 0 0 Illinois .882 .863 .905 .802 .895 1 .757 .760 .606 .726 .863 .814 .916 .874 .611 .387 BurntM .744 .770 .760 .848 .713 .757 1 .927 .769 .802 .853 .857 .842 .837 .725 .408 2 0 2 2 1 0 2 2 0 * * * * * * * Signal Powers2 BaldK Calvert Agness Lawson QuailP RedMo GoldB .779 .641 .782 .875 .761 .861 .797 .549 .284 .814 .655 .820 .903 .771 .861 .786 .560 .261 .797 .627 .815 .924 .770 .910 .813 .533 .284 .894 .719 .837 .907 .779 .833 .807 .614 .281 .748 .587 .746 .858 .746 .853 .783 .531 .296 .760 .606 .726 .863 .814 .916 .874 .611 .387 .927 .769 .802 .853 .857 .842 .837 .725 .408 1 .767 .880 .896 .832 .838 .829 .709 .351 .767 1 .712 .677 .787 .652 .684 .696 .540 .880 .712 1 .893 .744 .827 .740 .587 .214 .916 .896 .677 .893 1 .812 .831 .611 .295 .832 .787 .744 .812 1 .858 .892 .806 .587 .838 .652 .827 .916 .858 1 .909 .684 .380 .892 .829 .684 .740 .831 .909 1 .802 .483 .709 .696 .587 .611 .806 .684 .802 1 .651 .351 .540 .214 .295 .587 .380 .483 .651 1 Results: 27 RAWS reduced to 12. 9 of the 11 Key RAWS are adequate or better wind stations. Poorest correlation between a RAWS and its Key = .892 ; Average correlation = .919 Area 6 - Northeast Washington Mountains WS Rating 1 83Mon 83Mon 1 Brown .727 Camp4 .735 Cedar .740 Deer * .678 Doug .674 First .683 Gold * .669 * Kettle .579 * Kramer .707 Lane .629 Leecher .650 LostL .716 Midnight .657 * NCSB .695 Nesplm .642 * Oroville .703 Owl * .639 Pmoore .655 * Peony .740 TacC .639 * WPass .894 *Key Stations 0 1 0 Brown Camp4 Cedar .727 .735 .740 1 .780 .853 .780 1 .632 .853 .632 1 .908 .853 .651 .759 .897 .645 .737 .856 .666 .904 .740 .829 .842 .717 .774 .827 .890 .688 .891 .673 .888 .740 .873 .672 .874 .775 .736 .852 .734 .794 .912 .731 .632 .883 .838 .728 .827 .770 .750 .841 .656 .862 .866 .701 .823 .902 .815 .787 .801 .637 .818 .731 .856 .764 1 * Deer .678 .853 .651 .908 1 .641 .642 .870 .835 .687 .899 .628 .725 .822 609 .724 .697 .888 .888 .708 .906 .695 1 1 Doug .674 .759 .897 .645 .641 1 .875 .733 .667 .908 .673 .929 .809 .709 .925 .823 .772 .645 .653 .834 .616 .760 First .683 .737 .856 .666 .642 .875 1 .711 .620 .819 .649 .922 .789 .643 .917 .769 .747 .642 .634 .828 .683 .779 1 * Gold .669 .904 .740 .829 .870 .733 .711 1 .831 .804 .899 .720 .804 .907 .691 .861 .755 .849 .905 .837 .880 .670 1 2 0 2 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 * * * * * * Kettle Kramer Lane Leecher LostL Midnight NCSB Nesplm Oroville Owl PMoore Peony .579 .707 .629 .650 .716 .657 .695 .642 .703 .639 .655 .740 .842 .827 .891 .740 .874 .852 .731 .883 .827 .841 .866 .902 .717 .890 .673 .873 .775 .734 .912 .838 .770 .656 .701 .815 .774 .688 .888 .672 .736 .794 .632 .728 .750 .862 .823 .787 .835 .687 .899 .628 .725 .822 .609 .724 .697 .888 .888 .708 .667 .908 .673 .929 .809 .709 .925 .823 .772 .645 .653 .834 .620 .819 .649 .922 .789 .643 .917 .769 .747 .642 .634 .828 .907 .831 .804 .899 .720 .804 .691 .861 .755 .849 .905 .837 1 .718 .853 .656 .736 .784 .661 .787 .745 .798 .858 .771 .890 .718 1 .717 .857 .833 .785 .862 .817 .682 .731 .877 .853 .717 1 .681 .792 .829 .641 .789 .735 .892 .863 .819 .656 .857 .681 1 .785 .664 .927 .803 .743 .643 .631 .831 .736 .833 .792 .785 1 .754 .788 .800 .876 .802 .735 .921 .784 .785 .829 .664 .754 1 .667 .845 .732 .780 .902 .794 .661 .862 .641 .927 .788 .667 1 .804 .768 .627 .626 .822 .787 .890 .789 .803 .800 .845 .804 1 .778 .719 .805 .853 .745 .817 .735 .743 .876 .732 .768 .778 1 .738 .709 .852 .798 .682 .892 .643 .802 .780 .627 .719 .738 1 .801 .777 .858 .731 .863 .631 .735 .902 .626 .805 .709 .801 1 .782 .771 .877 .819 .831 .921 .794 .822 .853 .852 .777 .782 1 .812 .698 .854 .580 .694 .870 .575 .740 .668 .828 .933 .728 .626 .752 .629 .736 .750 .669 .811 .693 .751 .656 .663 .749 Results: 22 RAWS reduced to 9. 7 of the 9 Key RAWS are adequate or better wind stations. Poorest correlation between a RAWS and its Key = .894 ; Average correlation = .909 Teepee, Flowery Trail and Starvation Mtn were not used in analysis because of excessive bad or missing data. Area 7 - Central Washington WS Rating Central WA Mountains DryC * GrayB * Peoh Sawmill * Sedge Swauk Teepee View * Douglas * Juniper *Key Stations 2 DryC 1 .820 .904 .874 .734 .906 .782 .914 .828 .633 2 * GrayB .820 1 .865 .862 .758 .840 .914 .810 .753 .773 1 * Peoh .904 .865 1 .917 .732 .901 .824 .907 .776 .669 0 Sawmill .874 .862 .917 1 .732 .885 .828 .847 .766 .710 2 * Sedge .734 .758 .732 .732 1 .779 .810 .692 .762 .720 0 0 0 Swauk .906 .840 .901 .885 .779 1 .824 .855 .859 .697 Teepee .782 .914 .824 .828 .810 .824 1 .761 .784 .757 View .914 .810 .907 .847 .692 .855 .761 1 .789 .624 Results: 10 RAWS reduced to 5. All 3 Key RAWS are adequate or better wind stations. Poorest correlation between a RAWS and its Key = .901 ; Average correlation = .909 2 * Douglas .828 .753 .776 .766 .762 .859 .784 .789 1 .712 2 * Juniper .633 .773 .669 .710 .720 .697 .757 .624 .712 1 0 TacC .639 .801 .637 .818 .906 .616 .683 .880 .812 .698 .854 .580 .694 .870 .575 .740 .668 .828 .933 .728 1 .640 1 * WPass .894 .731 .856 .764 .695 .760 .779 .670 .626 .752 .629 .736 .750 .669 .811 .693 .751 .656 .663 .749 .640 1 Area 8 - North Central Oregon WS Rating * Colgate * Haystack HeHe Metolius * Mutton Npole * Patjens * Pollywog Wamic Wasco Wilson *Key Stations 1 * Colgate 1 .884 .897 .914 .902 .828 .833 .845 .869 .813 .869 1 * Haystack .884 1 .898 .873 .903 .914 .862 .806 .824 .755 .808 0 0 HeHe .897 .898 1 .911 .940 .887 .894 .891 .910 .864 .912 Metolius .914 .873 .911 1 .892 .849 .830 .852 .884 .830 .873 2 * Mutton .902 .903 .940 .892 1 .938 .915 .892 .895 .859 .915 2 NPole .828 .914 .887 .849 .938 1 .886 .833 .854 .770 .844 2 * Patjens .833 .862 .894 .830 .915 .886 1 .879 .854 .868 .840 2 * Pollywog .845 .806 .891 .852 .892 .833 .879 1 .890 .892 .870 1 0 0 Wamic .869 .824 .910 .884 .895 .854 .854 .890 1 .857 .879 Wasco .813 .755 .864 .830 .859 .770 .868 .892 .857 1 .863 Wilson .869 .808 .912 .873 .915 .844 .840 .870 .879 .863 1 Results: 11 RAWS reduced to 4. Patjens added for wind and geographic reasons increasing the Key stations to 5. All 5 Key RAWS are adequate or better wind stations. Poorest correlation between a RAWS and its Key = .892 ; Average correlation = .916 Area 9 - South Central Oregon WS Rating BlackR CabinL Calimus Camp2 * Chemult * Chiloquin * CoffeeP FRock Gerber Hoyt LavaB * RoundM Strawberry * Timothy *Key Stations 0 BlackR 1 .903 .841 .881 .894 .847 .725 .853 .728 .859 .901 .925 .724 .870 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 * * * CabinL Calimus Camp2 Chemult Chiloquin CoffeeP FRock Gerber .903 .841 .881 .894 .847 .725 .853 .728 1 .907 .895 .867 .874 .814 .954 .816 .907 1 .836 .857 .925 .882 .897 .902 .895 .836 1 .851 .779 .767 .856 .736 .867 .857 .851 1 .874 .760 .857 .757 .925 .874 .779 .874 1 .816 .866 .855 .941 .814 .882 .767 .760 .816 1 854 .954 .897 .856 .857 .866 .854 1 .847 .816 .902 .736 .757 .855 .941 .847 1 .902 .938 .849 .886 .920 .858 .915 .867 .918 .897 .829 .863 .825 .737 .868 .713 .889 .819 .857 .845 .814 .703 .823 .711 .817 .896 .721 .746 .857 .944 .830 .968 .948 .923 .915 .837 .888 .896 .818 .819 Results: 14 RAWS reduced to 5. 4 of the 5 Key RAWS are adequate or better wind stations. Poorest correlation between a RAWS and its Key = .900 ; Average correlation = .926 0 Hoyt .859 .902 .938 .849 .886 .920 .858 .915 .867 1 .846 .809 .856 .936 2 2 1 1 * * LavaB RoundM Strawberry Timothy .901 .925 .724 .870 .897 .889 .817 .948 .829 .819 .896 .915 .918 .857 .721 .837 .863 .845 .746 .888 .825 .814 .857 .896 .944 .737 .703 .818 .868 .823 .830 .923 .713 .711 .968 .819 .846 .809 .856 .936 .900 1 .718 .862 .900 1 .726 .849 .718 .726 1 .816 .862 .849 .816 1 Area 10 - Blue Mountains WS Rating Alder Allison * Antelope * Bhollow BadgerC BlueC * BoardC BrerR * Case * ColdS Crane Crow Eden FallM HarleB Jridge Minam * Pt Prom SaltC * SlideM * Sparta Tupper * LaGrnd *Key Stations * 2 1 2 1 0 * * * Alder Allison Antelope BHollow Badger 1 .711 .742 .730 .699 .711 1 .884 .821 .934 .742 .884 1 .751 .836 .730 .821 .751 1 .886 .699 .934 .836 .886 1 .799 .802 .870 .727 .758 .773 .914 .870 .857 .896 .759 .937 .887 .864 .932 .807 .869 .846 .839 .858 .739 .915 .846 .889 .952 .744 .886 .951 .751 .841 .726 .945 .943 .774 .877 .872 .728 .820 .711 .723 .774 .926 .908 .818 .885 .816 .781 .853 .717 .755 .827 .827 .844 .790 .812 .821 .759 .828 .715 .734 .799 .773 .802 .755 .752 .951 .676 .877 .800 .888 .739 .875 .802 .914 .916 .768 .756 .842 .678 .727 .826 .862 .826 .881 .888 .867 .812 .854 .803 .811 1 0 * BlueC Board .799 .773 .802 .914 .870 .870 .727 .857 .758 .896 1 .855 .855 1 .835 .928 .847 .933 .796 .911 .876 .883 .843 .882 .849 .798 .889 .960 .901 .820 .880 .913 .877 .836 .861 .856 .736 .867 .772 .901 .880 .806 .811 .917 .865 .863 2 * Brer .759 .937 .887 .864 .932 .835 .928 1 .898 .956 .882 .917 .790 .924 .805 .854 .794 .792 .892 .907 .789 .906 .860 1 * Case .807 .869 .846 .839 .858 .847 .933 .898 1 .894 .848 .852 .837 .910 .810 .944 .851 .859 .837 .876 .810 .933 .897 0 0 1 0 1 2 ColdS Crane Crow Eden FallM Harle .739 .744 .726 .872 .774 .816 .915 .886 .945 .728 .926 .781 .846 .951 .943 .820 .908 .853 .889 .751 .774 .711 .818 .717 .952 .841 .877 .723 .885 .755 .796 .876 .843 .849 .889 .901 .911 .883 .882 .798 .960 .820 .956 .882 .917 .790 .924 .805 .894 .848 .852 .837 .910 .810 1 .860 .887 .755 .899 .765 .860 1 .928 .810 .913 .836 .887 .928 1 .767 .917 .802 .755 .810 .767 1 .811 .864 .899 .913 .917 .811 1 .838 .765 .836 .802 .864 .838 1 .845 .859 .824 .869 .907 .866 .761 .821 .796 .900 .852 .873 .765 .801 .771 .870 .857 .912 .932 .805 .838 .708 .848 .725 .934 .811 .837 .729 .876 .754 .754 .826 .805 .844 .834 .847 .915 .831 .841 .824 .878 .782 .831 .811 .819 .910 .865 .871 0 0 2 * JRidge Minam Prom .827 .821 .799 .827 .759 .773 .844 .828 .802 .790 .715 .755 .812 .734 .752 .880 .877 .861 .913 .836 .856 .854 .794 .792 .944 .851 .859 .845 .761 .765 .859 .821 .801 .824 .796 .771 .869 .900 .870 .907 .852 .857 .866 .873 .912 1 .893 .908 .893 1 .922 .908 .922 1 .781 .722 .720 .834 .758 .765 .845 .859 .801 .902 .820 .839 .912 .900 .888 Results: 23 RAWS reduced to 10. All 10 Key RAWS are adequate or better wind stations. Poorest correlation between a RAWS and its Key = .910 ; Average correlation = .935 Black Mtn, Bobcat and Keeney2 were not used in analysis because of excessive bad or missing data. Area 11 - Southeast Oregon WS Rating WagonT BaldM Basque BrownW Foster MoonH * Phill Riddle Sage * Summit * OwyheeR KelseyB Grassy * *Key Stations * 2 * WagonT 1 .900 .817 .936 .909 .867 .861 .880 .945 .874 .738 .773 .698 2 BaldM .900 1 .884 .848 .936 .932 .926 .927 .942 .878 .883 .909 .826 2 2 2 Basque BrownW Foster .936 .817 .909 .884 .848 .936 1 .764 .924 .764 1 .853 .924 .853 1 .936 .944 .819 .944 .799 .956 .899 .825 .929 .857 .893 .938 .857 .827 .899 .853 .733 .829 .830 .772 .847 .892 .706 .799 2 * MoonH .867 .932 .936 .819 .944 1 .959 .943 .897 .884 .860 .849 .860 2 2 2 PHill .861 .926 .944 .799 .956 .959 1 .944 .911 .869 .851 .835 .856 Riddle .880 .927 .899 .825 .929 .943 .944 1 .915 .861 .830 .843 .821 Sage .945 .942 .857 .893 .938 .897 .911 .915 1 .862 .810 .843 .762 Results: 13 RAWS reduced to 5. All 5 Key RAWS are adequate or better wind stations. Poorest correlation between a RAWS and its Key = .894 ; Average correlation = .936 Borax and Red Butte RAWS not used due to excessive bad or missing data. 2 2 2 * * Summit OwyheeR KelseyB .874 .738 .773 .878 .883 .909 .857 .853 .830 .827 .733 .772 .899 .829 .847 .884 .860 .849 .869 .851 .835 .861 .830 .843 .862 .810 .843 1 .783 .788 .894 .783 1 .788 .894 1 .752 .870 .849 2 * Grassy .698 .826 .892 .706 .799 .860 .856 .821 .762 .752 .870 .849 1 1 * SaltC .676 .877 .800 .888 .951 .736 .867 .892 .837 .932 .805 .838 .708 .848 .725 .781 .722 .720 1 .912 .711 .873 .786 0 Slide .739 .875 .802 .914 .916 .772 .901 .907 .876 .934 .811 .837 .729 .876 .754 .834 .758 .765 .912 1 .724 .906 .810 1 0 2 * * Sparta Tupper LaGrnd .768 .826 .867 .756 .862 .812 .842 .826 .854 .678 .881 .803 .727 .888 .811 .880 .811 .865 .806 .917 .863 .789 .906 .860 .810 .933 .897 .754 .915 .831 .826 .831 .811 .805 .841 .819 .844 .824 .910 .834 .878 .865 .847 .782 .871 .845 .902 .912 .859 .820 .900 .801 .839 .888 .711 .873 .786 .724 .906 .810 1 .774 .848 .774 1 .883 .848 .883 1