Colorado School of Mines Computer Vision Professor William Hoff Dept of Electrical Engineering &Computer Science Colorado School of Mines Computer Vision 1 Uncertainty Colorado School of Mines Computer Vision 2 Uncertainty • Let’s say that we have computed a result (such as pose of an object), from image data • How do we estimate the uncertainty in our answer? • For reference, see the paper – Hoff, W. A. and T. Vincent, “Analysis of Head Pose Accuracy in Augmented Reality,” IEEE Trans. Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol 6., No. 4, pp. 319-334, 2000. – Link at 3 Colorado School of Mines Computer Vision Review - Mean and variance • Assume we have a random variable x (e.g., a measurement) – We have a sample of values x1, x2, …, xN • We estimate its mean (expected value) by 1 m x E ( x) N N x i i 1 • We estimate its variance by sx 2 1 N N x m i 1 i 2 x • The standard deviation sx is a good measure of variability of x – If probability density of x is Gaussian, then a sample xi will fall within m±sx 68% of the time 4 Colorado School of Mines Computer Vision Review - Covariance • Covariance (of two variables, x and y) is a matrix Cxy s C xy s 2 xx 2 yx s s 2 xy 2 yy 1 N 2 s x m i x N 1 i 1 2 xx s 2 yy 2 1 N yi m y N 1 i 1 s s 2 xy 2 yx 1 N xi m x yi m y N 1 i 1 • Or, if we have a vector x = (x y)T T Cx E x μ x x μ x x m x x m x C x E y m y E x m x 2 E x m y m x y y m y 5 Colorado School of Mines Computer Vision E x m x y m y 2 E y m y Examples 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 -1 -1 -2 -2 -3 -3 -2 -1 C = 0.0497 0.0123 0 1 2 -3 -3 3 -2 -1 C = 0.8590 0.8836 0.0123 0.8590 0 1 2 3 0.8836 1.1069 • Notes – Off diagonal values are small if variables are independent – Off diagonal values are large if variables are correlated (they vary together) Colorado School of Mines Computer Vision Matlab “cov” function 6 Functions of random variables • Let’s say we have random variables x and y, and a function z = f(x,y) • If we know the uncertainty in x and y, what is the uncertainty in z? • Simple cases z = a x, where a is a constant 1 mz N z i 1 2 s zi m z N 2 z Colorado School of Mines Computer Vision 7 Functions of random variables • Sum of two variables z=x+y 1 mz N z i 1 2 s zi m z N 2 z Colorado School of Mines Computer Vision 8 Example - Uncertainty in stereo disparity • Disparity is the difference in positions – d = xR – xL • Assume – Measurement uncertainty is sR=1, sL=1 pixel – That sR, sL are independent (i.e., s2RL = 0) • Then 2 s d2 s R2 s L2 2s RL Colorado School of Mines Computer Vision 9 General case • Say we have z = f(x), where z and x are vectors Cz 1 T z μ z μ i z i z N • We can also write as T Cz E z μ z z μ z • Or T Cz E z z • It can be difficult to compute the uncertainty analytically • But you can always get a numerical estimate of Cz, near the current solution for z=f(x) Colorado School of Mines Computer Vision 10 Computing Covariance • Doing a Taylor series expansion of z=f(x) and ignoring higher order derivatives z f x Jx x f1 x1 f1 x2 f1 xM f f x f 2 x2 f 2 xM J i 2 1 x j f x f x f x N 2 N M N 1 • So T T C z E z z E Jx Jx E J x xT JT J E x xT JT J Cx J T Recall (AB)T = BTAT • where Cx is the covariance matrix of the vector x Colorado School of Mines Computer Vision 11 Example – estimating stereo Z error • We want to find CZ , if we know Z = f b/d • Let Z=f(x), where x = (f b d)T . The Jacobian of Z=f(x) is J b/d f /d fb / d 2 • Now find Cx = E( x xT ), assuming errors in f,b,d are independent f E b f d s 2f b d 0 0 0 s b2 0 0 0 s d2 • Then CZ = J Cx JT where J is the Jacobian evaluated at the current value of x Colorado School of Mines Computer Vision 12 Probability Density • Let’s assume that errors have a Gaussian probability density px 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 • The probability density for an 2dimensional vector x is px 1 2 Cx 12 3 2 1 2 0 -1 x2 - axis exp 12 xT Cx1x -1 -2 -3 0 3 1 -2 x1 - axis x x 1 x2 13 Colorado School of Mines Computer Vision Interpreting Probability Density • Look at where the probability is a constant. This is where the exponent is a constant: xT Cx1x z 2 • This is the equation of an ellipse. For example, with uncorrelated errors this reduces to x 2 s xx2 y 2 s yy2 z2 • Can choose z to get desired probability. For z=3, the cumulative probability is about 97%. 14 Colorado School of Mines Computer Vision Plotting 3 3 2 2 1 1 x2 - axis x2 - axis • Contours of constant probability 0 0 -1 -1 -2 -2 -3 -3 -2 -1 Colorado School of Mines 0 x1 - axis 1 2 3 -3 -3 Computer Vision -2 -1 0 x1 - axis 1 2 3 15 % Show covariance of two variables clear all close all Matlab code randn('state',0); yp = randn(40,1); xp = 0.25 * randn(40,1); % xp = randn(40,1); % yp = xp + 0.5*randn(40,1); plot(xp,yp, '+'), axis equal; axis([-3.0 3.0 -3.0 3.0]); C = cov(xp,yp) Cinv = inv(C); detCsqrt = sqrt(det(C)); % Plot the probability density, % p(x,y) = (1/(2pi det(C)^0.5))exp(-x Cinv x/2) L = 3.0; delta = 0.1; [x1,x2] = meshgrid(-L:delta:L,-L:delta:L); for i=1:size(x1,1) for j=1:size(x1,2) x = [x1(i,j); x2(i,j)]; fX(i,j) = (1/(2*pi*detCsqrt)) * exp( -0.5*x'*Cinv*x ); end end hold on % meshc(x1,x2,fX); contour(x1,x2,fX); xlabel('x1 - axis'); ylabel('x2 - axis'); Colorado School of Mines % this does a surface plot % this does a contour plot Computer Vision 16 Estimation of Pose Covariance • Recall how we solved for the pose of an object x = (ax,ay,az,tx,ty,tz) using iterative least squares • Given n measured 2D image points {pi}, and the corresponding 3D points on the object {Pi} • We know how to predict the image points, given an estimate of the pose, p = f(P, x) f is the function that returns the predicted image points p = (p1,p2, … )T given the object points P = (P1,P2, …)T • To estimate the pose, we took the derivative of p = f(P, x) to get • where J is the Jacobian of f, evaluated at (P, x) Then we solved for the correction: f p x Jx x T x JT J 1 J T p and added the correction to x, and repeated the steps until convergence Colorado School of Mines Computer Vision 17 Estimation of Pose Covariance • Now we want to find the 6x6 covariance matrix of the pose error x Cx = E ( x xT ) • From before, we had x J T J 1 J T p J p • Now, Cp is the covariance of the measured image points where J+ is the psuedoinverse • So Cx is C x E J p J p • Simplifying T • If independent, we have s x2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 sy Cp 2 0 0 sx 0 2 0 0 0 s y J E pp J J C J C x E J ppT J T T T T p Colorado School of Mines Computer Vision 18 Example • • Model based pose estimation, from 6 target fiducials Pose: 2 1 3 X = 1.5481 -0.8329 0.0936 0.9431 2.9714 18.3498 • 4 5 6 Covariance: C = 0.0158 -0.0001 -0.0165 0.0170 0.0238 0.0434 Colorado School of Mines -0.0001 0.0037 0.0004 -0.0122 0.0012 -0.0490 -0.0165 0.0004 0.0182 -0.0223 -0.0232 -0.0483 0.0170 -0.0122 -0.0223 0.0884 0.0150 0.2011 Computer Vision 0.0238 0.0012 -0.0232 0.0150 0.0546 0.0195 0.0434 -0.0490 -0.0483 0.2011 0.0195 1.2558 19 Estimating Measurement Uncertainties • How to estimate the uncertainty in locating image points? – Could estimate accuracy analytically, from knowledge of the image noise and the performance of the feature operator in noise – Another way is to look at the image residual error • If we use N image points to determine the pose, and get a sum-of-squared residuals of N ssr p i f x, Pi 2 i 1 • Then an estimate of the image error is s p2 ssr 2N 6 • because we are summing a total of 2N values, and there are 6 parameters to be fit Colorado School of Mines Computer Vision 20 Drawing in 3D 40 30 20 z • Transform wireframe model using H10 0 • Draw segments using line([pStart(1,i) pEnd(1,i)], -20 ... [pStart(2,i) pEnd(2,i)], ... [pStart(3,i) pEnd(3,i); -15 • Transform target points using H • Draw targets using -10 -5 plot3(P_c(1,:), P_c(2,:), P_c(3,:), '+'); 0 • Create a box camera model as a set of 5 polygons (specify the vertices) 10 • Draw box using y fill3(Xvertices,Yvertices,Zvertices,'c'); 15 Colorado School of Mines Computer Vision 20 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 21 10 Covariances as Ellipsoids • The joint probability density for n-dimensional vector x is px 2 N 2 Cx 1 2 1 exp 12 xT Cx 1x • A surface of constant probability is xT Cx1x z 2 • This is the equation of an ellipsoid in n dimensions • For a 6-DOF pose, a 6x6 covariance matrix is difficult to visualize – We extract just the 3x3 submatrix corresponding to the translation Colorado School of Mines Computer Vision 22 Matlab Ellipsoid function • [x,y,z] = ellipsoid(xc,yc,zc,xrad,yrad,zrad) – generates (x,y,z) vertices for an ellipsoid centered at xc,yc,zc – radii are xrad,yrad,zrad – ellipsoid is aligned with x,y,z axes • We need to – determine the radii – rotate the vertices appropriately Colorado School of Mines Computer Vision 23 Rotating and scaling • We have the equation of the ellipsoid xT Cx1x z 2 • Let y = Rx, where R is the rotation matrix that aligns the ellipsoid with the x,y,z axes • Then yT D y = z2, where D is a diagonal matrix • Or, xT RT D R x = xT (RT D R) x = z2 • Thus, C-1 = RT D R • We can get R by taking the SVD of C-1 • The length of axis i is 1/sqrt(si /z^2) Using SVD, C-1 = U D VT 24 Colorado School of Mines Computer Vision % We will draw the ellipsoid defined by the surface x' Cinv x = z^2, % where Cinv = Cz^-1. For z=3, this is the 97% probability surface. % First, center the ellispoid at the location of the model. xc = X(4); yc = X(5); zc = X(6); % Let y = Rx, where R is the rotation matrix that aligns the axes. % Then y'*D*y = z^2, where D is a diagonal matrix. % Or, x'R'*D*Rx = z^2. x'(R'DR)x = z^2. % So Cinv = R'DR. This is just taking the SVD of Cinv. [U,S,V] = svd(inv(Cz)); R = V; % The length of the ellipsoid axes are len=1/sqrt(Si/z^2) % where Si is the ith eigenvalue xrad = sqrt( 9/S(1,1) ); yrad = sqrt( 9/S(2,2) ); zrad = sqrt( 9/S(3,3) ); [x,y,z] = ellipsoid(0,0,0,xrad,yrad,zrad); % Rotate the ellipsoid for i=1:size(x,1) for j=1:size(x,2) Y = R' * [x(i,j); y(i,j); z(i,j)]; xr(i,j) = Y(1)+xc; yr(i,j) = Y(2)+yc; zr(i,j) = Y(3)+zc; end end surf(xr,yr,zr); Colorado School of Mines Computer Vision 25 0 z Example -10 0 10 y 26 Computer Vision 20 Colorado School of Mines x More Examples (Hoff & Vincent paper) Uncertainty ellipsoids The rotational uncertainty is depicted as elongated cones about each axis. Colorado School of Mines Computer Vision A sensor estimates the pose of the target on the top of the head. Its covariance is shown as a small ellipsoid, barely visible. Using the known pose of the glasses with respect to the target, the pose of the glasses is then estimated, along with its 27 covariance matrix (larger ellipsoid). Combining pose estimates The ellipsoids from two sensors are nearly orthogonal. The ellipsoid corresponding to the combined estimate is much smaller and is contained in the volume of intersection. Colorado School of Mines Computer Vision 28