Disability Resource Center Student Center Suite 240/246 Phone: (734) 487-2470 Fax: (734) 487-5784 Student Frequently Asked Questions 1. What is the purpose of the Disability Resource Center? The Disability Resource Center (DRC) views disabilities as an integral part of the rich diversity at Eastern Michigan University. The office recognizes that some students have a clinical or medical diagnosis that impacts their academic or campus experience because the environment is not always compatible with the disability. One purpose of the office is to coordinate reasonable resources with students and the campus community that allow for equal access and opportunity, which can ultimately improve a student’s ability to learn, study, and/or participate in campus activities. Students who believe they would benefit from environmental adjustments (extra time for exams; housing placement considerations, etc.) as a way to address the impact of a disability are encouraged to contact the Disability Resource Center. 2. What is a disability? What disability is required to use the office’s resources? A disability is any clinical or medical diagnosis that substantially impacts one or more areas of life functioning. The disability may be visible (visual impairment, hearing impairment, or mobility impairment) or invisible (learning disabilities, ADHD, psychological disabilities, autism, and many medical disabilities such as Crohn’s Disease, chronic migraines, and fibromyalgia to name a few. 3. How do I get connected with the resources of the office? Students may inquire about resources without need for commitment to anything. Interested students need to meet/speak with one of the Disability Advisors about their situation and the potential need for accommodations and other resources. Resources will not be coordinated otherwise. It is important that the student take the lead on this conversation. Teachers, EMU staff, and parents cannot talk on behalf of the student. 4. Do I need to bring documentation to an initial meeting? Because each person’s situation is unique, the office simply asks that any interested student meet with us. Documentation requirements vary by situation. The Disability Advisor will talk to the student about documentation during the initial conversation. No student should delay meeting with the office out of concern for not having appropriate paperwork. 5. Is communication with the office confidential? Students can inquire about resources with assurance that conversations will remain confidential. When students decide to use resources, the Advisor will explain how Disability Resource Center Student Center Suite 240/246 Phone: (734) 487-2470 Fax: (734) 487-5784 communication with others on campus works and students will sign an approval of release of information. 6. What resources are available? Common resources include academic accommodations, housing accommodation considerations, textbooks and course readings in an alternative format, collaboration with other departments on campus to make programs, policies, and procedures accessible, wheelchair loans, and other resources as dictated by individual situations. 7. What are the most common academic accommodations? 150% extended exam time Course note-taker (student volunteer) 200% extended exam time Use laptop solely for purposes of taking notes in the classroom Quiet location for tests Ability to record lectures Human exam reader Preferential seating Alternative format handouts Computer exam reader Possible adjustments to attendance or tardiness policies CART or ASL Providers Writer or Dragon for exams Possible adjustments to out-ofclass assignment deadlines Housing (describe) Assistive technology Handouts in enlarged font size (list size): Books in audio format (require 4 – 6 weeks’ notice) 8. How does the academic accommodation process work? What happens after meeting with the DRC? For academic accommodations that will be used in the classroom, the student will receive an accommodation letter from our office and will be expected to give it to the course instructor. The student and the course instructor are responsible for discussing ways in which the accommodations will be coordinated in each specific classroom scenario. Instructors handle accommodations differently based on a number of factors. To use academic accommodations successfully requires that the student be a good self-advocate of needs and that the student manage the details necessary to arrange accommodations with each instructor. The Disability Advisor can discuss this process and the student requirements in greater detail.