Graduate Research Conference Schedule 2015 Thursday, November 19th George Liepa Sigma Xi Speaker Student Center Auditorium, 7:00 p.m. Free. LBC Credit Provided. Graduate Research Conference Oral, Art & Poster Sessions Friday, November 20th – Student Center Check-­‐In: 8:00 a.m., 2nd Floor Piano Lounge Sessions are on the 3rd Floor Session #1 9:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. Nadia Arafah Candice N. Marrin Aisha Darnell Jacqueline St. Antoine Room 320 Design, Differently Abled & Disabilities Designing for Occupants with Visual Impairment, Nadia Arafah Use of apps for therapy: A look into speech-­‐language pathologists’ decision -­‐making process How Does Auditory-­‐Verbal Therapy® Compare to Therapy in Public Schools? The Role of Interconnection in Identity Formation Amanda O. Maher Room 350, Mothers The Knowledge of My Mother is My Knowledge: Conversations of Place, Membership and Tradition, V.Konglim Prenatal Profiles of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Mothers’ Reported Parenting Difficulties 1-­‐Year Postpartum Self-­‐reported and observed ratings of parental reflective functioning: Associations with maternal mental health and parenting The Right to Work, the Right to Care Rachel Lewandowski Kathleen DeLauro Kargula Cossette Girardot Ryinta Brown Room 352 Story: Truths & Fictions Together We Rise: An Autoethnography The side-­‐saddle story is an example a group being subjugated by another group. The Not-­‐so-­‐Long History of Tales as Old as Time Second Language Acquisition and Motivation: Examining Successful Learner Stories Veronica Konglim Katherine Guyon-­‐Harris Jerrica Pltzen Edward J. Manuszak ll Rrita Zejnullahi Kimberly Freeman Melissa Hoak Wendy Dorman Asil Zayed Room 330 Education: Interventions & Innovations Can Summer School Prevent the Summer Slide for Public School Students? Preparing Teachers to Teach Statistics – Pilot Study An Exploration of Art Integration on Student Motivation and Academic Achievement in Mathematics. The Holocaust through Picture Books: Promoting Hope and Memory in Secondary Schools Room 300 Biological Revolutions & Evolutions A Hydrogeomorphological Assessment of Potential Sites for the Reintroduction of Platanthera leucophaea. Synthesis of Potent Glutathione S-­‐Transferase Inhibitors for Anti-­‐Cancer Research Jon Peurach Daniel Edward Esckilsen Emily Schwinghamer Akash Patnaik Negar Heiari Matin Na Han Jamie Baird Emily Meyer Michael J. Rozek Standing postural changes while wearing a Lumbar Sacral Orthosis with varying degrees of lordosis Investigating the Binding Affinity of the Peptide Humanin and its Homologs to Amyloid Beta. Room 302 Bricolage: Letting Nature Lead the Design Properties and Potential Uses of Fibers from Milkweed Seeds Cost Effective Building Strategies Kinetic Solar shading The Future of Interface between Natural and Built Environments: On Adaptive (Kinetic) Building Envelope Room 304 Revision & Repurpose: History, Cities and Space Berlin's Representation of the Berlin Wall La Revedere Transylvania; Shalom Jerusalem; Hallo Prussia The Fourth Crusade: Quo Vadis et Cur Dandolo? ‘Where are you going and why, Dandolo?’ Poster Session A: Room 310 A and B Session #2 10:30 to 11:45 Nathaneil Ludaway Valerie Eby Christina A. Miranda Room 320 In the Field: Discipline in Action. Interior Design Theory and Methodology: Knowledge Acquisition, Nathaneil Ludaway The Importance of Internship and the Oral History Project, Valerie Eby Analyzing the Value of Participatory Culture Mapping in Urban Revitalization Lora Stevens Linda Mills Courtney Lewis Room 350 Studying the University Public Relations at the University of Michigan: Environmental Antecedents and Institutional Functions Feasibility Study of Nonprofit Board Training at EMU Understanding Architecture Faculty Culture History and Organization of Athletic Training Education Christine Cook Lindsey Krantz Adam Franti Liz Johnk Room 352 Women, Warfare and Blood Political Equality is Rotten in the State of Kuwait Bleeding on the Inside: Prisoners' Menstruation The Perception of Women in the First Crusade Violence Embedded: Coloniality, Race, and Violence in Peace Corps Discourse Kenin Merrill Jeanette Bailey Room 330 Persistence & Resistence: Birds, Bats & Fish Bird undeterred: Understanding how American Goldfinches (Spinus tristis) survive harsh northern winters Cutaneous Microbes of Cave-­‐hibernating Bats: Clues to Resistance to White-­‐nose Syndrome? Crayfish (Procambarus clarkii and Orconectes rusticus) as possible biomonitoring solutions to the algal toxin microcystin-­‐LR. Biometric Recognition of Individual Bats Kaia-­‐Marie Bishop Daniel "Danny" Inman Gidaa Alamry Room 300 Federal Policies: Intention & Impact Comparing Welfare Reform in the United States and Canada Who is this for? The Embedded Constituency of Title IX Policy Guidance A Study on Energy-­‐Efficient Lighting Design using Building Automation System (BAS) Corrie Navis Kyle George Kayla McRobb Chloe Wilson Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities within a Human Rights Framework Lee Schwinghamer Andres Sanchez Rita Lee Kiva, Arts Front The Role of the Audience in Experimental Poetics Topological Properties of Text and Images I Know Exactly Who I Am When I'm Alone Lunch Noon to 1:00 p.m. Student Center Ballroom Haehyun Park Musical Presentation: R. Schumann’s characteristics of composition in his piano work “Humoreske” Op. 20 Session #3 1:15 to 2:30 p.m. Chol Mabil & Dan Tashijian William B. Daniels ll Kira Dallaire Room 320 Alien/Nation Understanding Cultural Difference: Examination of Self-­‐Authorship Amongst International Students Binge Drinking among the South Sudanese “Lost Boys” Everybody’s (Historic-­‐Sentimental) Protest Novel:Genre and Race in The Squatter and the Don Disproportionality among American Indian Students: A Disability Studies Perspective Aleesa Millet Kelsey McLendon Benjamin Spence Christopher Stuart Room 350 Literary Canon Redux Capitalizing the Canon with BabyLit Through the Microscope: Flavia de Luce’s Investigations of Space and the Feminine Gaze Queer is Just a Word. Like Orange": Grasshopper Jungle and LGBT Book Prizing An Exchange of Power: Petyr Baelish and Societal Change Xingbei Ye Room 352 School Pathways, Possibilities & Promises Reginald Kirkland, Ed.S. Dahlia M. Afr Lorielle Moorhaus Randy Short Julie M. Kissel Ayodele Lahanmi Sadaf Ashtari Nechole Drake-­‐McClendon Cristal Nichols Sydney C. Wallace Julia Bush Mark Doebler Choice but No Choice: The Dearth of Viable Educational Options in the City of Detroit Michigan Maintaining Religiosity in Muslim, Jewish, and Catholic Parochial Schools Postsecondary Outcomes for People with Cognitive Impairments Redefining Instructional Time Requirements in Michigan Through the Use of Technology Room 330 Studying Ourselves: College & University Washtenaw Community College: A Historical Analysis An Investigation on the employability of Construction Management Graduates in Michigan: Eastern Michigan University Graduates Student Perceptions of Cloud Computing Effectiveness in Higher Education An Analysis of the Non-­‐profit and Higher Education Professions Room 300 The Self: Culture, Communication & Character An Exploration of the Educational Experiences of Low-­‐income African American Female Students and their Perceptions of their Academic Lives Family Communication Patterns Critique The Influence of Personality Type and Culture on Ways to Communicate Plans for Change Queer and Transgender Theoretical Critique of Character Performance in the Video Game Dragon Age: Inquisition Monica Kozakiewicz Aaron Smith Britney Winn Yma Johnson Kiva, Arts Front Born This Way: An Autoethnographic performance on mental illness and wellness étage: earth as minimalist performance art Driving from the Backseat, An Autoethnographic performance Spatial Sculpting and Temporality in Digital Audio Poetics Poster Session B Room 310 A & B Session #4 2:45 to 4:00 p.m. Sadaf Ashtari Sheri Clarke Rita Thomas Aubree Gross Rula Hashem Linda K. Foran Tiffany Johnson Mohammad Stroshein Eizabeth Marie Fraysier Benjamin C. Bower Paula Karwowski Ryan Huntington Christopher P. Maloney Anne Vandermade Jigyasa Bhagat Jafer Ahmed Alnasser Luay Al-­‐Durzi Mahshid Niknahad Roopkatha Pallye Anik S. Chowdhury Marus Nero Room 320 Health Care: Interventions & Innovations Exploring Cloud Computing Implementation Issues in Healthcare Industry The relationship between performance on in-­‐training examinations and simulation assessments in an emergency medicine residency program: A longitudinal study Reducing Mental Health Stigma Among Multicultural Populations Assessing Women's Awareness of the Safe Delivery of Newborns law in Michigan Room 350 Education: Pedagogy & Professional Development Impact of Project Lead The Way’s Gateway to Technology Foundation Unit Completion on Students’ Critical Thinking Skills What Else Can A Principal Do? Training Opportunities for Teacher Evaluation A Comparative Study of Cultural Practices of Reading Recasting versus Summative Feedback in ESL Tutoring Sessions Room 352 Role, Play and Personality Cosplay Community Explored through the Theories of Alexander and Goffman. Discovering the Virtual Fingerprint: Analyzing Immersion and Player Personality in Video Games Effective Strategies for Teaching Play Skills to Autistic Children in the Preschool Classroom Building Teamwork Through Structured Play: an Improvisational Approach Room 330 Risky Business Conflict, Conflict Management, and Conflict Resolution: Critical Elements for Effective Engineering Management Business Strategy and Censoring the Internet: A case study of Reddit Default Risk Analysis for Financial Institutions Risk Management for a Small-­‐Sized Construction Project in Saudi Arabia Room 300 Chemicals and Chemistry: Materials, Models & Methods An analytical approach for the self-­‐healing capability of cementitious and polymeric materials Novel Sustainable Sol-­‐Gel Pre-­‐Treatment for Corrosion Protection of Aluminum Alloy Development of a Sustainable Active Agent Releasing Cellulosic Fabric for Health and Cosmetology Effect Of Silicon Oxide application using Gum Arabic On Cellulosic Fabrics to produce Natural Composites Room 302 Patterns & Pathways: Algorithms, Clauses and Cryptography The Syntactic Consequences of Conditional 'De-­‐Clauses' in Spanish Alexandra Cuadra Fernandez Tyler Hensley Murali Jujjavarapu Elliptic Curves and Their Applications To Cryptography Determination of optimum step size for the Stochastic Gradient algorithm. The Potential Anticancer effects of Antimicrobial Peptide CDT on A549 Lung Cancer Cells Nada Al-­‐hanooti Melinda Dare Benfield Valerie Eby Ben Spedoske Room 304 Global History: Visioned & Revisioned Gender Inequality in Palestine Exploring Theories About the Germanic nature of Sub-­‐Roman Britain Using Morillo Models The Third Crusade: Saladin, Jerusalem, and the Strength of Unified Muslim Forces The French West African Railway Workers' Strike: Bridging the Gaps Between Fact and Fiction