Dr. Jack Becker **** PRACTICE EXAM **** Name (print):____________________________ BCIS 4690 Midterm Exam Secret Code:__ __ __ __ __ BCIS 4690 IT Management Summer 2011—BASED UPON 1st Edition of Exec Guide To IT Midterm Exam -- 500 points; BONUS points Closed book (notes; 60 mins)/Essay (60 minutes) (2.0 hours) (xx multiple choice; and short essay question) I. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS SECTION (300 points): Select the BEST answer that completes or answers the following statements or questions. Mark the correct response on the answer sheet provided. Use No. 2 soft lead pencil (xx questions @ y points @ = 300 points; BONUS?). Chapter 1: The IT Dilemma 1. Annual IT costs, as a percent of revenues, for a company on average run between: a. 2% - 9% b. 5% - 8% c. 1% - 2% d. None of the above 2. Most CIOs today report to which corporate executive? a. COO b. CFO c. Other Business Unit Head d. Chairman/CEO/President Chapter 2: Sources and Causes of IT Effectiveness 3. Adding staff in a disorganized, chaotic, mismanaged environment: a. Adds costs b. Lowers costs c. Improves performance d. Reduces the amount of chaos 4. One of the key steps to improving IT management is to: a. Implement an IT steering committee b. Add more programmers and analysts c. Increase the size of the Help Desk d. None of the above Chapter 3: IT Costs 5. The IT budget was 30 percent of the capital budget in 2000 and predicted to be ____ percent by 2010: a. 20 b. 35 c. 40 d. 50 -1- Dr. Jack Becker **** PRACTICE EXAM **** BCIS 4690 Midterm Exam 6. Economies of scale occur when: a. Costs and people are removed from the system b. Size provides efficiencies and purchasing power c. When the IT budget is large d. None of the above Chapter 4: IT Organization 7. Ideally, problem resolution at the help desk is done: a. By passing to 2nd tier support b. Forwarding user to another part of the organization c. Handling on first contact d. Forwarding user to a subject matter expert 8. Customer-facing applications include: a. Inventory management b. Human Resources c. Manufacturing d. Order entry systems Chapter 5: IT Director 9. The IT Director is responsible for: a. Applications development b. IT Sourcing arrangements c. IT staff training d. All of the above 10. The IT Director needs experience in: a. Presentations b. Negotiations c. Personnel management d. All of the above II. OPEN ENDED PORTION: A BUSINESS-IT CASE STUDY OVER A TOPIC FROM CHAPTERS 1- 10 (200 points): a. 3-4 Questions similar to those you have been answering on the homework assignments b. 1 question … a Thinking Question III. BONUS SECTION (?? points) … THINKING QUESTIONS … MULTIPLE CHOICE OR FILL IN THE BLANK -2- Dr. Jack Becker **** PRACTICE EXAM **** BCIS 4690 Midterm Exam ANSWERS… 1. Answer: a) 2% - 9% * 2. Answer: d) Chairman/CEO/President; handouts * 3. Answer: a) Adds costs; p. 25 * 4. Answer: a) Implement an IT steering committee; p. 32 5. Answer: d) 50; p 39. * 6. Answer: b) Size provides efficiencies and purchasing power; p. 50 * 7. Answer: c) Handling on first contact; p. 70 * 8. Answer: d) Order entry systems; p. 81 * 9. Answer: d) All of the above; p. 100 * 10. Answer: d) All of the above; p 102 * -3-