MINUTES Faculty of the College of Forest Resources 8 June 2004

Faculty of the College of Forest Resources
8 June 2004
PRESENT: Bradley, Briggs, Brubaker, Doty, Eastin, Ewing, Gara, Greulich, Gustafson, Halpern,
Harrison, Johnson, Lee, Lippke, Manuwal, Marzluff, McKean, Paun, Ryan, Schiess, Sprugel,
Turnblom, DVogt, KVogt, West, Zabowski
EXCUSED: Bolton, Brown, Edmonds, Fridley, Hinckley, Hodgson, Northey, Reichard,
Schreuder, Wolf, Wott
ABSENT: Allan, Bare, Franklin, Perez-Garcia, Peterson, Raedeke, Strand, Wagar
EFC Structure Revision
Greulich presented draft bylaws for the Elected Faculty Council. Major changes include
· limiting terms to three years followed by at least one year off the council
· staggering position replacements so that two members change per year
· limiting representation to no more than one per interest group
Motion by Sprugel that “Section 3: Function of the Council” be amended to include a further
item: “Advise the Dean on matters of Promotion, Tenure, and Merit and meet with faculty
involved as requested” did not receive a second and so died. Item 2 of Section 3, relating to EFC
involvement in any RCEP procedure, was not amended because it is expected that RCEP
procedures will be rewritten in the near future.
Motion by Harrison seconded by Ryan to accept the bylaws as written was approved 25-0-20.
EFC Member Replacements
Terms of members Hodgson and Zabowski end this year and, according to the bylaws now
adopted, two of three current members who are affiliated with the Sustainable Resources interest
group (Greulich, Schiess, Schreuder) must step down. Motion by Sprugel seconded by Schiess
that Greulich as outgoing chair remain for the sake of continuity and Schiess and Schreuder be
replaced was approved 25-0-20.
Sprugel added that the council is being made smaller, as alternates Chalker-Scott and Hinckley
will not be replaced. The council will now be composed of six members.
Seven individuals, all from different interest groups, agreed to serve if elected. Faculty each
indicated by secret ballot their choices for the four positions. The following were selected:
Reichard (21 votes), Johnson (19), Paun (14), and D. Vogt (13). Manuwal (12), Fridley (11) and
Bradley (9) are thanked for their willingness to stand for election.
PMT Member Replacements
The slate of replacements for outgoing members Briggs, Marzluff and Ryan and members
representing new interest groups, including
Hodgson Paper Science & Engineering
Bradley Social Science, Urban Ecology
Gara Sustainable Resources
Lippke Forest Systems & Bioenergy
West Wildlife Science, during AU04 as stand-in for Manuwal (on sabbatical)
was approved unanimously on motion from Harrison seconded by Eastin by vote of 25-0-20.
New Affiliate Appointments
Steve Acker as Affiliate Associate Professor, sponsored by Halpern (moved, seconded) approved
Michael Cohen, Affiliate Assistant Professor, sponsored by Edmonds (moved, seconded)
approved 26-0-19.
Bradley Gaolach, Affiliat Assistant Professor, sponsored by Reichard, moved, seconded)
approved 26-0-19.
Bruce Larson, Affiliate Professor, sponsored by Turnblom (moved, seconded) approved 26-0-19.
Joseph Roos, Affiliate Assistant Professor, sponsored by Eastin, (moved, seconded) approved
Courtesy Appointment Renewals
In preliminary balloting, 87 appointments were approved and 6 terminated per sponsor
recommendation. Eight appointees had been “warned” in 2003 of low levels of involvement and
were referred for discussion by the faculty to determine whether their current levels are up to the
department standard (formerly of ESC, recently adopted by CFR faculty). Retention of seven
was approved by the following votes:
Bigley (sponsor Edmonds; moved, seconded) 25-0-20
Bilby (sponsor Edmonds; moved, seconded) 26-0-19
Bisson (sponsor D. Vogt; moved, seconded) 26-0-19
Hummel (sponsor Wott; moved, seconded) 26-0-19
Pearson (sponsor Manuwal; renewal for one further year moved by Manuwal, seconded)
approved 26-0-19
Raphael (sponsor Marzluff, moved, seconded) approved 26-0-19
Robertson (sponsor Wolf; moved Gara, seconded Ewing) approved 26-0-19.
The adjunct appointment of Richard Horner (sponsor Ewing) was terminated because he is no
longer a University of Washington faculty member. His appointment as an affiliate faculty
member can be considered in Autumn 2004.
The appointments of two appointees had to be reconsidered because, in spite of sponsor’s
recommendation that they not be renewed, the preliminary votes were inconclusive. Lippke, as
sponsor for both Camp and Xu, stated that while they remained valued contacts and colleagues,
they both had moved to distant parts of the country and were no longer active at the required
levels with CFR students/programs. Both appointments were terminated by the following votes:
Camp (sponsor Lippke; moved Lippke, seconded ) approved 25-0-20
Xu (sponsor Lippke; moved Lippke, seconded ) approved 26-0-19.
Adjourned 12:00