Faculty Meeting Minutes College of Forest Resources Anderson Hall Room 22

Faculty Meeting Minutes
College of Forest Resources
Anderson Hall Room 22
Monday December 10, 2007, 10:30 p.m.
The meeting was called to order at 10:35 a.m. by Gordon Bradley, College of Forest Resources Faculty
Chair. .
Allan, G. Graham
Bakker, Jonathan
Bare, Bruce
Bolton, Susan
Bradley, Gordon
Briggs, David
Bura, Renata
Eastin, Ivan
Edmonds, Robert
Fridley, James
Glawe, Dean
Greulich, Frank
Gustafson, Richard
Halpern, Charles
Harrison, Robert
Lippke, Bruce
Marzluff, John
Moskal, Monika
Perez-Garcia, John
Rabotyagov, Sergey
Ryan, Clare
Sprugel, Douglas
Turnblom, Eric
Vogt, Dan
Agee, James
Fink, Lois
Brown, Sally
Smith, Nevada
Doty, Sharon
Ettl, Gregory
Ewing, Kern
Ford, E. David
Franklin, Jerry
Gara, Robert
Hanley, Donald
Hinckley, Thomas
Hodgson, Kevin
Johnson, Jay
Kim, Soo-Hyung
Lawler, Joshua
Lee, Robert
Mabberley, David
Manuwal, David
McKean, William
Paun, Dorothy
Peterson, David
Reichard, Sarah
Schiess, Peter
Schreuder, Gerard
Strand, Stuart
Torgersen, Christian
Toth, Sandor
Vogt, Kristiina
West, Stephen
Wott, John
Zabowski, Darlene
The names that are grayed out are not eligible to vote.
• This is the final faculty meeting of the Autumn Quarter, 2007.
• Faculty Work Planning meetings will start at the beginning of Winter Quarter. You will be
contacted by Lois Fink to set-up a meeting time.
• The Paper Science and Engineering program has completed the site visit for ABET accreditation.
The accreditation process took two years and we were successful—the program was accredited. Drs.
Bare and Bradley sat in on the exit interview and judged that the program came out on the top with
regards to the reviewers’ comments.
• Research Forums will take place during Winter and Spring Quarters on Mondays from 10:30-11:30
a.m. on 2/4, 3/3, 3/31, 4/14, 4/28, and 5/12. Two people will present at each meeting for 15 minutes
with time for discussion after each presentation. The purpose of the forums is to assist faculty to
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Faculty Meeting Minutes
December 10, 2007
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stay informed about what their colleagues are doing and to consider collaborative opportunities.
Please contact Nevada to sign up for a date.
No presentations were scheduled.
1. Proposed Visiting Associate Professor Appointment
David Craig, Ph.D., is proposed for Visiting Associate Professor by John Marzluff. Dr. Craig is
Associate Professor in the Department of Biology at Willamette University. He will be working in the
area of urban ecology to better understand how crows and people interact in Seattle neighborhoods. Dr.
Craig’s visit is funded through NSF. The appointment will be from 01/01/08-06/30/08. Rob Harrison
moved and Graham seconded the motion that this appointment be considered. The vote was solicited
electronically to CFR Faculty to ensure a voting majority was obtained. The faculty approved this
appointment. The result of the vote is recorded in the Faculty Office.
Dan Vogt, Chair of the Elected Faculty Council introduced Dean Bare.
Dean’s Agenda
• Plans for filling the open faculty positions: Three faculty members retired in September and one
more will retire at the end of this month. Another will retire in June. These retirements represent
five tenure track positions. In addition, we have also had an unexpected opening with Dr.
Mabberley’s acceptance of a position at Kew Gardens in London. Dr. Mabberley’s position will be
looked at separately from the other five positions because of the type of position that it is. Dr. Bare
has already gone to the Provost regarding the UWBG position and he has received permission to
begin the search. The search Committee will revise the 2004 job description. An interim director
will be appointed by 3/1/08. Dr. Bare anticipates that it will take some time to recruit for this
Dr. Bare distributed a draft summary of what he intends to take to the Provost regarding the open
tenure track positions. This executive summary is a distillation of the faculty portfolio analysis and
conversations he has had with faculty members. The summary discusses how the positions meet the
goals of the UW in Paragraph 3 and the general expectations of the faculty in the College are stated
in Paragraph 4. The positions as they are presented in the summary are not in any particular order.
Three of the positions discussed in the summary are to be recruited at the Assistant Professor level;
the other two will be recruited at the Associate Professor or Full Professor level. The titles listed for
the positions are:
¾ Human Dimensions of Natural Resource Management
¾ Conservation of Wildlife Resources
¾ Natural Resource Ecosystem Science: The person in this position will manage the Canopy Crane
Research Facility and serve as the liaison for the NEON program. Recruited at the Associate or
Full Professor level.
¾ Natural Resource Protection
¾ Bioresource Science and Engineering: This position will be joint with Chemical Engineering
and will be recruited at the Associate or Full Professor level.
These five positions were derived from the eight faculty portfolios that were forwarded to him. He
tried to stay true to the vote and move forward with positions that reflect the portfolios. Faculty
asked why there was no fire ecologist amongst the positions. Dr. Bare responded that both the
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Faculty Meeting Minutes
December 10, 2007
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Natural Resource Ecosystem Science and Natural Resource Protection positions could be filled with
a Fire Ecologist. The positions were broadly defined in order to attract the very best people. This is
the approach used for the most recent faculty hires.
He has to present his goals for the next year to the Provost by mid December. There is no budget
component to this presentation, only a program component. He will then meet with her sometime in
January or February. These meetings used to be in “teams” but this year they will be one-on-one
conversations. The Dean stated that we have the positions and the funding but we need the Provost’s
approval to run searches.
As far as the UWBG position goes, he is open to feedback and comments and would especially like
to hear about the job description and this position’s role in the academic program. Faculty asked if
he has a start date in mind. The Dean believes the earliest possible date is autumn of 2008, which
would indicate a very fast search because everything would need to be done by June 15, 2008 in
order to ensure faculty involvement in the interviews and other processes. Realistically, he thinks it
will probably take a year.
College federal earmark requests for FY 09: We were asked to submit our request by the end of
November. There was no email soliciting requests because we are in the second year of a two year
cycle, and we are only allowed to submit small changes to our original request. As it stands right
now only one of 12 funding bills for FY 08 has passed, the Department of Defense. The 11 others
have not been voted on yet. The Federal fiscal year started on 10/1/07. Currently, there is a
continuing resolution for the federal budget.
¾ CINTRAFOR—UW and WSU collaborated in FY 07. $290,000 requested in FY 08 and a
continuing request for FY 09.
¾ ONRC—$550,000 has been requested for FY 09.
¾ Wind River Canopy Crane—$560,000 has been requested.
¾ Rural Technology Initiative—was not earmarked in FY 08. Has been recast in FY 09 with the
Pacific Northwest Station and is no longer an initiative, but an ongoing center for technology
transfer. We are using a new memo of understanding. Bruce Lippke has submitted for
¾ Bioresources—Rick has submitted two earmarked requests. We need equipment in order to be
competitive for grants. $5,000,000 has been requested.
On the state level there are no earmarks per se. All signals from the governor are that she doesn’t
want to spend money because she is up for re-election. There are no new projects, supplements
only. UW has put in a big request. We’ll probably work outside the UW budgets. We have asked
for help for Washington Park Arboretum to maintain the plant collection—for continuing and new.
Arboretum Foundation has taken our message to the legislature.
A Bioresources request has gone to the governor, too.
Update regarding College of the Environment: CFR has presence on the structure committee with
Rob Harrison, Dan Vogt, Steve West, and Jerry Franklin serving. Jerry is the co-chair of the
committee with Julie Parrish in Biology. The structure is still very vague. There is talk of an
institute within the college with no new Bachelor of Science. Faculty wondered if students wanted
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Faculty Meeting Minutes
December 10, 2007
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this and the response was the new College is to recognize and consolidate the work the UW is doing
on the Environment. It is hoped a private donor will step forward with $50-100,000,000. A purpose
of the new College would be to teach environmental literacy including more service courses.
Students would be able to take an introduction to the environment course. The state is interested in
this. Our degree is a Bachelor of Science in Forest Resources with an option in Environmental
Science and Resource Management. Program on the Environment’s degree is Bachelor of Arts in
Environmental Studies.
The next Faculty Meeting will be on January 14, 2008 at 10:30 a.m. in Anderson 22.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 a.m.