Centennial Planning Committee Minutes 2006 July 11, 2006 Attending: Nancy Davis, Carol Green, Tom Hinckley, Tom Mentele 1. Approval of minutes. As a first order of business, the minutes from the Centennial Planning Committee meeting of June 27 th were addressed. Some amendments/corrections were made to those minutes: (Item1) The first item (paragraph) under “Roundtable Discussions” in the June 27 th will be amended to read as suggested by Cecilia in previous emails as several committee members felt the original text contained an overstatement regarding the tag line and the motion by Brian to develop a few variations for the group. (Item 2) The group approved use of new fern logo to be used within Centennial marketing materials. Cecilia will ask publication services to come up with several images incorporating the fern, college name, etc. Nancy made a motion that we send out these multiple options for committee members to consider. Motion passed. The minutes of June 27 th were approved with noted changes. Themes The title of the CFR Lecture Series was discussed. “Sustaining our World” was suggested. Tom Hinckley noted that this was a rather bold statement and, perhaps, too grandiose for our purposes. The group decided that “Sustaining our Northwest World” (as used in the past) was more appropriate. The group discussed topic ideas and the need to, at the very least, identify a basic theme for speakers to follow. Communications; brand, logo, web Discussion of this item was tabled until Cecilia returns. Audiences and messages The group identified the different groups (populations) we are trying to engage with and how we might use a different context to our theme depending upon which population we're talking to. Different sub-themes could be developed for each group. The groups are: students 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. general community politicians/government officials alumni academia at large industry The committee took some time to brainstorm each sub-theme in order to develop a consistent message which would resonate for that group. Ideas New Students • • • • • • jobs/employment shaping the environment making a difference (via knowledge) (Duke's logo) “pea‐patch” to president environmental literacy Alumni • • • • • • • • future direction of CFR and tech recognition for good deeds camaraderie big issues such as stewarding natural resources in increasingly urban environment facing change & instability change in stature of field nostalgia and pride countdown of the decades General community • • • helped shape Northwest and Seattle (culture, economy ecology) images of forestry offering alternate and multiples images (restorer of land) sustainability of environment Politicians/Elected Officials • • • • • • • effect on the economy…economic drivers…jobs…business effect on the quality of life RTI, NWFD, CMER, Streamside studies (water program), Cedar River watershed & CFRs role water quality/quantity research drivers climate change invasive species, pandemics, ecosystem health, fire Academic • • • • • • long‐term credibility highlight research via other means; Send a team to Toronto 's 2007 centennial? (differences, similarities, session, SWOTS, our centennial team to the forestry summit sponsorship Establish a sense of history to adorn the college; footprint of the college. Timeline. collection of future focused essays – then & now Tom Mentele suggested we come up with a roadshow poster display idea with the future focus provided by faculty. The “roadshow” could be moved around to various events/activities and eventually incorporated into a book. The first opportunity to display would be at the Legislative reception. The book would then be given to people at the gala event as a keepsake. Carol noted that we could take pieces from “The Long Road Traveled” and add to it (because it ends at 1965). Lecture Series speaker ideas: Several names were mentioned including: Jack Ward Thomas, Joel Holtrip, Char Miller, Harold Steen, Thicken. The group decided that a good approach for the CFR Lecture Series theme would be: • historians to set the stage • Anderson, or others • current issues • Head of EPA, USFS, DNR, others • Steineman, Franklin or others • future o Gore, or others The group decided by consensus that the title to be used for the CFR lecture series may be (to be determined by the committee upon a motion in the next meeting): ______________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 6/27/2006 Attending: 1. Roundtable discussions: • • Some commitee members want a bolder impact statement to strengthen the base tag line; something that ignites passion and inspires involvement during the centennial. Several felt that this is a big opportunity and we really need to think out of the box. Others felt that the base tag line needs at most the addition of "100 Years" or "Celebrating 100 Years" to provide an effective and strong message. Cecilia will develop a few alternatives for the next meeting. Visual brand/logo to be developed for print and electronic media; letterheads, cards, website, invitations awards and momentos; Cecilia to work with Pub Services for presentation at next meeting. The look will likely follow along with Carol's suggestions from the previous meeting. The logo needs to be printed on paper and other substrates, transferrable to the web, awards, and momentos. • • • • The group discussed setting expectations and the importance of a strong launch and finale. This involved getting the calendar out prior to November, positioning the actual launch event at the CFRAA Banquet, and creating a strong show at the January reception in Olympia . The next major event will involve the CFR/UWAA Sustaining Our NW World Lecture Series. It was felt that finding the right theme and high profile speakers will be crucial. Names like Bruce Bare, Steve Anderson, Bill Ruckelshaus, Al Gore, and Dan Evans were suggested as opening speakers. Roger Hoesterey, Cecil Andres (sp?), Kenton Miller, and Anne Steineman were disucssed as second or third speakers. Theme structure may be 1) Define our NW world, 2) Identify issues affecting it's sustainability, 3) focus on a key element or example of a sustainable solution and how it creates a better future for here and around the globe. Or, on the otherhand, it was suggested that the speakers be left to discuss whatever they want with regards to the sustaining our NW world. Each quarter will involve a strategic focus and an overview of dates will be distributed for discussion. The group wants our event schedule to keep spotlight on the college, while maintaining high quality, high impact event schedule, and communications package. It was also suggested that we be inclusive of our entire community, while also recognizing the people who have, and will, make this institution great in the future. Events and Communications Fall Quarter 2006: Get the word out, set expectations • September Wetlands Safari and various mailings, message mediums • ASAP Hold the Date Cards with firm and tentative dates • October Fall Newsletter • Nov 3 CFRAA Banquet Roll Out • Nov 14 Direct mail announcement to all alumni and friends; calendar • Nov 21 Feature in Working Forest Forum • December Winkenwerder Tree Party (TBD) (?) Winter Quarter 2007: Focus on a strong kick off & media blitz • January UW Career Fair • January Legislative Reception in Olympia (Date TBD 1/18?) • January Media briefing and reception (TBD) • February/March March Lecture Series (2/8 Reception, 2/23 Lecture, 3/8 Lecture) • February March Distinguished Alumni Seminar Series (TBD) • February NWFGS event (2/13 Gala) • March - Denman Series (TBD) Spring 2007: Focus on active engagement • March UWAA Dawg Days Centennial Reception (TBD) • April CFRAA Arbor Days (TBD) • April Washington Weekend Open House and Symposia (April 26 -27) • April SAF Regional Meeting Centennial Presentation (TBD) • May CFR Scholarship Luncheon (May 3 or May 10) • May WPPF Banquet (Middle of May TBD) • May Distinguished Alumni Seminar Series (TBD) • May Centennial Day at Pack Forest (TBD) Summer 2007: Focus on regional and globl partners • May St. Helens Forestry Safari ( Research Centers , possible CFR Bus Tour) (TBD) • May CFR Spring Safari: Garden tour at Hill Crest (TBD) • June Denman Series (TBD) • June Centennial Graduation Party (TBD) • June Media Reception (Move to January) • July Research/Program Events; BRSE, ONRC, WRCC, WFC, WHS Fall Quarter 2007: Focus on our Centennial Relationships • September Suzallo Gala (September 8) • September UW Dinner Series Parties (TBD) • October CFR Fall Tree Festival Safari (TBD) • October Denman Series (TBD) • October SAF National Meeting Centennial Presentation (TBD) • November CFRAA Banquet & Centennial Gala (TBD, likely Nov 2) • November Homecoming Football Game BBQ (TBD, likely Nov 3) • December Winkenwerder Tree Party (TBD) • December Holiday Party (TBD) Meeting Dates; 2 nd Tuesday of each month with additonal meetings as agreed upon July 11 th , 2006 10:00 am A107 August 8 th , 2006 10:00 am A107 September 12 th , 2006 10:00 am A107 October 10 th . 2006 10:00 am A107 November 14 th , 2006 10:00 am A107 December 12 th , 2006 10:00 am A107 Follow up items: See Goals and Objectives Chart for your follow up items. Please send updates prior to meetings if possible to lorig@u.washington.edu GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Revised June 27, 2006 DUE DATE WHO WHAT STATUS COMMENTS Done On Target Rev 6/14 Committee; Determine Janet theme through consensus Still working on this one - 6/14 Meeting consensus; “Creating futures since 1907” would be base tag line on all documents and 6/27 6/16 6/16 Committee; Develop overall impact statement Janet and segmented sub-themes Cecilia Add Mack to Tom and Dean Bare committee mailing list Tom and Outline budget Dean and secure approval from the Dean ü 7/20 6/15 6/27 Tom and Nancy Distribute list of 6/16 key dates; identify both firm and potential dates 6/27 Tom Create visual identity; logo/brand Cecilia & Pub Services 7/11 Cecilia and Create complimentary Carol calendar of events for the Nancy Centennial Year ü ü communications. Impact statement such as “Our Legacy, Our Future” or “Our legacy, Our World” may crown logo. Visuals would be used to convey “100 Years” and symbolize CoFR Cecilia to re-configure key words and create an impact statement that ignites passion, which also compliments “creating futures since 1907” which has utility but needs flare. Some felt adding “our legacy, our future” was redundant and was low level “pabulum” Mack needs to be invited by the Dean, as well as accept the invitation. Dean has approved preliminary budget for 1 st half of Centennial (Jan 1 – June 31, 2007). Tom needs to get final signed approval. Most dates and venues are firm for 1 st quarter, see minutes for specific information on both events and internal deadlines. Nancy to email group a list of event dates. Conceptual in development for review on 6/27 and 7/11; General conceptual framework provided by Carol Green and committee on 6/14. Cecilia to present concepts in 7/11/06 meeting Carol to provide material from special collections, and Cece to scour image base for contemporary photos. Cecilia to provide quote on 2500 ea and 5000 ea in 4 color spiral 7/11 Cecilia 7/11 bound daytimer format. Nancy to develop mailing list for this and Nov mailing. Many felt the calendar needs to be mailer sooner than November. Basic site to announce, invite, inform, inspire. More details to be added as available. DONE. Improve as needed. Create a working 6/27 web site for minutes, rosters, reference documents, and links. Create/think about hubs and Committee; devise a list of key individuals Brian for events and engagements Nancy ü 7/11 Nancy and Ann Roll out at CFRAA Banquet on Nov 3, 2006. Direct Mail drop in November ü 6/27 Lori and Nancy, Janet Get on President Emmert's and politico schedules ü 6/27 Nancy Reserve Washington Weekend and Visiting Day Schedules ü See minutes for ideas on hub model and who might QB each market segment. Brian to review events and work with Nancy to form initial invitation list/s for review by committee. CFRAA has agreed to feature the roll-out, Nancy is outlining direct mail piece. Bob Van Pelt will be key note speaker at the invitation of the CFRAA, CFRAA would like the Dean to ask new faculty to provide afternoon showcase. Nancy to work with Lori on PARF; PARF for Legislative Reception will be driven by Governor's dates which have been submitted to President Emmert's staff. Event plan being crafted by Janet. Via UWAA and UW Marketing. 6/12, 6/13, 2006 Attending: Carol Green, Brian Boyle, Ann Forest Burns, Nancy Davis, Sally Morgan, Tom Mentele, Janet Wainwright, Cecilia Paul, Lori Grobman 1. General Discussion: • • Janet's group presented potential themes for group discussion. Although the group split intially, “Creating Futures Since 1907” was generally agreed upon, provided a suitable impact statement and segmented sub‐themes could be developed to accompany the base tag line. An overview of event dates was reviewed and the group agreed to offcially roll out on Nov 3, 2006 at CFRAA Banquet. This will be followed up with a direct mail piece dropped to all alumni and friends. Prominent feature of the logo or brand will occur as soon as possible on web‐site. 2. Outline of Events for the Centennial Year (preliminary) We adopted the general schedule below and a list of firm and pending dates: Fall Quarter 2006: Get the word out, set expectations • • • • • ASAP Hold the Date Cards with firm and tentative dates Nov 3 CFRAA Banquet Roll Out Nov 14 Direct mail announcement to all alumni and friends; calendar Nov 21 Feature in Working Forest Forum December Winkenwerder Tree Party (TBD) Winter Quarter 2007: Focus on a strong kick off & media blitz • • • • • January Legislative Reception in Olympia (Date TBD 1/18?) February/March March Lecture Series (2/8 Reception, 2/23 Lecture, 3/8 Lecture) February March Distinguished Alumni Seminar Series (TBD) February NWFGS event (2/13 Gala) March - Denman Series (TBD) Spring 2007: Focus on active engagement • • • • • • • • March UWAA Dawg Days Centennial Reception (TBD) April CFRAA Arbor Days (TBD) April Washington Weekend Open House and Symposia (April 26 -27) April SAF Regional Meeting Centennial Presentation (TBD) May CFR Scholarship Luncheon (May 3 or May 10) May WPPF Banquet (Middle of May TBD) May Distinguished Alumni Seminar Series (TBD) May Centennial Day at Pack Forest (TBD) Summer 2007: Focus on regional and global partners • • • • • • May St. Helens Forestry Safari (Johnson Ridge and Research Centers ) (TBD) May CFR Spring Safari: Garden tour at Hill Crest (TBD) June Denman Series (TBD) June Centennial Graduation Party (TBD) June Media Reception (TBD) July Research/Program Events; BRSE, ONRC, WRCC, WFC, WHS Fall Quarter 2007: Focus on our Centennial Relationships • • • • • • • • • September Suzallo Gala (September 8) September UW Dinner Series Parties (TBD) October CFR Fall Tree Festival Safari (TBD) October Denman Series (TBD) October SAF National Meeting Centennial Presentation (TBD) November CFRAA Banquet & Centennial Gala (TBD, likely Nov 2) November Homecoming Football Game BBQ (TBD, likely Nov 3) December Winkenwerder Tree Party (TBD) December Holiday Party (TBD) Meeting Dates; 2 nd Tuesday of each month with additonal meetings TBD • June 27 th , 2006 10:00 am A107 • July 11 th , 2006 10:00 am A107 • August 8 th , 2006 10:00 am A107 • September 12 th , 2006 10:00 am A107 • October 10 th . 2006 10:00 am A107 • November 14 th , 2006 10:00 am A107 • December 12 th , 2006 10:00 am A107 4. Follow up items: See Goals and Objectives Chart below for your follow up items. Please send updates prior to meetings if possible to lorig@u.washington.edu GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Revised June 16, 2006 DUE DATE WHO WHAT STATUS Done 6/14 Committee; Determine Janet theme through consensus 6/27 Committee; Develop overall Janet impact statement and segmented sub-themes Lori and Add Mack to 6/15 Tom committee mailing list 6/16 6/16 Tom and Dean 6/27 Tom and Nancy 6/27 Tom to Create visual Committee identity; logo/brand COMMENTS On Rev Target 6/14 X 6/14 Meeting consensus; “Creating futures since 1907” would be base tag line on all documents and communications. Impact statement such as “Our Legacy, Our Future” or “Our legacy, Our World” may crown logo. Visuals would be used to convey “100 Years” and symbolize CoFR Need to confirm impact statement and list market segments and sub-themes Need to invite Mack to be on the committee. Mack has been added to email list, but needs to be added to roster upon agreement. Dean has approved preliminary budget for 1 st half of Centennial (Jan 1 – June 31, 2007) Most dates and venues are firm for 1 st quarter, see June 16 th minutes for specific information Outline budget 6/15 and secure approval from the Dean Distribute list of 6/16 key dates; identify both firm and potential dates X Conceptual in development for review on 6/27 and 7/11; General conceptual 7/11 framework provided by Carol Green and committee on 6/14 Carol to provide material from special collections, and Cece to scour image base for contemporary photos. Basic site to announce, invite, inform, inspire. More details to be added as available. Cecilia and Create Carol complementary calendar of events for the Centennial Year Create a working web site for minutes, Cecilia rosters, reference documents, and links. X 7/11 Create/think about hubs and Committee; devise a list of key individuals Brian for events and engagements X See minutes for ideas on hub model and who might QB each market segment. 7/11 Nancy and Ann X CFRAA has agreed to feature the roll-out, Nancy is outlining direct mail piece. 6/27 Lori and Nancy Roll out at CFRAA Banquet on Nov 3, 2006. Direct Mail drop in November Get on President Emmert's and politico schedules X Nancy to work with Lori on PARF 6/27 Nancy Reserve Washington Weekend and Visiting Day Schedules X Via UWAA 7/11 X ______________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 5/23/2006 Attending: Carol Green, Brian Boyle, Neal Lessenger, Ann Forest Burns, Bob Dick, Maureen Frisch, Nancy Davis, John Wott, Jim Fridley, Sally Morgan, Tom Mentele 1. General Discussion and Approval of Previous Minutes: • • • Minutes were approved. All concepts are subject to idenitfying desired outcomes, marketing objectives, and budget approval. Centennial will run with calendar year; potentially opening with a reception and closing with the College Holiday Party. Major public events will include Winter Lecture Series and the CFRAA Banquet. An overview of dates will be published soon, and key individuals will be informed. 2. Outline of Events for the Centennial Year (preliminary) In general we will follow our standard suite of events, and add and revise subject to achieve our objectives, engage key audiences, and deliver outcomes within our budgetary constraints. Here is a list of potential events by quarter, beginning with Winter Quarter 2007: Winter Quarter: Focus on a strong kick off & media blitz • • • • • January - Then and Now Reception February - March Lecture Series and Receptions February - March Distinguished Alumni Seminar Series February - NWFGS event March - Denman Series Spring: Focus on active engagement • • • • • • March - UWAA Dawg Days Centennial Reception April - CFRAA Arbor Days April - Washington Weekend Open House and Symposia May - Super-natural Living laboratory Events; Our campus at large May - Distinguished Alumni Seminar Series May - Programs, Centers, Affiliates; Miller, SMC/PFC/RTI, WPPF, AF Summer: Focus on regional and global partners • • • • • May - St. Helens Forestry Safari at Johnson Ridge June - Denman Series June - Graduation Party, Legislative Receptions June - High amperage media relations July - Research/Program Events; BRSE, ONRC, WRCC, WFC, WHS Fall Quarter: Focus on our Centennial Relationships • • • • • • • September - Suzallo Gala September - Dinner Parties October - Fall Tree Festival October - Denman Series November - CFRAA Banquet & Centennial Gala November - Homecoming Football Game December - Holiday Party 3. Market Plannning to Achieve our desired outcomes, goals, and obejctives The group would like to schedule another meeting in the next 10 working days dedicated to this subject, and scheduled around the calendars of those who could not attend todays meeting, referencing the May 10 th section on Marketing; Objectives, audiences, brands and messaging, and Desired Outcomes. Some potential themes and ideas: • • • • • • • • • • • Quality of life in Pacific Northwest and our Living Laboratory Reunion/Unity; A River Runs Through It. Artistic Expressions Forests from Wildlands to Windowboxes: working forests, urban forests, and collections Products from the Forest used by society Creating Futures since 1907: Then, Now, and the Next 100 Years Relevancy; Elevating the opinions of the people who matter to achieve our objectives The “Purple and Gold Standard”; The Best College of Forest Resources in the World Recognition; Celebrating 100 Year Relationships “Discover the Real World”; Educating the next generation of leaders and scientists Intra campus seminars; applications at other colleges. 4. Follow up items: Tom: Send out other Centennial links and websites provided by Carol to the group Nancy : Email Nancy 's Centennial Guide Book outline for group reading and comments Tom: Email the schedule of Standing Meeting Dates Lori: Distribute a Committee Roster and post to web site Cecilia: Create a working web site for minutes, rosters, reference documents, links. Tom: Schedule Marketing Meeting Group: Create/think about hubs and send me a list of key individuals & events • Bob, Ann, Maureen to forestry and industry circles • Brian to NGO's and Agencies • Neal and John to Hort and Collections • Carol to Libraries and arts, • Cecilia to internal communications and media, • Janet to extrernal communications and media • Tom to donors, friends and alumni • All to identify who else should be on this committee • All to identify other key groups/links 5. Parking Lot Notes: Get on President Emmerts and politico schedules Set dates and inform people soon Focus on Visiting Day Reserve parking for Washington Weekend Obtain Homecoming date For new business items requiring more than three minutes, please contact Chair Tom Mentele or Administrative Coordinator at or 206-543-4060 to be added to an agenda. Centennial web site address: www.cfr.washington.edu , select Centennial Committee page (note: this web page is work in process). ______________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 5/10/2006 Attending: Carol Green, Brian Boyle, Sally , Tom Mentele, Michelle Trudeau, Janet Wainwright 1. Defining the Celebration; Creating a successful Centennnial: The Centennial Celebration will be a year long “re-union” of sorts for the entire college. Themes and messages need to be developed. These should appeal to all the stakeholders; alumni, students, recruits, agencies, NGO's, academia, and partners in the PNW and across the world. The Centennial Year will be celebrated over the calendar year of 2007 beginning January 1 st and running through December 31 st . The celebration will involve our typical suite of annual events, along with special events and features to make the year meaningful while reflecting the importance of our field to society. 2. Defining Events and Activities A calendar of events needs to be developed and distributed quickly for planning and budgeting purposes. The Winter Lecture Series is the logical start and the group felt the CFRAA Banquet would be desirable finale. Other events like Washignton Weekend, Arbor Day, etc. may be integrated into our plans. Permission will be sought from the CFRAA in this regard. 3. Developing a Marketing and Communications Plan Our communications plan should provide recognition of the past, present, and future value of our college, and involve the UW Presidential Administration, the media, government and public interest groups. Statements should be read into the legislative record, and the governor could be encouraged to name one day CFR day. Marketing should be multi-faceted and target alumni, students, and recruits, for college growth and financial sustainability. A web site and gift fund need to be established. Competing centennials on campus need to be identified, and examples of other centennials should be researched. Our communications should add prestige; timelessness, and potentially involve essays by the decade, colloquial input, web history. Artistic and cultural expressions should be used to convey our value to society. All senses should be stimulated during the centennial events; sight, smell, touch, sound. Events, symposia, films, art displays and other media need to be developed to convey messages, raise awareness and involvement in the future of the college. Museums and Libraries, and special collections, will be key partners. Recognition of leadership, self-examination, future projections should be emphasized, in both local and global contexts. A budget must be developed for planning purposes and sponsorships could be sought. The group identified possible corporate sponsors from forest products sectors, NGO's and community leaders such as Microsoft, Starbucks, Nordstrom, Weller Productions, Costco, Vulcan, others. Potential themes and messages include: • • • • quality of life in Pacific Northwest Reunion Coordinating with artistic expressions Forests 4. Desired Outcomes of the Centennial Consciousness raising, community involvement, and increased engagement were identified as the general outcome of the centennial. Greater alumni participation, especially with younger alums – targeted to decade in needed; we are at about 17% participation in the fundraising campaign and the CFRAA, Forest Club and SAF would like to grow along with us. The Centennial must create energy, involve our media partners, get lots press, improve external relations, cause a groundswell of pride, and stimulate future undergraduate and graduate growth. The Centennial should engage all corners of the College; Arboretum, UWBG, Forestry, Paper, ecology, national and global partners, with tours and celebrations intended to help define and unify relationships among stakeholders. The Centennial should shine spotlight on our greatest alumni & bring DC here; proclamation into reports. Notify local staff. Correlate funding & governmental leadership; schedule with staff.