2011 FAMILY FORESTS EDUCATION AWARD Presented by the National Woodland Owners Association And the National Association of University Forest Resources Programs The National Woodland Owners Association (NWOA), in cooperation with the National Association of University Forest Resources Programs (NAUFRP), will present the annual FAMILY FORESTS EDUCATION AWARD at the 2011 Society of American Foresters (SAF) national convention in Honolulu, HI on November 2nd. The award will be presented to the educational institution deemed to have delivered the most effective education program benefiting non-industrial private forest (NIPF) landowners. Any educational institution is eligible. The award will be presented to the administrative unit where the faculty involved in the education program are housed. An educational program is a combination of educational materials, media and events, including applied research that supports those efforts, that is conducted over a period of time for the benefit of non-industrial private forest land owners. The award can recognize effective programs addressing any or all aspects of forest resource management including, but not be limited to, business management, silvicultural activities, harvesting, and marketing. Nomination packages should include no more than 10 pages of documentation* describing an educational program for family forest landowners over the previous five years, including information about: • • • • • • • • • Faculty involved (including breadth and multi-disciplinary involvement) Educational needs assessment (including involvement of clients) Educational materials, events, or other resources used Applied research incorporated Collaborations among disciplines, agencies, and organizations Results, impacts, or outcomes Evidence of program quality Degree of innovation Emulation of the program by others A committee composed of both NWOA and NAUFRP members will select the award winner. An award recipient will not be able to repeat two years in succession. Institutions that submitted nominations for the 2009 and 2010 award, but did not receive the award will automatically be considered for this period. These institutions are welcome to submit additional materials in support of those nominations. Criteria for award selection include program quality, outcomes and impacts with consideration for the number of faculty involved. The deadline for receiving all materials is September 21, 2011. Nominations and supporting documentation should be forwarded to: NAUFRP-NWOA 2011 NIPF Award c/o Terri Bates, NAUFRP Executive Liaison P.O. Box 2004 Falls Church, VA 22042 For further information contact Terri Bates, (703) 538-1134 (E-Mail: naufrp@verizon.net) or Keith Argow, President, NWOA at (703) 255-2700 (E-Mail: argow@nwoa.net). • A CD containing supporting materials may be submitted. If supplying materials which would be difficult to reproduce for the reviewers (such as videos and CDs), please provide at least 5 copies. Previous Recipients: 1997 Mississippi State University 1998 University of Georgia 1999 Washington State University: Forest Stewardship Education Program 2000 Pennsylvania State University School of Forest Resources: Extension Education Program 2001 University of Georgia D.B. Warnell School of Forest Resources: “Forestry: Area Specialty Advanced Training (FASAT) 2002 University of Washington & Washington State University Coop Extension: Rural Initiatives Project AND (a tie) University of Tennessee: Extension Forest Landowner Education Initiative 2003 Virginia Tech, College of Natural Resources: Virginia Forest Landowner Education Program 2004 Clemson University Cooperative: “Master Tree Farmer/Master Wildlife Program” 2005 North Carolina State’s Extension Forest Resources Program (NIPF component) 2006 Appalachian Hardwood Center, West Virginia University Division of Forestry and Natural Resources 2007 FLORIDA FOREST STEWARDSHIP PROGRAM, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences School of Forest Resources and Conservation 2008 OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION SERVICE MASTER WOODLAND MANAGER PROGRAM 2009 Department of Forestry, Cooperative Extension Service, UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY 2010 Woodland Leadership Institute University of Wisconsin Stevens Point