UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON of Forest Resources CollegeCollege of Forest Resources UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON News M E S S A G E FROM THE DEAN “UW graduates bring these strengths to their work: the benefits of a broad-based education, teamwork and problem-solving skills grounded in hands-on learning, and cutting-edge technical knowledge and skills that come from studying at a major research university with faculty members at the frontiers of discovery.” These words from a recent UW report, Fueling our State’s Economic Future, precisely identify our College’s strengths and future direction. Providing knowledge and leadership for sustainable management of natural resources and the environment is a formidable challenge. We have taken steps to better meet this challenge. Our newly approved Environmental Science and Resource Management undergraduate curriculum, integrating six former programs, will provide a flexible course of study for those interested in science and management and provides the foundation for graduate study in professional or learned areas. Our restructured Paper Science and Engineering undergraduate curriculum will provide students with training, tools, and experience for success in the pulp, paper, and allied professions. Our College organization has moved from two academic divisions to a single faculty headed by a chair and vice-chair. Recognition that a focus on sustainability requires better integration of ecological, economic, and social sciences, as well as closer connections among faculty, staff, and students, was an important impetus for these changes. The new programs and organization support the strengths identified by the UW report. Key to these strengths is the excellence of our graduate and research programs. Since 1974, the UW has led the nation’s public universities in federal research awards. As an important part of this great enterprise, our College has long been recognized as a leader in forestry research. We must think now about new ways to enhance this historic strength. How faculty are inspired and inspire others to do innovative research keeps an institution on the cutting edge — poised to contribute to tomorrow’s solutions. We must seek faculty who can create new knowledge through collaborative, innovative research, while contributing to professional needs at both undergraduate and graduate levels. This means that we must change how we define future faculty positions and responsibilities. In 1997, we hired two faculty members, John Marzluff and Clare Ryan. They soon began collaborating with faculty from the College and across campus and, after several years of rewriting funding proposals, were awarded a prestigious $2.7 million NSF Integrative Graduate Education Training Research (IGERT) award in urban ecology. The program has grown and continues to attract funding and students, generating enthusiasm and a profound respect for the challenges of interdisciplinary teaching, learning, and research. Marzluff and Ryan also cover our professional needs in wildlife science and natural resources policy, respectively. They provide a model for our future — innovative graduate education and research that also contributes to professional programs so vital to our state. Our graduates will have a solid, broad-based education in natural resources science and management — and the competitive advantage that comes from study at a major research university. They will bring the strengths of teamwork, problem-solving, hands-on learning, and cutting-edge knowledge and skills to their employers and to their communities across the state, the region, and the country. Dense forests in the inland west are at risk for uncharacteristically intense wildfires. Photo: University Photography Wildfire in the West: Topic of upcoming Denman Forestry Issues Series A combination of past logging practices, tree planting, decades of fire suppression, and reductions in timber harvest has resulted in dense stands of small-diameter trees in many areas of the inland west. Overstocked, drought stressed, and prone to insect infestation, some of these forests are crowded with as many as 3,000 trees per acre, putting them at high risk for wildfires of high severity, uncommon for historic forests in this region. Historically, fire was an important disturbance process in western forest ecosystems, sustaining healthy forests through its effects on wildlife habitat, species composition, nutrient cycling, and other attributes of ecosystem structure and function. Because natural fire regimes have been altered, uncharacteristically intense, large fires now occur with increasing frequency. In response, active fire management currently includes such strategies as allowing some fires to burn, prescribed burning, and thinning to reduce fuel loads. How these uncharacteristically intense fires alter the landscape — affecting wildlife habitat and understory plants, degrading watersheds, risking human health and economic values in nearby communities — and threaten overall ecological functioning in these stands is being studied from a variety of perspectives by College researchers. Professor Jim Agee has studied historical fire regimes in the inland west to understand how an ecosystem-based approach of active fire management can help change potential fire behavior and effects. Students in his fire ecology lab are comparing the effects of spring and fall prescribed fire on the resistance of ponderosa pine to bark beetle attack and participating in a national network of research sites evaluating the effects of thinning and fire on ecosystem processes, among other B. Bruce Bare CONTINUED NEXT PAGE In this issue “ The great strength of a research institution is a faculty committed to inquiry across a wide range of scientific fields.” WILDFIRE IN THE WEST NEW CORE COURSES JAPANESE HOUSE CONSTRUCTION MILLER SEED VAULT ALUMNI FOCUS COLLEGE NEWS WINTER 2004 Researchers are also exploring the consequences of wildfire management activities for other forest attributes. Researchers in Professor Charlie Halpern’s lab are exploring the consequences of fire suppression and the effects of silvicultural thinning and prescribed burning on forest understory and meadow plant communities. Projects include studies of endemic plants in the Wenatchee Mountains that require fire for species’ persistence, large-scale surveys of forest understory responses to thinning and prescribed burning, and retrospective studies of conifer encroachment into montane meadows. (Left) Example of a typical fringe oak stand with Scot’s broom in the understory. (Right) A typical prescribed fire that is applied in the summer, resulting in herb and shrub topkill but little oak scorch. Wildfire in the West continued projects. The lab is collaborating with the College’s Precision Forestry Cooperative on projects researching the utility of Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) and radar interferometry remotely sensed data to estimate crown fire fuel density, type, and condition. The lab also cooperates with the USDA Forest Service on projects studying the effects of landscape fuel manipulations on fire behavior, fire in small diameter stands, and multi-national fire research applications. The College’s Fire and Mountain Ecology Lab, led by Professor Dave Peterson, conducts a wide range of fire science and fire ecology research in national forests, national parks, and beyond in cooperation with the USFS PNW Station’s Pacific Fire and Environmental Research Applications Team. Peterson and his students are studying the fire history of eastern Washington and the Cascade Range, the effects of forest thinning on fire hazard, the interaction of fire and climate in western North America, and the effects of large wildfires on tree mortality. Researchers in the College’s Rural Technology Initiative are offering landowners and policy makers a new software package to help determine the economic feasibility of thinning small-diameter trees to reduce the risk of catastrophic fires and disease outbreaks. On Washington’s Okanogan National Forest and Oregon’s Fremont National Forest, where some of the region’s worst fires have occurred in recent years, the most effective treatment tested using the software preserved ponderosa pine and western larch, while taking the smallest trees of other species until a targeted density was achieved. This approach typically left between 40 and 100 of the largest trees per acre and rarely removed trees larger than 12 inches in diameter. Unfortunately, markets are weak or nonexistent for the small diameter trees removed under this scenario — the smallest diameter logs, for instance, can’t be used for lumber. The software helps weigh the economics of thinning in such cases to develop cost-effective approaches. For Professor Jerry Franklin, the issue is not simply uncharacteristic fires. “These fires will eliminate important structural stand elements, including the residual large, old pines that we will never see again if we allow them to burn. These residual old trees are under intense risk, and ground fuels and ladder fuels are important elements of their threat. Further, encroachment from shade-tolerant species are almost certainly killing the old pines even without fire, just through competitive effects. We are losing this old pine legacy so critical to ecological functioning in the inland west.” Agee says, “Fire will be in our future whether we like it or not. We can choose the type of fire we want to deal with and reduce wildfire damage by restoration efforts to change potential fire behavior and effects.” Adds Franklin, “We need to think carefully about what we really need to accomplish. It is not simply to alter fire behavior. It is to try to insure that legacies still present from historic stands are not lost so that they can continue to fulfill a broad array of ecological functions, including habitat. We do not want to simply view this as a fire behavior issue, but begin to view it as an ecological issue.” What seems certain is that a simplistic, one-solution approach will not work — and that a host of new challenges such as introduced exotic plant and insect species, the growing importance of watershed resources, and increasing human habitation at the urban/forest interface will add to the complexities of wildfire management. These complexities, as they relate to federal forest lands, is the topic of the College’s next Denman Forestry Issues series, planned for early March on the UW campus. 1895 Bitterroot National Forest Natural forest conditions. 1895 photo shows natural forest stand conditions that evolved from regularly occurring, low-intensity, surface burning. The forest was open and dominated by fire-tolerant, fire-adapted ponderosa pine. 1980 Bitterroot National Forest Unmanaged forest. The 1980 photo from the same site shows how the forest has changed dramatically since 1895. Small trees have established into dense thickets. These fireintolerant tree species now crowd the forest, predisposing the area to insect infestations, disease outbreaks, and catastrophic wildfires. New Core Courses Emphasize Real-World Problems The College’s newly approved undergraduate curriculum, Environmental Science and Resource Management (ESRM) uses the array of biological-social interactions in the Pacific Northwest as a learning environment for problem-based interdisciplinary inquiry. ESRM is anchored by a junior-level core sequence that emphasizes real-world problems integrating knowledge areas of physical, biological, and social sciences. The courses feature the world-class outdoor laboratory available from the Pacific Ocean to the interior of Washington, from tidelands to alpine landscapes, and from dense urban environments to rock and ice. They present broad, synthetic physical, biological, social, and economic principles that govern management, stewardship, and restoration of biological systems. The collaborative learning teaching method enables students to become problem solvers and increases awareness of opportunities in environmental and natural resource management. Two of the core courses — ESRM 303, “Preserving and Conserving Wildlands,” and ESRM 304, “Environmental Resource Assessment: Measuring and Monitoring,” were taught for the first time in Autumn 2003. ESRM 303 develops three broad and interlinking perspectives about wildlands: the continuum from wild to intensively managed or impacted; the importance of scales, such as space and time; and assessing conditions and change in systems along the continuum. Learning modules combine traditional lectures and discussions with a collaborative learning studio format. Field trips and a final project provide the context for learning, integrated around a hypothetical case study in which student teams develop a detailed description of a wildland resource and respond to a threat to this resource from multiple stakeholders’ points of view. Professor Tom Hinckley reports that a highlight of the Autumn 2003 course was a field trip to the Yakama Nation in which students learned about cultural differences and culturally unique approaches to natural resource management, including fire as a management tool. The students also had an opportunity to learn about job opportunities in environmental and natural resource management from two of the Nation’s natural resource managers, both CFR alumni. Professor Bob Gara with ESRM 303 students on field trip to Federation Forest, east side of Cascade Mountains. ESRM 304 exposes students to the scientific method, hypothesis testing processes for developing research questions, and field and lab measurement procedures from a diverse set of disciplines. The course develops familiarity with methods that researchers use to produce relevant, unbiased information; provides basic field skills from each of several scientific discipline areas; considers how the basic computational procedures of introductory statistics support scientific research; provides, through a case study, the context in which natural resource issues commonly require an interdisciplinary research approach; and develops experience in professional communication skills through technical writing and oral presentation. The focus during the Autumn 2003 course was an integrated case study of forest land use in nearby Lee Forest, which is managed for research purposes by the College. College News CFR-UWAA Cosponsor Lecture Series February 12, 2004 A Fork in the Road: The Challenges of Forest Stewardship in the 21st Century JERRY FRANKLIN, PROFESSOR OF ECOSYSTEM SCIENCE February 26, 2004 Still Batty After All These Years? Contemplating the Future of Bats in the Managed Forests of the Pacific Northwest STEPHEN WEST, ASSOCIATE DEAN AND PROFESSOR OF WILDLIFE ECOLOGY March 11, 2004 Are Cities for the Birds? Balancing Our Needs and Desires with Ecological Function in Urbanizing Regions JOHN MARZLUFF, PROFESSOR OF WILDLIFE SCIENCE To register, or for more information, call 206-543-0540 or go to New Denman Endowed Professorship Dick and Mary Ellen Denman, longtime supporters of the College, have generously created the Denman Endowed Professorship in Sustainable Resource Sciences. This gift will help the College attract and keep distinguished faculty involved in the research and teaching of sustainable resource sciences. The endowment joins previous Denman endowments supporting the College — the Denman Professorship in Paper Science and Engineering, the Denman Endowment for Student Excellence in Forest Resources, and the Anson Moody Endowed Scholarship in Pulp and Paper Sciences, through the Washington Pulp and Paper Foundation. Merrill Hall Groundbreaking A groundbreaking ceremony on October 1st at the Center for Urban Horticulture (CUH) marked the start of construction to replace Merrill Hall, destroyed in an arson fire bombing in May 2001. Dean Bruce Bare reaffirmed that “It is a testament to the will and desire of thousands of people and organizations — who gave their time, energy, and financial resources — that this wanton act was not allowed to stand.” “The state, the UW, and donors came together during extraordinarily stressful times, including the current economic downturn, to raise money when it was needed and now the project is a reality,” said Tom Hinckley, CUH director. For example, after the bids opened in August came in higher than expected, the UW provided funding for another $800,000 for the project. The $7.2 million for design and construction includes money from the UW and the state, as well as about $1 million in private gifts. Construction is expected to take 11 months. The rebuilt Merrill Hall will be one of the first LEED Certified buildings in the state’s university system. And, says Hinckley, “In spite of the arson attack, the new building has not been planned as a bunker. While the building incorporates the latest fire-prevention technology and a security system, it has been planned so that it is even more open to the UW, the neighborhood, and horticultural communities.” Update on Faculty Searches Searches for two tenured full-professor positions are underway in the College with successful completion of the searches expected during this academic year. Professor Gordon Bradley is chairing a committee to fill the position of Director of the Center for Urban Horticulture and Washington Park Arboretum. This position also carries the title of Orin and Althea Soest Chair for Urban Horticulture. The position is being widely advertised nationally and internationally. Committee membership includes UW faculty, students, and staff and representatives from the Arboretum Foundation, Northwest Horticultural Society, Seattle City Parks, WSU Extension, and the green industry. The committee expects to interview finalists for the position in March. Professor Dave Briggs is chairing a committee to fill the position of Director of the Precision Forestry Cooperative (PFC), a component of the state-funded Advanced Technology Initiative. Committee members include faculty from the College, the Departments of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth and Space Sciences, and representatives from the PFC Executive Advisory Board. This faculty member will hold the Corkery Family Endowed Chair in Forest Resources, as well as a joint faculty appointment with another UW academic unit, depending on disciplinary background. A search to fill the position of Director of the Center for International Trade in Forest Products (CINTRAFOR), currently held by Research Professor Paul Boardman, will be underway in January. The College is indebted to Boardman for his years of service as CINTRAFOR Director as he returns to a position in the private sector. Highlights October’s Denman Forestry Issues Series, “Federal Land Management Policy,” featured Mark Rey, USDA Under Secretary of Natural Resources and Environment, addressing issues in current natural resources management. College faculty, including Professors Jerry Franklin, Bob Lee, Bruce Lippke, John Marzluff, and Dave Peterson presented additional perspectives on land management policy issues and stewardship challenges of federal forest lands in the 21st century. Attended by 110 invited guests from a spectrum of natural resource stakeholders, the program was televised on UWTV throughout December and is available on streaming video from the UWTV website. The Washington Pulp and Paper Foundation (WPPF) announced a gift of $120,000 from a trust established under the will of Lennart A.Lundberg. The gift establishes the Lennart Lundberg Endowed Scholarship in recognition of the donor’s interest in students, education, and WPPF. The College’s transformed undergraduate curricula, Paper Science and Engineering (PSE) and Environmental Science and Resource Management (ESRM), have been approved. Faculty are developing specialized undergraduate pathways for ESRM. Rick Gustafson, Professor in Paper Science and Engineering, has been voted Chair of the Faculty as the College restructured from two academic divisions to a single faculty body. Gustafson previously held the position of Chair of the Management and Engineering Division. College Dean’s Club members enjoyed a November 6th dinner in the Lockwood Forest Club Room, followed by a talk on forestry communities by Professor Bob Lee, to inaugurate a showing of the multi-media exhibit, “The Vanishing Logger,” at UW’s Odegaard Undergraduate Library. Sisters Cheryle and Char Easter, the photographer-writer team who created the exhibit, also gave a slide presentation. College faculty and staff participation in workshops during Autumn 2003 included a November 7th workshop in Portland, Oregon on “Overcoming Barriers to Sustainable Forestry,” and a November 18th conference in Puyallup, Washington on “Innovation for Survival of the Northwest Forest Sector: An Integrated Approach.” Alumni Focus Arbor Day Fair 2004 needs your help — May 5-7, 2004 The Arbor Day Fair, a wildly successful event conceived by the College of Forest Resources Alumni Association (CFRAA) and jointly sponsored by the College and CFRAA brings over 2,000 elementary school children to the College each year. Alumni involvement, enthusiasm, and support are essential to its existence. Volunteers are needed to assist at the learning stations where children experience many aspects of forestry and related sciences. Demonstrations and hands-on activities include papermaking, recreation, wildlife, forest soils, forest products, and forestry careers. Faculty, staff, students, and alumni provide leadership and training to assure that all participants are rewarded by an exceptional educational experience. Arbor Day Fair is an opportunity to participate in a unique outreach program while getting reacquainted with fellow alumni and College faculty, staff, and students. Volunteers are needed each of the three days from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Morning coffee and pastries are provided to all volunteers. The CFRAA appreciates any support you can provide, and especially thanks those who have been so generous with their time in the past. Please sign up with coordinator Bev Gonyea by phone (206-526-5535), by mail (Box 352100, Seattle, WA 98195-2100), or by email ( Be sure to include the day (s) you can volunteer. CFRAA President’s Report Professor Emeritus Dale Cole (’55, ’63) reports on College of Forest Resources Alumni Association (CFRAA) events: “This past year was a successful and eventful period for the CFRAA. In addition to the 2003 Arbor Day Fair, we had a highly successful annual meeting and banquet in November. Nearly 100 alumni and guests attended the banquet. Many also attended the annual business meeting and the College’s Research Showcase on Urban Ecology, presented by Professor John Marzluff and graduate students in the program. At the annual banquet, Colleen Ponto (’81), CFRAA past president and founder of Arbor Day Fair, and the late Robert McLachlan (’59) received Honored Alumni awards. Distinguished Achievement awards went to James E. Brown (’62) and William D. Hagenstein (’38). Bill Hagenstein is the first alumnus to receive both the Honored Alumni and Distinguished Achievement awards. Brian Boyle, former Washington State Land Commissioner and currently a College staff member and Chair of the College Visiting Committee, was named Honorary Alumnus. Dean Bruce Bare reported on the status of the College, highlighting the many changes in organization, curriculum, and staffing that have occurred during the past year, as well as challenges facing the College in the coming year. Banquet speakers John and Amy Osaki presented a program on “Hiking the Magnificent Mountains of Europe,” featuring excellent slides and an informative commentary. A special tribute prior to the banquet honored the late Professor Emeritus David R. M. Scott. Mrs. Carolyn Scott and their son David joined in the program. Dean Bare, Professor Tom Hinckley, and I and other alumni Jim Lassoie (’68, ’75) and Bob Dick (’74) spoke about Scott’s significant impacts on the graduate and undergraduate students of the College, as well as the silviculture of the region. I was pleased to announce that the CFRAA and the College were exploring a fundraising campaign to establish the David R. M. Scott Endowed Fund, that upon reaching a minimum of $250,000 will become the David R. M. Scott Professorship in Forest Resources. This new fund, along with the David R. M. Scott Endowed Scholarship, established in 1993 to honor Scott for 32 years of training forest professionals, will provide valuable support for College graduate and undergraduate students and faculty for years to come.” Professor Tom Hinckley shows Arbor Day Fair participants how to tell a tree’s age by counting its rings. Alumni News John Rombold (’03), Northwest Indian College, and Dick Hopkins (’72), Green River Community College, participated in Community College Outreach Day held at the College in September. Faculty and staff from the College and from area community colleges, as well as UW distance learning and admissions staff, explored ways to better coordinate transfer and recruitment to the UW from rural community colleges in Washington State. Gary Hartshorn (’72), formerly president of the Organization for Tropical Studies, has assumed the post of President and CEO of the World Forestry Center in Portland, Oregon. Vicki Christiansen (’83) was appointed manager of WA Department of Natural Resource’s newly merged Central and Southwest Regions. Study of Japanese House Construction Provides International Research Experience The College’s Center for International Trade in Forest Products (CINTRAFOR) recently completed a technical analysis of the traditional post and beam construction system used to build houses in Japan. A component of the Center’s research on the use of wood in the Japanese residential construction industry, the project has involved extensive research in Japan conducted by Associate Professor Ivan Eastin and Center Director Professor Paul Boardman over a period of several years. Key to the project’s success was the involvement of then-doctoral student Joe Roos, who graduated from the College’s business, economics, and quantitative methods PhD program last year. Roos was recruited into the graduate program based on his experience in exporting wooden building materials to Japan, his strong understanding of the Japanese business environment, and his fluency in Japanese. As a key member of the research team, he was involved in many meetings with Japanese post and beam contractors and officials of Japanese industry associations. Roos also visited Japanese construction sites to help interview carpenters and study and document the post and beam construction technology firsthand. As the recipient of a prestigious Fulbright Fellowship to Japan, he further contributed to the success of the project by conducting independent research on the Japanese construction industry during his year-long fellowship. The results of this research formed the basis of his doctoral dissertation, providing unique insights into how Japanese construction professionals evaluate and select building materials and the factors that influence their purchase decisions. CINTRAFOR’s Japan research program has been further supported by the participation of several Japanese graduate students who received graduate research assistantships from CINTRAFOR. Ivan Eastin on construction site in Kanigawa, Japan with Daisaku Aoki (center) and Mr. Isamu Shimodaira (President, Kanagawa Ecohouse Construction Company). CINTRAFOR’s post and beam research in Japan is supported by funding from a wide variety of sources — federal and state agencies as well as the forest products industry, including private companies and industry associations. The program’s objectives are focused on developing a better understanding of the Japanese market for wood products, including the impact of regulatory constraints and non-tariff barriers on the competitiveness of the U.S. forest products industry. The next step will be a series of focus groups involving post and beam construction professionals to evaluate the potential for a branded Douglas-fir structural lumber product for use in the Japanese post and beam construction industry. Seed Vault Protects At-risk Plants A Noah’s ark of sorts, to protect seeds of rare and endangered native plants in Washington, was recently launched at the Center for Urban Horticulture. The tworoom vault, made possible by a gift from the Pendleton and Elisabeth Carey Miller Charitable Foundation, has walls, floor, and ceiling able to withstand fire for four hours. This is one of only three seed vaults in the U.S. and Canada providing such protection, say Assistant Professor Sarah Reichard and Carolyn Alfano, program manager for the Rare Plant Care and Conservation Program (Rare Care) based at the Center. The Miller Foundation recently also funded staffing of the vault for another year. In addition to fire protection, the vault has a work area and short-term storage kept at 60 degrees and low humidity. This offers the advantage of starting the cooling and drying of seeds even as they are processed. Seeds from at-risk plants are collected and frozen so that if a population dies, there will still be seed available to reestablish it in the wild. Research applications include learning about individual species’ seed storage behavior and germination requirements to develop germination and seed storage protocols. Seeds are collected in ways meant to leave native populations unaffected. The program currently has 212 seed lots banked from 10 of Washington’s threatened plants. Collecting and storing seed is just part of the mission of Rare Care. Students, faculty, and a statewide network of volunteers monitor sites where endangered plants are growing and propagate cuttings and seedlings to boost populations where they are found in the wild. Collected seeds are also used to increase populations before they die. Volunteers are constructing a database for the vault that will merge Rare Care’s existing monitoring database with seed collecting and seed banking data. The vault also supports restoration ecology work done in several UW programs through the College and the Restoration Ecology Network. Upcoming Events Calendar February 6 “The Science of Watersheds,” CWWS 2004 Annual Review of Research, UW campus February 12 “A Fork in the Road: The Challenges of Forest Stewardship in the 21st Century,” in Lecture Series: Sustaining our Northwest World: When Humans and Nature Collide, UW campus The program is embarking on an ambitious collection project for 2004-2005 through a grant from the Center for Plant Conservation. Volunteers will be recruited and trained to collect seeds for this project, in which seeds of more than 40 of Washington’s native plants will be sent to vaults operated at several facilities. Seeds and herbarium voucher specimens will be sent to the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, England and to the U.S. Forest Service seed extractory in Bend, Oregon. “We plan to collect and store seeds from the most imperiled plants first,” Reichard says. “Our goal is to obtain and store seeds that represent all of Washington’s native plants.” CFR News February 26 “Still Batty after all these Years? Contemplating the Future of Bats in the Managed Forests of the Pacific Northwest,” in Lecture Series: Sustaining our Northwest World: When Humans and Nature Collide, UW campus March 11 “Are Cities for the Birds? Balancing our Needs and Desires with Ecological Function in Urbanizing Regions,” in Lecture Series: Sustaining our Northwest World: When Humans and Nature Collide, UW campus March 8 “Wildfire in the West,” Denman Forestry Issues Series, UW campus March 14-17 Landscape Management System (LMS) Workshop, C. L. Pack Experimental Forest, Eatonville, WA Northwest Horticultural Society Lecture Series at NHS Hall, CUH January 14 “The Garden as Art” February 25 “The Art of Planting Design” Please direct all corrections and inquiries to CFR News, University of Washington, College of Forest Resources, Box 352100, Seattle, WA 98195-2100. EMAIL: PHONE: 206-543-3075 March 10 “Shade Gardening with New Perennials” Share your news: CFR alumni activities and successes are of interest and inspiration to faculty, students, staff, alumni, and friends of CFR. Call 206-527-1794 for more details. Lectures start at 7:15 p.m. This newsletter can also be found on line at: UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON College of Forest Resources University of Washington College of Forest Resources Box 352100 Seattle, WA 98195 News Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Seattle, WA Permit No. 62