College of Forest Resources News university of washington M e s s ag e from the dean In mid-September, as the “College of Forest Resources bus tour” made its way back to Seattle on the ferry across Puget Sound, I thought about the opportunities the tour provided, not only to acquaint our new faculty with College field sites, but also to demonstrate and reaffirm our engagement, commitment to excellence, and transformative power in communities throughout Washington. The tour introduced our new faculty Drs. Jonathan Bakker, Renata Bura, Sharon Doty, Greg Ettl, Dean Glawe, Soo-Hyung Kim, Joshua Lawler, Monika Moskal, and Christian Torgersen — all of whom you’ve met in the CFR News — to the scope of College contributions to natural resources challenges affecting the lives and livelihoods of our region’s residents. The tour began at the UW Botanic Gardens (UWBG), and throughout the following three days visited the Center for Sustainable Forestry (CSF) at Pack Forest, near Eatonville; the Wind River Canopy Crane Research Facility, near Carson; the NORPAC newsprint mill in Longview; and the Olympic Natural Resources Center (ONRC), on the Olympic Peninsula near Forks. Along the way we stopped in Mt. St. Helens National Volcanic Monument, drove along Willapa Bay, visited a small forest landowner’s Sitka spruce plantation, and viewed the Elwha Dam. At all of these sites, College researchers are adding to the store of knowledge and discovery about our natural resources, social and cultural environments, and economic opportunities. The examples are many: UWBG, research and outreach in environmental horticulture, restoration ecology, and invasive and rare plants create a network of teaching and learning that includes collaboration across the three UW campuses, as well as with the community volunteers who help maintain UWBG’s demonstration gardens and Washington Park Arboretum collections, and the public who take classes in horticulture and conservation. Rick Gustafson (center), holder of the new Denman Chair in Bioresource Science and Engineering, with donors Mary Ellen and W. Richard Denman. Photo: Mary Levin. • A t • C SF at Pack Forest conducts research and demonstration of sustainable forestry and works with partners in regional efforts like sustainable management of the Nisqually River watershed. • T he Wind River site is an internationally recognized contributor to forest canopy research. It also hosts scientific and educational visits; just last year, a live “electronic field trip” potentially reached 15 million grade school students. • O ur Stand Management and Precision Forestry Cooperatives engage in research and technology transfer to ensure efficient use of our forest resource; mills like NORPAC will continue to benefit from planted forests increasingly managed to provide specific wood properties. Longview’s wood export facilities are supported by research done in our Center for International Trade in Forest Products. • O NRC collaborates in research on the Olympic Experimental State Forest and in outreach and community projects with the City of Forks and surrounding school districts. Its researchers are also helping to mitigate the harmful effects of invasive species and algal blooms on coastal and Willapa Bay fishery and shellfish resources. • R esearchers working with the Rural Technology Initative help family forest owners, Native Americans, and public agencies transfer the latest science and technology to users in the field. As we approach our Centennial Year, we envision our next century of “creating futures.” The bus tour “roadmap” demonstrates how we are making a difference in this century, transforming our world through continued engagement and excellence. B. Bruce Bare Denman Chair Awarded to Rick Gustafson The College’s newest endowed chair, the Denman Chair in Bioresource Science and Engineering, is a 2006 gift from long-time supporters Mary Ellen and W. Richard Denman. Funded at $1 million, the endowment also received a $500,000 match from the UW’s Founders Matching Initiative. The Denman Chair provides the foundation for the College to develop research and education programs related to sustainable bio-based products and sources of energy that better serve society. For the Denmans, contributing to the leadership that the UW and the College provide in solving resource challenges for future generations is a powerful motivation for support. The chair was recently awarded to Professor Rick Gustafson, Professor of Paper Science and Engineering. Says Gustafson, “We read daily about the need to develop new processes and systems to meet the demand for sustainable energy and products. Bio-based energy and products can meet much of this demand, but research is needed to make these visions a reality. We also need to train the next generation of scientists and engineers who will develop and operate these processes. Our College is poised to lead the development, with other collaborators (within the UW and with external partners), of a new center of excellence in bioresource sciences and technology. The Denman Chair will provide the base funding to establish this center.” This new thrust will include education, research, and technology transfer focusing on the use of biomass as a source of energy, fuel, and new chemicals that will be produced from bio-refineries. The center will also focus on integrating the production of traditional fiber and solid wood products with these new processes. For both Gustafson and the Denmans, the benefit to our society will be the capability to reduce oil dependency and to sequester greenhouse gases over the entire life cycle of manufactured products. The Denman Chair joins other gift funds and endowments established by the Denmans in support of the College, including the Denman Professorship in Pulp and Paper Science, the Denman Professorship in Sustainable Resource Sciences, and the Denman Endowment for Student Excellence in Forest Resources. In this issue Denman Chair in Bioresource Science and Engineering “The College of Forest Resources: creating futures since 1907.” Raven research Resoration ecology network COLLEGE NEWs alumni focus the finnish connection fall 2006 Raven Research on the Olympic Peninsula William Webb, PhD student in wildlife science and urban ecology, has been researching ravens on Washington’s Olympic Peninsula since 2001. Working with advisor Professor John Marzluff, his research examines raven predatory behavior, population dynamics, movement behavior, relative abundance, and systematics. The Common Raven (Corvus corax) is the world’s largest songbird, and is distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere. In Western Washington, ravens weigh about 2.5 lbs. with a wingspan of around 2.5 feet. Throughout North America, this uniformly black bird is found in a wide variety of landscapes ranging from the frigid Arctic to the scorching deserts of the Southwest. Ravens adapt to a wide range of ecological conditions, and they are often the most abundant species recorded in breeding bird surveys conducted north of the Arctic Circle and in the desert Southwest. Ravens are omnivorous, consuming a variety of foods, and using many different methods to obtain food. They often scavenge at animal carcasses, but they also hunt prey, as well as feeding on fruit and grains. Ravens are believed to be one of the most intelligent Vertebrate species, and they use their intelligence to exploit changing resources including food, water, and nesting substrates. They sometimes follow the movements of other animals such as wolves in the hope of obtaining food. However, the species that ravens have benefited from the most is humans. productivity into a model of raven population dynamics that will show how the raven population responds to environmental variability. I also conduct surveys of the abundance of ravens and other corvids across a range of environments to increase understanding of the factors influencing their abundance. The one aspect of my project most related to basic science investigates the rate of gene flow between disparate genetic groups of ravens. In Western North America there are two genetic clades of ravens whose mitochondrial DNA are 4.5% different, a level that distinguishes many well recognized avian species. By studying mating patterns between the two clades, I hope to discover if the two clades remain genetically separate.” For more raven information, see Webb’s web page at http://students.washington. edu/webb/student_webpage.htm. Says Webb, “Raven numbers on the Peninsula have increased steadily during the past 35 years while other forest nesting birds have declined during the same period. Unlike many species, ravens benefit greatly from environmental changes caused by human activities such as clearing land, building roads, and access to refuse. This increased raven abundance represents a conservation concern, as predation by ravens puts additional stress on populations of species already negatively impacted by human activities. In many areas of Western North America, predation by ravens is thought to negatively impact a number of species, including the Desert Tortoise, Least Tern, Sandhill Crane, Sage Grouse, and Marbled Murrelet.” “ Because ravens are wide-ranging, I trap (sometimes using Cheetos as bait!) and radio track them to gain a greater understanding of their movements. Many ravens are sedentary while others move great distances — some radio-tagged ravens have been found as far away as 100 kilometers from the capture location. I combine estimates of survival from radio tracking with data from following nest PhD student William Webb with corvus corax. Photo: William Webb. Planning for Stewardship an Important Part of Successful Ecological Restoration Established in 1999, UW-REN is a three-campus program with strong College of Forest Resources involvement. “Among its offerings is a yearlong series of courses that gives the UW a chance to connect with surrounding communities and students a chance for real-world experience working with local parks and agencies, utilities, non-profits, and private firms,” says Forest Resources Professor Kern Ewing, a co-author of the Science article and a researcher with the College’s University of Washington Botanic Gardens (UWBG). Working in teams of four to six, student projects last year ranged from finding ways to make a rambling corner lot in a Seattle neighborhood more inviting for birds and neighbors to improving the West Duwamish Greenbelt’s upland urban forest. Teams are responsible for analyzing what’s at the site, developing a client proposal, creating a detailed work plan, and putting in the sweat equity and recruiting volunteers to make it happen. UW-REN projects are a collaboration between students and community volunteers. Photo: University Photography. Restoring degraded ecosystems around Seattle and giving them a fighting chance to stay healthy can be as much about PR as the right plants. That’s what students learn through the UW’s Restoration Ecology Network (UW-REN), a teaching and research program recognized nationally in a recent issue of Science. Canvassing neighbors, finding and managing volunteers, preparing educational materials, posting signs, and attending neighborhood meetings can be crucial to the success of the projects undertaken by teams of students. “Through this process, we have watched students come to understand that science is necessary, but not sufficient for successful restoration,” writes lead author Warren Gold, associate professor at UW Bothell and adjunct faculty in Forest Resources. “Without stewardship, restored ecosystems will only degrade again, which is why it’s so good for students to learn how to do community outreach and work with clients.” The Duwamish Greenbelt project is a two-acre site, part of the largest remaining contiguous forest within the Seattle city limits. “The site suffered from a lack of resources and restoration, with no large-scale forest management over the years,” says team member Samantha Sprenger, master’s student in forest soils. “Restoring the site, including the removal of invasive plant species, will provide enhanced wildlife habitat. Planting native trees and understory will help hold soil in place, preventing erosion by preserving the quality of natural drainage systems and enhancing land stability. Community involvement and volunteer work and the development of a maintenance and monitoring manual will help insure the site’s continued ecological health.” “This capstone project engages students in interactive hands-on learning, revealing the complexity of real-world solutions and creating bonds between the university and the public,” the co-authors write in Science. Other co-authors are Forest Resources Professor Tom Hinckley; Associate Professors John Banks (UW Tacoma) and Martha Groom (UW Bothell); Research Associate Professor David Secord, Program on the Environment Director; and Forest Resources alumna Daniela Shebitz (’06), UW-REN teaching assistant during 2005-2006. College News Director David Mabberley was awarded the Linnean Medal by the Linnean Society of London. Sarah Reichard received the 2006 American Public Garden Association’s Professional Citation award. The Olympic Natural Resources Center (ONRC) hosted a Coastal Bioenergy Forum on April 4, 2006 for regional organizations interested in exploring bioenergy issues. ONRC also presented its first Annual Review of Research on April 18, 2006 on the UW’s Seattle campus. The review covered ONRC’s current research projects in forestry and marine sciences. Left to right: Joshua Lawler, Dean Glawe, Sharon Doty. Not pictured: Jonathan Bakker. College Welcomes Four New Faculty New Endowed Fellowship Honors W.G. Reed The College continued to welcome new faculty members throughout the summer and fall. In addition to the new faculty welcomed in the Spring 2006 issue of this newsletter (Renata Bura, Greg Ettl, Soo-Hyung Kim, Monika Moskal, and Christian Torgersen), an additional four faculty have joined the College. Assistant Professors Jonathan Bakker, natural resource management and restoration, and Sharon Doty, bioresource sciences, will join us in autumn. Bakker was most recently Senior Research Specialist with Northern Arizona University’s Ecological Restoration Institute. Doty has had a Research Assistant Professor appointment with the College since 2003. Joshua Lawler, currently a David H. Smith Postdoctoral Fellow in the Zoology Department at Oregon State University, will join the College in Winter Quarter 2007 in the quantitative landscape science position. Dean Glawe, Professor of Plant Pathology, is the College’s newest shared Washington State University faculty member; the Memorandum of Understanding between the UW and WSU appointing Glawe Professor (WOT) at the College was recently finalized. To welcome its new faculty, the College organized a series of events that began with a three-day bus tour of the College’s research sites in western Washington (see Dean’s Message on page 1).The tour was followed by an All-College Retreat on September 25 where the new faculty had the opportunity to become familiar with a variety of on-going initiatives. Two remaining faculty searches are underway during Autumn Quarter to fill positions in natural resource economics and natural resource informatics. The College is pleased to announce the establishment of the W. G. Reed Endowed Fellowship in Sustainable Resource Sciences. The fellowship honors William G. (Bill) Reed, whose grandfather, Sol Simpson, founded in 1890 what would become Simpson Investment Company, and is a generous gift from the Simpson family. In 1933, Reed became the company’s president, leading it for nearly half a century and instilling his commitment to integrity, safety, stewardship, and sustainable management as a legacy for future generations. Preference will be given to students interested in natural resource sustainability, with emphasis on sustainable forestry and forest enterprises, watershed management, ecosystem sciences, and natural resource economics and policy. Holders of the endowed fellowship will advance the science of global sustainability through a better understanding of the ecological, economic, and social issues surrounding stewardship and restoration of natural and managed environments. Highlights In faculty news, Darlene Zabowski was promoted to Professor, effective September 16, 2006, and John PerezGarcia was promoted to Professor (WOT), effective July 1, 2006. Rick Gustafson was appointed the College’s first Denman Chair in Bioresource Science and Engineering (see article on page 1) and David Ford was appointed the second Rachel A. Woods Professor in Reforestation. Both appointments are effective September 16, 2006. University of Washington Botanic Gardens (UWBG) The Society of American Foresters (SAF) accreditation site visit for the College’s new MFR in Forest Management was conducted April 10-13, 2006. Site visitors Dean Perry Brown of the University of Montana School of Forestry and Conservation, Dean Richard Kluender of the University of Arkansas-Monticello School of Forestry, and Terry Clark, SAF’s Associate Director of Science and Education, presented a positive preliminary report to the College. The visiting team does not make the recommendation for accreditation, but is a fact-finding body for an SAF Committee that will meet in October at the SAF National convention. In alumni events, the College and its alumni association co-sponsored the 2006 Arbor Day Fair on April 2021, 2006. The words of a fair attendee say it best, “I attended your Arbor Day Fair with my second grade daughter and her classroom from View Ridge Elementary in Seattle. I thought the event was fantastic! The students really enjoyed it and it was very well organized.” Contact the College of Forest Resources Alumni Association for information on how you can participate in Arbor Day Fair 2007. The College and the UW Alumni Association co-sponsored a Rhododendron Safari in May that toured Weyerhaeuser Company’s Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden, home to one of the largest rhododendron collections in the world. Native Plant Appreciation Week events in May at University of Washington Botanic Gardens included tours of Duck Bay, Foster Island, and the Arboretum’s upland forest and native plant knoll, as well as opportunities to learn about restoration projects in the Union Bay Natural Area. In May, the Center for Sustainable Forestry at Pack Forest hosted the Annual Garb Day event sponsored by the College’s student Forest Club in conjunction with the Forest’s 80th Anniversary Celebration. The College held its annual Scholarship Luncheon on Wednesday, May 17, 2006. The event provides an opportunity to honor student scholarship recipients and to thank the generous benefactors who contribute to student success. Luncheon guests were treated to a lively and informative talk by PhD candidate Daniela Shebitz, who spoke about her research on native beargrass on the Olympic Peninsula. Scot Medbury (’90), President and CEO of Brooklyn Botanic Gardens, presented the Spring 2006 Distinguished Alumni Seminar on May 19, 2006. A public presentation in May, “Coexistence with Carnivores,” shared insights learned by students and faculty during a March 2006 trip to the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. The field trip was led by Professors Gordon Bradley, Dave Manuwal, and John Marzluff. A crowd of over 100 attended the Denman Forestry Issues Series on June 1, 2006 to hear speakers discuss “Sustainable Urban Ecosystems: Physical and biological environments.” Denman programs are recorded by UWTV in digital format and broadcast nationwide on the UWTV cable channel and the ResearchChannel. They can also be viewed via streaming video at the UWTV website. The series is funded with support from Mary Ellen and W. Richard Denman. The College held its graduation ceremony on June 9, 2006. The celebration noted the graduation of 50 undergraduates, 35 master’s students, and eight PhDs. The study on the Future of Washington Forests, requested by the 2005 State Legislature, released its second progress report in July 2006. The study is examining the impact of different management influences and alternatives to provide information from which the WA Department of Natural Resources and the College will collaboratively develop policy recommendations for the Legislature. “Meeting the Challenge: Invasive Plants in Pacific Northwest Ecosystems,” a conference co-sponsored by the University of Washington Botanic Gardens (UWBG), was held at UWBG on September 19-20, 2006. The College welcomed Tom Wolford as Executive Director of the Washington Pulp and Paper Foundation, taking the place of John Hanby, who retired in June 2006. Alumni Focus Alumni Annual Meeting and Banquet Scheduled for November and chicken with wild mushrooms). The social and the banquet will be held at the College’s University of Washington Botanic Gardens, Center for Urban The College’s Alumni Association (CFRAA) will hold its Horticulture. Featured banquet speaker will be Robert annual meeting and banquet on November 3, 2006. Van Pelt (’91, ’95), author of Forest Giants of the For more than 90 years, CFR alumni, faculty, staff, and Pacific Northwest and Champion Trees of Washington students have gathered every year to reconnect, honor State. Bob Van Pelt currently serves as Affiliate achievement, learn from each other, and share a meal. Professor with the College, where he is engaged in Events include the 12 p.m. meeting and a 2 p.m. College canopy research on Douglas-fir and Coast Redwood Research Showcase featuring current projects of the forests. Honored Alumnus, Honorary Alumnus, and College’s Olympic Natural Resources Center. Both the Distinguished Service and Excellence in Teaching meeting and the showcase will be in the Lockwood Forest award winners will be announced and honored Club Room, Anderson 207. at the banquet. A 6 p.m. social will be followed by the 7 p.m. banquet, Don’t miss these great events, which will kick off the a sit-down dinner of Northwest fare (planked salmon year-long celebration of the College’s Centennial. It will also be the 50th Reunion for the class of ‘56. Make a reservation (required) for the banquet online at or by calling 1-800-AUW-ALUM. Alumni News Bob Mowrey (’67, ’72) is a retired fish and wildlife biologist for the Army Corps of Engineers, living in Olympia, Washington. He writes to establish contact with his mentor Professor Emeritus Richard Taber, who he says, “sent me off on a wonderful career in 1972.” Robert Van Pelt (’91, ’95) in the forest canopy. Eric Dinerstein (’79, ’83) is the World Wildlife Fund’s (WWF) Chief Scientist and Vice President for Science. His areas of expertise are tropical mammals, large mammal biology, biogeography, bats, rhinos, seed dispersal, and community ecology. His most recent book, Tigerland and Other Destinations, was published by Island Press in 2005. Tamara Shannon (’84) is trail crew foreman for the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, after stints with Mt. Hood National Forest as a silviculturist and road manger. She writes, “The road manager job helped prepare me for working on trails…I am again learning new skills in the woods. I’m pretty far removed from the science of silviculture, but I’m still close to the trees!” Steven Buhaly (‘81) was recently appointed Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Longview Fibre Company. Vicki Christiansen (’83) was recently appointed Executive Director of Regulatory Programs for the WA State Department of Natural Resources. This position provides tactical and strategic leadership for the agency’s regulatory programs in Forest Practices, Geology and Earth Resources, and wildland firefighting. In addition, the Executive Director serves as Washington’s State Forester and as Commissioner Sutherland’s designated Chair of the Forest Practices Board. Tom Hsiang (’88) is Professor of Environmental Biology at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada. His current research includes working toward a better understanding of the basic biology of some fungal pathogens causing diseases of grasses and trees. Scot Medbury (’90), President and CEO of Brooklyn Botanic Gardens, was recently named one of the top 100 museum professionals of the past century by the American Association of Museums. Alicia Robbins (’04) co-authored an article on sustainable forestry in the June 2006 issue of National Forestry. Marianne Elliott (’99, ’05) is working for the Canadian Forest Service’s Pacific Forestry Centre in Victoria, BC. She is researching Sudden Oak Death, which has ravaged oak forests in California and has the potential to widely infect rhododendrons, arbutus, maple, roses, heathers, bearberries, honeysuckle, Douglas-fir, and many berry species in the Pacific Northwest. In Memoriam Edwin Willgress, Sr. (’41) Francis Harrison (’41) Donn Nissen (’54) Albert Hebrank, Jr. (’55) Ronald Welsh (’56) Elizabeth Leigh Klein (’85) The “Finnish Connection” ­— Lignin Chemistry to Biofuels In 1961, then College Dean Gordon Marckworth hired a brilliant young wood chemist, Kyosti Sarkanen, from Finland. “Sarkanen was initially unsure about his role in a forestry college,” says Paper Science and Engineering Professor Rick Gustafson, “but went on to become the world’s foremost authority on lignin chemistry. He established a productive relationship between the UW and forest products researchers and academics in Finland that continues today.” Not long after Gustafson arrived at the College in 1986, Sarkanen introduced him to Jussi Gullichsen, then Professor of Pulping Technology at Helsinki University of Technology (HUT) and Panu Tikka, current holder of that title. Since then, Gustafson has traveled to Finland almost every year to conduct research and do collaborative teaching. Says Gustafson, “Much of our work together has involved joint research to improve the pulping process. HUT has an extensive pulping laboratory with sophisticated and well instrumented reactors. They’ve used these reactors to conduct in-depth pulping kinetic studies. We took the results of these experiments and developed a theoretically-based kraft pulping process simulator now commercially available from Pacific Simulation. The simulator has been used in industry and academia to optimize operation and to diagnose problems in commercial digesters throughout the world. Both the College and HUT use the simulator in undergraduate courses, exchanging course case studies based on using the simulator in real-world scenarios.” Recently Gustafson collaborated with HUT on applications of an instrument developed by his lab to measure single fibers for wood pulp uniformity and quality. The collaboration included an exchange of graduate students between HUT and the College — students from HUT traveled here to learn about the instrument and last month Ming Qiao, PhD student, traveled to Finland. Qiao says, “I was honored to have an opportunity to work at HUT, installing the Single Fiber Kappa Analyzer and training researchers to use it.” Graduate student Ming Qiao demonstrating the Single Fiber Kappa Analyzer at HUT. Both Gustafson and Qiao were also able to fit in a few tourist experiences. “The most memorable for me was a canoe trip down a wild river in Lapland far above the Arctic Circle,” says Gustafson. “The birch forests were beautiful in their autumn colors, and we sampled cloud berries, experienced a ‘smoke sauna’ followed by cold dip in the river, and were chased by a wild-eyed dog (never has a canoe been loaded so fast!).” Adds Qiao, “For me, the most impressive thing was the delicious tuna!” This October, Gustafson will return to Finland to continue his collaborative work with HUT. He also plans to continue investigating the potential for work on biofuels in Scandinavia, both in Sweden (where he has begun developing connections with biofuel researchers) and in Finland. A LEGACY IN THE MAKING A bequest to the University of Washington is a thoughtful way to achieve your charitable goals without making an outright gift today. Your bequest to the UW may reduce your estate taxes as well as provide you with other benefits, including: • Your assets remain in your control during your lifetime, • You may direct your bequest to a particular purpose, program, school or college; • You can modify your bequest at anytime if your circumstances change. If you would like to learn more about making a bequest to the UW, please contact the Office of Gift Planning at 206.685.1001, toll free at 800.284.3679, or via e-mail at Together, with your support, we're creating futures. Learn more at C ampaig n uw : cr e a t i n g f u t ur e s Upcoming Events Calendar NOVEMBER 3 College of Forest Resources Alumni Association Annual Meeting and Banquet, UW campus NOVEMBER 9 Denman Forestry Issues Series: “Sustainable Urban Ecosystems: Human dimensions and management,” UW campus NOVEMBER 20-21 Working Forest Forum, Resort at Semiamoo, WA JANUARY 31, 2007 College of Forest Resources Centennial Reception, State Capitol, Olympia, WA CFR News FEBRUARY 8 & 22, 2007 Please direct all corrections and inquiries to CFR News, University of Washington, College of Forest Resources, Box 352100, Seattle, WA 98195-2100. Centennial CFR-UWAA Lecture Series, “Sustaining our NW World,” UW campus MARCH 8, 2007 email: Centennial CFR-UWAA Lecture Series, “Sustaining our NW World,” UW campus phone: 206-543-3075 Share your news: CFR alumni activities and successes are of interest and inspiration to faculty, students, staff, alumni, and friends of CFR. Update your contact information at This newsletter can also be found on line at: university of washington College of Forest Resources C ampaig n U W : cr e at i n g f u t ur e s University of Washington College of Forest Resources Box 352100 Seattle, WA 98195 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Seattle, WA Permit No. 62