Document 13447964

University Gen Ed Comparison Matrix REVISED.xlsx
Effective Communication
EMU Gen Ed Areas
Eastern Michigan University
WRTG 121: Composition II
CTAC 124 Fundamentals of Speech
MTA -­‐ Michigan Transfer Agreement
1 course in English Comp
Bowling Green State University
Called "BGPerspectives"
Ohio University University of Akron
Western Michigan University
Perspectives on a Diverse World
Quantitative Reasoning
1 course from approved list
Global Awareness
Knowledge of the Disciplines
Arts (2 courses)
US Diversity
Humanities (2 courses)
Natural Science (2 courses)
Social Science (2 courses)
One course
One course
Two courses
Two courses
Two courses
Second course in 1 course
English Comp OR 1 course in Communication
No mention
No mention
2 courses in either Arts or Humanities
2 courses in either Arts or Humanities
2 courses (inlcuding 2 courses
one lab)
Any additional courses required to reach 30 credit hour minimum
Yes; "General Studies Writing": 1100, 1110, 1120. Only 1120 is required No mention
One course from Arts, Hum, or SS must be "International"
Two either Arts or Humanities
Two either Arts or Humanities
One additional course from any of the four Knowledge Domains
Yes, ENG 151, Plus Jr. Lvl Writing course. Developmental course offered. Placement test
Two courses, placement via advisor into introductory course.
COMS 101 is an Min 2 Applied Min 2 Cross-­‐Cultural Min 2 Cross-­‐Cultural Min 2 courses / Max Min 2 cr hrs / Max 2 Min 2 cr hrs / Max 2 Min 2 cr hrs / Max 2 option in Humanities Science & Math cr / Max 2 w/in same / Max 2 w/in same 2 w/in same dept
courses w/in same courses w/in same courses w/in same & Lit section
hrs / Max 2 courses dept.
from w/in same dept
Must complete 21 hours from w/in QR, Diversity, Arts, Humanities, Natl, and Social Sciences
One oral communication
2 cr in Physical Education / Wellness (Min of 41 cr hrs)
No mention
3 cr hrs
4 cr, 2 courses from 4 cr, 2 courses from Included in a mix of Global and a mix of Global and Humanities section
Northern Illinois University (Core Competencies & Distributive Studies)
One FYW req (ENGL Oral Communication QR beyond MATH 1050 or Tech is an OPTION in the 1110
Writing) based on "proficiencies" ENGL 1000 or section
placement, one upper-­‐lvl writing course. Pre-­‐Bus has its own FYW course. ENGL 103 AND 104 course or course(s) with min OR ENGL 105 with competency exam grade of C or min grade of C or competency test
competency test
3-­‐4 hrs total US Culture
Central Michigan University (Competencies & University Program)
Freshman comp, 1 course, debate, intermediate comp, speech or oral and 12 hours WI communication
courses. Min 6 hrs in "Descriptive Sciences" and "Quantitative and Math Sciences"
Kent State University (Kent Core)
6 hrs; ENG 11011 OR Communication 11002, plus 21011 Studies
3 hrs; Intro 1 course from Computer Science is Disciplines
3 hrs
Two courses
Approx. Total Required Courses Additional Requirements / Notes @ 3 hrs each
2 LBC experiences, 1 Writing Intensive course in the major
10 cr, 3 courses, 2 with different prefixes, one is World History or Humanities 8 cr min, 2 course 2 courses with min, each from different prefixes
different prefix, one must be lab
3-­‐4 hrs total in Arts
3-­‐4 hrs total in Humanities
4-­‐5 hrs total in Natl 3-­‐4 hrs total in Social 2 hrs in Health and Well-­‐Being /3-­‐
Science w/lab / 3-­‐4 Sciences
8 hrs additional courses / Gen Ed hrs total in Natl is "Proficiency -­‐ Based"
Science and Tech
Min 37 cr hrs
NOTE: Computer programming & applications is an OPTION in the "proficiencies" section
9-­‐12 hrs in Humanities / Arts combined
9-­‐12 hrs in Humanities / Arts combined
7-­‐11 hrs in Sciences 6-­‐9 hrs, max 2 3-­‐6 hrs "Interdisciplinary Studies"
/ Math combined
courses within same / Intro Computing is dept
an OPTION 14
3 hrs
Min 6 hrs in "Human Min 6 hrs in "Human Min 6 hrs in Events & Ideas" and Events & Ideas" and "Descriptive "The Arts"
"The Arts"
Sciences" & "Quant. and Math Sciences" Comp Programming is an OPTION
1 course from Disciplines
9 hrs in Humanities 9 hrs in Humanities 6-­‐7 hrs, one course 6 hrs
and Arts
and Arts
must have a lab
Remaining Four-­‐Year Public Michigan Schools, except University of Michigan and Michigan State University
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Min 6 hrs in 3 hrs in "Interdisciplinary Studies" "Behavior Sciences" and 1 additional elective course, and "Social Intro Computer is an OPTION
Principles of Thinking (PHIL)
University Gen Ed Comparison Matrix REVISED.xlsx
Effective Communication
EMU Gen Ed Areas
Perspectives on a Diverse World
Quantitative Reasoning
Ferris State
6 hrs
3 hrs
1 course -­‐ Intermediate Algebra -­‐ or waiver
Grand Valley State
One 4-­‐hr course
Not mentioned
Lake Superior State University (Website currently down)
2 courses
Global Awareness
Arts (2 courses)
Humanities (2 courses)
Natural Science (2 courses)
Social Science (2 courses)
Approx. Total Required Courses Additional Requirements / Notes @ 3 hrs each
1 course in Race / Ethnicity / Gender
3 courses in "cultural 3 courses in "cultural 2 courses; 1 must enrichment"
include lab
3 courses in "Social 2-­‐3 WI courses, depending on Awareness"
whether high-­‐level COMM course is chosen
1 course -­‐ College 1 course from Algebra or discipline-­‐ approved list specific equivalent
1 course from approved list
1 course
2 courses in 2 additional writing courses; 2 different disciplines "issues" courses in different disciplines
1 course
1 course -­‐ "Explorations in Math" or Logic
1 course in diversity 7 total hours in Arts 7 total hours in Arts 7 total hours
/ Humanities
/ Humanities
6 total hours
Michigan Technological 1 course
Not mentioned
Min 4 cr hrs; 16 total 1 course in "Global Not mentioned
hours in STEM Issues"
3 total hours in upper-­‐level Arts / Humanities
3 total hours in upper-­‐level Arts / Humanities
16 total hours in 3 total hours in STEM courses; min 1 upper-­‐level Social course here with lab Sciences
Additional 12 cr hrs from Arts / Humanities / Social Sciences; 3 cr hrs of co-­‐curricular activity
Northern Michigan University
6-­‐8 cr hrs in composition / writing
3 hours in "Formal Comm Studies" incl: FLAN/Comp Sci courses but not speech
Minimium 6-­‐8 cr hrs Minimum 3 cr hrs
in Science & Math; one course must have lab
Not mentioned
Minimum 3 cr hrs
Minimum 6 cr hrs
Minimium 6-­‐8 cr hrs Minimum 6 cr hrs
in Science & Math; one course must have lab
Min 3 Gen Ed courses 300+ level; Min 2 hrs PEGN-­‐equivalent 13
Oakland University
1 course (COMP II)
1 course in comp sci, 1 course
math, statistics, linguistics or logic
1 course chosen from Gen Ed or major must fulfill this requirement
1 course
1 course in Lang & 1 course in Nat Culture, 1 in Lit, and Science / 1 course in Western Technology
1 course
WI course; 1 course in "Knowledge Applications" outside major, Capstone course
Saginaw Valley State University
Comp I (pre-­‐req to 3 cr hrs in Formal all WI); WI in one of Comm (Speech or 7 disciplines (Poli FLAN)
Sci, Rhet, Hist, WGST, HUM, etc)
4cr hrs
Not mentioned
3 cr hrs
3 cr hrs in LITR; 3 cr 7 cr hrs, must hrs in HIST/PHIL
include 1 lab
3 cr hrs in Social Sciences; 3 cr hrs in Social Institutions
Wayne State University 1 basic comp, 1 Speech or Tech intermediate comp, Comm II: 1 WI in major
1 course from approved list US Diversity
Knowledge of the Disciplines
3 cr hrs in International Systems
Min 3 cr hrs, equiv 1 course in HIST, 1 to our MATH 110 or course in Foreign MATH 105
1 course in American 1 course
Please note: Broken links are usually the result of website updates on behalf of the institution in question.
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1 course in PHIL / LITR, 1 course in HIST
1 course in PHIL/LITR
1 ea Life / Physical Science; one must include lab
7 cr hrs in 1 course
Life/Physical science, one course must include lab
"The Comp Literacy requirement has been eliminated from the Gen Ed curriculum in Fall 2014"