Faculty Meeting Minutes College of Forest Resources Anderson Hall Room 22 Monday April 7, 2008, 10:30 a.m. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 10:30 a.m. by Gordon Bradley, College of Forest Resources Faculty Chair. . ATTENDANCE PRESENT Bakker, Jonathan Bolton, Susan Briggs, David Doty, Sharon Edmonds, Robert Ettl, Gregory Ewing, Kern Ford, E. David Fridley, James Greulich, Frank Gustafson, Richard Halpern, Charles Hanley, Donald Harrison, Robert Hodgson, Kevin Johnson, Jay Lawler, Joshua Lippke, Bruce Manuwal, David Moskal, Monika Perez-Garcia, John Rabotyagov, Sergey Ryan, Clare Sprugel, Douglas Strand, Stuart Toth, Sandor Turnblom, Eric Vogt, Dan West, Stephen Zabowski, Darlene ABSENT Agee, James Allan, G. Graham Bare, Bruce Bradley, Gordon Brown, Sally Bura, Renata Eastin, Ivan Franklin, Jerry Gara, Robert Glawe, Dean Hinckley, Thomas Kim, Soo-Hyung Lee, Robert Mabberley, David Marzluff, John McKean, William Paun, Dorothy Peterson, David Reichard, Sarah Schiess, Peter Schreuder, Gerard Torgersen, Christian Vogt, Kristiina Wott, John ALSO IN ATTENDANCE Fink, Lois Smith, Nevada Gallucci, Vincent Wagar, Al Trudeau, Michelle The names that are grayed out are not eligible to vote. ANNOUNCEMENTS • The next Research Forum will be Monday, April 14, 2008, 10:30 to 11:30 in Anderson Room 22. John Marzluff will present “Secret agent crows.” Monika Moskal will present “Seeing the forest through the leaves: Quantifying forest ecosystem services with aerial and ground based LIDAR.” Refreshments will be available at 10:20 a.m. • May 14, 2008, CFR Centers and Programs Progress and Planning Meeting is in the morning and the CFR Recognition Event is in the afternoon. Both events take place in the Forest Club Room. • The Distinguished Alumnae Seminar will be May 6, 2008, the seminar will feature College alums Vicki Christiansen (BS 1983), WA State Forester and Executive Director of Regulatory Programs for the WA State Department of Natural Resources; and Cassie Phillips (BS 1976), Weyerhaeuser Company Executive Vice President for Sustainable Forestry, and Rebecca Lockett Heath, Forest Supervisor, Gallatin National Forest. C:\DOCUME~1\cece\LOCALS~1\Temp\im405603.doc College of Forest Resources Faculty Meeting Minutes April 7, 2008 Page 2 of 5 • Committee membership terms are ending and we are taking nominations and self nominations for open positions on the Elected Faculty Council, Promotion, Merit, and Tenure Committee, Curriculum Committee, and for Vice Chair of the Faculty. • At the April 21st Faculty Meeting we will be considering the reappointment of five assistant professors. PRESENTATIONS No presentations were scheduled. FACULTY ACTIONS • Proposed Part-time Lecturer Appointment Erin Hagen, Ph.C., is proposed for Part-time Lecturer by Gordon Bradley. Ms Hagen has been in the College of Forest Resources Ph.D. program since Autumn 2005. She is being appointed to teach ESRM 150 for Autumn Quarter 2008. The appointment will be from 09/16/08 to 12/15/08. The discussion of this appointment will take place in the meeting. Steve West moved and John Marzluff seconded the motion that this appointment be considered. The vote was solicited electronically. The faculty voted to approve this appointment. The results of the vote are on file in the faculty office. • Proposed Affiliate Faculty Appointment Kevin Zobrist, Extension Educator, Washington State University Snohomish County, is proposed to be Affiliate Assistant Professor sponsored by Bruce Lippke. Mr. Zobrist received his Master of Science in Forest Economics from the University of Washington in 2001. Mr. Zobrist will be affiliated with CFR’s Rural Technology Initiative. Eric Turnblom moved and Rick Gustafson seconded the motion that this appointment be considered. The vote was solicited electronically. The faculty voted to approve this appointment. The results of the vote are on file in the faculty office. DISCUSSION The discussion was to determine finalized language for College of the Environment vote. Dr. Bradley summarized how we got to this point. The Provost has visited on several occasions, we have debated the pros and cons of joining the College of the Environment at a facilitated meeting, and in the week following the facilitated meeting proposed language for a vote was developed with input from faculty and was distributed via email before the meeting. That language is: Preamble to Vote The College of Forest Resources was established in 1907 as one of the first natural resource programs in the country and has been actively conducting research, teaching, and service. Our vision is to provide world class, internationally recognized knowledge and leadership for environmental and natural resource issues and our programs focus on the integrating theme of sustainability in environments that include wilderness and park-like ecosystems, intensively managed planted forests, and urban environments. We educate the next generation of leaders in natural resources for employment by public and private organizations throughout the state, the region, and the nation who contribute to the solution of natural resources and environmental challenges. Proper stewardship of our forests and natural resources is critical as changing land use patterns make it increasingly difficult for society to meet its needs for natural resources, environmental services, and recreational opportunities. Coupled with unknown consequences of a global economy and global environmental change, we believe that we need to focus increased attention on our forests and natural resources through increased educational and research opportunities at the UW. C:\DOCUME~1\cece\LOCALS~1\Temp\im405603.doc College of Forest Resources Faculty Meeting Minutes April 7, 2008 Page 3 of 5 Clearly, the mission of the College of the Forest Resources is consistent with the vision of the proposed College of the Environment. Over the past ten months there has been much discussion by CFR faculty, staff, and administrators about the pros and cons of the proposal to incorporate the College of Forest Resources into a new College of the Environment. The idea of a College of the Environment is compelling, but the current College of the Environment proposal lacks clarity. MOTIONS FOR THE VOTE Which of the following statements best captures your current view? VOTE FOR ONE OF THE MOTIONS "A" OR "B" OR FOR ABSTENTION "C" A. I have insufficient information regarding the nature of the proposal and consequently I am not ready to join a College of the Environment as a 'whole unit' (changing from an independent College with a dean to a school/division/department within another College) at this time. Agree_____ B. I am interested in negotiating a number of issues before deciding to join a new College of the Environment. Agree_____ C. Abstain_____ Dr. Bradley called for a motion to consider the language so that it could move to the floor for discussion. Rick Gustafson moved and David Ford seconded the motion that the voting language be considered. David Manuwal stated that we should consider ourselves the College of the Environment. The Dean believes this college should be enhanced to become the College of the Environment. Steve West said there is nothing wrong with that proposal but the Provost has been presented with this each time and she has refused to consider it. This is a faculty issue. The faculty would have to agree. Can she impose a decision? The Regents can create a new College but new degrees must go the Higher Education Coordinating Board. It would be good if we could end up this meeting with language for a vote. The virtual model was brought up. Faculty were reminded that the Provost is not interested in a virtual model. She is interested in “do you want to move in as a unit or not.” If we are the only College that goes in, what does that mean? Jerry Franklin brought up the language in “B.” He was the source of this language and thinks the facilitator did not reflect what he had in mind. Jerry Franklin moved and Tom Hinckley seconded the motion that the language be replaced with this: We the faculty of the College of forest Resources are interested at this time in joining the proposed College of the Environment, however, we wish to negotiate a number of issues with the Provost before we are able to move from interest to commitment. C:\DOCUME~1\cece\LOCALS~1\Temp\im405603.doc College of Forest Resources Faculty Meeting Minutes April 7, 2008 Page 4 of 5 John Marzluff said we need to detail what the issues are, otherwise what does it mean to negotiate? Jerry Franklin said we don’t have to do that right now. Stating that we wish to negotiate leads to a process where we as a faculty define and decide what the critical issues are. Dr. Marzluff said if we don’t have a discussion, then we don’t know what we are voting on. Dr. Franklin said although we haven’t detailed we are proposing to indicate the direction. Stuart Strand is not sure the language in “B” is sufficiently positive. If we are going to join, of course there will be lots of things to negotiate. He thinks this will happen. He would like to see more positive language. Dr. Marzluff stated he wants to join the College of the Environment but that the votes don’t reflect that. Again faculty wondered if other units are going to be forced to join. Faculty believe the Provost has been too specific about certain issues but too general about others. By laying out points in the vote we may exclude issues that are important. Having general languages allows fluidity. Dr. Franklin recalled Provost’s metaphor—we want to get “engaged” but we want to see the prenup before we go to the altar. Dr. Ford is concerned the Provost would make this a shotgun wedding. Steve West said the presumption is we would negotiate with the Provost, but she is done negotiating. We will be negotiating with a new Dean, the interim Dean whom she appoints. David Ford moved and Doug Sprugel seconded the motion that the last sentence of the preamble be removed. This motion passed by a show of hands with one abstention. Steve West moved and Kristiina Vogt seconded the motion to change the “I” to “we” in the “A” vote which would allow for symmetry in the language. This was approved by a show of hands with one abstention. Dr. Bradley said it was time to vote on the motion made to consider the language. All were in favor by a unanimous show of hands. The vote was solicited electronically. The results of the vote 16 faculty voted to approved 16 voted to approve Motion A: We have insufficient information regarding the nature of the proposal and consequently we are not ready to join a College of the Environment as a 'whole unit' (changing from an independent College with a dean to a school/division/department within another College) at this time. 28 voted to approve Motion B: C:\DOCUME~1\cece\LOCALS~1\Temp\im405603.doc College of Forest Resources Faculty Meeting Minutes April 7, 2008 Page 5 of 5 We the faculty of the College of Forest Resources are interested at this time in joining the proposed College of the Environment, however, we wish to negotiate with the Provost a number of issues before we are able to move from interest to commitment. There were 2 abstentions. UPCOMING EVENTS The next Faculty Meeting will be on April 21, 2008 at 10:30 a.m. in Anderson 22. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m. C:\DOCUME~1\cece\LOCALS~1\Temp\im405603.doc