School of Forest Resources Faculty Meeting Minutes November 22, 2011, 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Anderson Hall Room 22 CALL TO ORDER Tom Hinckley, Interim Director, called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m. Bruce Bare moved and Bob Edmonds seconded the motion that the faculty approve the minutes of the November 8, 2011 Faculty Meeting. The faculty approved the minutes by a unanimous show of hands. ATTENDANCE PRESENT: Graham Allan, Bruce Bare, Susan Bolton, Gordon Bradley, David Briggs, Ivan Eastin, Robert Edmonds, Greg Ettl, Jerry Franklin, Lisa Graumlich, Frank Greulich, Thomas Hinckley, Josh Lawler, John Marzluff, John Perez-Garcia, Sarah Reichard, Clare Ryan, Douglas Sprugel, Eric Turnblom, Steve West ABSENT: James Agee*, Ernesto Alvarado, Stanley Asah, Jonathan Bakker, Sally Brown, Renata Bura, Sharon Doty*, Kern Ewing, David Ford, James Fridley, Robert Gara*, Dean Glawe, Richard Gustafson, Charles Halpern, Robert Harrison, Kevin Hodgson, Jay Johnson, Soo-Hyung Kim, Bruce Lippke*, David Manuwal, William McKean, Monika Moskal, Dorothy Paun, David Peterson, Sergey Rabotyagov, Peter Schiess, Stuart Strand, Christian Torgersen, Sandor Toth, Dan Vogt, Kristiina Vogt, Aaron Wirsing, Darlene Zabowski ALSO ATTENDING: Nevada Smith, Vincent Gallucci 49 eligible to vote faculty during Autumn Quarter 2011. *faculty member not eligible to vote Autumn Quarter 2011. ANNOUNCEMENTS • The College of the Environment Health and Safety Committee elections are complete. Roy Farrow, a gardener at UWBG, was elected. • Call for nominations to serve on the School of Forest Resources Promotion, Merit, and Tenure Committee. The person elected will serve from January 1 through June 30, 2012, the remainder of David Briggs term on the Committee. Dr. Briggs will retire on December 31, 2011. Nominations should be sent to Nevada by noon on December 7, 2012 for consideration at the December 13, 2011 Faculty Meeting. • The deadline for applications for Professional Paid Leave to be submitted to the Director is December 1st. The College of the Environment policy for Paid Professional Leave is available online at • You will be contacted soon to schedule your Work Planning Session. David Campbell has updated each faculty member’s database with the most current information available. You should update your teaching plans through Autumn Quarter 2014. Accurate teaching plans assist time schedule preparation. Large sheet for BSE and ESTRM people have historically taught so he knows full context of teaching. Want all teaching covered. FACULTY ACTIONS • Proposed alternate member of College of the Environment College Council Tom Hinckley moved and Frank Greulich seconded the motion that the faculty vote for one of these three candidates to serve as alternate on the College of the Environment College Council: Kevin Hodgson, Dorothy Paun, and Doug Sprugel. The person elected will serve as the alternate on the College Council through September 15, 2012. The faculty voted for Doug Sprugel to serve as the alternate. The results of the vote are on file in the Director’s office. • Proposed Promotion to Professor for Eric Turnblom David Briggs moved and Bruce Bare seconded the motion that Eric Turnblom be promoted to Professor. The faculty voted to approve this promotion. The results of the vote are on file in the Director’s office. PRESENTATION No presentations are scheduled. C:\DOCUME~1\cece\LOCALS~1\Temp\im157606.docx School of Forest Resources Faculty Meeting Minutes Page 2 DISCUSSION Dean’s Agenda • Articulating a vision for SEFS in international research, education, and engagement Dean Lisa Graumlich began the discussion by thanking us for changing the name of the curriculum to include the word “Terrestrial.” She has been contacting people who are potential candidates for the SFR Director’s position. She briefly mentioned that John Mankowski has been appointed to be the new Coordinator of the North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced today. As coordinator of the cooperative, Mankowski will lead a partnership effort to obtain the science needed to respond to climate change and other threats to fish and wildlife and their habitats and to support large, landscape-scale conservation. The cooperative is an innovative partnership among state and federal agencies, tribes, nongovernmental organizations, universities and others stretching from southeast Alaska to northern California, including vast coastal ecosystems. It is designed to inform natural resource management needs to address climate change and other environmental stressors within and across large connected natural areas. SEFS faculty can learn more about the cooperative at: Graumlich briefed the faculty on the state of strategic planning for the College of the Environment. The Dean’s office has developed a draft strategic plan that builds on the original proposal to form the College of the Environment as well as the 2009 Report of the Vision and Governance Committee. The strategic plan will be discussed by the College Executive Committee in mid January 2012 and will be further disseminated for discussion subsequently. She is very keen to see SEFS work with the College to identify priorities for engagement with state, federal, private, and NGO partners. She also anticipates that President Young will be actively engaged in shaping the nature of UW’s global engagement. SFR has a long interest in international involvement. Graumlich would like to be kept informed as to projects and arenas where there is strong SEFS global engagement. The faculty mentioned that one stumbling block is lack of graduate student support. We don’t have many TAs so it is hard for students to focus on one area. Another idea was to focus on support for international fellows in the next capital campaign so students can have funding assured. The faculty asked about the Organization for Tropical Studies. The CoEnv chose to not contribute to UW’s dues payment in 2011. Data indicate that very few students are signing up for OTS courses and its more cost effective to simply pay non-member tuition rates rather than dues. The faculty stated that there is currently no mechanism in place to capitalize on faculty ideas. SFR has an annual strategic planning workshop that is inclusive and comprehensive, looking at teaching, service, and research profiles. Our outreach program was a direct result of strategic planning. At the most recent strategic planning meeting we came up with 9 doable action items. Faculty mentioned that the we are engaging in a faculty portfolio analysis right now where we are brainstorming what do we want 5-10 years from now—not just disciplines but new areas. Position descriptions will be developed that map onto the portfolio. This is one way we see success for this faculty. Then this becomes part of annual mentoring of pre-tenure people. The Dean asked what are big areas where we should be looking to go, what do we want to look like in 10 years where do we want to go? She is glad we are not just looking at this as “replacing” a person or discipline. Graumlich looks forward to further discussion of strategic directions. C:\DOCUME~1\cece\LOCALS~1\Temp\im157606.docx School of Forest Resources Faculty Meeting Minutes Page 3 UPCOMING MEETING The next School of Forest Resources Faculty Meeting will be on Tuesday, December 13, 2011 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in Anderson Hall Room 22. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m. C:\DOCUME~1\cece\LOCALS~1\Temp\im157606.docx