School of Environmental and Forest Sciences Faculty Meeting Minutes


School of Environmental and Forest Sciences

Faculty Meeting Minutes

November 27, 2012, 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Anderson Hall Room 22


The meeting was called to order by Director Tom DeLuca at 10:34 a.m. Bruce Bare moved Graham Allan

10:30 seconded the motion that the faculty approve the minutes of the November 13, 2012 Faculty Meeting. The faculty voted to approve the minutes by a vote of 30 Approve, 0 Oppose, 8 Abstain of 45 eligible to vote faculty.


Karl Wirsing new communications director was introduced. He comes to us from Rails to Trails with incredible recommendations. Karl said he is excited to be here and is looking forward to telling all the

10:35 stories both yours and your students. He hopes to be able to promote SEFS in many different ways. He plans to begin the weekly distribution of the Straight Grain as soon as he gets his feet under him. He will send out an email after the meeting so that the faculty will have it to respond to with ideas.

The Winter Quarter Seminar to be led by Dr. DeLuca will be Wednesday afternoons from 4:00-5:00 p.m. in

Anderson 223. There is a full speaker schedule with all SEFS faculty except one outsider. Dr. DeLuca hopes to have 100% attendance. 10 students are registered. He asks the faculty to encourage their students.

2 credits of credit/no credit. A syllabus has been posted on canvas.

Another co-sponsored symposium between the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences and the

University of British Columbia will take place on December 7, 2012. Ivan Eastin is one of the planners.

Dr. DeLuca wants an ad hoc committee gathered for the new hire proposal for the forest protection position.

Funding is a bit iffy but a strategy has been agreed upon. Alvarado and Greulich volunteered.

MacIntire-Stennis proposals are all in and the Institute of Forest Resources (IFR) will review. Nine proposals were received. The review group will meet on December 11 th

. Drs. DeLuca and Bare will reserve the right to break ties. The selected investigators will then submit proposals to Washington. Dave

Peterson, Doug Martin, Bill McKean, Steve West, and Bruce Bare are on the committee. Bev Anderson serves as exofficio.

December 5 th

is the Holiday Party. Dr. DeLuca plans to be there and hopes you will be as well.


Proposed Research Associate Appointment


Frank Greulich moved and Rick Gustafson seconded the motion that Shannon Ewanick be appointed as a

Research Associate. This appointment is sponsored by Renata Bura and Rick Gustafson. Ms. Ewanick expects to receive her Ph.D. from the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences in December of 2012.

Ms. Ewanick’s appointment will include teaching and research in the BSE program. She will be supported from a variety of sources to pay her for teaching and research. Dr. Ewanick will have a desk in Dr. Bura’s laboratory and will require no additional resources. The faculty voted to approve this appointment. The results of the vote are on file in the Director’s office.

Proposed Research Associate Appointment

Bruce Bare moved and Frank Greulich seconded the motion that Maureen Ryan be appointed as a Research

Associate. The appointment is sponsored by Josh Lawler. Dr. Ryan received her Ph.D. in Population

Biology from the University of California, Davis in September 2010. Dr. Ryan has been a postdoc in Civil and Environmental Engineering since September 2011 working with Dr. Alan Hamlet and also with Dr.

Wendy Palen at Simon Fraser University. Dr. Hamlet is taking a position at Notre Dame in January and asked Dr. Lawler to mentor Dr. Ryan’s work on the David H. Smith postdoctoral fellowship for the Society for Conservation Biology. Dr. Lawler will take over Dr. Ryan’s mentorship along with the continued participation of Dr. Palen. Dr. Ryan has an office at Western Washington University and will not need an office on the UW Campus. However, she will be provided a desk in Dr. Lawler’s lab, and will require no

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School of Environmental and Forest Sciences

Faculty Meeting Minutes

Page 2 additional resources. The faculty voted to approve this appointment. The results of the vote are on file in the Director’s office.

Proposed Renewal of Graduate Faculty Appointment

David Ford moved and Kristiina Vogt seconded the motion that the faculty approve the renewal of Robert

Lee’s Graduate Faculty appointment. Dr. Lee is an Emeritus Professor in the School of Environmental and

Forest Sciences. He has provided his current CV and a statement of his interactions with graduate students for the past five years. The faculty voted to approve this appointment. The results of the vote are on file in the Director’s office.

Proposed Curricular Change

Peter Schiess moved and Bruce Bare seconded the motion that the faculty approve the addition of

Restoration Problem Solving: Ecological Engineering, ESRM 379/SEFS 579 to the curriculum. This is a new course proposal for Autumn 2013 to be taught by Professors Fridley and Ewing. The proposed course will provide problem solving skills and tools for restoration ecology. It is proposed to become a part of the

REEH Option and graduate program requirements. The faculty voted to approve this curriculum change by a vote of 32 Approve, 1 Oppose, 5 Abstain of 45 eligible to vote faculty.


No presentations are scheduled.


Open discussion to discuss any pending issues in the school. Anybody not wanting to participate are welcome to leave.

Online efforts. Julia Parrish is coordinating online curriculum n the College. She wants to develop an interdisciplinary curriculum in the College, a sustainability science oriented curriculum and one other. The

Dean’s office is encouraging us to engage in online teaching but there is no pressure to put courses into

Coursera. MOOCS (Massive Open Online Courses) were also mentioned. Coursera is looked upon as a relatively watered down course. Courses are put up to attract attention, but not as certified courses. There are a couple of courses in Coursera from UW. The process is not far along. Dr. DeLuca is seeking nominations for a committee to look at online courses. Monika Moskal will be the committee member for the College’s online curriculum development and online course development. They have not met yet.

Is POE going to be in the forefront of this? It’s been rumored that the POE program has to change. Dr.

Parrish built up POE and she’s keeping an eye on it. Is there any talk about the interdisciplinary teaching going online? Dr. West says it hasn’t been ruled out. They want interdisciplinary and they aren’t concerned if it is online.

Update on ABB. Ford heard that President was going to make a decision about it by the end of the year.

Dean said there will be no changes in the short run. There is no intention to change anything in the short term in the Provosts office. President said he is not here to raise money. Prefers to be hands on. ABB is a formulaic replacement for the negotiated distribution of funds to the Dean’s office. Nowhere is it stated that the Deans need to use ABB to distribute to the College’s departments. It’s a way for the Provost to distribute to the units. The Dean told us we should not be generating 100 level courses to get more ABB money even though it is important to keep the SCH number in mind. Community college students can take online courses with us, and there is no issue with enrollment caps online. A strategic move would be to bring our biology sequence to the College. That brings in a lot of SCH. Also, we could bring in a multicourse sequence of environmental chemistry. Indirect cost return has been added to the ABB return.

The Dean shouldn’t ignore the information that ABB provides in making allocations, but there are other factors to consider.


The next School of Environmental and Forest Sciences Faculty Meeting will be on Tuesday, January 8, 2013 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in Anderson Hall Room 22.

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The meeting was adjourned at 11:32 a.m.

School of Environmental and Forest Sciences

Faculty Meeting Minutes

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