Minutes of College Lands Committee Meeting October 27, 2006

Minutes of College Lands Committee Meeting
October 27, 2006
Present: Bob Edmonds (Chair), Bruce Lippke, John Marzluff, David Mabberley, Greg Ettl, John
Dean Bare has asked us to evaluate the role of the College Lands Committee (CLC) and make
The College properties/facilities under the purview of the College Lands Committee are:
Pack Forest
UWBG (CUH/Arboretum)
Lee Forest
Canopy Crane
Affiliated sites are:
Cedar River Watershed (Thompson and Monahan (Findley Lake) sites)
Marckworth Forest (DNR)
(1) The role of College Lands Committee should be to examine broad scale issues not small
scale management issues. Examples of broader scale issues at Pack Forest would include the
research dogs, Pack Forest lodge plans, and rent charged to employees
The CLC should:
- Provide oversite for each site
- Review plans affecting facilities
- Delegate authority to group/center management; but large purchases/ expenditures over a
certain $ amount needs approval by the CLC
- Approve program strategy and annual budget development process
- Review things that impact faculty
- Have quarterly meetings – to go over plans
- Identify problems of each group/center to take to the Dean
- Approve plan annually for off campus sites valued in excess of $500,000
- Establish authority for actions covered by plan – Dean signs off
- Establish guidelines and limits for things not covered by the plan
- Approve strategic plans – approve programs and budgets. Delegate authority until next
approval if appropriate
- Coordinate with UW property managers
- Track MOUs and legal documents
(2) Each group/center should have their own advisory boards. Some autonomy is needed for
each site. However, they should inform the College Lands Committee about things going on so
there are no surprises. Each group/center should inform the CLC and each center/group about
their plans with at least a yearly update. This should be consistent with college policies.
Interfaces of each group/center with the public should be positive.
Encourage entrepreneurship – but inform CFR Dean.
(3) Changes in CLC Composition – recommend we add Jerry Franklin*, a grad student* and
representative from the UW Real Estate Office. * Have been added.
Should we also have somebody from Attorney General’s Office (perhaps on ad hoc basis)?
Current Members:
Bob Edmonds, Associate Dean of Research (Chair)
John Calhoun, Director, Olympic Natural Resources Center
Greg Ettl, Director, Center for Sustainable Forestry at Pack Forest
Jerry Franklin, Director, Wind River Canopy Research Facility
Andrew Larson, Student Representative
Bruce Lippke, Director, Rural Technology Initiative
David Mabberley, Director, University of Washington Botanic Gardens
John Marzluff
The College Lands Committee is responsible for recommending policies to guide the
management of all lands and their associated facilities under the College's jurisdiction.
(4) Plans for specific properties
- What are our real properties worth?
- Lee Forest – fits well in the strategic plan of CFR –initiate the development of an active plan –
advance strategic priorities in CFR. Develop a plan for restoration, research, community
outreach for Lee Forest.
- Look for MOUs for Marckworth, OESF, and Cedar River sites – Findley Lake and the
Thompson site
- DNR Trust lands MOU – can we develop long-term research funding and objectives?
What resources are there to do this? Is there value in doing this?
We should be involved with active management of University trust lands on the OESF.
Develop robust relationship between UW and DNR trust lands.
(5) CLC should look for funding - act as magnet for attracting funds – positive force for
generating more revenue – need strategic plan.
(6) New initiatives Forest restoration
OESF – long term plan
Large-scale monitoring
Salmon – Mosquito Creek
University Trust lands – allow opportunity to manage – hire forest manager to manage trust
(6) Next meeting of CLC. Consider major policy shift at Pack Forest –– FSC certification
Greg Ettl will present on Nov 27, 2006