Document 13447413

Elected Faculty Council Minutes (01/26/04)§
The EFC convened in 107 Anderson at 10:30, Monday, January 26, 2004. In attendance were: Gerard Schreuder,
Doug Sprugel, Linda Chalker-Scott, Darlene Zabowski, Peter Schiess, and Frank Greulich. The following items of
business were addressed as follows:
EFC Bylaw Development
Work continued on the bylaws of the EFC during today's meeting. The Council is nearing completion of its work
and will, within the week, send a draft of the bylaws to the Dean's Office for review and comment. It was agreed
that after the Dean's review the bylaws should be brought before the faculty for discussion and vote.
The necessity of a transition strategy from today's membership of the EFC to that envisioned in the bylaws was
recognized but was left undeveloped by the Council.
Miscellaneous items of discussion
The Council expressed its appreciation for the Dean's attention to its request for check-out slide projectors in the
Personnel matter deferred to lunch meeting with Dean.
It was pointed out by one of its members that the EFC was previously assigned the responsibility of drafting bylaws
for the College. Work on these bylaws has not yet started and a future meeting of the Council will be called to
address this topic.
§ Reviewed by e‐mail to attending members of the EFC. 