Health and Safety Committee Minutes 1998 May 6, 1998 Present: Art Breitsprecher, Stan Humann, Sally Morgan, Phil Hurvitz, Mark Lewis, John Schaeffer. Minutes from the last meeting were approved. Minutes of the last University-wide Safety Committee meeting will be sent out when received. Highlights include the work being done on the Mission & Vision statements for the Strategic Plan and an announcement that EH&S will begin an inspection program. The inspections will be advisory and will be facilitate formal inspections, such as those done by the fire department. Sun Shades: Engineering Services has given preliminary evaluation. They appear to be quite securely attached but there is still a question of whether or not they are made of safety glass. That question has been referred to Physical Plant for inspection & repairs, as needed, particularly over doors and the walkway to the south parking area. Cracks in the courtyard: the masons have begun repairs. Cell phones: due to time pressures, investigation of cell phones for field trips has been deferred until after the end of the quarter. C.B. Radios: Art and Carl have prepared reservation and check-out sheets for the radios. (They will be used on a field trip for the first time next week.) They are stored with the other field equipment and are available during business hours or by special arrangement (see Carl, the shops student helper or Art). Instructions for using the radios were reviewed, revised and approved. An accident report was reviewed; there were no comments on the event or the handling of it. CPR respiration masks are being distributed to first aid kit locations. It was agreed that a letter should be sent to Beverly Anderson complimenting the cleanup around Bloedel before Arbor Day. In connection with the Health and Safety Plan she and Carl are working on, Sally raised the question of what safety training or orientation is presently available to CFR members; there was a discussion of what exists and what is needed. Phil will prepare floor plans showing locations of 1st Aid kits and fire extinguishers for inclusion in safety plan, emergency plan, and employee orientation packets. Stan reported that he is working with EH&S on abatement of the asbestos in the ceilings in the office and houses 5 and 6 at Pack Forest. The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 April 1, 1998 1:30 PM 107 Anderson Hall Members Present: Art Breitsprecher Sally Morgan Fred Hoyt John Schaefer Dongsen Xue Carl Harrington Absent: Stan Humann Phil Hurvitz Mark Lewis Travis Kern 1. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting Minutes of the February and March meetings were approved as written. 2. Radios Art presented examples of the radio equipment now available. There are 4 full-size radios with hump mounts and two hand-held walkie talkies, as well as two magnetic antenna and four gutter-mount antenna. Stan is still working on getting the cellular phones through the UW contract. To still be done are: 1) set up a check out procedure 2) publicize the availability to the CFR 3) prepare instructions for use 3. Bloedel and Winkenwerder Sun Shades Art presented to the committee the letter he is preparing to send to the Dean requesting that the UW Facilities Engineering check the glass sunshades on Bloedel and Winkenwerder. The stability of these sunshades during an earthquake was brought to the committees attention at an earlier meeting. 4. Bloedel Courtyard Cracks Carl reports that cracks in the courtyard, as well as shifting of some of the tiles, as been reported to Physical Plant. The rotten benches outside Winkenwerder have also been reported. 6. CPR/First Aid Training at CUH Fred Hoyt announced that a CPR/First Aid training session, put on by EH&S, will be held at the CUH the first week of May. EH&S will pay for an instructor if the class is 18 or more people. 7. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m. Our next meeting will be May 6th, 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM. March 4, 1998, 1:30 PM 107 Anderson Hall Members Present: Roll was not taken. 1. Approve Mintues of Previous Meeting Minutes of the previous meeting were not available. 2. Review Incident/Accident/Quality Improvement Reports 2 Reviewed accident reports for any obvious oversights. Found none. 3. Univeristy Wide Health and Safety Committee Meeting The University-wide safety committee meeting was missed by both our chair and our elected representative. Spoke of getting Travis on the mailing list for times and dates of the Univ. Wide meetings. 4. Radios and Cellular Phones All radios have been purchased. One radio has been mounted and the roof mount antenna are currently being trimmed for the appropriate operating frequency. Radios will be in the cage in the Wood Shop in Bloedel Hall. Spoke about being able to reserve them months in advance. Stan also bought roof antenna for the hand held radios. Still waiting for the cellular phones to be delivered. 5. Sun Screen Panes and Cracks in Court Yard Determined we should have someone inspect the sun screen to determine if they are tempered which if shattered will break into small relatively harmless pieces with out sharp edges. Tempered glass is is used on the side windows of automobiles. Looked at possibility of changing the meeting location from the South parking lot to the Western one but determined that it may be too small for all the people contained in the three buildings. Will determine if Environmental. Health and Safety can conduct the inspection of the sun screens. 6. Bloedel Courtyard Cracks Cracks in court yard have been determined by our committee to be a possible liability suit. This is a mason job and may take some time to fix since the masons are behind schedule and short of help. 7. Leaning Port Orford Cedar The leaning tree between Wink. and Bloedel has been removed 8. New business No new business 9. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 2:00 p..m. Our next meeting will be April 1st, 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM. February 4, 1998, 1:30 PM 107 Anderson Hall Members Present: Art Breitsprecher, Chair Stan Humann Carl Harrington John Schaefer Sally Morgan Fred Hoyt Travis Kern Phil Hurvitz Members Absent: Steve West Dongsen Xue 3 1. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting Minutes of January's meeting were corrected and approved. Change was made to show Phil Hurvitz did attend the meeting. 2. Meeting Time The committee selected the regular meeting time as 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM on the first Wednesday of each month as the regular meeting time. 3. University Wide Committee Travis Kern and Art Breitsprecher attended the University Wide Safety Committee Meeting this month. Travis reports that Dennis Martynowych, Arts and Sciences, was elected Chair, and Stella Tompson, School of Pharmacy was elected alternate. EH&S staff discussed several variances they has applied for from L&I, one for eyewash station replacement and one to change the safety committee terms from one year to two years. They also reported two legislative issues being discussed, one addressing ventilation of smoking rooms in buildings and one dealing with employer liability when an employee refuses to comply with safety regulations. 4. Meeting Times The committee decided that meeting times would be 1:30 to 2:30 PM on the first Wednesday of each month. Old Business 5. Rotten Port Orford Cedar Carl Harrington updated that the tree has been reported to Physical Plant, they are aware of it and will be removing is shortly. 6. Capital Safety Improvements Requests - Wahkiakum Lane Fred Hoyt reported that he and Karen Van Dusen, Director of EH&S, had met about the proposal for lighting on Wahkiakum Lane and they decided to make the request as a security improvement rather than a capital health and safety improvement. 7. Field Safety The committee discussed the need for an inventory of current safety equipment and improved check-out procedures, particularly specifying and enforcing return dates. New Business 8. Pavement Cracks in Bloedel Courtyard The hazardous nature of the deteriorated wood in the Bloedel Courtyard was brought to the committees attention by Sally Morgan. The committee would like the cracks filled before the Arbor Day Fair if possible. 9. Emergency Supply Kits Carl Harrington reported that emergency supply kits, including radios and flashlights, had been distributed to the main offices in each CFR building, including the CUH and Pack Forest. 10. Shade Glass on Bloedel and Winkenwerder - Hazard Assessment Sally Morgan suggested that the committee investigate the possible hazard from falling glass if the skirts on Bloedel and Winkenwerder were to fall off and shatter on the ground in the event of an earthquake or other such disaster. 4 11. Adjournment We adjourned at 2:30 PM Our next meeting will be March 4th, 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM. 5