Document 13446934

Jitendru Kumur Gupta. S. Chandra Sekhar and 7:!
Dept. of Electrical Commlinication Engg.,
Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore - 560 012, INDIA.
We address the problem of decomposing a handpass signal
into ainplilude arid frequency modulated components (AM
and FM respectivelyj. Several estimators have been proposed in literature. each of which works under specific assumptions. In this paper, we p e r f o m a comparative study
of some popular techniques hy studying their performance
with changes in the modulation parameters andthe tradeoffs
involved. We also study their performance in the presence
of handpass white Gaussian noise.
I . How do the techniques perform for large camer frequencies and large frequency deviations'?
2. How does noise affect thc performmce of these mcthods?
The signal model is given as:
z ( t ) = A(t)cos(Znf,t + 2 r k f
~ L ( T ) ~ T ()I )
Most practical signals, such as speech, audio. biomedial
sigonls are nonstationary in nature and have time-varying
spectral characteristics. The time-varying spectral characteristic is usually, a direct consequencehf the signal generation process. The spectral variability with time can be
decnmpnsed into ampIitudeP,variability and frequency variability. Most sources convey information throu& modulations of amplitude (amplitude modulation or AM) and frequency (frequency modulation o r FM) of a steady camer
which serves a s a means of transporting the information
contained in the modulations. The basic and simplest signal
processing model of such a source is therefoi-e an AM-FM
Given a bandpass signal, it is passihle to decompose it
into an AM-FM combination. C)n the other hand, given an
AM-FM combination, we can synlhesize a handpass signal.
Several such AM-FM Combinations can be used to represent complcx signals such as speech and audio. Decomposing a bandpass signal into its A M and FM parts has been
addressed by many researchers and a number of techniques
have been puhlished in the literature. Each technique works
under specific assumptions. Also, the performance of these
techniques in the presence of handpass noise has not been
The present work is motivated by the following questions:
where A ( t ) is the amplitude modulation. The phase modulation component, represented by $ ( t )is given by $(t) =
rn(r)dT. The 'instwtaneous frequency'(lF),
fi(t) is defined as f ; ( t ) =
= j c + kfrn(t).which
shows modulation of frequency by the signal m ( t ) .In terms
of the angular frequency, w i ( t ) = 27ifi(t). The methmis
that will bc discussed use the discrete-time version of the
above signal(fbr implementation purposes), which, with normalized sampling period of unity is given as
A[n] is the discrete-time AM and th6 IF is given as].rif
& ( $ [ n ) - $ ( n - l ) )= f,+k~rn[n].
The angular frequency
is given by w,[n] = Zaf,[n].
Of the several methods that exist, we,have chosen the following popular ones for a comparative study:
I . Auditory Motivated AM-FM Decomposition [ I ] ,
2. Teager Energy based algorithms 121,
3. Positive time-Frequency distrihution approach 13.61.
4. Hilbert transform approach 141.
Speech Processing /955
I n llic suhscclioiis that follow, u'e briefly review tliese metliod5.
arc shown i n Fig. I. We prefcr lliesc 10 tlinsc prnposcd in
[ 1 I hccausc these can Iiandlc liirgcr swings i n frcrlucncy. I'm
smaller swings in frcqucncy. hutlr yield idciilical IosuIis.
3.1. Anditory Motivated AM.lPM decompositioa
l h i s inetliod purely rclies on only the ampliludc envclopc,
i.c., llic magnitude of the oulput of a linear lilter (
1eriPcd hy inipulsc rcspoiisc. h[n]),
b y exploiting tlic propcity of filter transcluction, i.e., llic linear lillcr oulpul ciin hc
ohtaincd approximately by sweeping w[n]through the liller's tl-ansfcr function [I]. The amplilude envelope of the
instantaneous output i s given by tlic approximalion y[n]cs
Only the magnitudc of tlic iiltcr rcspoiisc
H ( w ) i s used ( H ( w ) i s a zero-phase film). To solve for
llie AM and PM w c need atleast two filter outputs. A pair o f
handpass lilters arc used. 71Vo kinds o f filters arc commonly
uscd - Picccwisc-linear filters and Gaossian fillers.
For two Piecewise-linear tilters, H l ( w ) = alw 01 and
I12(w) = azw bz. If the input i s A[n]cos(w[n]).
llic outputs can he approximated as yl[n] cs alA[n]w[n] h A [ n ]
mid y2[71]g a ~ A [ n ] w [i
These equations can be
solved ror A[$ antlw[n]
Thc assumptions ;u'c lliiit llie AM i s slnwly varyiiig
3.2. Tcager Energy Based Algnrittims
Oi'rccent inlcrcst liab been the use nf'l'e;igcr cnwgy for AMFM dccompnsitioii 121. The cncrgy opcl-alol- (dcnotcd h y
on a signal :K[n]i s iicliircd iis Q{:c[n]))
x z2[n]
:c[?L- I]z[n. I ] . Thcrc arc two popular algorithms iiamcly,
DESA-I and DESA-2 (DESA st;mdr for Discrctc Encrgy
Scpel-ation AIgorithm). The cxprcssions fnr AM and FM
using llic DESA-I algorilhm iirc given hy
0.6COS-*(l - t 2 [ 7 1 ] )
= z[n l ] - z[n - I ] zind cn[n]= LY'{:r 4]
DESA-2 algol-ilhm can eslimalc IF sucli tlliit [I < w;[n]<
f. linplcrnentatioii delails iirc discussed i n 121. 1 3 d i lhcsc
algorithms i-equirc tliat llic AM Ihc very slowly varying and
that frequency dcvialion of tlic signel iicross h e carrier frcqucncy hc "cry s m x l l .
Fig. 1. Picccwisc-lincar iuditory Iillcrs used for AM-PM
(bairdwidtli iniicli less tlian the carricr Ircqucncy. f c ) and
Lliat the FM deviation i s limited lo the region where holh
the bandpass filters havc posilivc nr negative slope (a slrict
rcyuiremcnt fnr piccewisc lincer filters). 1f there is apriori
knowledgc of (lie center frequency, frequency devialion and
handwidtli o f AM, then appropriate fillers can he designed
1 0 pcrlbrm AM-PM decomposition Othcrwisc, we need 10
use a hank d overlapping hendpass fillers (which rcprcsenl
liic audilory lilterlxink lront-end) lo liltcr thc input signal.
The oiilpiils of lillers with the dominanl cncrgy (implying
coincidencc of thc liltcr spcc1l.a wilh input signal spectrum)
can he used lo pcrform AM-FM dccomposilion
I n this work. we assumed apriori informalion about ,fc
and iwquoncy swing. 71Vo filters used i n (lie simulations
3.3. Positive Time-frequency Distrilmtion Approach
111 h i s approach, ii pusitivc limc-frcqucncy distriholiniiiPI'FD),
. r ( t , w ) i s used l o estimate llic I'M i'ollowcd hy AM csliinalion using colrcrenl time-varying demi~dulalioii131. CdreiiPosch positive tinrc-frequcncy distrihulion 161 i s dcsigiictl
such h a t the tiiiic and frequency inarginals, iiistiinlancnus
Vrequency properly arc salislicd. Fnr an AM-FM conihinaLion signal, computing Llic avcl-age frcqucncy nf tlic FTPD
[ S ] at each timc-instant givcs the FM i.c.,
w;(L) =
rumw ~ ( t + , ) c ~
Using lhis, thc itisl~inlaneousphase i s given as $ ( t ) = J:" w
is computed. l'lic in-phase and quadlniure cnmponcnls 01
i ( ~ ) h
TENCON 2003 /956
the AM are obtained as:
A d t ) = ~ 'mm z ( ~ ) ~ o ~ ( g ( t ) ) ~ , ~ ( t , 7(8)) d 7
A,(t) =
where hl,(t,7) is the time-varying impulse response of a
low-pass filter with varying cutoff frequencywi(t) and passband gain equal to two. The AM is obtained by combining
these results :IS A ( t ) =
t ) + . A Z ( t )The
. F'TFD has to
be obtained iteratively staning with the spectrogram. Spectrogramcomputation depends upon the choice of a window.
As a result, the window length plays a crucial role in limiting the performance of the algorithm. The method yields
satisfactory results as long as the assumption that the signal
is nearly stationary within the window holds.
Fig. 2. Performance analysis as a function of p f for f c =
O.1Ht (top row) and fc = 0.2Hz (bottom row). [a],[c]AMMAE(dB) and [bl,[dlFM-MAE(dB).
3.4. Hilbert Transform Approach
This is perhaps, the oldest of techniques for AM-FM separation [4]. Given a signal, z(t).we compute its Hilbert
transform %(t). The analytic signal is defined as c ( t ) =
z(t) @(t) = a(t)eJ@(t),
where a ( t ) is the AM and g ( t )
is the phase modulation component. The FM can he obtained as f i ( t ) =
The conceptual paradox associated with this method is that to obtain time-varying characteristics of the signal, which are local in nature, we use the
Hilbert transform which is computed on a global basis.
For implementation purposes, we use the discrete-time
Hilbert transform.
The focus qf the present study is to understand, by simulations, the limitations of these techniques for AM-FM decomposition for different carrier frequencies, frequency deviations and presence'of noise.
4.1. Effect of Carrier Frequency and Frequency Denation
For the noise-free case, extensive simulations were carried
out hut only results for the sinusoidal AM, and sinusoidal
FM Combination are discussed due to lack of space.
1024 samples of an AM-FM combination were generated. 1.5 cycles of a sinusoid was used as the AM with
25% modulation depth(pa). The FM consisted of 3 cycles
of a sinusoid with a frequency deviation (Af). In relation to the carrier frequency fc, this is specified by the ratio pf =
The results of two experiments are reported
here - performance as a function'of frequency deviation for
ifixed carrier frequency (Experiment 1) and performance as
a function of carrier frequency for a fixed frequency devia-
tion (Experiment 2). Expt.1 was performed with f,=O.IHz,
p f = 0.2,0.4,0.6.and fe=0.2Hz, p f = 0.2,0.4,0.6. The
error measure used was the Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
and defined as
where 0 is either the AM or FM and idenotes its estimate,
giving respectively the MAE in AM and FM denoted by
AM-MAE and FM-MAE. These are plotted in decihel (dB)
scale in Figs. 2 and 3.
From Fig. 2, we conclude that
I . All methods exhibit an increase in error with modulation depth for a fixed carrier frequency.
2. The maximum increase in error with modulation depth
for a fixed fc is exhibited by DESA algorithms.
3. Consistently, DESA-I outperforms DESA-2,
4. Amongst auditory filtering based AM-FM separation.
Piecewise-linear filters consistently outperform Gaussian filters in AM estimation. The reverse is true for
FM estimation.
5 . For the PTFD approach. with changes in carrier fre-
quency and modulation depths, the FM estimation does
not suffer and showsody marginal degradation. However, AM estimation degrades.
6 . For low carrier frequencies and large modulation depths.
the Hilben transform approach is the one that has
Speech Processing / 957
95% of the signal energy is concentrated. The bandpass filtered noise w a suitably scaled to achieve a desired SNR.
We consider two different AM-FM combinations
z .m
~ $ 0
I . Sinusoidal AM, A[n]= 1 0 . 2 5 c o s ( 2 ? i 9 ) , sinusoidal FM, f i [ n ]= 0.18+0.045sin(Z?i~),O5 n _<
2. Exponential AM, A[n] = e'"(O.')*,
5 n 5 N - 1.
linear FM, f;[nJ =
The parameters were chosen such that in the absence of
noise, all techniques perform nearly identically. For each
combination, SNR was varied from 4dB to 32dB in steps of
f =%~,
~z-24dB. For each SNR, 40 Monte-Carlo realizations were used
to obtain the average MAE measure. Finite data can cause
large errors at the ends of the window. Hence, they were igFig. 3. Performance Analysis ils a function of fc for pf =
nored in computing the error measure. Otherwise, theerror
%%(top row) and pf, = 50% (bottom row). [a].[clAMmeasure will be severely biased. The results are tabulated in
MAE(dB).and [b],[dlFM-MAE(dB).
Tables. Land Z(values rounded to the nearest integer). One
common trend exhibited by all ofthem is the decrease in error with increase in SNR. This is natural and expected. The
least error in both AM and FM. It is surprising to notc
following conclusions are in order:
that the Hjlhen transform approach that computes local information on a global basis has the least error
I . A t very low SNRs, the PTFD'approach offers the best
unlike specifically designed tools to extract local inperformance for all combinations considered and hence
formation such as the other methods discussed here.
is more robust.
From Fig. 3, we conclude that
I . The Hilben transform approach offers the best performance in AM estimation for small-to-large carriers with small-to-large modulation depths. The FM
periormance suffers for high carriers with high modulation depths.
. . .
2. Piecewise:linear.filters outpertom Gaussian filters in
FM estimation' even for high carriers with large or
small modulation depths. The reverse i s tlue for AM
estimation. The same conclusion was drawn from
Fig. 2
3. The PTFD based AM estimation has high errors for
smalltlarge modulation depths for large carriers. FM
estimation however does not face similar problems.
4. DESA-I. consistently, outperforms DESA-2,
4.2. Effect ofNoise
We study the effect of bandpass white Gaussian noise. Since
AM-FM signals are essentially bandpass in nature, we consider the effects of only in-band noise. Sample realizations
from a whitc Gaussian noise process were generated and
bandpass filtered to give handpass w,hite noise. The bandpass region was selected as the frequency zone in which
2. DESA-I performs better than DESA-2 even in the
presence of noise.
3. Almost all techniques show a liiicar decrease in error
with increase in SNR. For every one-dB rise ih SNR,
the error reduces by roughlyhne-dB but for Hilbert
transiomi where the error initially follows this rule
but saturates for very high SNRs. We call this, the
'one-dB rrrlc'.
4. At high SNRs, owing to their simplicity, the DESA
algorithms may he preferred. At low SNRs. the PTFD
approach is preferred though computationally more
. .
It must also he noted that if some apriori informatiun is
available about the smoothness of the AM andlor FM, then
the estimates given by any of these methods can be further
improved by filtering(linear or nonlinear depending on the
nature of estimation errors). For example. for IF with discontinuities(not reported here). Hilbert transform approaches
yield estimates with spiky errors which can be reduced using nonlinear filters.
In this paper, we studied the performance of different AMFM decomposition methods with and without noise. In the
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Tahle 1. Performance analysis for sinusoidal AM and sinusoidal FM, Mean Absolute Error(dB) in AM and FM as a function of SNR(dB). (T1:Piecewise-linear auditory filters, T2Gaussian auditory filters, T3:DESA-I,T4DESA-2.T5:PTFD.
T6:Hilbert transform)
Table 2. Performance analysis for exponential AM andlinear FM, Mean Absolute Error(dB) in AM and FM as a function of
SNR(dB). (T1:Piecewise-linear auditory filters, TZGaussian auditory filters, T3:DESA- l,T4DESA-2,T5:PTFD, T6Hilben
absence of noise, the effect of parameters such as carrier
frequency and frequency deviation was studied. The effect
of bandpass white Gaussian noise on the performance of
the AM-FM estimation techniques was also studied. The
observations and conclusions were given at the end of each
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