Denman Forestry Issues Series presents: Spring 2009 Future of Forestry in the Pacific Northwest May 14, 2009, 1-5 p.m., NHS Hall at CUH, UW Botanic Gardens College of Forest Resources, University of Washington Attendance at the recording session is free and open to the public, but seating is limited and reservations are required; contact Ellen Matheny, Agenda Introduction – Bruce Bare, Professor and Dean, College of Forest Resources Moderator – Brian Boyle, Northwest Environmental Forum, College of Forest Resources Session 1: The Future of Forestry in the Pacific Northwest “The Future of Forestry in the Pacific Northwest” Bruce Bare “Markets Happen: The value of diversifying markets” Ivan Eastin “Ecosystem Services and Environmental Concerns” Jerry Franklin Session 2: Challenges to Forestry in the Pacific Northwest “Population Increase and Forest Conversion” Gordon Bradley “Climate Matters: Washington’s forests in the 21st century” Jim Lutz “Forest Health: What we can do to attain healthy forests in the Pacific Northwest” Bob Edmonds “Forestry and Wildlife Habitats” Steve West Session 3: Future Forest Management in the Pacific Northwest “Displacing Fossil-intensive Non-wood Processing Emissions” Bruce Lippke “Johann Heinrich von Thnen’s Connection to Sawmilling in Western WA” John Perez-Garcia “Is Forest Certification or Regulation Better for Multiple-purpose Forest Management” Greg Ettl “New Precision Tools for Forest Management” Dave Briggs Panel Discussion Speakers Bruce Bare is Dean and Professor of Forest Management and Quantitative Science in the UW College of Forest Resources. Dave Briggs is the Corkery Family Endowed Professor in the UW College of Forest Resources where he directs the Precision Forestry Cooperative and the Stand Management Cooperative. Gordon Bradley is Professor of Forest Land Use Planning in the UW College of Forest Resources. The focus of his research is on human response to land use change along the urban to wildland gradient. Ivan Eastin is Professor in the UW College of Forest Resources, where he directs the Center for International Trade in Forest Products. Robert Edmonds is Associate Dean of Research and Professor of Forest Pathology and Soil Microbiology in the UW College of Forest Resources, where he conducts research on forest pathogens and soil organisms. Greg Ettl is Associate Professor in the UW College of Forest Resources, where he holds the James Ridgeway Endowed Professorship and directs the Center for Sustainable Forestry at Pack Forest. Jerry Franklin is Professor of Forest Ecology in the UW College of Forest Resources, where he directs the Wind River Canopy Crane Research Facility. Bruce Lippke is Professor of Forest Economics in the UW College of Forest Resources, Director of the Rural Technology Initiative (RTI), and President of the Consortium for Research on Renewable Industrial Materials (CORRIM). Jim Lutz is a Postdoctoral Researcher in the UW College of Forest Resources. John Perez-Garcia is a Professor of Forest Economics in the UW College of Forest Resources. Steve West is Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Professor of Wildlife Science in the UW College of Forest Resources. Co-organized by: College of Forest Resources Educational Outreach Center for International Trade in Forest Products Center for Sustainable Forestry at Pack Forest Rural Technology Initiative Stand Management and Precision Forestry Cooperatives Olympic Natural Resources Center The Denman programs are made possible through support provided by the Denman Endowment for Student Excellence in Forest Resources.