Neutron Interferometry 1 NIST Center for Neutron Research Home to a 20 MW reactor that provides neutrons for scien>fic research Dozens of instruments (most for Solid State applica>ons) Some instruments for the study of Fundamental Physics Public domain image 2 The Neutron Interferometer and Optics Facility Public domain image Isolated 40,000 Kg room is supported by six airsprings Active Vibration Control eliminates vibrations less than 10Hz 3 Temperature Controlled to +/- 5 mK Inside the NCNR Reactor Core Fuel Elements LH2 Guide Hall 7 Neutron Guides NIOF Public domain images 4 Wavepacket Neutron coming out of the reactor is a wavepacket: Sum of many plane waves with different wavenumber k [not a stationary state: evolves (moves!) in time] p 2p 3p 4p 5p 6p 7p 8p 9p 10 p x Fourier Transform Pair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 k Monochromator Monochromator selects a small range of momenta 6RXUFH3XVKLQ'PLWU\$&RKHUHQW&RQWURORI1HXWURQ,QWHUIHURPHWU\3K'7KHVLV0,7 6 Wavepacket p 1 2p 2 3p 3 4 4p 5 6 5p 7 6p 8 7 9 7p 10 11 8p 12 9p 13 14 10 p 15 k x Neutron Interferometer 3-blade interferometer from single Si crystal 3XEOLFGRPDLQLPDJHVRXUFH1,67 8 5-blade interferometer from single Si crystal 3KRWRFRXUWHV\RI'PLWU\3XVKLQ 8VHGZLWKSHUPLVVLRQ 9 Wavepacket ➙ Plane wave p 2p 3p 4p 5p 6p 7p 8p 9p 3KRWRFRXUWHV\RI'PLWU\3XVKLQ 8VHGZLWKSHUPLVVLRQ Wavepacket ∆x ≫ Interferometer ➞ consider ∆x =∞ 1 ikx or neutron = plane wave |ki = 'k (x) = p e 2⇡ 10 10 p x Momentum eigenfunctions |-ki |ki |ki FRXUWHV\RI'PLWU\3XVKLQ 8VHGZLWKSHUPLVVLRQ We can analyze the neutron interferometer looking only at the momentum eigenfunctions: STATIONARY SOLUTION (no time evolution) 11 Interference (Calculations: 1) | (0)i = |ki The neutron is a plain wave with k>0. The first blade is a beam splitter (50/50% probability of going up or down) 12 Interference (Calculations: 2) 1 | 1 i = p (|ki + |-ki) 2 t1 After the first blade, the state is a superposition. 13 Interference (Calculations: 3) 1 | 2 i = p (|-ki + |ki) 2 t2 The second blade is a mirror, exchanging neutrons with positive and negative k 14 Interference (Calculations: 4) 1 i' | 3 i = p (e |-ki + |ki) 2 t3 Neutrons in the upper path (with negative momentum) go through the phase flag (an object) 15 Interference (Calculations: 5) ' | i = cos ' |ki + sin ' |-ki The third blade recombines the beams and allows them to interfere. 16 Interference ' Detector P (+k) = cos2 (') The detector measure the neutron flux intensity (number of neutrons per unit time). 17 Interference &RXUWHV\RI'PLWU\3XVKLQ 8VHGZLWKSHUPLVVLRQ 18 Flux of particles • • • Plane wave wavefunction not properly normalized (x) = Aeikx is 2 | (x)| It is difficult to interpret as as the probability of finding a particle at position x. Interpret v| (x)|2 = I set A= r mI ~k 19 as a flux of particles Scattering of Waves and Particles 20 Transmission Energy > Potential Step E=T+V ➜ mv02/2 > mgH H Region I 21 Region II Transmission Energy > Potential Step E=T+V ➜ mv02/2 > mgH H Region I 22 Region II Reflection Energy < Potential Step E=T+V ➜ mv02/2 < mgH H Region I 23 Region II Reflection Energy < Potential Step E=T+V ➜ mv02/2 < mgH H Region I 24 Region II Reflection/Transmission Reflected wave e Incoming wave ikx Transmitted wave ikx e 25 ikx e Reflection/Transmission Reflected wave e Incoming wave ikx Transmitted wave ikx e 26 ikx e MIT OpenCourseWare 22.02 Introduction to Applied Nuclear Physics Spring 2012 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: MIT OpenCourseWare 22.02 Introduction to Applied Nuclear Physics Spring 2012 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: