6.02 Fall 2012 Lecture #14 • 6.02 Fall 2012 Spectral content via the DTFT Lecture 14 Slide #1 Demo: “Deconvolving” Output of Channel with Echo x[n] Channel, h1[.] y[n] Receiver filter, h2[.] z[n] Suppose channel is LTI with h 1[n]=δ[n]+0.8δ[n-1] − jΩm h [m]e H1(Ω) = ?? = ∑ 1 m So: = 1+ 0.8e–jΩ = 1 + 0.8cos(Ω) – j0.8sin(Ω) |H1(Ω)| = [1.64 + 1.6cos(Ω)]1/2 EVEN function of Ω; <H1(Ω) = arctan [–(0.8sin(Ω)/[1 + 0.8cos(Ω)] 6.02 Fall 2012 ODD . Lecture 14 Slide #2 A Frequency-Domain view of Deconvolution x[n] Channel, H 1(Ω) y[n] Receiver filter, H2(Ω) z[n] Noise w[n] Given H1(Ω), what should H2(Ω) be, to get z[n]=x[n]? H2(Ω)=1/H1(Ω) “Inverse filter” = (1/|H1(Ω)|). exp{–j<H1(Ω)} Inverse filter at receiver does very badly in the presence of noise that adds to y[n]: filter has high gain for noise precisely at frequencies where channel gain|H 1(Ω)| is low (and channel output is weak)! 6.02 Fall 2012 Lecture 14 Slide #3 DT Fourier Transform (DTFT) for Spectral Representation of General x[n] If we can write 1 h[n] = 2π ∫ H (Ω)e jΩn dΩ <2 π > ∫ <2 π > X(Ω)e H (Ω) = ∑ h[m]e− jΩm Any contiguous interval of length 2 then we can write 1 x[n] = 2π where jΩn dΩ where m X(Ω) = ∑ x[m]e− jΩm m This Fourier representation expresses x[n] as a weighted combination of e jΩn for all Ω in [–,]. 6.02 Fall 2012 X(Ωο)dΩ is the spectral content of x[n] in the frequency interval [Ωο, Ωο+ dΩ ] Lecture 14 Slide #4 The spectrum of the exponential signal (0.5)nu[n] is shown over the frequency range Ω = 2πf in [-4π,4π], The angle has units of degrees. Courtesy of Don Johnson. Used with permission; available under a CC-BY license. 6.02 Fall 2012 http://cnx.org/content/m0524/latest/ Lecture 14 Slide #5 x[n] and X(Ω Ω) 6.02 Fall 2012 Lecture 14 Slide #6 Input/Output Behavior of LTI System in Frequency Domain 1 x[n] = 2π ∫ <2 π > X(Ω)e jΩn 1 y[n] = 2π dΩ H(Ω) ∫ H (Ω)X(Ω)e jΩn dΩ <2 π > 1 y[n] = 2π ∫ Y (Ω)e jΩn dΩ <2 π > Y (Ω) = H (Ω)X(Ω) Compare with y[n]=(h*x)[n] Again, convolution in time has mapped to multiplication in frequency 6.02 Fall 2012 Lecture 14 Slide #7 Magnitude and Angle Y (Ω) = H (Ω)X(Ω) | Y (Ω) |= |H (Ω) |. | X(Ω) | and < Y (Ω) = < H (Ω)+ < X(Ω) 6.02 Fall 2012 Lecture 14 Slide #8 Core of the Story 1. A huge class of DT and CT signals can be written --- using Fourier transforms --- as a weighted sums of sinusoids (ranging from very slow to very fast) or (equivalently, but more compactly) complex exponentials. The sums can be discrete ∑ or continuous ∫ (or both). 2. LTI systems act very simply on sums of sinusoids: superposition of responses to each sinusoid, with the frequency response determining the frequency-dependent scaling of magnitude, shifting in phase. 6.02 Fall 2012 Lecture 14 Slide #9 Loudspeaker Bandpass Frequency Response SPL versus Frequency (Speaker Sensitivity = 85dB) 100 97 94 SPL (dB) 91 88 85 82 79 -3dB @ 56.5Hz 76 -3dB @ 12.5k Hz 73 70 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 Frequency (Hz) Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. F ll 2012 6.02 Fall Lecture 14 Slide #10 6.02 Fall 2012 © PC Magazine. All rights reserved. This content is excluded from our Creative Commons license. For more information, see http://ocw.mit.edu/fairuse. Lecture 14 Slide #11 Spectral Content of Various Sounds Human Voice Cymbal Crash Snare Drum Bass Drum Guitar Bass Guitar Synthesizer Piano 13.75 Hz- 27.5 Hz27.5 Hz 55 Hz 55 Hz110 Hz 110 Hz220 Hz 220 Hz440 Hz 440 Hz- 880 Hz- 1,760 Hz- 3,520 Hz- 7,040 Hz- 14,080 Hz880 Hz 1,760 Hz 3,520 Hz 7,040 Hz 14,080 Hz 28,160 Hz Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. 6.02 Fall 2012 Lecture 14 Slide #12 Connection between CT and DT The continuous-time (CT) signal x(t) = cos( ωt) = cos(2πft) sampled every T seconds, i.e., at a sampling frequency of fs = 1/T, gives rise to the discrete-time (DT) signal x[n] = x(nT) = cos(ωnT) = cos(Ωn) So Ω = ωΤ and Ω = π corresponds to ω = π/T or f = 1/(2T) = fs/2 6.02 Fall 2012 Lecture 14 Slide #13 Signal x[n] that has its frequency content uniformly distributed in [–Ω Ω c , Ωc] 1 x[n] = 2π 1 = 2π ∫ X(Ω)e jΩn dΩ <2 π > ΩC ∫ 1⋅ e jΩn dΩ −ΩC sin(ΩC n) = , n≠0 πn = ΩC / π 6.02 Fall 2012 , n=0 DT “sinc” function (extends to ±∞ in time, falls off only as 1/n) Lecture 14 Slide #14 x[n] and X(Ω Ω) 6.02 Fall 2012 Lecture 14 Slide #15 X(Ω) and x[n] 6.02 Fall 2012 Lecture 14 Slide #16 Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to compute samples of the DTFT for signals of finite duration P−1 X( Ωk ) = ∑ x[m]e m=0 − jΩk m (P/2)−1 , 1 jΩk n x[n] = X(Ω )e ∑ k P k=−P/2 where Ωk = k(2π/P), P is some integer (preferably a power of 2) such that P is longer than the time interval [0,L-1] over which x[n] is nonzero, and k ranges from –P/2 to (P/2)–1 (for even P). Computing these series involves O(P2) operations – when P gets large, the computations get very s l o w…. Happily, in 1965 Cooley and Tukey published a fast method for computing the Fourier transform (aka FFT, IFFT), rediscovering a technique known to Gauss. This method takes O(P log P) operations. 6.02 Fall 2012 P = 1024, P2 = 1,048,576, P logP ≈ 10,240 Lecture 14 Slide #17 Where do the Ωk live? e.g., for P=6 (even) Ω3 Ω2 Ω1 Ω2 Ω1 0 – exp(jΩ2) exp(jΩ3) = exp(jΩ3) –1 exp(jΩ2) 6.02 Fall 2012 Ω0 j . –j Ω3 exp(jΩ1) 1 exp(jΩ0) exp(jΩ1) Lecture 14 Slide #18 Spectrum of Digital Transmissions (scaled version of DTFT samples) 6.02 Fall 2012 Lecture 14 Slide #19 Spectrum of Digital Transmissions 6.02 Fall 2012 Lecture 14 Slide #20 Observations on previous figure • The waveform x[n] cannot vary faster than the step change every 7 samples, so we expect the highest frequency components in the waveform to have a period around 14 samples. (The is rough and qualitative, as x[n] is not sinusoidal.) • A period of 14 corresponds to a frequency of 2/14 = /7, which is 1/7 of the way from 0 to the positive end of the frequency axis at (so k approximately 100/7 or 14 in the figure). And that indeed is the neighborhood of where the Fourier coefficients drop off significantly in magnitude. • There are also lower-frequency components corresponding to the fact that the 1 or 0 level may be held for several bit slots. • And there are higher-frequency components that result from the transitions between voltage levels being sudden, not gradual. 6.02 Fall 2012 Lecture 14 Slide #21 Effect of Low-Pass Channel 6.02 6 02 Fall 2012 Lecture 14 Slide #22 How Low Can We Go? 7 samples/bit 14 samples/period k=(N/14)=(196/14)=14 6.02 Fall 2012 Lecture 14 Slide #23 MIT OpenCourseWare http://ocw.mit.edu 6.02 Introduction to EECS II: Digital Communication Systems Fall 2012 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: http://ocw.mit.edu/terms.