AI Robotics 1. Sensing & State Estimation Sensors, State Estimation, Markov Localization Alexander Kleiner Some slides (mainly all slides on MCL) are based on material from the group “Autonome Intelligenge Systeme (AIS)” at the University of Freiburg, Germany (Prof. Burgard & Dr. Cyrill Stachniss). Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 1 Literature • Kalman Filter: – Peter Maybeck Stochastic Models, Estimation, and Control, Volume 1, Academic Press, Inc. – Website: • Markov Localization: – S. Thrun, W. Burgard, and D. Fox Probabilistic Robotics. MIT-Press, 2005. • State Estimation: – M. Dietl, J.-S. Gutmann and B. Nebel, Cooperative Sensing in Dynamic Environments, in: Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'01), Maui, Hawaii, 2001 Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 2 Contents • • • • • Sensors & Sensor Modeling Modeling Sensor Noise State Estimation Monte Carlo Localization (MCL) Markov Localization as Observation Filter – Example: Cooperative Ball Recognition • Summary Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 3 Motivation Robots need to be aware of their current state in order to perform meaningful actions Where am I located in the world? Where are the victims? Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 4 Sensors typically used on Robots • Tactile Sensors: – Analog touch sensors & Bumpers • Internal Sensors – Accelerometers (spring-mounted masses) – Gyroscopes (spinning mass, laser light) – Compasses, inclinometers (earth magnetic field, gravity) • Proximity Sensors – Sonar (time of flight) – Laser Range-Finders (time of flight) – Infrared (intensity) • Visual Sensors – Video & Thermo Cameras • Others – GPS, Audio, CO2 Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 5 Wheel Odometry • Typical setup consists of an incremental encoder & gear – Hardware that counts the number of wheel revolution per second – Counting of “ticks” via shaft encoders mounted directly on the wheel axis – Can be used for estimating the robot pose (x,y,θ) • Distance d traveled by the wheel: Where n is the gear ration, R the encoder resolution (ticks per revolution), and D the diameter of the wheels Note: The higher the resolution or the gear ration the less critical errors are in N or D ! Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 6 Odometry Pose Drift Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 7 Computing the Pose from Odometry (Dead Reckoning) • Depends on the wheel configuration, e.g., Ackerman steering, Mecanum Wheels, Differential Drive • When Δt is very small, distance Δd and angle Δφ can be computed after a simplified model: • Computing the pose update: Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 8 Modeling Noise in Robot Motion • The Motion Model is represented by a probabilistic distribution p(xt+1|xt,ut) • Answers the question: What is the probability for ending up in state xt+1 when issuing command ut in state xt? • Example: Robot receives command to go 1 meter straight ahead and end up at every 10th time at 1.01m • Typically represented by a Gaussian Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 9 Sampling from Our Motion Sampling from a Gaussian Motion Model Model Start Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 10 Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) • A closed system for detecting orientation and motion of a vehicle or human • Typically consists of 3 accelerometer, 3 gyroscopes, and 3 magnetometers – Data rate @100 Hz • Gyro reliable only within some time period (temperature drift) • Magnetometer data can locally be wrong Backward (magnetic perturbation) • Data from all 3 is fused by a Kalman Filter inside the IMU sensor Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation yaw Fwd. roll pitch 11 Laser Range Finders (LRFs) • Found on many robots • Highly accurate, high data rate • Measures distances and angles to surrounding objects • Returns distances di and angles αi, with i ∈ [0…FOV/resolution] SICK LMS200 Hokuyo URG Scan taken on a soccer field Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 12 Time of Flight Sensors Object Object Turning Mirror v: speed of the signal t: time elapsed between broadcast of signal and reception of the echo. Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 13 Laser Scans Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 14 Typical Measurement Errors of an Range Measurements • Opening angle • Crosstalk • Specular reflection Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 15 Color Cameras • Sensor that generates color images, e.g. with 640x480 pixel resolution @30hz Logitech Quickcam 4000 Pro Sony DFW-500 Image coordinates World coordinates • Can be used for object detection, e.g. soccer ball – Color thresholding, e.g. separation of ball colors from background – Determination of relative object location by camera calibration or interpolation Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 16 Modeling Sensor noise • Sensors are represented by a probabilistic sensor model p(z|x) • Answers the question: What is the probability for measuring z when given I am located in state x? • Example: Laser Scanner located 1m from the wall returns in average every 9th time 1.01m • Typically represented by a Gaussian Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 17 Modeling Sensor noise • Data from sensors is noisy, .e.g., the distance measurement of a LRF at one meter can be 1m ± 1cm • Sensor noise is typically modeled by a normal distribution • Fully described by mean µ and variance σ2 Univariate p( x ) ~ N (µ, σ 2 ) p( x ) = € 1 % x−µ (2 * σ ) − ' 1 2& e 2 πσ 2 Multivariate p( x ) ~ N (µ x , Σ2x ) € p( x ) = € 1 n (2 π ) det ( Σ x ) n-dimensional vector Dr. A. Kleiner € e 1 − ( x−µ x )T Σ −1 x ( x−µ x ) 2 n x n matrix AI Robotics - State Estimation 18 ! The Kalman filter and its variants can only model Gaussian distributions Gaussians 1D 2 2D Covariance Matrix Download Link: ~arras/videos/ ErrorEllipsesInAction.mp4 Eigen values Correlation Coefficient Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 19 State Estimation • Continues Integration of Sensor data according to probability distributions • Sensor observations are take in different coordinate frames, e.g., camera, laser – Transformation of measurements • State Estimation is the process of integrating multiple observations to estimate a state – i.e. robot location, locations of victims Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 20 € € General Framework: Recursive Bayesian Filtering zt : Sensor observation at time t xt : State at time t Bel(xt ) = η P(zt | xt ) € Likelihood (sensor model) Dr. A. Kleiner ∫ P(xt | ut , xt−1 ) Bel(xt−1 ) dxt−1 Transition (or motion) model AI Robotics - State Estimation Prior 21 Example of Bayesian State Estimation ! Suppose a robot obtains measurement z ! What is P(open|z)? Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 22 Causal vs. Diagnostic Reasoning • • • • P(open|z) is diagnostic P(z|open) is causal, i.e., the sensor model Often causal knowledge is easier to obtain Bayes rule allows us to use causal knowledge: Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 23 Example P(z|¬open) = 0.3 • P(z|open) = 0.6 • P(open) = P(¬open) = 0.5 Marginalization: compute marginal probability p(z) z raises the probability that the door is open Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 24 Algorithms for Bayesian Filtering Kalman Filter: optimal for linear systems and normal distributions, very efficient, uni-modal Monte Carlo Localization (Particle Filter): good for any distribution, can be computationally expensive, multi-modal Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 25 Kalman Filter for Ball tracking Effect of triangulation Kalman filtering Kalman Filtering compared to Simple Averaging: Highly Confident Estimates are more Strongly Weighted Simple averaging Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 26 Limits of the Kalman Filter Problem of false positives (ghost balls) ? Player 2 is hallucinating Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 27 Better: Using Monte Carlo Localization (MCL) as Observation Filter • The Kalman-Filter can only handle a single hypotheses – However, color thresholding on a soccer field might confuse for example “red t-shirts” with the ball – Consequently, Kalman filtering yields poor results • MCL: Simultaneous tracking of multiple hypotheses – Can be used to filter-out hypotheses weakly supported by observations over time Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 28 Markov Localization Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 29 Monte Carlo Localization (MCL) Motivation Goal:approach approach for dealing with •! Goal: for dealing with arbitrary distributions arbitrary distributions Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 30 3 Key Idea: Samples Key Idea: Samples ! Use multiple samples to represent • Use multiple samples to represent arbitrary arbitrary distributions distributions Samples Dr. A. Kleiner samples AI Robotics - State Estimation 31 4 Particle Set Particle Set Particle Set ! Set of weighted samples Set ofof weighted samples ! • Set weighted samples state hypothesis State Hypothesis state hypothesis importance weight Importance Weight importance weight ! The samples represent the posterior • The samples represent the posterior ! The samples represent the posterior Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 32 5 5 Particles for Approximation Particles for Approximation Particles function approximation • ! Particles for for function approximation • ! The more particles fall into interval, the The more particles fallaninto an interval, higher its probability density the higher its probability density How to obtain such samples? Dr. A. Kleiner How to obtain such AI Robotics - State Estimation samples? 33 6 Importance Sampling Principle Importance Sampling Importance Sampling PrinciplePrinciple ! We can use a different distribution g We can use a different g to ! generate samples fromdistribution f • We can a different distribution to use generate samples from gf to generate from ! samples Account forf the differences between ! Account for the differences between • Account for the “differences between g and f using a weight w = f / gg and f ” using ga and weight = f / ag weight w = f / g f w using target f • ! target f ! target f • ! proposal g g proposal ! proposal g • Pre-condition: ! Pre-condition: ! Pre-condition: f(x)>0 ! g(x)>0 f(x)>0 ! g(x)>0 77 Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 34 77 Particle Filter Recursive Bayes filter • Non-parametric approach • Models the distribution by samples • Prediction: draw from the proposal • Correction: weighting by the ratio of target and proposal The more samples we use, the better is the estimate! Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 35 Particle FilterFilter Algorithm Particle Algorithm Particle Filter Algorithm 1. Sample the particles using the 1.Sample the particles using the proposal 1. Sample the particles using the distribution proposal distribution proposal distribution 2. the 2.Compute the importance weights weights 2. Compute Compute theimportance importance weights 3. Resampling: Replace unlikely 3.Resampling: “Replace unlikely samples by 3. Resampling: Replace unlikely moresamples likely ones” by more likely ones samples by more likely ones Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 36 10 10 Particle ParticleFilter Filter Algorithm Algorithm 11 Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 37 Monte Carlo Localization Monte Carlo Localization Monte Carlo Localization ! Each Each particle is a pose hypothesis •! particle is a pose hypothesis Each particle is a pose hypothesis Proposal is the motion • ! Proposal is the motion model model ! Proposal is the motion model ! Correction Correction via the observation •! via the observation model Correction via the observation Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation model model 38 12 12 Particle Filter for Localization Particle Filter for Localization Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 3913 Particle Filter for Localization (Known Map) Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 40 Resampling • Survival of the fittest: “Replace unlikely samples by more likely ones” • “Trick” to avoid that many samples cover unlikely states • Needed as we have a limited number of samples Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 41 Resampling Resampling wn Wn-1 wn w1 w2 Wn-1 w3 w1 w2 w3 • Roulette wheel •Stochastic Stochasticuniversal ! ! Roulette wheel universal sampling • Binary search sampling Binary • Low variance •! O(n log search n) ! Low variance • O(n) ! O(n log n) Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 42 ! O(n) 16 LowLow Variance Resampling Variance Resampling 17 Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 43 Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation initialization 44 18 Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation observation 45 19 Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation resampling 46 20 Dr. A. Kleiner motion update AI Robotics - State Estimation 47 21 Dr. A. Kleiner measurement AI Robotics - State Estimation 48 22 Dr. A. Kleiner weight update AI Robotics - State Estimation 49 23 Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation resampling 50 24 Dr. A. Kleiner motion update AI Robotics - State Estimation 51 25 Dr. A. Kleiner measurement AI Robotics - State Estimation 52 26 Dr. A. Kleiner weight update AI Robotics - State Estimation 53 27 Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation resampling 54 28 Dr. A. Kleiner motion update AI Robotics - State Estimation 55 29 Dr. A. Kleiner measurement AI Robotics - State Estimation 56 30 Dr. A. Kleiner weight update AI Robotics - State Estimation 57 31 Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation resampling 58 32 Markov Localization as Observation Filter • Discretization of the soccer field into a 2D (x,y) grid • each cell z is associated with a probability p(z) that the ball is in this cell • Uniform initialization of the grid before any observation is processed, i.e. p(z)=1/#cells • Prediction step: – Simple model of ball motion p( z) ← ∑ p( z | z') p( z') where p( z | z') denotes the probability that the ball moves to cell z given it was at z’ € – When assuming that all kind of motion directions are equally possible, and velocities are normally distributed with zero mean 2€ and covariance σ v , p( z | z') can be modeled by a time-depended Gaussian around z’: Dr. Dr.A.A.Kleiner Kleiner € p( z | z') ~ N ( z', diag(σ v2t, σ v2t )) & Rescue Robotics AISearch Robotics - State Estimation 59 42 Markov Localization as Observation Filter • Update step: – Fusion of new ball observation zb into the grid according to Bayes’ law: p( z | z) p( z') p( z ) ← b ∑ z ' p(zb | z') p(z') Normalization: Ensuring that probabilities sum up to 1.0 – The sensor model p( zb | z) determines the likelihood observing zb given the ball is at position z • e.g. less confidence as more far from the camera € Markov grid can be used for outlier • Finally, the rejection € – The ball is assumed to be located at the highest peak Dr. A. Kleiner Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation Search & Rescue Robotics 60 43 Phantom Balls: Development of Probability Distribution after 1st measurement (1) after 2nd measurement (2) after 3rd measurement (3) Consider area with highest peak as possible ball area Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 61 Phantom Balls: Development of Probability Distribution after 4th measurement (1) after 5th measurement (2) after 6th measurement (3) At RoboCup 2000, 938 out of 118388 (0.8%) ball observations were ignored because of the Markov localization filter. Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 62 Summary – Particle Filters • Particle filters are non-parametric, recursive Bayes filters • Posterior is represented by a set of weighted samples • Not limited to Gaussians • Proposal to draw new samples • Weight to account for the differences between the proposal and the target • Work well in low-dimensional spaces Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 63 Summary – PF Localization • Particles are propagated according to the motion model • They are weighted according to the likelihood of the observation • Called: Monte-Carlo localization (MCL) • MCL is the gold standard for mobile robot localization today Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 64 ROS Nodes • AMCL • humanoid_localization Dr. A. Kleiner AI Robotics - State Estimation 65