Part Time Lecturer (PTL) Pooled PCNs (Revised 03/30/16) ORG 106100 106250 106300 106550 106650 106900 107000 107050 107200 107600 107625 107650 107800 107850 107900 108100 108150 108400 108600 108700 108750 108850 109050 120900 141450 DEPT CAS CAS Dean AAS Art Biology Chemistry CMTA Computer Science Economics English World Languages ESL Geography & Geology History & Philosophy Mathematics Dev Math Music & Dance Band Camp Physics & Astronomy Political Science Psychology Psychology Clinic SAC Women's Studies Honors College - CAS Geospatial Research (FLAC) Part Time Lecturer FA/WI 1140 (PAF) Adjunct Lecturer FA/WI 1140 F92200 F90001 F90007 F90002 F90003 F90017 F90004 F90005 F90006 F90008 F90079 F90009 F90010 F90011 F90077 F90012 F95057 F95001 F95007 F95002 F95003 F95017 F95004 F95005 F95006 F95008 F95079 F95009 F95010 F95011 F95077 F95012 F95061 F95013 F95014 F95015 F95078 F95016 F95034 F90013 F90014 F90015 F90078 F90016 F90034 F90059 F90046 F95046 (FLAC) (PAF) Part Time Adjunct Lecturer Lecturer Summer Summer 1150 1150 F98200 F98001 F98007 F98002 F98003 F98017 F98004 F98005 F98006 F98008 F98079 F98009 F98010 F98011 F98077 F98012 F95557 F95501 F95507 F95502 F95503 F95517 F95504 F95505 F95506 F95508 F98013 F98014 F98015 F98078 F98016 F98034 F98059 F98046 F95513 F95514 F95515 F95578 F95516 F95534 F95509 F95510 F95511 F95577 F95512 F95546 COB 109100 109350 109400 109450 109500 120900 COB Dean Accounting & Finance CIS Management Marketing Honors College - COB F92261 F90018 F90021 F90019 F90020 F90259 F95065 F95018 F95021 F95019 F95020 F98261 F98018 F98021 F98019 F98020 F98259 F95565 F95518 F95521 F95519 F95520 F92245 F90023 F90025 F90038 F90022 F90359 F95059 F95023 F95025 F95038 F95022 F98245 F98023 F98025 F98038 F98022 F98359 F95559 F95523 F95525 F95538 F95522 F90024 F95024 F98024 F95524 COE 109600 110400 110650 110700 110900 120900 COE Dean Leadership & Counseling Special Education COE - OAS Teacher Education Honors College - COE CHHS 110250 HPHP Part Time Lecturer (PTL) Pooled PCNs (Revised 03/30/16) ORG 110275 111050 111500 111750 111850 111950 120900 DEPT Physician Assistant Program CHHS Dean School of Health Science School of Nursing School of Social Work Gerontology Honors College - CHHS 115250 115600 115640 115650 115660 115675 120900 COT COT Dean School of Engineering Tech School of Info Security Applied Comput School of Tech Prof Service Mgmt School of Visual Built Environments School of Staff and Command Honors College - COT (FLAC) Part Time Lecturer FA/WI 1140 F90086 F92201 F90026 F90028 F90029 F90039 F90459 (PAF) Adjunct Lecturer FA/WI 1140 F95086 F95201 F95026 F95028 F95029 F95039 (FLAC) (PAF) Part Time Adjunct Lecturer Lecturer Summer Summer 1150 1150 F98086 F95586 F98201 F95551 F98026 F95526 F98028 F95528 F98029 F95529 F98039 F95539 F98459 F92257 F90031 F90098 F90032 F90088 F90087 F90559 F95058 F95031 F95098 F95032 F95088 F95087 F98257 F98031 F98098 F98032 F98088 F98087 F98559 F95558 F95531 F95598 F95532 F95588 F95587 F92233 F90053 F95033 F98233 F98053 F95533 Library 120400 Library General 120425 Univ Archives 113700 117265 117355 117650 117650 117650 117650 117650 117650 117650 117800 118115 118900 120000 EP EP Elder Quest (ELQ) EP China Visitation (CHINAT) EP Professional Program Training EP Brighton (RBRIGH) EP Detroit (RDETRO) EP Fish Lake (RFISHL) EP Jackson (RJACKS) EP Livonia (RLIVON) EP Monroe (RMONRO) EP Northern (RNORTH) EP Admin EP Enrollment Mgmt EP Weekend Univ (RWEEKE) EP Acad Prg Abroad (RABROA) F90071 F90069 F98071 F98069 F95102 F90272 F90372 F90472 F90572 F90672 F90772 F90872 F90073 F90075 F90076 F90070 F95073 F95070 F98272 F98372 F98472 F98572 F98672 F98772 F98872 F98073 F98075 F98076 F98070 F95573 MISC 100300 100850 103300 107175 107400 109675 President's Office Women's Commission I A Academic Adv ILIT WAC Autism F90061 F90058 F90027 F90068 F98061 F98058 F98027 F95068 F98068 F95568 Part Time Lecturer (PTL) Pooled PCNs (Revised 03/30/16) ORG 110000 110600 112050 112100 113050 113100 113400 113835 113900 113950 114050 114400 114950 116000 116300 116350 116400 119950 120750 120800 131725 132150 136050 136300 142850 154160 157100 157220 105000 136200 154150 112950 DEPT Office of Urban Educ Equity COE Clinic UNIV Office of the Provost Non-Profit Alliance Faculty Senate Spec Fac Assign Provost Writing Center Acad Programming General Education ASL Compliance AAUP Graduate School New Faculty Awards Faculty Research Fellowships ORD ISCF FDC Course Evaluations Retention University Catalogs Learning Center Learning Center Provost Sp/Su/Lec Augment Advising Center Counseling and Psych Services Health Education IA Womens Gymn Summer Incentive Program Univ Advising & Career Devlp Distinguished Faculty (FLAC) Part Time Lecturer FA/WI 1140 F90043 F90050 F90041 F90080 F90047 F90042 F90056 F90045 F90063 F90064 F90044 F90040 F90055 F90060 F90030 F90048 F90049 F90037 F90081 (PAF) Adjunct Lecturer FA/WI 1140 F95043 F95050 F95041 F95101 F95056 F95064 F95040 F95055 F95060 F95049 F95069 F95083 F95085 F95103 F90067 F90099 F98099 (FLAC) (PAF) Part Time Adjunct Lecturer Lecturer Summer Summer 1150 1150 F98043 F95543 F98050 F95550 F98041 F95541 F98080 F98047 F98042 F98056 F98045 F98063 F98064 F98044 F98040 F98055 F98060 F98030 F98048 F98049 F98037 F98081 F95580 F95556 F95564 F95540 F95555 F95560 F95548 F95549 F95537 F95581 F95583 F95585 F98067 F95084 F95100 F95099 F95104 F98089 F95584 F95599 F95589 F95500 F95105 F95106