Deviation from the Mean

Mathematics for Computer Science
Example: IQ
IQ measure was constructed so
MIT 6.042J/18.062J
Deviation from
the Mean
Albert R Meyer,
May 7, 2010
average IQ = 100.
What fraction of the people
can possibly have an IQ 300?
lec 13F.1
Albert R Meyer,
lec 13F.15
May 7, 2010
IQ Higher than 300?
IQ Higher than 300?
Fraction f with IQ 300
adds 300f to average,
so 100 = avg IQ 300f:
At most 1/3 of people
have IQ 300
f 100/300 = 1/3
Albert R Meyer,
May 7, 2010
lec 13F.16
IQ Higher than x?
If R is nonnegative, then
Pr{R x} IQ is always nonnegative
May 7, 2010
lec 13F.17
May 7, 2010
Markov Bound
Besides mean = 100,
we used only one fact about
the distribution of IQ:
Albert R Meyer,
Albert R Meyer,
lec 13F.19
E R x
for x E[R]
Albert R Meyer,
May 7, 2010
lec 13F.20
IQ 300, again
Markov Bound
Suppose we are given that
IQ is always 50?
Get a better bound using
(IQ – 50)
since this is now 0.
•Useful anyway
Albert R Meyer,
May 7, 2010
lec 13F.22
f contributes (300-50)f to
the average of (IQ-50), so
50 = E[IQ-50] 250f
f 50/250 = 1/5
Better bound from Markov by
shifting R to have 0 as minimum
May 7, 2010
lec 13F.25
Chebyshev Bound
May 7, 2010
lec 13F.24
Pr{|R| x}
= Pr{(R)2 x2}
by Markov:
variance of R
Albert R Meyer,
May 7, 2010
lec 13F.26
Standard Deviation
Pr{|R - μ | x} x2
Var[R] ::= E[(R - )2 ]
Albert R Meyer,
May 7, 2010
Improving the Markov Bound
IQ 300, again
Albert R Meyer,
Albert R Meyer,
lec 13F.28
Pr{|R - μ | x} 2
R probably not many ’s from μ: further than 2
Albert R Meyer,
Pr 1
Pr 1/4
Pr 1/9
Pr 1/16
May 7, 2010
lec 13F.32
Variance of an Indicator
Calculating Variance
I an indicator with E[I]=p:
Var[aR + b] = a 2 Var[R]
= E I 2p p + p2
Albert R Meyer,
May 7, 2010
simple proofs applying linearity
of E[] to the def of Var[]
lec 13F.34
Calculating Variance
Albert R Meyer,
May 7, 2010
lec 13F.35
Mathematics for Computer Science
Pairwise Independent Additivity
MIT 6.042J/18.062J
Deviation of
Repeated Trials
providing R1,R2,…,Rn are
pairwise independent
again, a simple proof applying
linearity of E[] to the def of Var[]
Albert R Meyer,
May 7, 2010
lec 13F.43
Jacob D. Bernoulli (16591705)
---Ars Conjectandi (The Art of Guessing), 1713*
*taken from Grinstead \& Snell,
Introduction to Probability, American Mathematical Society, p. 310.
May 7, 2010
May 7, 2010
lec 13F.44
Jacob D. Bernoulli (16591705)
Even the stupidest man by some instinct of
nature per se and by no previous instruction
(this is truly amazing) knows for sure that
the more observations ...that are taken, the
less the danger will be of straying from the
Albert R Meyer,
Albert R Meyer,
lec 13F.45
It certainly remains to be inquired whether
after the number of observations has been
increased, the probability…of obtaining the
true ratio…finally exceeds any given degree
of certainty; or whether the problem has, so
to speak, its own asymptote that is, whether
some degree of certainty is given which one
can never exceed.
Albert R Meyer,
May 7, 2010
lec 13F.46
Repeated Trials
Repeated Trials
take average:
Random var R with mean μ
n independent observations
Bernoulli question: is it
probably close to μ if n is big
R1,, Rn
Pr A n μ Albert R Meyer,
May 7, 2010
lec 13F.54
Law of Large
lim Pr{ A n - μ } = 1?
lim Pr{ A n - μ >} = 0
Albert R Meyer,
May 7, 2010
lec 13F.57
Weak Law of Large Numbers
Albert R Meyer,
} =?
May 7, 2010
lec 13F.55
Jacob D. Bernoulli (1659 – 1705)
Therefore, this is the problem which I
now set forth and make known after I
have pondered over it for twenty years.
Both its novelty and its very great
usefulness, coupled with its just as
great difficulty, can exceed in
weight and value all the remaining
chapters of this thesis.
Albert R Meyer,
May 7, 2010
lec 13F.58
Repeated Trials
will follow easily by Chebyshev
& variance properties
lim Pr{ A n - μ >} = 0
Albert R Meyer,
May 7, 2010
lec 13F.59
Albert R Meyer,
May 7, 2010
lec 13F.60
Weak Law of Large Numbers
Repeated Trials
Var A n Pr{ A n - μ >} 2
need only show
Var[An] 0 as n Albert R Meyer,
May 7, 2010
lec 13F.61
Pr A n - μ > lec 13F.64
lec 13F.63
May 7, 2010
Albert R Meyer,
1 n May 7, 2010
lec 13F.65
Team Problems
Pairwise Independent Sampling
The punchline:
we now know how big a sample is
needed to estimate the mean of
any* random variable within
any* desired tolerance with
any* desired probability
*variance < , tolerance > 0,
probability < 1
May 7, 2010
Albert R Meyer,
Let R1,…,Rn be pairwise independent
random vars with the same finite
mean μ and variance 2. Let
•same mean
•same variance
•& variances add
which follows from
pairwise independence
Albert R Meyer,
Pairwise Independent Sampling
proof only used that R1,…,Rn have
May 7, 2010
Analysis of the Proof
Albert R Meyer,
R + R ++ R 1
n Var A n = Var n
Var R 1 + Var R 2 + + Var R n =
So by Chebyshev
lec 13F.66
Albert R Meyer,
May 7, 2010
lec 13F.67
MIT OpenCourseWare
6.042J / 18.062J Mathematics for Computer Science
Spring 2010
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