i Universiteti i Vlorës Rruga Kosov a iles t o Sazan 1.4 m Rruga exist ing c ity c e nter REBIRTH O F VLORE P ORT, ALBANIA Stadiumi Flamartari Rrug a pe West Segment livan leska j Existing The west segment is wider and sandy, facing traditionally touristic structures as well high rise structures. CITY OF VLORE opportunities - Beach promenade running along the coast line - Hotels to house visiting tourists - Good possible location for Vlore, University - green space or new park to connect the inner city with the ocean front Vlore Port Port of Vlore “The Hinge” Existing Vlore Port Currently an unused industrial port area that connects the west and south segments. The port of Vlore is the deepest port off the country’s coast. ug opportunities KEY MAP l Rr e g e n residential buildings industrial buildings d - Civic center location - Maritime cruise ship destination - market - Water front park South Segment independence museum AD Existing retail buildings public buildings The south segment is narrow and very well defined. A state highway is currently located here and follows the shore line. at ntil esu mil MAP OF EUROPE MAP OF ALBANIA nel tun scale: 1” = 200’ - 0” ar 2.7 project boundary line - Move the state highway inland - Beach promenade/boardwalk that follows the coast - park and green space - Hotels and resturants m RIA TIC SEA opportunities existing circulation a KALE HICKS - INVENTORY+ANALYSIS - professor VERMA - COLLEGE OF ENVIRONMENT + DESIGN - UGA - LAND 4900 - 3 / 2 4 / 1 4 3 OF 3 REBIRTH OF VL O RE P O RT, AL B ANIA hist o r y Albania is located in Southeastern Europe, officially known as the Republic of Albania. It is bordered by Kosovo to the northeast, Montenegro to the northwest, Macedonia to the East, and Greece to the South. The district of Vlore is located on the Southern boarder adjacent to the Adriatic Sea. It is comprised of nine municipalities, four cities, and ninety nine villages. The country has an interesting and tangled past. Modern-day Albania at various times in history has been a part of Roman provinces of Dalmatia, Macedonia, and the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire collapsed and Albania gained its independence in 1912. Independence was gained in Vlore, as the city was the only secure place in Albania. The country remained a Principality, Kingdom, and Republic until 1939 when it was invaded by Italy. This event led to a string of new government orders in Albania including Greater Albania, Nazi protectorate, Socialist People’s Republic, and the Party of Labor. In 1991 the Socialist Republic was dissolved and the Republic of Albania was established. Currently Albania is operating as a parliamentary democracy. mixed use 10 + stories mixed use 5 - 9 stories mixed use 1 - 4 stories hotel A existing city of vlore residential 1 - 4 stories beach DR residential 5 - 9 stories university IAT IC community facitlity high density commercial SE A ocean park 1 [A] low density commercial [B] port 2 [c] port 1 Vlore is one of the principal cities and former capital of Albania. Its location next to the Adriatic sea enabled it to become the second largest port in Albania. It was founded as a Greek colony in the 6th century BC by the name of Aulon and continuously inhabited for 26 centuries. It is known as the most important economic and cultural city of southwestern Albania. Its port still serves many industrial and fishing functions and is a large exporter of farming products. Tourism is an emerging market with a lot of potential. Vlore’s location makes it a prime candidate for a Mediterranean cruise destination. The Country and City of Vlore is just now realizing that the coast line could be cleaned up and REBORN into a tourist destination. c o legend ocean park 2 port 3 beach locator map scale: 1” = 300’ - 0” ncept The rebirth of Vlore, Albania will focus on transforming the existing industrial port into a cruise ship destination. The proposed tourism market and promenade will be located where industrial port services were once sustained. The cultural and historical aspects of Vlore will be preserved and utilized as tourist destinations. Creating a system of green ways and parks throughout the city will help connect these places as well as increase pedestrian connectivity. The new city and its design is derived from nature and all its natural forms. [A] THE PROMENADE [b] ocean park 1 [c] the pier K A L E H I C K S - M A S T E R P L A N - pr o f ess o r V E R M A - C O L L E G E OF E N V I R O N M E N T + D E S I G N - U G A - L A N D 4 9 0 0 - 3 / 2 4 / 1 4 2 of 2 REBIRTH OF VL OR E P OR T, AL B ANIA urban fo rest B1 A fountain site locator map a - a1 bridge Market bridge stage lawn and concert standing room seating perspective A 4 c br idge perspective 3 fountain B bridge 2 Four Bridges is a park located at the front of Vlore’s coast line where the old port once was. The steps that surround its south side are a gateway for tourists and Albanians alike. They are a representation of the rebirth of Vlora into a new tourist destination. The ocean side park is inspired by Vlora’s rich history. The park has four bridges that traverse from the north side to the south side. These are pedestrian only bridges that allow beautiful views of the city and ocean to everyone. The park includes green space, water features, edible forests, and tourists markets. The flowing lines in the design are to illustrate that a change has taken place in Vlore, it is no longer a ridgid place. 1 B b plaza per spective scale: 1” = 30’-0” outdoor raised seating AD the museum of independence RI AT IC SEA [a] outdoor stage and lawn [b] plaza urban fo r est A1 [c] market B - B1 K A L E H I C K S - S I T E P L A N - p r o f ess o r V E R M A - C O L L E G E OF E N V I RO N M E N T + D E S I G N - U G A - L A N D 4 9 0 0 - 3 / 2 4 / 1 4 2 of 3