"The Global Gold Mining Industry: Stakeholder Discourse and Indigenous Rights" _____________

"The Global Gold Mining Industry:
Stakeholder Discourse and
Indigenous Rights"
Dr. Michael L. Dougherty
Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology and
Anthropology, Illinois State University
Michael L. Dougherty's interests school, Dougherty lived for
center broadly on the sociology several years in Central America,
of the environment,
initially as a Peace Corps
development, and rural
Volunteer and later working in
livelihoods. Dougherty’s most non-profit management and
recent research explores the
development consulting.
changing structures of the global Dougherty received his PhD from
gold mining industry and social the University of Wisconsindynamics around environmental Madison in 2011.
conflicts in Central America.
Dougherty also conducts research
on community development,
rural tourism, and the
architecture of local food systems
in the United States and beyond.
He has authored twelve journal
articles and book chapters and is
currently co-editing an
encyclopedia volume on
sustainability in the Americas.
Prior to attending graduate
Student Center Ballroom D
Wednesday, March 7, 6:00-7:30 PM
Hennebach-MIPER Speaker Series
Master of International Political Economy of
Resources (MIPER) graduate program in LAIS