Warwick Network Day University Update Nigel Thrift


Warwick Network Day

University Update

Nigel Thrift


First off, we are doing well …


• Prizes and Awards e.g. WMG Queen’s Anniversary Award, 3 highly prestigious ERC Advanced Investigator Awards and 2 Young

Investigator Awards, Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair ,2

BBSRC New Investigator Awards, MRC Career Development Award, etc.

• Warwick Commission 2 – reported in December ‘09 and gained significant international media coverage

• Establishing Life Sciences at Warwick a strategic priority to create world-class life sciences

• Highly Cited from 3 to 12 highly cited scholars

• Postgraduate Researchers – further growth in applicants


• WMG Low Carbon Project (worth over £17M)

• Formal launch of Warwick/Birmingham Joint

Energy Efficiency Research Programme (worth


• Awarded Major EPSRC Doctoral Training Centre in

Mathematics and Statistics (worth over £4M)

• WMS announced as a leading partner in a West

Midlands Health Innovation and Education Cluster

• Midlands Physics Alliance – second stage funding agreed

• IAS - Hippocrates Prize for Poetry and Medicine

Teaching & Student Support

• League Table Positions:

– THES-QS World University Ranking – up 11 places from last year

– Shanghai Jiao Tong Ranking of World Universities – up 20 places from last year

• 2 National Teaching Fellows awarded

(from over 200 nominations nationally)

• Warwick Global Advantage Award launched

• IN-Place Graduate Internships Programme launched in partnership with Birmingham

• International Student Barometer outperform most of the Russell Group on most indicators

More Successes

• Warwick Administrative Management

Programme :

32 current participants

• Warwick Leadership Programme:

48 participants

• Warwick Conferences –

3 top industry awards and individual accolades such as gold award at TUCO Chefs’ and

Food Service Skills Challenge

Key Appointments

• Professor Mark Smith appointed as

Deputy Vice-Chancellor

• Professor Mark Taylor appointed as

Dean of WBS

• Professor Peter Winstanley to take up the role of Dean at Warwick Medical School

( from May )

• 3 PVC vacancies currently advertised to all eligible professors

Investment in Facilities

• Interdisciplinary

Science Building

• TM2 Building

• Chemistry UG



• Student Residences

• Students’ Union Rebuild

• Butterworth Hall

( investment in worldclass Arts Centre)

• IT Network

International Visibility

• Core Partnerships – deepening relationships with

Monash, Boston, Vanderbilt and NTU

• International Gateway for Gifted Youth –


2010 at Warwick and in Botswana, Warwick Junior

Commission 2 launched

• Warwick in Africa

– recognised by the Clinton Global


• Warwick Prize for Writing – 2011 prize launched with

Michael Rosen to chair the judging panel

• Warwick to be represented at G8 University

Summit in Vancouver – Warwick one of only 2 UK universities invited

Income Generation

• Research income up 18% in 08/09 and forecast to exceed £80M for the first time in


• Development (philanthropic) income topped

£4M for the first time last year and continues

to be strong e.g. supported by launch of

Warwick’s ‘Case for Support’

• Significant contribution of commercial income streams – 18.2% of total turnover


But we live in challenging times …



We face some challenges, most particularly, the financial situation.

• The economies you made last year mean that we have been well-placed to cope with the 5% cut from the funding council we have had so far this year – Exactly on plan

• But there is clearly more to come, starting with the postelection budget. Most commentators expect there will be a cumulative cut of somewhere between 18% and 25% in public spending in the ‘unprotected’ sectors by 2014/15 – on some forecasts could be 33%

Higher Education is unprotected

• This will affect our funding council grant (23%) but also some other sources of income (e.g. Research Councils,

Regional Development Agency funding, NHS funds)

Less funding and increased competition

• Also pressure on commercial income streams

Effect on surpluses of not achieving savings






2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13



2009 Financial

Plan Surpluses

Surpluses with savings identified to date

Surpluses without savings

& restructuring

(exc. interest effect)

Wider Challenges

• Aggressive recruitment of international students

(and increasingly UK students) by our international competitors

• Intense scrutiny of the value of HE and the quality of the student experience e.g. teaching and learning resources, student support, academic standards, graduate recruitment

• Increasing ‘audit culture’ and burden of regulation

• Less autonomy for British universities

We can’t ignore this and hope it will all go away. It won’t. We have to do things now, in the Warwick tradition of getting on with it

We need to immunize ourselves against this uncertain future

That means three things:


Batten down the financial hatches so that we have room to continue to manoeuvre

• Can’t live in the hope that a rise in tuition fees will come along to save us


Invest to earn more income

• New Interdisciplinary Science Building

• Major research applications e.g. Warwick Innovation and Knowledge Centre, Institute for Product Service Innovation,

ESRC DTC application

• New student residences (more volume on campus)

• New Commercial Ventures e.g. franchising of Jobs.ac.uk


Continue to evolve the strategy:

Teaching Grid The Warwick Advantage

Reinvention Centre

We need a continuous record of innovation into the future

Warwick Footprint Warwick iTunes U

Learning Grid

Warwick Prize for Writing

Institute of Advanced Study Warwick Digital


International Digital Laboratory



Wolfson Research Exchange

Warwick Commissions

Examples of innovations for the future

• Developing a Warwick Lifetime Academy

(lifelong access to leading knowledge and research for alumni and stakeholders)

• Establishing an Institute of Advanced

Teaching and Learning (IATL)

• Extension of Warwick in Africa

• Establishing IGGY as the world centre for gifted and talented education

Remember: people believe in

Warwick’s future

Partners e.g. Santander (7 additional studentships ), GE

Healthcare (joint grants, PhD scholarships, events) ,

Cisco (equipment and expertise), Deloitte (sponsors of the Global Advantage Award ), Wolfson (Research

Exchange, WMS Microscopy)

Communities e.g. Butterworth Hall redevelopment possible though fundraising campaign with staff, alumni and other supporters

Individuals e.g. £1M commitment to support research from

Lord Bhattacharyya, WMG, Yesu Persaud Centre for

Caribbean Studies
