Campus Life

Campus Life
Student Organization Name: _____________________________
Guidelines and Recognition Forms for Starting a New Student Organization
General Information
Each organization seeking recognition must abide by the following general
Any organization shall be considered for official University recognition if
the organization’s objectives are compatible with the objectives of the
University and if the organization completes all required information for
Membership in an Eastern Michigan University student organization
must be open to any Eastern Michigan University student regardless of
race, color, religion, gender, physical disability, or sexual orientation.
Exceptions to this policy include religious qualifications, which may be
required by organizations whose aims are primarily sectarian and social
fraternities and sororities that are permitted by federal and state law to
discriminate on the basis of gender
The leadership/E-Board roles within student organizations may only be
held by current and enrolled EMU students who are in both good academic
and judicial standing.
Student Organizations may only use the University’s name in the following
manner, never beginning the name with EMU: (Organization name) at
EMU or Eastern Michigan University.
An organization cannot be organized for the purpose of furthering the
private financial gain of an individual or select group of individuals.
An organization must have a minimum of five members, which does not
include the advisor, to be recognized by Eastern Michigan University and
considered active.
In order to be eligible for funding from Campus Life, no less than 75% of
the organization’s membership must be comprised of EMU students.
All organizations must have a minimum of five members, which does not
include the advisor, to be recognized by Eastern Michigan University and
considered active.
Privileges of Organizations
Recognized organizations have the following privileges:
May apply for student funding allocations through Student Government.
May use University meeting rooms, auditoriums and other designated
campus meeting space, free of charge and/or at substantially reduced
May use authorized event boards and student bulletin boards for posting
flyers about student organization activities, with approval by Campus Life.
Inclusion on the Campus Life website organization list.
May participate in student organizations fairs for recruiting new members
(e.g. Fajita Fest, Winter Fest, etc.)
May apply for office space in the Center for Student Involvement.
May maintain an organization fund account with the University Accounting
Office at no charge. (Hover Building)
May use resources developed by Campus Life for student organizations,
including, access to student organization web pages and workshops, like
May hold fundraisers on campus with approval from Campus Life.
New Organization Recognition Process
All new organizations seeking recognition must complete the application form
which can be downloaded at and click on “Starting a New Organization.”
Applications, constitutions and bylaws must be turned in to Campus Life, 345
EMU Student Center. Submissions may be made anytime during the school
All completed applications will be reviewed at the end of each month, and you
will be notified of the status of the new organization via the e-mail of the
person listed as the “President Primary Contact” for the organization.
“Getting Started”
Campus Life is committed to assisting new organizations as they “get off the
ground.” Bring in a black and white, 8 ½” x 11’ flyer advertising your first
meeting, and Campus Life will make up to 50 copies for you at no charge.
This is only available to new organizations preparing for their first meeting.
Camps Life also provides numerous resources to help you learn to manage
your organization, such as: creating an agenda, maintaining a budget,
recruiting members, and much more. For this information, stop by 345
Student Center, make an appointment online or check out our website.
Organizations are invited to set up a meeting with Campus Life to aid in their
success. To set up a meeting please visit the Campus Life website.
( or call 734.487.3045.
Student Organization Update Process
To maintain recognized student organization status from year to year, an
organization must fill out the Student Organization Signature Form and the
Online Update Form annually.
The form must also be filled out and turned in when there is a change to the
organizations executive board or advisor.
The organization is also responsible for making changes to the Student
Organizations Webportal.
Go to the Campus Life web portal
Enter your my.emich username and password, click submit.
Update your groups contact information regarding your officers, primary
contact person, and advisor.
You must update your information whenever change in officers,
Constitution/Bylaws, or advisor occurs. Failure to update your information will
result in loss of recognition and termination of all rights associated with
A student organization’s recognition may also be terminated due to a violation
of Student Conduct Code, or other situations as they become evident, by
written request of the student organization’s executive officers, by request of
the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards, by request of the
Director of Campus Life (or designated Campus Life personell), by the
How to Create a Constitution and Bylaws
The function of the Constitution and the Bylaws of an organization is to define the
privileges secured and the duties assumed by the members to set up the framework
of an organization. An organization has the right to adopt such constitution and
bylaws as members may agree upon so long as they are not contrary to University
policy or to the law.
*All Constitutions must contain the following:
All EMU members and officers must be in good academic and judicial
standing with the institution.
Membership is open to all EMU students regarding race, religion,
color, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, or disability,
unless the student organizations’ membership restriction is shown to
be specifically allowed by law.
A Constitution is a compilation of the fundamental rules defining the
government of an organization. Any rule in the bylaws, standing rules or in
the general parliamentary procedure that conflicts with the Constitution is
invalid, insofar as the particular organization is concerned.
The bylaws may include the provisions sometimes found in the Constitution
and also more specific regulations for the conduct of the organization. Please
turn in your Constitution and Bylaws with your recognition forms.
Articles of a Constitution
A Constitution consists of a few fundamental provisions, which should be set forth
with brevity and clarity. There are at least seven provisions, which are usually
stated in separate articles. Each may be divided into sections.
States the name of the organization.
States the purpose and powers of the organization.
States the qualifications for membership. It may limit the numbers of
members or contain other provisions relating to members, but must follow
the regulations regarding discrimination.
Contains a list of officers of the organization and states their duties and
length of their term of office.
Provides for a board of directors, governing board or an executive committee
and for the method of selecting it. If no board is desired, this article is
States the time for regular meetings and provides a method by which special
meetings can/may be called.
Contains the statement of the method of amending the constitution, and of
the vote required for amendments.
*A preamble may preface the constitution and usually contains the reason for
the formulation of the organization. The constitution of the Student Council or
Student Government of Eastern Michigan University has such a preamble.
Drafting Bylaws
The bylaws contain all of the details necessary to amplify and carry out the
provisions of the constitution. All bylaws dealing with the same general subject are
grouped together under one article, which in turn is divided into sections. For
instance there are usually several bylaws or provisions relating to committees, each
of which constitutes a section. These sections should be arranged in consecutive
order, and together they form an article or bylaws entitled “Committees.” Bylaws
ordinarily include the following:
1. Kinds of membership.
2. Detailed requirements for membership.
3. Methods of admitting members.
4. Dues.
5. Powers and duties of officers.
6. Powers and duties of committees.
7. Elections of officers and committees including the vote required for election.
8. Provisions for calling and conducting meetings.
9. Parliamentary authority.
10. Number constituting a quorum.
11. Vote required for important decisions.
12. Procedure for amending bylaws.
The advisor and I have read all of the information above. We understand
all of the requirements to become and maintain a registered student
President Signature: _________________________________________________
Advisor Signature: ___________________________________________________
I. General Organization Information
Organization Name
Organization Address
Note: Must be the
advisors office
Does your group
own/rent/operate an
off-campus property?
Address of property:
Organization Website
Organization National
Affiliations or website
Officer Elections
(please indicate the
month elections are
Term of Office
Total number of membersEMU StudentsFaculty/Staff
Non-EMU affiliated*Please include a list of names of Non-EMU affiliated
Primary Organization Classification: Please check one category that best
classifies the primary purpose of your organizations.
_____Arts and Culture Interests
_____Athletics, Club Sports & Intramural Interests
_____Business Interests
_____Children & Education Interests
_____Communication & Media Interests
_____Community Service & Philanthropic Interests
_____Computer, Engineering & Technology Interests
_____Entertainment & Gaming Interests
_____Environment & Science Interests
_____Fashion, Film & Literary Interests
_____Freshman Success Interests
_____Gender & Sexual Identity Interests
_____Greek Life Interests
_____Health & Wellness Interests
_____Honorary Organizations Interests
_____International & Travel Interests
_____Jobs on Campus Interests
_____Leadership & Governance Interests
_____Multicultural & Racial Identity Interests
_____Political, Historical & Social Justice Interests
_____School Spirit Interests
_____Spirituality Interests
Primary Organization Classification: Please check one category that best
classifies the primary purpose of your organizations.
_____Arts and Culture Interests
_____Athletics, Club Sports & Intramural Interests
_____Business Interests
_____Children & Education Interests
_____Communication & Media Interests
_____Community Service & Philanthropic Interests
_____Computer, Engineering & Technology Interests
_____Entertainment & Gaming Interests
_____Environment & Science Interests
_____Fashion, Film & Literary Interests
_____Freshman Success Interests
_____Gender & Sexual Identity Interests
_____Greek Life Interests
_____Health & Wellness Interests
_____Honorary Organizations Interests
_____International & Travel Interests
_____Jobs on Campus Interests
_____Leadership & Governance Interests
_____Multicultural & Racial Identity Interests
_____Political, Historical & Social Justice Interests
_____School Spirit Interests
_____Spirituality Interests
Organization Purpose/Goal:
II. Attachments
Constitution and Bylaws: Please attach your organization’s current
constitution and bylaws.
III. Advisor Statement
As Advisor to _________________________________________, I am familiar
with the Code of Student Conduct and will assist in making the membership of this
organization aware of the policies and procedures established at Eastern Michigan
University and will encourage the membership to comply with these guidelines. I
further understand that Eastern Michigan University will reserve the right to request
a list of all current members of this student organization. Under the Jeanne Clery
Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act),
an adviser to a student organization is designated as a “Campus Security Authority”
(CSA). A CSA is required to report to the EMU Department of Public Safety, in a
timely manner, any Clery Crimes disclosed to him/her that occur at a Clery campus
location. Training will be provided to and is mandatory for all CSAs.
Advisor Signature: ____________________________________ Date:__________
Advisor Name and Dept. (please print): ___________________________________
Advisor Office Address: _______________________Phone Number_____________
IV. Membership
In order to be a registered student organization you must have at least five (5)
members who are in good academic and judicial standing with the University.
*By providing a signature you consent to Campus Life checking your
academic and judicial standing.
President (Primary Contact):
Email: __________________________________________Phone: _____________
Vice President:
Email: __________________________________________Phone: _____________
Email: __________________________________________Phone: _____________
Email: __________________________________________Phone: _____________
Additional Member:
Email: __________________________________________Phone: _____________
*The leadership/Executive board roles within student organizations may
only be held by current and enrolled EMU student.
All completed applications will be reviewed at the end of each month, and you will be notified of the
status of the organization via the email of the person listed as the “President – Primary Contact” for
the organization.